These lies are killing innocent people. Biden's war is a genocide.

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Btw, minor detail, but Reagan did it because he got a call…from the Saudi monarch at the time, King Fahad, telling him this can’t continue. It wasn’t out of the goodness of Reagan’s heart. That is the backstory left out of the Reagan call.

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Interesting. Thanks.

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You have no idea what you are talking about because you have the convenience of “historical roots”as shallow as your “moral roots”and besides, it’s not important for your nonopinion to be based on any depth of understanding—-that isn’t why you came to this neck of the woods to announce just how low you are willing to set your entrance qualifications. When you transmute your psychosexual yearning to be degraded by someone who is your moral equal into snide, half witted, quasi political indictment of a society that is too dignified to live down to your low brow mating call to totalitarians, rest assured, the right ears will pick up on the gist. Luckily for ethnofascist empathizers and other hateful antihumanists like yourself who can flawlessly spot a “champion” in even the most dimwitted psychopath there is vast planet teeming with people with similarly sadistic temperaments. I’m sure it disgusts you to to be surrounded in general though with such a high proportion tolerant and reserved people pretending to be decent and kind out of cowardice and in the meantime nobody puts you in your place like you deserve for your unmitigated gall. You are at liberty to prefer loyalty to whatever eldritch horror masquerading as a “religious movement” you desire, because no matter how repugnant and vile the people you are ignorant enough to cheerlead for, you are ALSO insulated by some of the only people on the Earth kind and courageous enough to be willing to fight for you to have the right to champion their enemies. It’s absurd, I know. People who believe so much in the value that you tSHOULD be free to express yourself simply by dint of your humanity. Ponder being surrounded by the sort of people you are advocating for… I doubt you would be very pleased with the results—seriously read the quran..

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It's clear you're a wannabe Marcel Proust, but it doesn't quite work Dainy Zane.

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Is Dainy really ChatGPT?

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Was thinking the same! 0.0

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DainyZane you have a future as Kamala Harris' top speech writer. Love your prose. ❤️

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You didn’t think so too. You didn’t even know who she was talking about till you googled it. Listen to the mindless yammering of vapid brains tuned to output solely for social affect but not receiving any status feedback to process. It’s funny to watch the use of so called “language” by…people… who are using it for a completely different purpose because they have completely different purposes and it’s funny they don’t know what those are and mostly what they use language for is to protect themselves from an extremely frightening world that sometimes has real live monsters in it.

But what is even scarier is you never knew when what you *thought* was a person you were talking to with your words the way you always spoke them and

The way you spoke them a hundred times before with not a hitch or a hiccup or a cross word sideways back at you and then you always laughed at that thing to yourself, inside of your self, cause that thing thought it was a man and no man would hear those words the way you slung them out to him and let you off the hook like that but here is another one of those things ha ha ha no balls what is that supposed to mean why is he saying all of this? …

sometimes those words you said the same way a hundred times before and then laughed to yourself about cause you were checking to see if that was a man for the hundredth time well

