I just turned 75, served as a physician in the U.S. Army for 10 years and another 27 years in the U.S.Public Health Service. I did my absolute best for my patients, but never imagined I was "serving my country," need no thanks "for my service" (which is the lamest , bullshit expression imaginable), and now am profoundly ashamed to be an American. The U.S. Congress is, with a few exceptions, a stinking cesspool of special interest, the chief one now being the support of Israel in a project that bears an amazing resemblance to the pogroms, ethnic cleansing and genocide that the Jewish people endured throughout history. The difference now is that it is Israel and its stated policies, openly declared by its leaders, that are the consummate evil. I am sick and disgusted by the Zionist apologists and enablers in my own government and in the media. No decent human being will ever excuse what they have done and are doing and it is my fervent wish that this is the beginning of the end of Israel as a racist, supremacist, apartheid state. It should be shunned among the international family of nations. Anyone with any sense knows that it isn't antisemitic to oppose and condemn the wholesale slaughter of civilians, children, toddlers, infants; that to condemn the policies of Israel is not to hate Jews. Our Jewish brothers and sisters, here and around the world, are speaking out against Israel and have led the protests against the pernicious Zionist policy, which in no way resembles the compassion, wisdom and deeply human values of Judaism. It is quite obvious that Congress is wholly subservient to the Zionist lobby and therefore no longer represents and serves American ideals and interests. This pathetic obeisance to another nation and its vile agenda puts America and its institutions and freedoms at risk. Being joined at the hip with the Zionazis will not turn out well, for Israel or for my country. We are likely to fall together as we pursue this foolish, indefensible and reprehensible project in a world that has reached the limit of its tolerance.

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I agree. There are Jewish voices saying “never again” means never again for any group of people.

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Well no.

By 1945 they said “never again” - for themselves.

By by 1948 they had already started doing it to the Palestinians, after getting the green light to do it by the U.S. and the European colonial overlords who told them tge COULD do it there.

Now it’s 2023 US and European overlords are still tell them “we don’t draw any red lines”.

So really what they mean is EVER again. By Us.

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Just watched Chuck Shumer leading a chant of “never again” ...even as Israeli AI selects more civilians for its squid game.

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Chuck Schumer is a vile, loathsome, human snake.

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To add to Kudjoe's comment watch the film "1948movie creation and catastrophe "

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Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, post and so well said. Thank you for taking the time to express the situation so well. You should publish it in every comment section of our lower than low-life media. Have you been following the headlines of the NY Post? Beyond immoral. Precisely why Israel is spending one billion dollars on the "advertisement" campaign. So "typically covid".

{We are likely to fall together as we pursue this foolish, indefensible and reprehensible project in a world that has reached the limit of its tolerance.}

From your lips to God's ears. Never has the time been more ripe than now to put both in their place - once and for all! Highly doubtful few would shed a tear, myself included. Only then will there ever be peace in the middle east.

Both governments and their leaders are thankfully despised by all - therefore there is no better time than the present to remove not only them but, the entire system! Here in the US we need an authentic Jan 6th only this time on STEROIDS! I truly hoped Bobby Kennedy would be the crusader, reformer, and savior we needed - not with his staunch support of Israel - everything instead will remain status quo.

Then who? The sad reality - there is no one. Therefore an attack maybe our only salvation! If Israel doesn't stop - as you stated - BOTH are about to fall. Turkey will destroy Israel - with the help of others in the region - the US will try and confront Iran - but Russia will save the day and the USA is NO MATCH. Talk about poetic justice for Ukraine.

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Don’t need a saviour, look what happened the last time we tried it. We might need a doctor, Dr Cornel West, for example. Try it next time you are in a ballot box, and see how much better you feel.

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Who are you referring to? Last time we tried it? There is no such thing as an honest politician. It's a complete and total oxymoron!

No one will ever succeed until the entire system is destroyed. Same holds true with Israel. The worst being we control them as well.

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I was referring to the last time we tried the saviour business. Whichever one you choose. As far as I can tell, none have worked out especially well.

