I used to be a part of the "left" but as they say, the left left me...though I don't consider myself "right" now either. There are now two basic "lefts" - the corporate left, which is the mainstream media, big tech, and political establishment. Then the "woke" left, which is used by the corporate left to support their control agendas. Basically, if you slap a rainbow flag on a bomb or a bulldozer, you're good to go these days.
Good question. Many of the woke think they are organic and grassroots...but really they aren't. They are driven by the corporate left's marketing, PR, and propaganda.
"woke" is a logical extension of the identity politics (everything / everyone is essentially unique and different and uncategorizable or unlabelable), which is an (instant logical) 'practice' of individualism (the biological individual is the starting and ending point of social contract) as the ideology of capitalism (everyone is equally free to do whatever it takes to fend and serve self interest, and no one owes anyone anything except in a signed contract). in short, whatever i do at any moment is valid, no one has the standing to tell me otherwise. anything goes. guess what, whoever has wealth, in capitalism, has the power to draw the parameters of what can go on. it's a very short circuit, an instant dead end, the predetermined deadlock, the nature of 'ideology' vis a vis philosophy that enables us to think critically.
I wrote in another forum a few weeks ago (about the war in Ukraine, but it could have been anything), "The difference between Progressives and Liberals is that Progressives want peace, Liberals want peace as well but only if their side wins."
One crazy part of of this political realignment: People on the right label the Dems as Left, or even more silly, as communists. They're talking about corporatists, fer chrissakes!
Social libertarianism is a misnomer, it is a contortion of two words that are not even related to each other.
Socialism is a form of government that demands compliance with social norms and expectations with the use of force as the means to coerce that conformity. Socialism inevitable requires larger and larger government to enforce compliance with increasing levels of violence.
libertarianism is all about not using force or coercion and not demanding compliance but leaving the individual alone to act in their own best interest.
Can you understand why they are incompatible with each other ?
On one hand you have a libertarian who's desire is to be left alone.
On the other hand you have a socialist who's desire to have everyone in society act in unison.
How can those ever be rectified into one belief system ?
social-libertarianism is more than misnomer. it's a philosophical nonsense way. there's no contact point or crossing between socialism and libertarianism, as socialism doesn't recognize an individual as the fundamental building block of society, and the latter has no perspective on society as an organized institution. they speak in two fundamentally different languages that can't be translated into the other. "by force" in your libertarian language has no place in socialist discourse. just like the "class" as in upper-middle-lower classes in the capitalist analysis of economy is not translatable into the "class" in the marxist analysis of political economy.
Socialists don't see themselves as a source of directed violence, they only recognize their intent to make the world a better place and none of the evils they promote to achieve that fantasy state.
Libertarians are similarly deluded in many cases into thinking the government can be completely removed in pursuit of their fantasy world. The idea that the world can be contract based yet have no centralized court system to adjudicate contracts is unrealistic.
Personally I do prefer the voluntary action viewpoint of libertarianism more than the forced to comply attitude of socialism.
What I find odd and highly suspect is the descriptions of these terms are morphed in response to an agenda to either demonize a movement or denounce a group by a false set of descriptors that suit the persons own ends who adopt them.
The dirty word "socialism" having differnt meanmgs depending on who is talking about it. And both sides insisting they know the real definition.
The establishment mind controllers are ver y clever and adept at distorting the language of social uplift to get the cirzens to do the dirty work of gate keeping the public and get them into never lifting themselves out of slave status to the establishment.
The worst is most people who think they are "woke" or clever and aware are just down another garden path of useful idiots who unbeknownst to even themselves end up the agent Smith's of this world.
And all they understand is a black and white narative, capitalism good, socialism bad.
And nothing changes in the mad rush to human extinction.
confusion is what the ruling cabal wants and thrive in, so they definitely fan confusion into wasteful division. most people want the same thing no matter what you call it, and that's where i start and end.
because they can only think in "essentialist" terms (categories) in which their individualist ideology speaks to them. for instance, they understand communism as a way of thinking held by a biological group, such as the jews. the fact that many well known "communists" / "socialists" / "unionists" / liberals / neoliberals / zionists / democrats are biological jews only reinforces their biological determinism (essentialism in social understanding).
I've always held that "biological jew" is a misnomer, since I can join the Jewish faith tomorrow and become a Jew, but my genetics haven't changed. "Jewish" is a religion.
Coupling a religion to a genetic was a clever way to hide behind the scarlet letter weapon "A" accusations to stick to your own lapel..they can just scream bigot if you point out their own crimes against humanity.
that's one understanding. others see it as a biological category. plenty of people consider themselves jews while they identify themselves as non-religious.
Barring some sort of drastic change in my values sometime between now and whenever I shuffle off this mortal coil, I'm always going to be on the side which is against those bombs and bulldozers. (I'm assuming we're talking about, say, Israeli bulldozers rolling towards Palestinian homes rather than bulldozers actually engaging in construction rather than destruction.) Whether it's called left, right, up, down, inside out, has no label at all, or whatever.
I quote Mises because he would point out that just like the Robespierre era of the french revolution when the revolutionaries become the government that become the very same evil they originally started fighting.
As soon as we have successfully re-infiltrated government we will become the hated government.
Libertarianism doesn't work, hasn't worked anywhere it's ever been tried, and can't sustain any population above subsistence hunter-gatherers. Get more than a dozen or two people in a society and the most powerful will run roughshod over the rest. Government was invented to protect the weak from the worst excesses of the powerful. We don't need freedom from government, we need government to ensure that we're allowed to be free.
Sure, thats a great justification of the evils and excesses of government. Who protects the people from the worst evils and excesses of the powerful in government ?
Government isn't magical: its made up of power hungry people, people who have in innate desire to have power over others. Government might be the most horrific invention though since it justify's its exclusive use of violence against the people by claiming it is serving the very people it abuses.
Get government "out of the way" and how do you propose to protect yourself against Jamie Dimon just confiscating your house outright because your mortgage was delivered a day late? The Magical Mystical Free Market Fairy? What about when Blackwater/Acadami just decides that it's the ruler of the entire southeast portion of North America because they have the guns and war criminals on their side? When Joel Osteen whips his mob of moronic followers into a frenzy and declares a new Crusade against all non-believers what are you going to do?
You're not a lone individual on this planet, and never have been. You're part of a society and society creates rules in order to continue functioning.