They turned out to mean something COMPLETELY different to someTHING COMPLETELY different somewhere down in the well of that person, in that old, old water down there… and that moment swirls towards you all at once and it’s that one just before instant just before, that you will look back on and say that’s when I KNEW but I didn’t run. I just stood there. And that’s why the terrible thing that is about to happen is going to happen…. See a fragile pretty person could catch the eye so to speak of something that might want to catch her. So to speak. You get noticed by something like that ricocheting around in there like an echo that wants to hear itself but it wants to take YOU apart to do it and find out how YOU sound and if YOU echo when it happens… well…. THAT is probably going to hurt an AWFUL lot. And that’s why, best beloved, some …people… astutely avoid linking any technical association between “the” words with ANY sort of accountability for relating those words to reality, cause MEANING something when you didn’t MEAN to…nothing hurts like that. That’s when they stopped being invisible but they never, never , never, never knew that ECHO was going to come back sniffin around the way it did. But boy it sure did. Anyhow, I predict various dismissals, some name calling, categorization, impugning my intellect, indicting my character—anything but responding to the matter at hand—which is the fact that the group being portrayed as the “victims” we are discussing are participants in a global movement 1400 years running that was founded by an indescribably depraved and sadistic man that was so disturbed clearly from some terrible, terrible unimaginably painful and unjust things that had happened to him and maybe some people close to him, maybe at a single unimaginable event probably early in life, when his brain was at a crucial state of beginning to code his sense of a “right world”by growing certain patterns of neurons and dendrites that would inform his reasoning for the rest of his life, sort of writing into code his model of the world. And unfortunately for very many people what got woven into those brain structures as a result of what happened to him was that yes, the World indeed WAS the problem, not him, he was innocent he just lived in an EXISTENCE that was built that way and in fact it was RIGHT that it was built that way because a LOT of people needed to suffer for a very VERY long time in some HORRIBLE WAYS for something so wrong to happen to someone so good, with so much love in his heart. And lo and behold the arch angel came to him and started to explain the message of allah to him and how special and important he was— more important than ANYONE actually, and smarter, wiser, more deserving, and allah knew what had driven him so mad with grief and horror that he could not exist in a world where he had been all alone with a demon that huge inside of his mind and allah knew that he needed help and support to deal with something so profound but most importantly—allah needed HIM. And that is why he sent those terrible things to do those terrible things to Mohammed.

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Wow talk about demented fools! You are clearly a sick perverted Zionist Nazi. But then again THEY ALL ARE SICK PERVERTED MASS MURDERING SOCIOPATHS!

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That was a lot of words to use to say nothing! You literally said nothing of relevance or even anything sensical. Must be a bot with bad English.

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biden is probably the worst president of my lifetime, and that is saying a lot.

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Bush II, Reagan, Clinton, Obama and Trump are all right up there, but for different reasons. And since Americans have such short attn. spans and are so biased toward (or against) the recent, I included Trump because he 1) indicted Assange, 2) tried to kick off a war with Iran by killing Soleimani, 3) set the stage for Oct 7 and Israel's genocide by empowering them in kowtowing to the Zionists long desire to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, 4) pulled out of numerous nuclear treaties with Russia, 5) ended the JCPOA with Iran on right-wing LIES about Iranian compliance, and I could go on. Not on the same level as Biden's genocide or Bush's illegal wars of aggression or Obama's spying and ruining Libya (it was primarily France despite common "knowledge" in the US, not Obomber or Killary leading the charge).

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You can rest your case with Noam Chomsky , who has said that all US Presidents are war criminals.

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He's very bad, but Bush, Reagan, and Richard Nixon were worse by body count and legislation passed. If you're old enough for those.

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I don't know. Nixon and Kissinger were pretty awful, but even Nixon had enough shame to step down from office when he knew he'd been caught doing criminal activities. Here we have Biden committing war crimes and starving children and babies in Gaza...and he's not stepped down from office yet, has he? I'd put Biden up at the top of that list.

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I suggest you look further into watergate and see if it’s another made up story that both parties wanted us to believe.

Did you know that 3/4 of the watergate burglars were CIA? Bernstein (?) who broke the story was CIA. The impeachment hearings were just as false as the 1/6 one was as well as the democrats kabuki theater was. Surprised me when I looked into it.

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That some of the watergate burglars had (or may have had) connections to the CIA would not at all be surprising. It mightn't have been the 1st time the CIA got involved in trying to influence an electoral outcome, and certainly wouldn't be the last time. Looking at the opposition to Vietnam war of eventual Democratic Party candidates Eugene McCarthy and eventual nominee George McGovern, it would hardly be surprising that the CIA and/or other security establishment entities might want to derail them.

However, there is no evidence that Carl Bernstein, who broke the Watergate story (and subsequently himself investigated CIA ties to journals and journalists), "was CIA". And certainly not at the time of the breaking of the Watergate story... which he'd certainly never have co-written if he was working for CIA!

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"Watergate: A New History" by Garrett M. Graff, published in 2023 lays out the whole story of Watergate. There's E. Howard Hunt doing dirty tricks on behalf of the Nixon campaign (which Nixon would win by a landslide) all over the country, including breaking into Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers)'s shrink's office in SF, and then into Dem Headquarters in the Watergate twice -- and to this day no one knows what they were after -- and then Hunt and his burglars got caught, and that started the whole cascade. E. Howard Hunt was CIA, and one gets the sense from this book that no one in Nixon's campaign knew exactly what he was up to. You know, like the CIA in general.

