This is one of the best things you have ever written. Thank you.

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Lying about WMDs, Joe Rogan, and COVID deaths is rather obvious to anyone paying attention; all the cultural lies which surround us remain far less apparent. Great article yet again.

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I think this is what the trucker protest is about in Ottawa. They feel it more than they know it. They know they’re poor and they know they are getting poorer and they know that the media and the people in control speak down to them and they rebel. I’m vaccinated yet I support them. If you don’t have the right to be wrong you don’t live in a free country.

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The "trucker" protest was started by a bunch of right-wing operatives: https://pressprogress.ca/meet-the-extremists-and-social-media-influencers-at-the-centre-of-the-far-right-siege-of-ottawa/ Only a couple of hundred are actual truckers. Some are being paid by trucking companies but most are owner-operators - "poor" relative to boom-times, perhaps. The rest are any yoyo with a pickup partying on GoFraudme $. You don't live in a free country if paid thugs can block emergency services and deliveries of necessities. Let us know how you feel when copycat protests get to your neighborhood.

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The official narrative

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It’s true. They were a bunch of COVID deniers

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Yes, they are lying to us to promote whatever agenda the Oligarchy has. I can see awaking to those lies.

However, there is no "real life". No matter what, it always becomes a dream that we either allow others to construct for us or that we construct ourselves.

The quest shouldn't be to discover "the truth", but to know yourself well enough that you can thoroughly make yourself into the dream you want to be.

If you aren't happy with yourself -- change it.

If you aren't happy with the world around you -- change it.

But there's the rub isn't it. Implementing the change.

I'm thinking that the first thing I'd have to let go of is money. But how?

The Oligarchy can almost always buy off the most moral man.

Let's just say, I'm much more pessimistic.

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Beautiful and insightful. Really describes how pervasive the cognitive capture is of our identities. I struggled with that as a housewife, when the question "What do you do?" was used to measure my rank and how seriously I should be taken when I spoke.

I just posted the YT episode "Spiritual Optimism & Political Radicalism" in which I read from Caitlin's Sources Say. It meant more to me every time I reread it. Thanks!


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OMG, everything? Even a virus only slightly more lethal than influenza? About inoculations that supposedly protect from that virus but have increased life insurance claims by 40%. Tell me it ain't so!

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This person is correct but misguided. By the time you figure out the Current ‘play’ their off on another and then another then another, while your discussing the first grift. Afghanistan was a complete con job planned years in advance. Real common people are finally standing up to the lies. Problem is a generation of young men raised on hate porn and sexual perversion. Literal perversion. Teenage girls having bizarre un natural sex with old men to be cool while psychological suffering and disorders have risen over 70 per cent in the last 10 years for teenage girls. Who voted for this ? We rest easy knowing the elites are better than us. They are guiding us for are own good. It’s all on Justin’s mother and what she did to his father. Google. ‘Hey Peirre, where’s your wife.’ That’s the problem. That woman and her ilk. God bless the Trucker and the Alberta cowboys.

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They do lie about everything. I would go so far as to call it an abusive relationship. Breaking the cycle of abuse from Government is not easy, but can be done. My last blog lays out in detail that very path. https://bagholder.substack.com/p/know-thy-enemy

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I just read a few of your posts, good writing! I cover a lot of similar topics on my YT channel, Third Paradigm. Vaccines, inflation, the Fed, gov't corruption, propaganda. In one, I talk about how my daughter says her go-to deadly sin is sloth (like yours!) which beats out gluttony because even if she's really hungry, she's too lazy to get out of bed ;-) My GTDS, however, is envy. I have a different take on some things because I'm looking at system change but I thought you might enjoy it.


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Thanks for the kind words, will definitely check out your channel!

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Advertising has gotten so much worse that they use ads to continue wars and gaslight us about companies like Amazon

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Wow, This reading captured life without conditioning. Love it.

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So post and ante Great Depression are just periods of being less stolen from and the depression was invented to make people believe being less stolen from was great

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Well written, but misses the actual point. The only way we can identify a lie is by knowing the Truth. John 18:37. We are created in the image of God and we should claim our identity through Him.

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You illustrate Caitlin's point to a large degree. Seeing how the descendents of the Hebrews are behaving in Palestine tells me they are very poor teachers of morality, and any belief system based on blood sacrifice should remain relegated to the distant past.

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Nicely put :)

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Dear Caitlin,

I thought I would share a poem I wrote, which was actually inspired by your poetic approach. Your poems often have a political and/or contemporary feel, with a nice combative quality, but at the same time they always strive for something beautiful and lasting in their language. I have your collection, Poems for Rebels, which I've been reading. And I really enjoyed some of your recent pieces, including "Fingers of Light" and "Aspire to Greatness."

This piece is called "What If I Told You." Of course, the poem is in my own voice, but I think you'll see the influence from your poetry. As TS Eliot once said (not that I'm that big a fan), "good writers borrow, great writers steal."


Thanks for all the great work!

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Lies - and they are a blizzard - imply there is truth under the sickly, snow scaffold built on lies. It can be discerned by those interested in truth and not flattery, truth and not false security.

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Thank you so much. This is profound.

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