Can you grasp the idea that Dimon and Blackwater wouldn't exist in their current state without government. They are creations of government. Government doesn't protect the people from industry, more accurately it protects industry from the people. Look at BP and the gulf oil disaster, all the money taken from BP in fines ended up sitting in a government escrow account while the people starved. How about Pfizer making billions from a vaccine that wasn't properly tested and has resulting in the deaths of millions ? That wasn't the government protecting us, it was the government intentionally killing millions for the profit of its cronies and expansion of its own power.
When the society you are a part of is actively trying to enslave or kill you then its not worth protecting.
Hey ghost of Ludwig: you OK with corporate power and oppression? That's the result of your hedonistic hatred of collective action (government) under the guise of "freedom".
Corporate power and government power are interchangeable, explain to me what the difference is between a government that kills people for its own hegemony dropping bombs from drones and corporation that poisons people with its product ?
For me the difference is that a corporation generally doesn't send a fully armed hit squad to my door to demand I buy their products. Government on the other hand will use the threat of physical violence against me just to get compliance over the length of the grass in my yard.
Both are evil, both are unnecessary but yet they are both the exact same thing, violence and coercion that benefits people in the hierarchy at the expense of the powerless.
Is there a difference between public violence and private violence ?
I seem to recall that businesses have made ample use of hit squads in the Third World, during Prohibition in the United States, and during the drug wars right now. They may not hold you up at gunpoint and make you buy their product, but they do get salty with labor organizers, and try selling dope in "their" territory and see what happens.
US history is full of robber barrons using pinkertons as strike breakers but they eventually figured out that was expensive and started using government to break strikes. The coal strike of 1913-14 where the national guard was sent it to break the strike is a good example. Nowadays strikes are made illegal in many industries specifically so the striking workers can be criminalized. Business is very good at outsourcing to government all of the evil things they want done.
The US drug war is nothing more than the modern day equivalent to robber barons breaking strikes, the US government supports the cartels business dealings for a cut. You may remember when mexico was refusing to go along with the covid non-sense Trump the joint chiefs went on national television and said they were going to ramp up the drug war, of course threatening the drug profits flowing to mexican cartels. The threat was received and the mexican government started towing the covid line and magically they never ramped up the drug war.
I found it super helpful in determining my identity 10 or more years ago. I score pretty far down in the green quadrant (much like Caitlin's results which she has published before) close to the lower left corner, which is both economically far left and socially far libertarian. Have fun!
Thanks for the suggestion. I did the test (and didn't like being forced to have an opinion on things I've never thought about.) I turned out to be in the lower left, as expected.
Yeah, it's not perfect by any means, but it is useful and interesting. I agree some of the questions are a little weird; but ok, if you read a lot of the background material they explain how and why they use the questions that they do.
thinking that all political thoughts can be placed somewhere on the two dimensional extension is a typical ideological thinking. it's a dressed-up-as-post-modern modernist thinking that all thoughts fall on a left-to-right linear line. real alternatives share nothing in common, philosophically. you cannot compare alternatives with one set of random measurements, which are inevitably ideological as those who came up with such measurements aren't obviously aware of their own ideology that produces the measurements.
Exactly my argument against socialist libertarianism - they are incompatible terms that mean the exact opposite. You cannot be an economic leftist which would require taking assets from people to help others and be libertarian at the same time.
no not exactly. black and white are opposite in the they are mutually exclusive within a certain color system. so, a "(at once) black (and) white cloud" or a a "male (while) female" person would be oxymoronic and non-sensical. there are different kinds of misnomers. two sides of a coin, like the democratic and the republican as in the current US political scheme, share one substance but also differ from each other in form (color, degree, emphasis, and priority) at any point. a democratic republican idea would be a misnomer, as it will negate the validity of the two as seperate distinct set of ideas (if only in degree), rendering the adjectives meaningless. a politician can support a republican idea at one point and then support a democratic idea at another point. socialism and libertarianism are not two sides of a coin or two mutually exclusive categories. they are two never-crossing universes of ideas. in socialism, there's no private property to declare or take.
The "system" amplifies *nothingness*. Exquisite abstract soul-less compassionless *nothingness*, because nothingness won't interfere with any means of making/taking/stealing money. From the viewpoint of abstract *nothingness", everything else is driven craziness that, in the deepest hope of both parties, cancels/confuses/gaslights/brainwashes/ each other to attrition, and nothingness can continue allowing money to reign. Except...they gotta keep the hard Christian right and Zionists happy because they do have the money.....the left simply can not exist in such a system.
I agree that the democratic party, fascism, nazism, and anything else is "on the right" of the dictatorship of the proletariat / communism. So what is "on the right" depends on where you stand.
But as someone who has been trying to understand why the "populist" left and the populist right do not unite, I can say that the difference between libertarians and communists is that libertarians want freedom for absolutely everyone. There is no group preference. But this is not at all the case among the "populist" left.
Communists want to enslave the people that they call capitalists. Democrats want to enslave straight or white or male or whatever people. Fascists want to unite state and corporations and enslave both workers and "capitalists". Nazis want to do all that fascists want and also enslave jews (and other countries). Im sorry but you are all the same. You do share this same ideology of dominating other people. You just disagree about who should be the slave owners. And it is very interesting that you don't even recognize it.
The day that you release restrictions on the powerful they immediately oppress everyone less powerful. That has been the pattern every single time for the 5000+ years of written history, every single time without exception.
Or do you honestly believe what you just said? :o Because I don't even know where to start if you really believe that... I don't know, maybe I just a few questions:
1. In your communist ideal, am I allowed to start my own business? If not, this is not freedom. You are just a slave.
2. But let's say I can start a business in this communist ideal. Will I keep the *entire* product of my enterprise in a communist country? If not, this is not freedom, this is again slavery.
3. But let's even say you can do all that. Am I allowed to agree salaries with someone else without any sort of violence or threat? If not, this is, again, not freedom, it is slavery.
Communism is the single most tyrannical and murderous form of government that ever existed *against their own population*. It is worse than nazism, fascism, the democratic party, anything. It is a disgrace for anyone that needs to live under these tyrants. And the tyrants have the audacity to say that "it is for your own freedom!" ahahah I really guess the type of people that buys this bs...
BTW, communism is great for the slave owners, of course! Like fidel castro and his family who live in luxury. lenin, stalin, it is great for all of these slave owners. Not so much for the slaves :)
absolute (which i add since you omitted) freedom for absolutely everyone turns into no freedom for nobody in a nano second in any real society. unless everyone lives on an island reachable by no one.