Then, just when the whole thing was about to fade away, I think it was Hunt who said in court that someone had committed perjury, and that started it all up again. And Hunt had given the slush money, and notes, to Dean, Nixon's White House Counsel, who handed it to the head of the FBI, and there you have a high-level conspiracy.

Meanwhile, VP Agnew had to resign because -- hard to believe these days -- of tax evasion. Ford was slid into the VP slot. Ford is the one who, when working on the Warren Commission, edited to report so that the wound in Kennedy's back was in his neck. Just a small edit! To -- clarify things! Yes, that's it. Because if it's in his back, then that same bullet could not also have hit Governor Connally, but it could, if it was in his neck. Much clearer now.

So, by the end of the book I thought there was a good case laid out that this was done to Nixon, and he got caught up when things had been set in motion to roll toward disaster (thank you, Hunt) for awhile.

I think it was Woodward who was CIA; he was in naval intelligence before he took the job at the Post. He's the one who had the personal connection to the high-level FBI guy "Deep Throat" (the #3 guy after Hoover and his friend Clyde Tolson), who thought he would be getting J Edgar Hoover's job, but Nixon appointed someone from outside the agency: the FBI had been too powerful under Hoover. But it could have been Bernstein as well.

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Watergate was CIA purge operation. Nixon was guilty of far worse in SE Asia, just like Biden in SW Asia. Ironically on domestic issues, Nixon was to Biden's left on all but the drug war. The CIA didn't like that.

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they're all crooks !!!

Harummmph! (who would have figured ?!)

...please donate to save the truffulla trees

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I can't say anything good about Kissinger, but for the record, Nixon, apart from his 'enemies list' and efforts related to Watergate and attempts to conceal it, and did some pretty good things. The creation of Clean Water and Clean Air Acts, Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Ocean Dumping Act, and of the EPA all took place during his term. And though he inherited the VietNam war and felt it was still 'winnable', he did seek to gradually withdraw America's troops by shifting responsibility to S. Vietnam. And it was his 1972 visit to China and related efforts that began breaking the Cold War. (Sadly, of course, the Empire's duopoly now is hot to heat up frictions therewith.)

None of this is to suggest that he was a man of the people but when I compare him to subsequent Presidents (esp. Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden), he looks almost decent.

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I’m old enough to remember Lyndon Bains Johnson (LBJ) waist deep in the big muddy, the big fool said move on.

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Biden is so bad- I can't stop castigating him...!

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Jimmy Carter was Worse but not by much

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There are plenty to choose from!

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you came into the game with false expectations... (perhaps?)

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i agree with you

but at this Present Time is there anyone any better to replace the Evil People in charge in the White House...............IMHO...........there is NOT...............

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Replace evil with good. Vote for Dr. Jill Stein. Check out her anti-genocide/pro-peace/pro-worker/pro-healthcare platform online:


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Of course there are, and some of them are running for president.

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Of course there’s better.

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This may not sit well, but I think that Biden's greatest shame isn't the war that he is presides over, but the fact that he has prostituted himself to wear the mantle of the presidency. The U.S. Government is a brand that is owned by a few dozen billionaires. It is they who are attracted to the Kagan/Wolfowitz doctrine of full spectrum dominance, despite the fact the American military is all suit. It's the billionaires' money that is indifferent to the genocide in Gaza and the nutcase in Tel Aviv. It is they putting nuclear chicken on display in Eastern Europe. These people who purchase power don't get a guy like Vladimir Putin who understands the responsibilities of wielding power. They see the restraint displayed by Iran as fear and weakness.

It's an American tragedy that there is no honest person in Washington.

The offices of the USG are being used to punish honest speakers and writers, and to surveil all of us, to violate everyone's privacy. As Professor Richard Wolff often says, there's nothing more dangerous than the denial that marks an empire in decline.

