I just turned 75, served as a physician in the U.S. Army for 10 years and another 27 years in the U.S.Public Health Service. I did my absolute best for my patients, but never imagined I was "serving my country," need no thanks "for my service" (which is the lamest , bullshit expression imaginable), and now am profoundly ashamed to be an American. The U.S. Congress is, with a few exceptions, a stinking cesspool of special interest, the chief one now being the support of Israel in a project that bears an amazing resemblance to the pogroms, ethnic cleansing and genocide that the Jewish people endured throughout history. The difference now is that it is Israel and its stated policies, openly declared by its leaders, that are the consummate evil. I am sick and disgusted by the Zionist apologists and enablers in my own government and in the media. No decent human being will ever excuse what they have done and are doing and it is my fervent wish that this is the beginning of the end of Israel as a racist, supremacist, apartheid state. It should be shunned among the international family of nations. Anyone with any sense knows that it isn't antisemitic to oppose and condemn the wholesale slaughter of civilians, children, toddlers, infants; that to condemn the policies of Israel is not to hate Jews. Our Jewish brothers and sisters, here and around the world, are speaking out against Israel and have led the protests against the pernicious Zionist policy, which in no way resembles the compassion, wisdom and deeply human values of Judaism. It is quite obvious that Congress is wholly subservient to the Zionist lobby and therefore no longer represents and serves American ideals and interests. This pathetic obeisance to another nation and its vile agenda puts America and its institutions and freedoms at risk. Being joined at the hip with the Zionazis will not turn out well, for Israel or for my country. We are likely to fall together as we pursue this foolish, indefensible and reprehensible project in a world that has reached the limit of its tolerance.

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Anyone who would accept this genocide would have to be one sick asshole is all I can say. No one in their right mind can accept this.😢☮️

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And there's nothing that should make anyone accept the murder of thousands of children in Gaza.

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I'm really sick of this 1200 # too, how many of those were soldiers, how many were armed settlers, and how many were actually killed by the IDF, or were actually bodies of Hamas killed by the IDF. That number is wrong and we will never get the actual #. Were civilians killed, I'm sure they were... But not 1200.

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That sordid poll was conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute, which eerily sounds like the National Endowment for Democracy. NED “is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world.” But it is actually a front for an intelligence agency, the one that rhymes with ventral. So the fingerprints of a certain agency are all over that poll. But the results are not surprising nonetheless, given all that we have seen manufactured by the Zionist propaganda matrix.

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I heard a Palestinian woman being interviewed about her attempts to get her father, uncle, sister, brother out of Gaza. She described their situation of living in a storage room with a lot of other people. Our government says they can only grant visas to immediate family such as a spouse or a child. Our Canadian government that is not calling for a complete ceasefire. Can we assume that our leaders accept the murder of thousands of children and other civilians? I think that may be the sickening case.

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Caitlin and Tim, your heartfelt, loving honesty is crystal clear. Humanity is at stake now. What you are bearing witness to is rarely noticed: our true relationship with life. Without honest witnesses we cannot change. Thank you for not stopping. A viable human future is possible. It's not what I believe, but it's what I say.

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The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation to get the Gaza gasfield and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages isn't the priority at all !!!


"There's Nothing You Can Say To Make Me Accept The Murder Of Thousands Of Children"

Nobel Peace Prize Mother Theresa: “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Guess what: Israel has abortion up to 9 months. It's just another country teaching its citizens a right to the most violent act against the most innocent victim.

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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We keep getting sucked into the argument of whether this or that bad thing happened when we should just stick to the key point that thousands of children are being blown to pieces and nothing can ever justify this.

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As usual, I find it hard to believe the world we're in. The current UK, Israeli and US governments are shameful. It's no democracy when every party supports genocide.

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"I promise there is nothing you can say to me that will cause me to cease opposing the murder of thousands of children in Gaza."

Print this statement out and sign it. Carry it around and take it out and flash it whenever someone starts in on their "Why aren't you condemning Hamas?" monologue. I think I'll do so from now on. Trying to explain why I'm not "antisemitic" for defending Palestinians is getting tiresome. (Read this week's post to see what I mean.) Power to the people--Free Palestine!

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my stupid wanker rep voted for that resolution and I was hoping he was beginning to catch up with the rest of the world...alas

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"... is to believe Palestinians are subhumans whose lives are worth a tiny fraction of what Israeli lives are worth." - and they DO think that, that's the thing. Hence their poll results.

They're the fucking master race of the world.

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I promise there is nothing you can say to me that will cause me to cease opposing the murder of thousands of children in Gaza. There is no name you can call me, no accusation you can scream at me, no talking point you can regurgitate at me that will ever make me shut up and accept this.

and i really do think we are living in a very Cruel World when there are such people that DO accept this dreadful situation.................i really do hope that someday.........People like Bill Gates and Charles Shwab will witness their Children and grandchildren.........slaughtered right in front of them........maybe then........the Cruelty will Stop

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Hitler did the same by De Humanising Jew's! The People of Israel seem to be as bad as Netanyahu if we are to believe some "Israeli polls" I find it strange that if that were the case why did So many people in Israel march for peace ? I know that many Israeli settlers and 2nd 3rd generation Israeli families want the Palestinians destroyed but I would hope that there were more who want Peace to be made.

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Using gang rape of White women by Arab men to justify murdering children is a perfect racist trope and epitomises the whole sick Israeli mindset.

Women are physically more vulnerable and telling them they weren't raped IS very bad.

Some Jews identify as vulnerable victims and say that Arabs are out to get them and denying it, we are told, is very bad.

Even if there was just one woman who had come forward and claimed to have been raped on Oct 7th, it would give us pause. But there's not one. No evidence. They made the rape story up to conflate the questioning of the experience of women who make rape allegations, which makes us feel icky, with questioning Jews who claim they are victims.

The mindset that can use a made up story about violence against women as emotional blackmail in an attempt to shame us into silence is sick, sick, sick.

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