If you want, I can be more precise: Yes, I am talking about freedom for absolutely everyone. But not absolute freedom for anyone. There is one restriction to freedom (the one that all wannabe dictators never accept): You are not free to enslave anyone (i.e., to force anyone else to do something that they would not do if you did not force them).
So I am not defending freedoms to use violence to get what you want. Nor to steal what the other person has (which is equivalent to forcing someone to give up what they created against their will).
This definition of freedom is completely achievable in any society without requiring anyone to live in any island. All you need is for people to agree to stop using force to make *anyone* do something that they do not want.
Yes everyone can still use force: Against anyone that tries to enslave them (or use violence against them). But that's it. Using force is unacceptable in any other situation.
Yes, the irony of the age: the US derives its credibility, its power, in effect, on the basis of a reputation for justice and equality it does not possess, and never has done. It was always a promise based on symbols, labels, mottoes and a lot of hype: even its populism was not genuine. Even its political parties differ only in style in a calculated attempt at manufacturing choices that are not choices at all. It is time to drop labels and articulate objectives, and the means to attain them. Equality, and basic amenities for all without exception: quality health care: free education to any level or technical training of choice: guaranteed affordable housing, and salaries always commensurate with cost of living, especially house prices: an end to monopolies or private ownership of public utilities and amenities. Call it whatever the hell you want, or call it plan humanity. And we all know what that amounts to. It amounts to choosing life over war and death. It amounts to choosing what is beautiful and our birthright, over what is ugly.
That is certainly a valid perspective from this crossroads. It is so easy though to lambast all of our nation states around the world, focusing on their many faults. The USA has repeatedly stepped in it at home and abroad they (we Americans) make great targets. This is though a different America today then that of our founding ancestors. And sure, they weren’t perfect at all and didn’t see themselves as paragons of virtue. In fact they were a ragtag band of revolutionaries. But what they imagined as being possible, the possibilities we could through the framework they provided become the “Better Angels Of Our Nature” - were real and remain today if we have the courage to build on the scaffolding they provided. We humans are indeed still evolving and America is but a process. Yes, it depends 100% on what we choose.
If the US and West have actually helped anyone, any country, I'd like to know about it: I can name dozens they didn't help. Even Noam Chomsky wrote a book about it: Deterring Democracy. Many have written about their numerous negative interferences in perfectly viable countries. Give me a break, in very recent history, couple years ago, they were backing a guy name Guiado for self-declared Presidente of Venezuela, and that wasn't even unusual - just, in that case, very damn obvious: they wanted Venezuelan oil, and they didn't want socialist democracy. Slogans are not policy. Promises are not reality, or certainly, a very different kind.
"All they can think of is what country they'd rather be using their smartphones in." - and they think everyone thinks like them, strictly in terms of moving someplace.
What do you think, LMAO boy from the previous post's comments? That everyone thinks like you? That everyone has "values" like yours? "Freedoms", my ass. You're only "free" while you're a nobody. As soon as you cross the regime in some meaningful way you're gone, no matter where you are, China, the US, or you-name-it.
I have never before seen Alex Jones actual video. This one contains demented short videos of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, symbols of DNC corruption – one can see why the bipartisan US War party hates and fears Alex Jones.
The western press went to town in coordination on Dugin the day after the blast. A flavor of the headlines: "Mastermind", "Brain", "Fascist", and "Ideologist"! Ideologist?! What do you think are Kissinger/Bolton/Brzezinski/Nuland/Cheney/Neocons et al....? Ideologists with corporate funding, PACs, major "news" outlets, and Think Tanks all rolled up....on a scale far far larger.
you know, as i'm watching the Grayzone link, they talk about building up Dugin....it's a [i guess one may say "sophisticated" from the anglo view] "play all sides" strategy ultimately culminating in an assassination. The major Anglo conservative channels focussed on Dugin long back, elevating him, giving him prominence on Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and other outlets etc etc. Build them up cut them down. Next.
Thanks for the link will watch! NY Post and a *few* other outlets already printed an article showing the woman who is Ukrainian SBU who was part of the assassination effort....Russia has her car picture, with plates, her original SBU ID (in which her photo ID wearing military uniform), they have shown her on Daria's apartment building security footage, they have her on the highway to the same festival Daria was travelling, and then they have the Ukrainian agent exit visa to Estonia. She brought along here 12 year old daughter as cover! Despite all this, and the NY post printed it (playing the "trump" card, though really, push come to shove, trump is a fake hang-out moviement), the MSM evening news...is in another planet.....blowing smoke up its own ass.
most interesting......why was assailant NOT SHOT by SFPD? All through the US police have easy trigger fingers, but here they WATCH THE MAN bash Pelosi in the head? watch him do it? are u kidding me? strange days. Murican politics......is how to say........DIRTY.
Why are we even still talking about Left and Right? To even use those terms is to allow Empire to frame our identity. If we allow the Empire to manufacture our identity, the Empire doesn’t have to manufacture our consent.
blurring the line between the left and the right (by declaring the left is proven wrong or bad and the "politically neutral / centrist" neoliberalism is the way forward) was exactly the post-modern/post-structuralist/post-marxist/post-colonialist project. the real left and the real right as theoretically alternative visions, exist. communism/socialism (as the political expression/practice of the left philosophy) vis a vis capitalism/individualism (as a political expression/practice of the right "philosophy") is a valid distinction. the post-everything ideology did its very best to deny its validity ("nothing is black and white, nothing fits in duality, nothing is neatly categorizable, dualism is the enemy") though, birthing today's cognitive nonsense-making.
I agree that all forms of dualism help simplify thinking: mind/body and good/evil dualities can make for seemingly tidy sense-making. But with regard to mind/body, how do you explain, for example, placebo effect? With regard to good/evil, how do you explain the Inquisition, crusades, chattel slavery, and uncounted other atrocities?
Regarding politics, dualism breaks down as soon as you scratch the surface. For example, where is anarchism on the left/right slider? Chomsky has to call himself a “leftist anarchist” to distinguish himself from anarcho-capitalists. I like the idea of worker-owned enterprises. Is that capitalist or socialist? We are all taught facsism is on the right side of the spectrum, but where is totalitarianism?