Genocde Joe isn't alone in his cowardice. The whole political edifice, the suits, the judges, the party faithful, the media are all key players in this tragedy. People who want to know the truth have to commit to the search. Most people don't, so most people are repeating the lies they are told, and they exude the bliss of the empty mind.

Right now I am remembering Yeats' The Second Coming. Something is going to change.

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Good analysis. The root of the problem is many ways the undue power of extreme wealth - the same problem the Roman Empire had in its own demise. The billionaire money successfully corrupting all three branches of the US government, that clearly no longer serve the interests of ordinary Americans (look at South Carolina right now). Even the US Constitution now is sinking into the cesspool of corruption. Trillions on war, huge tax cuts for the already obscenely wealthy - while ordinary Americans citizens are treated like plantation wage slaves, not even provided decent, affordable healthcare - which every other advanced country in the world provides as fundamental for their people.

And Americans remain transfixed over the clown show of who they ought to vote for: Trump or Kamala. And are told it's a "fight" to the end and it really matters. When it doesn't matter one whit who becomes president, the game is rigged from start to finish by a few dozen billionaires. Who have become so insulated from society, war and exploitation is like a fun video game for them.

I'm not sure what the next goal of the nutcase in Tel Aviv will be. Even if he decides to not pull the trigger on Iran like he said he would just the other day, what then? Will the world just standby and watch the continuing barbarous indiscriminate slaughter by psychotic Reichstag Zionists - with the full support of a venal Joe Biden and his sidekick: bloodthirsty former California prosecutor - I jail mothers because their kid was truant in school - Kamala Harris?

Hard to tell at this point. How suicidal is Israel really? Are they fanatical enough to really opt for the Samson option? Or if they pull back, will the world just go back to sleep while they continue with a slower ethnic cleansing campaign of mass murder?

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Blood lust coupled with land grabs is not easy to stop unless the cowardly US/Biden and company stop the weapons and begin to look after their own people.

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jamenta, Your analysis is good too. The "nut case in Tel Aviv" and all those who support him and his Zionist regime have given up any claim to humanity. So what does that make the US... It is America's war, it is Biden's war. What more evidence is the world waiting for.... US and Israel are equally culpable and guilty as charged.

To our comrades here, watch the AlJazeera documentary film "Starving Gaza" ( if you can bear to watch the little children dying of starvation ). A testimony to the brutality, savagery and barbarism of this war.

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Biden knows no shame.

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I’ve been thinking quite a lot about that poem, especially the last line. I wonder how aware Yeats was about international issues. I wonder how political he was, whether he recognised the new colonial endeavour being birthed. As an Irishman, he would have a keen knowledge of the horrors of colonialism. I need to read a biography of Yeats.

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The USA is the largest ever Industrial scale Murder Complex, all to keep 300,000,000 people fat & Tranny.

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Slight correction -> they (the US Empire Managers and their cohorts) DON'T CARE about the 330+ million Americans (the 99% - ordinary people). They are global Capitalists - they care about profits, control, power, US hegemony and empire expansion. The American people (99%) are used and abused (and brainwashed and gaslighted) to serve THE 1% and their interests.

***THAT*** is what the 99% of Americans need to understand. They are disposable just like any others that conflict with the interests of the 1%.

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chokaski butts in having no clue once again. they care about those people not to rise up. that's the extent. to that extent they ensure no bombs blow up in the US, it's not attacked by any foreign country, there's food in stores, there's construction going on, there's peaceful living more or less as it used to be. and any dissent is being taken care of as quickly as possible. that's what's meant by "caring". get it now?

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Duh! Are you stupid or retarded "russian_bot"? Your comment(s) to me seem to indicate it.

Q. What does "maintaining control, hegemony, power" by the 1% (Empire Managers) mean?

Ans. It means maintaining/managing the 99% (which is DIFFERENT from CARING about them). It means doing whatever is necessary (to the 99%) to maintain the status quo.

Suggestion: Instead of conversing with people on Caitlin's substack, go converse with 5 year-olds - as that is YOUR level. On second thought, don't do that either - you'd probably be arrested for your vulgur, abusive, toxic, misogynic language and behavior if you tried.