Then the two left/right parties in the U.S. had a secret merger and became Corporate 1 and Corporate 2 in which left and right are mirror images. Then left/right terms like liberal/conservative became almost meaningless and have been nearly abandoned. Then Trump came along and progressive Bernie supporters voted for him in droves. What?
Now the legacy U.S. political scene is Trump/Anti-Trump. Is that the new left/right? And what about the emerging populist blob that some people try to define as left populism and right populism? Jimmy Dore is a left populist, and Tucker Carlson is a right populist? If so, why do they have so much overlapping agreement?
And Neo-liberals/Neo-Cons are centrist? Centrism is now radical corporatism and rabid warmongering. Centrism is now the most extreme of all -isms. There can only be something that evil benignly hiding behind the centrist label if there is a left/right spectrum. That alone is reason to reject it.
So I think attachment to the left/right paradigm actually now impedes sense-making. Yes, nonsense-making is having a heyday, but that is because we are in transition away from our dead paradigms to whatever is next. I don’t know what is next, but I hope it’s something like "local autonomy", which is one of those concepts that is nowhere on the left/right spectrum.
I don’t understand why so many commenters are talking about socialism and libertarianism. If we want an equitable world for all, shouldn’t we be focused on egalitarianism and it’s implementation. That will require rejecting all the current fake dividers like left, right, liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican. Those are labels to keep us at each other while ignoring the sociopaths running the corporations and government. But thinking of all other humans as our brothers and sisters will take evolving, like Caitlin has been beating the drum for these many moons.
someone asked "what happened to journalism?" someone answered "a lot of money happened." top "journalists" are multi-millionaires. the same thing happened to academia. money for researches / scholarship, which attract students, who then have to produce what fits in the given framework to survive school and land a job later. MBAs became presidents of top colleges, whose job is fundraising / endowment building, which justifies mansions for themselves. church too. the archbishop of new york parish built a french furniture furnished mansion and "justified" that he needs it to host billionaire class for million dollar donation checks. same with medicine. a thorough privatization / corporztization of the social foundation.
"Humanity is still being born. As a species, we're just barely crowning." That's the whole point, we're right at the brink of being able to one thousand year life spans. There's no damn way that we can let people live that long! Then, of course, there's the issue of who's going to be God. Well, hell, if some people have 1,000 year life spans and the rest 40 or 50 year life spans, it's obvious who the gods are. Most of our Christian gods are psychopaths anyway. Hardly nobody in 2,000 years ever heard about love, even today love is against the law in all its forms, within the empire.
So, while no one is reading, this from, Michel Chossudovsky;
The powers of Big Money which are behind US-NATO led wars control both the anti-war movement as well as the media coverage of US led wars. That’s nothing new. It goes back to the so-called Soviet-Afghan War (1979-) which was spearheaded by US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Through their “philanthropic” foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Soros et al) the financial elites have over the years channelled millions of dollars into financing so-called “progressive movements” including the World Social Forum (WSF)
It’s Called “Manufactured Dissent”: Big Money is also behind numerous coups d’état and color revolutions.
Meanwhile, important sectors of the Left including committed anti-war activists have endorsed the Covid mandates without verifying or acknowledging the facts and the history of the so-called pandemic.
It should be understood that the lockdown policies as well as the Covid-19 “Killer Vaccine” are an integral part of the financial elite’s “broader arsenal”. They are instruments of submission and tyranny.
The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is an integral part of the World War III scenario which consists in establishing through military and non military means an imperial system of “global governance”.
The same powerful financial interests (Rockefeller, Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, et al) which are supportive of the US-NATO military agenda are firmly behind the “Covid Pandemic Op”.
I've stopped using " right" and "left" terms bc they are just shortcuts to emotional triggers and reflexive behavior . I'm trying to refer to people by their actions; for example: some people can counted on to always put themselves first while others can be counted on to balance their needs with the needs of the whole community.
Good post. You touch on areas reflecting the critical points:
(1) the serially abusive nature of the systematic beating we have taken from these self-appointed psychopaths, and
(2) that the so called left is not the left but the extreme right wing and an alliance between governments, corporations, and institutions. It is the definition of fascism.
"(2) that the so called left is not the left but the extreme right wing and an alliance between governments, corporations, and institutions. It is the definition of fascism."
What you describe is not "the left", but rather the corporatists, Neoliberals, and their follow traveling Libertarians.
The real left is as anti-corporate power as it is anti-imperialism. Sadly, people confuse and conflate all facets and features and functions of government (which is nothing more than democratic collective action in the community/public interest) with all the coercive and evil features of government: police, war, oppression, protection of private property, propaganda, etc.
Yes, as Caitlin notes, they've burned the blueprints. And miseducated too.
Yes, it is describing a continuum often misunderstood. Sad, true, people do mix all these up. It is what self-describes as the left. No one takes these fascist so-called liberals at their word. They are one with the Corporatocracy - an amalgam of governments, corporations, institutions. Most politicians are puppets of their more interconnected bosses.
I used to be a part of the "left" but as they say, the left left me...though I don't consider myself "right" now either. There are now two basic "lefts" - the corporate left, which is the mainstream media, big tech, and political establishment. Then the "woke" left, which is used by the corporate left to support their control agendas. Basically, if you slap a rainbow flag on a bomb or a bulldozer, you're good to go these days.
Interesting. And the "woke" left are part of what exactly? Do they exist outside of some establishment?
As far as flags the blue and yellow is the wokest nowadays.
Good question. Many of the woke think they are organic and grassroots...but really they aren't. They are driven by the corporate left's marketing, PR, and propaganda.
Right, they _think_ that. But they might be part of those same establishments you've listed.
"woke" is a logical extension of the identity politics (everything / everyone is essentially unique and different and uncategorizable or unlabelable), which is an (instant logical) 'practice' of individualism (the biological individual is the starting and ending point of social contract) as the ideology of capitalism (everyone is equally free to do whatever it takes to fend and serve self interest, and no one owes anyone anything except in a signed contract). in short, whatever i do at any moment is valid, no one has the standing to tell me otherwise. anything goes. guess what, whoever has wealth, in capitalism, has the power to draw the parameters of what can go on. it's a very short circuit, an instant dead end, the predetermined deadlock, the nature of 'ideology' vis a vis philosophy that enables us to think critically.
I wrote in another forum a few weeks ago (about the war in Ukraine, but it could have been anything), "The difference between Progressives and Liberals is that Progressives want peace, Liberals want peace as well but only if their side wins."
I immediately got marked "troll".
Trenchant observation! No wonder you were shunned...
Like you, I'm in no man's land. I saw a Breaking Points clip that laid out social libertarianism. That sounds like my new home:
One crazy part of of this political realignment: People on the right label the Dems as Left, or even more silly, as communists. They're talking about corporatists, fer chrissakes!
Social libertarianism is a misnomer, it is a contortion of two words that are not even related to each other.
Socialism is a form of government that demands compliance with social norms and expectations with the use of force as the means to coerce that conformity. Socialism inevitable requires larger and larger government to enforce compliance with increasing levels of violence.
libertarianism is all about not using force or coercion and not demanding compliance but leaving the individual alone to act in their own best interest.
Can you understand why they are incompatible with each other ?
On one hand you have a libertarian who's desire is to be left alone.
On the other hand you have a socialist who's desire to have everyone in society act in unison.
How can those ever be rectified into one belief system ?
social-libertarianism is more than misnomer. it's a philosophical nonsense way. there's no contact point or crossing between socialism and libertarianism, as socialism doesn't recognize an individual as the fundamental building block of society, and the latter has no perspective on society as an organized institution. they speak in two fundamentally different languages that can't be translated into the other. "by force" in your libertarian language has no place in socialist discourse. just like the "class" as in upper-middle-lower classes in the capitalist analysis of economy is not translatable into the "class" in the marxist analysis of political economy.
I whole heartedly agree.
Socialists don't see themselves as a source of directed violence, they only recognize their intent to make the world a better place and none of the evils they promote to achieve that fantasy state.
Libertarians are similarly deluded in many cases into thinking the government can be completely removed in pursuit of their fantasy world. The idea that the world can be contract based yet have no centralized court system to adjudicate contracts is unrealistic.
Personally I do prefer the voluntary action viewpoint of libertarianism more than the forced to comply attitude of socialism.
What I find odd and highly suspect is the descriptions of these terms are morphed in response to an agenda to either demonize a movement or denounce a group by a false set of descriptors that suit the persons own ends who adopt them.
The dirty word "socialism" having differnt meanmgs depending on who is talking about it. And both sides insisting they know the real definition.
The establishment mind controllers are ver y clever and adept at distorting the language of social uplift to get the cirzens to do the dirty work of gate keeping the public and get them into never lifting themselves out of slave status to the establishment.
The worst is most people who think they are "woke" or clever and aware are just down another garden path of useful idiots who unbeknownst to even themselves end up the agent Smith's of this world.
And all they understand is a black and white narative, capitalism good, socialism bad.
And nothing changes in the mad rush to human extinction.
confusion is what the ruling cabal wants and thrive in, so they definitely fan confusion into wasteful division. most people want the same thing no matter what you call it, and that's where i start and end.
Ecological Anarcho-Syndicalism
because they can only think in "essentialist" terms (categories) in which their individualist ideology speaks to them. for instance, they understand communism as a way of thinking held by a biological group, such as the jews. the fact that many well known "communists" / "socialists" / "unionists" / liberals / neoliberals / zionists / democrats are biological jews only reinforces their biological determinism (essentialism in social understanding).
I've always held that "biological jew" is a misnomer, since I can join the Jewish faith tomorrow and become a Jew, but my genetics haven't changed. "Jewish" is a religion.
Coupling a religion to a genetic was a clever way to hide behind the scarlet letter weapon "A" accusations to stick to your own lapel..they can just scream bigot if you point out their own crimes against humanity.
that's one understanding. others see it as a biological category. plenty of people consider themselves jews while they identify themselves as non-religious.
About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute
An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi
1. Assailant in his underpants
2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”
3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.
4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call
Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!
1. Not true, and it's unclear where this claim originated but it's not from the police report.
2. Paul Pelosi said the guy came to the house asking for his wife, saying **he** was a friend.
The Pelosis are so stinking rich that there's no reason he'd contract a skanky crackhead-looking lunatic like this guy. Occam's Razor says "No".
Barring some sort of drastic change in my values sometime between now and whenever I shuffle off this mortal coil, I'm always going to be on the side which is against those bombs and bulldozers. (I'm assuming we're talking about, say, Israeli bulldozers rolling towards Palestinian homes rather than bulldozers actually engaging in construction rather than destruction.) Whether it's called left, right, up, down, inside out, has no label at all, or whatever.
Currently I think the label is "Putin-loving Russian bot", at least that's what I get called.
Do we need to re-infiltrate our own governments? Because they have been captured and infiltrated by outside forces. https://joshketry.substack.com/p/we-need-to-re-infiltrate-our-own
If the establishment is good at nothing else, it is very good at determining whom to co-opt, whom to buy off, whom to neutralize, whom to ignore.
This is how, for instance, fire eating sixties radicals were neutered and became mild-mannered academics and advocates of "working within the system".
Watched it go down in BLM and Occupy.
Funny how money in a large enough amount will corrupt most people..if the government's can't cooped they seek to destroy them.
Liberty is always freedom from government.
- Ludwig von Mises
I quote Mises because he would point out that just like the Robespierre era of the french revolution when the revolutionaries become the government that become the very same evil they originally started fighting.
As soon as we have successfully re-infiltrated government we will become the hated government.
Libertarianism doesn't work, hasn't worked anywhere it's ever been tried, and can't sustain any population above subsistence hunter-gatherers. Get more than a dozen or two people in a society and the most powerful will run roughshod over the rest. Government was invented to protect the weak from the worst excesses of the powerful. We don't need freedom from government, we need government to ensure that we're allowed to be free.
Sure, thats a great justification of the evils and excesses of government. Who protects the people from the worst evils and excesses of the powerful in government ?
Government isn't magical: its made up of power hungry people, people who have in innate desire to have power over others. Government might be the most horrific invention though since it justify's its exclusive use of violence against the people by claiming it is serving the very people it abuses.
Get government "out of the way" and how do you propose to protect yourself against Jamie Dimon just confiscating your house outright because your mortgage was delivered a day late? The Magical Mystical Free Market Fairy? What about when Blackwater/Acadami just decides that it's the ruler of the entire southeast portion of North America because they have the guns and war criminals on their side? When Joel Osteen whips his mob of moronic followers into a frenzy and declares a new Crusade against all non-believers what are you going to do?
You're not a lone individual on this planet, and never have been. You're part of a society and society creates rules in order to continue functioning.