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Both. It never adds anything to the conversation, but loves to play its games.

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sammy attempts to help chokaski but misses badly. sammy what do you say as to the substance? ignore the moron chokaski for a moment will ya.

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Way to prove my point.

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chokaski are you in the us?

go out on the street and talk to people where they usually congregate. just make sure you're not conversing with any tough looking guys while trying to spring some shitlib junk on them as you'll have your mug done in in a wink. talk to them and see if they think they're not taken care of by their "democracy".

also, see if there are any bombed out blocks, bodies strewn all over, etc. instead of construction doing repairs both old and new. get it now?

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Go to Chicago or St Luis and see if the guys on the street think they are taken care of. WTF kind of insular world do you live in?

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where you at orestes vasquez Useless Piece of Penis™?

recently a certain unwarranted invited me to NYC to experience some horrors. when questioned he admitted he wasn't there even when giuliani was mayor. he was totally at a loss at the mentioning name of dinkins. he crumbled just like you would chico.

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I am. I talk to people including fellow "tough looking guys" on a daily basis on construction sites and patrolling the US border with Mexico. What would you like me to ask them? Because I can guarantee I probably already have, and what Chokaski is saying is 180 degrees from what shitlibs say, so pardon me for being a little confused unless - as we have discussed before and you reacted very suspiciously - English is not your first language.

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why do they storm the us borders? are they eager to come to the us to be bombed out of existence? die from hunger? you also confused as chokaski?

btw, remember prince wannabe that ur a fucking liar. want a reminder?

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Still stupid/confused are you? Or maybe you are in need of a break?

So if you've been propagandized/gaslighted/brainwashed into thinking that the 1% care about the 99% that makes it true?

Americans (the categories that you mention and others) HAVE BEEN under the illusion that the 1% CARES about them. That doesn't make it true. That's the WHOLE purpose of gaslighting the 99% - to make them believe the narratives that the 1% want them to believe. That's one way of keeping the 99% pacified so as to not revolt/create a revolution.

Seems like this conversation is above your level. Come back tomorrow after resting some...

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chokaski why do they storm the us borders?

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And those people do appreciate it.

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“No matter how much you despise them, it’s not enough.” Pathetically 150% true. Ignorance all dressed up in their finest to demonstrate how “right” they are. Scrooge said to beware “Want” and “Ignorance”, but most especially to beware “Ignorance.” As a kid, I couldn’t see why - 75 years later it’s been tattooed on my heart since Vietnam. Ignorance begetting ignorance begetting ignorance until culminating in a Trump/Harris Presidential election that demonstrates SO GLARINGLY how low ignorance, avarice, hubris, greed and disdain for moral/ethical living has brought the US Empire. Scraping the bottom of the barrel. And after that we can still break through that “bottom” to the rot and mold and worms beneath IF WE CHOOSE TO. Let’s choose “not” in any and every way we can.

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I hate Democrats so much. And I hate listening to people I thought were of a similar mind talk about how Harris is going to get a ceasefire (which she really really wants) and the "joy" she'll bring to the presidency. omfg.

Reagan did it but Biden won't. No words.

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Republicans push wars just as much as democrats. And if you want to talk about Reagan, he was a warmonger as well, and was one of the first presidents to really begin huge deficit spending.

What we have in the US are two parties who are corrupt, no longer really represent ordinary Americans, and only serve the interests of the obscenely wealthy donor classes. We have class warfare, and many Americans are going right along with the class warfare, because they think politics is like going to Taco Bell and choosing what burrito they want. Guess who owns Taco Bell?

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You seem to be under the mistaken belief that I like Republicans. They just don’t try and pretend they’re the good guys like the Democrats do.

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One should be under no illusion that as stated today by Caitlin, these are 'US wars, and Biden's wars'. Q.E.D

The greatest shame of all is that one phone call from that practising so-called god -fearing Roman Catholic could have ended the whole massacre and have saved the murder of men, women and children in Lebanon and Palestine. The thousands dead are in his name and his shameful equally guilty country who allowed, no, encouraged it to happen.