Can you grasp the idea that Dimon and Blackwater wouldn't exist in their current state without government. They are creations of government. Government doesn't protect the people from industry, more accurately it protects industry from the people. Look at BP and the gulf oil disaster, all the money taken from BP in fines ended up sitting in a government escrow account while the people starved. How about Pfizer making billions from a vaccine that wasn't properly tested and has resulting in the deaths of millions ? That wasn't the government protecting us, it was the government intentionally killing millions for the profit of its cronies and expansion of its own power.
When the society you are a part of is actively trying to enslave or kill you then its not worth protecting.
Hey ghost of Ludwig: you OK with corporate power and oppression? That's the result of your hedonistic hatred of collective action (government) under the guise of "freedom".
Corporate power and government power are interchangeable, explain to me what the difference is between a government that kills people for its own hegemony dropping bombs from drones and corporation that poisons people with its product ?
For me the difference is that a corporation generally doesn't send a fully armed hit squad to my door to demand I buy their products. Government on the other hand will use the threat of physical violence against me just to get compliance over the length of the grass in my yard.
Both are evil, both are unnecessary but yet they are both the exact same thing, violence and coercion that benefits people in the hierarchy at the expense of the powerless.
Is there a difference between public violence and private violence ?
I seem to recall that businesses have made ample use of hit squads in the Third World, during Prohibition in the United States, and during the drug wars right now. They may not hold you up at gunpoint and make you buy their product, but they do get salty with labor organizers, and try selling dope in "their" territory and see what happens.
US history is full of robber barrons using pinkertons as strike breakers but they eventually figured out that was expensive and started using government to break strikes. The coal strike of 1913-14 where the national guard was sent it to break the strike is a good example. Nowadays strikes are made illegal in many industries specifically so the striking workers can be criminalized. Business is very good at outsourcing to government all of the evil things they want done.
The US drug war is nothing more than the modern day equivalent to robber barons breaking strikes, the US government supports the cartels business dealings for a cut. You may remember when mexico was refusing to go along with the covid non-sense Trump the joint chiefs went on national television and said they were going to ramp up the drug war, of course threatening the drug profits flowing to mexican cartels. The threat was received and the mexican government started towing the covid line and magically they never ramped up the drug war.
So you are Left but not "left" Good. Try taking the Politcal Compass test:
I found it super helpful in determining my identity 10 or more years ago. I score pretty far down in the green quadrant (much like Caitlin's results which she has published before) close to the lower left corner, which is both economically far left and socially far libertarian. Have fun!
Thanks for the suggestion. I did the test (and didn't like being forced to have an opinion on things I've never thought about.) I turned out to be in the lower left, as expected.
Yeah, it's not perfect by any means, but it is useful and interesting. I agree some of the questions are a little weird; but ok, if you read a lot of the background material they explain how and why they use the questions that they do.
thinking that all political thoughts can be placed somewhere on the two dimensional extension is a typical ideological thinking. it's a dressed-up-as-post-modern modernist thinking that all thoughts fall on a left-to-right linear line. real alternatives share nothing in common, philosophically. you cannot compare alternatives with one set of random measurements, which are inevitably ideological as those who came up with such measurements aren't obviously aware of their own ideology that produces the measurements.
Exactly my argument against socialist libertarianism - they are incompatible terms that mean the exact opposite. You cannot be an economic leftist which would require taking assets from people to help others and be libertarian at the same time.
no not exactly. black and white are opposite in the they are mutually exclusive within a certain color system. so, a "(at once) black (and) white cloud" or a a "male (while) female" person would be oxymoronic and non-sensical. there are different kinds of misnomers. two sides of a coin, like the democratic and the republican as in the current US political scheme, share one substance but also differ from each other in form (color, degree, emphasis, and priority) at any point. a democratic republican idea would be a misnomer, as it will negate the validity of the two as seperate distinct set of ideas (if only in degree), rendering the adjectives meaningless. a politician can support a republican idea at one point and then support a democratic idea at another point. socialism and libertarianism are not two sides of a coin or two mutually exclusive categories. they are two never-crossing universes of ideas. in socialism, there's no private property to declare or take.
Mostly a pointless statement, arguing over vagaries in terminology.
So what if they are not exactly diametrically opposed opposites, the point was conveyed, you understood my meaning.
i understand you and i also understand that you don't understand that you don't understand me.
"places" => placed somewhere, in the first sentence.
About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute
An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi
1. Assailant in his underpants
2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”
3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.
4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call
Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!
The "system" amplifies *nothingness*. Exquisite abstract soul-less compassionless *nothingness*, because nothingness won't interfere with any means of making/taking/stealing money. From the viewpoint of abstract *nothingness", everything else is driven craziness that, in the deepest hope of both parties, cancels/confuses/gaslights/brainwashes/ each other to attrition, and nothingness can continue allowing money to reign. Except...they gotta keep the hard Christian right and Zionists happy because they do have the money.....the left simply can not exist in such a system.
I agree that the democratic party, fascism, nazism, and anything else is "on the right" of the dictatorship of the proletariat / communism. So what is "on the right" depends on where you stand.
But as someone who has been trying to understand why the "populist" left and the populist right do not unite, I can say that the difference between libertarians and communists is that libertarians want freedom for absolutely everyone. There is no group preference. But this is not at all the case among the "populist" left.
Communists want to enslave the people that they call capitalists. Democrats want to enslave straight or white or male or whatever people. Fascists want to unite state and corporations and enslave both workers and "capitalists". Nazis want to do all that fascists want and also enslave jews (and other countries). Im sorry but you are all the same. You do share this same ideology of dominating other people. You just disagree about who should be the slave owners. And it is very interesting that you don't even recognize it.
The day that you release restrictions on the powerful they immediately oppress everyone less powerful. That has been the pattern every single time for the 5000+ years of written history, every single time without exception.
Communists don't want to enslave anyone - they want to abolish private property and promote justice, freedom, and equality.
Any ideology that needs a massive bureaucracy is by nature oppressive. Left or Right.
Is this a joke? If it is, I like it haha
Or do you honestly believe what you just said? :o Because I don't even know where to start if you really believe that... I don't know, maybe I just a few questions:
1. In your communist ideal, am I allowed to start my own business? If not, this is not freedom. You are just a slave.
2. But let's say I can start a business in this communist ideal. Will I keep the *entire* product of my enterprise in a communist country? If not, this is not freedom, this is again slavery.
3. But let's even say you can do all that. Am I allowed to agree salaries with someone else without any sort of violence or threat? If not, this is, again, not freedom, it is slavery.
Communism is the single most tyrannical and murderous form of government that ever existed *against their own population*. It is worse than nazism, fascism, the democratic party, anything. It is a disgrace for anyone that needs to live under these tyrants. And the tyrants have the audacity to say that "it is for your own freedom!" ahahah I really guess the type of people that buys this bs...
BTW, communism is great for the slave owners, of course! Like fidel castro and his family who live in luxury. lenin, stalin, it is great for all of these slave owners. Not so much for the slaves :)
absolute (which i add since you omitted) freedom for absolutely everyone turns into no freedom for nobody in a nano second in any real society. unless everyone lives on an island reachable by no one.
If you want, I can be more precise: Yes, I am talking about freedom for absolutely everyone. But not absolute freedom for anyone. There is one restriction to freedom (the one that all wannabe dictators never accept): You are not free to enslave anyone (i.e., to force anyone else to do something that they would not do if you did not force them).
So I am not defending freedoms to use violence to get what you want. Nor to steal what the other person has (which is equivalent to forcing someone to give up what they created against their will).
This definition of freedom is completely achievable in any society without requiring anyone to live in any island. All you need is for people to agree to stop using force to make *anyone* do something that they do not want.
Yes everyone can still use force: Against anyone that tries to enslave them (or use violence against them). But that's it. Using force is unacceptable in any other situation.
That’s a beautiful idea. The problem with that is human nature.
Yes, the irony of the age: the US derives its credibility, its power, in effect, on the basis of a reputation for justice and equality it does not possess, and never has done. It was always a promise based on symbols, labels, mottoes and a lot of hype: even its populism was not genuine. Even its political parties differ only in style in a calculated attempt at manufacturing choices that are not choices at all. It is time to drop labels and articulate objectives, and the means to attain them. Equality, and basic amenities for all without exception: quality health care: free education to any level or technical training of choice: guaranteed affordable housing, and salaries always commensurate with cost of living, especially house prices: an end to monopolies or private ownership of public utilities and amenities. Call it whatever the hell you want, or call it plan humanity. And we all know what that amounts to. It amounts to choosing life over war and death. It amounts to choosing what is beautiful and our birthright, over what is ugly.
That is certainly a valid perspective from this crossroads. It is so easy though to lambast all of our nation states around the world, focusing on their many faults. The USA has repeatedly stepped in it at home and abroad they (we Americans) make great targets. This is though a different America today then that of our founding ancestors. And sure, they weren’t perfect at all and didn’t see themselves as paragons of virtue. In fact they were a ragtag band of revolutionaries. But what they imagined as being possible, the possibilities we could through the framework they provided become the “Better Angels Of Our Nature” - were real and remain today if we have the courage to build on the scaffolding they provided. We humans are indeed still evolving and America is but a process. Yes, it depends 100% on what we choose.
If the US and West have actually helped anyone, any country, I'd like to know about it: I can name dozens they didn't help. Even Noam Chomsky wrote a book about it: Deterring Democracy. Many have written about their numerous negative interferences in perfectly viable countries. Give me a break, in very recent history, couple years ago, they were backing a guy name Guiado for self-declared Presidente of Venezuela, and that wasn't even unusual - just, in that case, very damn obvious: they wanted Venezuelan oil, and they didn't want socialist democracy. Slogans are not policy. Promises are not reality, or certainly, a very different kind.
"All they can think of is what country they'd rather be using their smartphones in." - and they think everyone thinks like them, strictly in terms of moving someplace.
What do you think, LMAO boy from the previous post's comments? That everyone thinks like you? That everyone has "values" like yours? "Freedoms", my ass. You're only "free" while you're a nobody. As soon as you cross the regime in some meaningful way you're gone, no matter where you are, China, the US, or you-name-it.
I belive this fits here:
A fascinating story, and one that reveals much about who we are.
A very interesting 2017 interview of Alexandr Dugin by Alex Jones
I have never before seen Alex Jones actual video. This one contains demented short videos of Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, symbols of DNC corruption – one can see why the bipartisan US War party hates and fears Alex Jones.
The western press went to town in coordination on Dugin the day after the blast. A flavor of the headlines: "Mastermind", "Brain", "Fascist", and "Ideologist"! Ideologist?! What do you think are Kissinger/Bolton/Brzezinski/Nuland/Cheney/Neocons et al....? Ideologists with corporate funding, PACs, major "news" outlets, and Think Tanks all rolled up....on a scale far far larger.
Dugin targeted as US-Ukraine shadow wars expand – Aug 23, 2022
https://youtu.be/IBO9UElgi5I – Outstanding Grayzone interview
you know, as i'm watching the Grayzone link, they talk about building up Dugin....it's a [i guess one may say "sophisticated" from the anglo view] "play all sides" strategy ultimately culminating in an assassination. The major Anglo conservative channels focussed on Dugin long back, elevating him, giving him prominence on Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and other outlets etc etc. Build them up cut them down. Next.
Thanks for the link will watch! NY Post and a *few* other outlets already printed an article showing the woman who is Ukrainian SBU who was part of the assassination effort....Russia has her car picture, with plates, her original SBU ID (in which her photo ID wearing military uniform), they have shown her on Daria's apartment building security footage, they have her on the highway to the same festival Daria was travelling, and then they have the Ukrainian agent exit visa to Estonia. She brought along here 12 year old daughter as cover! Despite all this, and the NY post printed it (playing the "trump" card, though really, push come to shove, trump is a fake hang-out moviement), the MSM evening news...is in another planet.....blowing smoke up its own ass.
About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute
An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi
1. Assailant in his underpants
2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”
3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.
4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call
Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!
most interesting......why was assailant NOT SHOT by SFPD? All through the US police have easy trigger fingers, but here they WATCH THE MAN bash Pelosi in the head? watch him do it? are u kidding me? strange days. Murican politics......is how to say........DIRTY.