So, on your head be it, Biden. You are a shameful man in a disgraced Zionist-controlled country. A pseudo Christian hiding in forever stained Jewish clothing.

The end of US empire can't come soon enough. May it be equally as painful to the likes of Biden and his predecessors as the pain America has inflicted on all others over the years, in their chosen role as a weak but willing Israel stooge.

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Please, Keep the Faith ! I have many Good Irish friends, they do keep their Faith !

Well, you should have a few shots of Home made Irish Whiskey before the man say, Keep the Faith !

But, Biden & Co Speak with Forked Tongues …. You have to Listen Between the Tongues …. if you can !

Even better, just Read Mein Kampf, the truth is all there, but these guys are Anti-Antisemitics … so they make sure, the truth is Garbled or Coded, need a decoder ….well still easy to read His Master’s Words, The Mein Kampf !

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After All, the Fuhrer did achieve a lot of what he wanted to do same as these guys !

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But, these guys are far behind in their goal !

I understand German Chancellor is busy packing the Industrial Bakery for the Hungry Occupiers of Palestine !

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Brian Berletic points to a Brookings Institution paper, on using the [Zionists' and their entity], to get us into a regional war with Iran - in a way that makes it look like we were FORCED to do it. But control over the Zionist Entity has always been within easy reach - if this wasn't all going exactly according to plan.

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The US cannot command Israel to end their assault on their neighbors, but Israel can’t maintain their war against the neighbors if not for the arming and enabling of the US. In that regard, we are knowing accomplices in this, and should not continue. It’s blood on our hands!

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"The US cannot command Israel to end their assault "

Cutting off their weapon supply has done so before

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I hope that all of Caitlin’s readers and commenters will be at the various marches and rallies this weekend to show massive disgust with the USA funded and supported attempted annihilation of all humans in Gaza. Plus ecocide. Plus Lebanon. Plus West Bank. My two sons are going to the one in Los Angeles with their girlfriends. I’m going to take one of the granddaughters to the one in the Inland Empire. Sponsored by Code Pink. My husband will stay home and watch Al Jazeera Arabic all day.

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Oct 3
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We watch both. But JSC has reporters all over the world and covers what is going on in Sudan, Bangladesh, China, United Nations mtgs, etc, etc.

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I look forward to seeing Jonathan Lemire and Robbie Gramer in the dock when they are prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Aiding and abetting genocide is just as serious as participating in it. I highly doubt that the ICC in The Hague will be the venue of their trial. It is far more likely to be a special international tribunal convened in a country of the global south, in Asia or Africa. They must know that they cannot escape justice, the evidence is being compiled and they will be hunted to wherever they hide. The western empire is going to end, and so will the impunity and freedom of these disgusting criminals.

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Along with the Biden Administration, the MSM should be charged with 18U.S. Code § 1091, a US law that incorporates the Genocide Convention. Let's find that way to charge them. They should have visions of prison every day of their lives.

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On the other hand and I say this as I'm literally heart sick over the Palestinian and Lebanese deaths, if this continues Israel will be completely destroyed, both in Israel itself and in world opinion. If there is a ceasefire those devils will just try this again some other time.

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Cheer up….Israel has already lost 8-15 troops in Lebanon. Plus lots in Gaza and well over 2,000 seriously injured.

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If american citizens of Muslim background are being murdered well before October 7, for example Rachel Corrie, Shireen Abu Akleh, and its obvious the american government doesn't give a shit. It doesn’t matter what race or religion you are. If you are an american going up against israel you are literally risking your life. Think how the media would react if Russia or Venezuela killed an american citizen. It tells you all you need to know.

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8th decade here and Bribem should be hanging for committing treason

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"An arms embargo or the threat thereof would have stopped this long ago. "

And there you go--if Biden had wanted to end the genocide, he could have done so simply by stopping the shipment of arms to Israel. But he didn't. So obviously, Biden is pro-genocide and is good with whatever Israel does to the Palestinian people. Or maybe Biden is too Alzheimered to know what the hell he's doing? Either way Count Smirkula at the State Dept. has been backed into a corner and came out wanting.

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Gaslighting. They are showing us how it is done.

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