Let’s hope the “white supremacist” attack will not disappear from bes like who bombed Nordstream pipelines or who were Epstein’s clients
Why are we even still talking about Left and Right? To even use those terms is to allow Empire to frame our identity. If we allow the Empire to manufacture our identity, the Empire doesn’t have to manufacture our consent.
blurring the line between the left and the right (by declaring the left is proven wrong or bad and the "politically neutral / centrist" neoliberalism is the way forward) was exactly the post-modern/post-structuralist/post-marxist/post-colonialist project. the real left and the real right as theoretically alternative visions, exist. communism/socialism (as the political expression/practice of the left philosophy) vis a vis capitalism/individualism (as a political expression/practice of the right "philosophy") is a valid distinction. the post-everything ideology did its very best to deny its validity ("nothing is black and white, nothing fits in duality, nothing is neatly categorizable, dualism is the enemy") though, birthing today's cognitive nonsense-making.
I agree that all forms of dualism help simplify thinking: mind/body and good/evil dualities can make for seemingly tidy sense-making. But with regard to mind/body, how do you explain, for example, placebo effect? With regard to good/evil, how do you explain the Inquisition, crusades, chattel slavery, and uncounted other atrocities?
Regarding politics, dualism breaks down as soon as you scratch the surface. For example, where is anarchism on the left/right slider? Chomsky has to call himself a “leftist anarchist” to distinguish himself from anarcho-capitalists. I like the idea of worker-owned enterprises. Is that capitalist or socialist? We are all taught facsism is on the right side of the spectrum, but where is totalitarianism?
Then the two left/right parties in the U.S. had a secret merger and became Corporate 1 and Corporate 2 in which left and right are mirror images. Then left/right terms like liberal/conservative became almost meaningless and have been nearly abandoned. Then Trump came along and progressive Bernie supporters voted for him in droves. What?
Now the legacy U.S. political scene is Trump/Anti-Trump. Is that the new left/right? And what about the emerging populist blob that some people try to define as left populism and right populism? Jimmy Dore is a left populist, and Tucker Carlson is a right populist? If so, why do they have so much overlapping agreement?
And Neo-liberals/Neo-Cons are centrist? Centrism is now radical corporatism and rabid warmongering. Centrism is now the most extreme of all -isms. There can only be something that evil benignly hiding behind the centrist label if there is a left/right spectrum. That alone is reason to reject it.
So I think attachment to the left/right paradigm actually now impedes sense-making. Yes, nonsense-making is having a heyday, but that is because we are in transition away from our dead paradigms to whatever is next. I don’t know what is next, but I hope it’s something like "local autonomy", which is one of those concepts that is nowhere on the left/right spectrum.
I love (though it's dark) the abuse analogy and your ending it with "At some point you've got nothing to lose." It's inspiring in a dark way.
"Crowning" was an unexpected way to end today's post. Powerful image!
Indeed. And it looks like cesarian might be the way.
I don’t understand why so many commenters are talking about socialism and libertarianism. If we want an equitable world for all, shouldn’t we be focused on egalitarianism and it’s implementation. That will require rejecting all the current fake dividers like left, right, liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican. Those are labels to keep us at each other while ignoring the sociopaths running the corporations and government. But thinking of all other humans as our brothers and sisters will take evolving, like Caitlin has been beating the drum for these many moons.
someone asked "what happened to journalism?" someone answered "a lot of money happened." top "journalists" are multi-millionaires. the same thing happened to academia. money for researches / scholarship, which attract students, who then have to produce what fits in the given framework to survive school and land a job later. MBAs became presidents of top colleges, whose job is fundraising / endowment building, which justifies mansions for themselves. church too. the archbishop of new york parish built a french furniture furnished mansion and "justified" that he needs it to host billionaire class for million dollar donation checks. same with medicine. a thorough privatization / corporztization of the social foundation.
"Humanity is still being born. As a species, we're just barely crowning." That's the whole point, we're right at the brink of being able to one thousand year life spans. There's no damn way that we can let people live that long! Then, of course, there's the issue of who's going to be God. Well, hell, if some people have 1,000 year life spans and the rest 40 or 50 year life spans, it's obvious who the gods are. Most of our Christian gods are psychopaths anyway. Hardly nobody in 2,000 years ever heard about love, even today love is against the law in all its forms, within the empire.
So, while no one is reading, this from, Michel Chossudovsky;
The powers of Big Money which are behind US-NATO led wars control both the anti-war movement as well as the media coverage of US led wars. That’s nothing new. It goes back to the so-called Soviet-Afghan War (1979-) which was spearheaded by US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Through their “philanthropic” foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Soros et al) the financial elites have over the years channelled millions of dollars into financing so-called “progressive movements” including the World Social Forum (WSF)
It’s Called “Manufactured Dissent”: Big Money is also behind numerous coups d’état and color revolutions.
Meanwhile, important sectors of the Left including committed anti-war activists have endorsed the Covid mandates without verifying or acknowledging the facts and the history of the so-called pandemic.
It should be understood that the lockdown policies as well as the Covid-19 “Killer Vaccine” are an integral part of the financial elite’s “broader arsenal”. They are instruments of submission and tyranny.
The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset is an integral part of the World War III scenario which consists in establishing through military and non military means an imperial system of “global governance”.
The same powerful financial interests (Rockefeller, Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, et al) which are supportive of the US-NATO military agenda are firmly behind the “Covid Pandemic Op”.
I've stopped using " right" and "left" terms bc they are just shortcuts to emotional triggers and reflexive behavior . I'm trying to refer to people by their actions; for example: some people can counted on to always put themselves first while others can be counted on to balance their needs with the needs of the whole community.
Good post. You touch on areas reflecting the critical points:
(1) the serially abusive nature of the systematic beating we have taken from these self-appointed psychopaths, and
(2) that the so called left is not the left but the extreme right wing and an alliance between governments, corporations, and institutions. It is the definition of fascism.
"(2) that the so called left is not the left but the extreme right wing and an alliance between governments, corporations, and institutions. It is the definition of fascism."
What you describe is not "the left", but rather the corporatists, Neoliberals, and their follow traveling Libertarians.
The real left is as anti-corporate power as it is anti-imperialism. Sadly, people confuse and conflate all facets and features and functions of government (which is nothing more than democratic collective action in the community/public interest) with all the coercive and evil features of government: police, war, oppression, protection of private property, propaganda, etc.
Yes, as Caitlin notes, they've burned the blueprints. And miseducated too.
Yes, it is describing a continuum often misunderstood. Sad, true, people do mix all these up. It is what self-describes as the left. No one takes these fascist so-called liberals at their word. They are one with the Corporatocracy - an amalgam of governments, corporations, institutions. Most politicians are puppets of their more interconnected bosses.
spot on…like a laser.