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It's sad RFK Jr had so much potential - he was on the right track in the very beginning - his anti-corruption mantra really resonated with all - the best was actually having the means to enforce it - no one sued the government more than he did and knew exactly where all the corruption was - he would say it wasn't the entire agencies that needed abolishing but rather those at the top and then he would actually name names which was impressive! It showed his fearlessness of all this scum. He was determined to close 600 or 800 bases throughout the world and bring them home to protect the US instead and close the boarders. Everything he said was the only way to save what very little is even left of this Country but then he went off the deep end and I stopped paying attention - it was a waste of time. Unless you tear apart this government - it will only get worse as it has shown. So we have two possibilities - overthrow it - or a war where they do it for us!

I believe it will be the latter which is why you're beginning to see the stench of Hillary Clinton as the "savior" I just saw an article with reference to the 3am phone call and who will answer it?

It was just a picture of the red phone and the title of the article. I didn't read it and only that it spoke volumes.

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His vomiting forth all the zionist israeli propaganda hasbara talking points rendered him completely useless to me...maybe he was ingratiating himself before ZOG mafia but i cant trust that... Not that i even think this rigged voting is anything resembling legitimate..The only reason they encourage it is so you agree to abide by the dictates of their installed puppets.... Sgn and date the voter registration contract... and don't forget to sign and date those tax checks for the MIC to make weapons to drop on children in Gaza and the middle east..

The one power everyone is too chicken shit to even think of using because that's how deep the conditioning goes.

Mental illness is now a western spectator sport....

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You sound like a Bannon fan.

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I’m voting for Dr. West as many times as I can get away with, Joy!

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The only reason they encourage it is so you agree to abide by the dictates of their installed puppets.... Sgn and date the voter registration contract... and don't forget to sign and date those tax checks for the MIC to make weapons to drop on children in Gaza and the middle east..

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lol Chaz…ain’t a-gonna be no interaction between me and the IRS this year!

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What's an IRS?

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Gypsy I am so happy you made me laugh today.

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We have to take our humor wherever we can get it these days, Jenny….

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Right?! I just read an article on VT that made me so mad and sad all at once: https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2023/12/wiping-gaza-off-the-map-2/

so coming here to post it, I saw your comment and chuckled.

That;s what I have to do at my rumble page, or it would be too much...some fun stuff intermingled - "doom breaks" -as fortiori on bitchute calls them...

and I post a lot of eclectic tunes too.

So thanks! :)

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January 6 ain’t that far away, BJ!

How about a “celebration” of that date for Palestine? 😁

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Gyp's seen this? Keep in mind this is a Jewish publication one of the many I've always subscribed to


“Without the unqualified support of the US, including billions of dollars in military aid, heavy weaponry and technical assistance, Israel could not commit genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people,” said Marjorie Cohn, professor emerita of international law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and the former president of the National Lawyers Guild. A December 5th report published by Amnesty International highlighted an instance of such support, showing that “US-made munitions” were used in Israel’s strikes on two separate homes in October, killing 43 civilians, including 19 children, in what Amnesty called potential war crimes. “US-made weapons facilitated the mass killings of extended families,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

The CCR lawsuit marks the first legal attempt to hold the US directly responsible for complicity in crimes committed during Israel’s recent bombardment.

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We did this, without us, none of this would've been possible - we have even more blood on our hands for supplying the ammunition that murdered thousands! We are the scum of the earth - those who're in charge!

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45,000 tons of bombs so far -500-2000 lbs ea.

500$ million on its way...good ol' grandpa Joe Bribem!

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ONE PHONE CALL and this is all over - Russia is moving in and will hopefully be putting an end to it.

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OH the grift in the arms sales for and to israel is far more insidious than anyone knows.. We gift them raw materials they build weapons then sell them back to the usa and then the usa gives them to israel...YES its that bad...and this is only ONE example of the extortion and exploitation of the american peoples economics..(and it goes on in all western allied nations) ...I was very proud to be on the block the boat campaign...I was a spotter and drove a vintage motorcycle around the ports documenting and reporting the zim ships positions in the bay.. We blocked a boat with bullets from israel on that day..

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Yes I read that elsewhere - it's such a racket! No different than what they pulled in Ukraine. In one door out the other. And the American people are just so stupid! It nauseates me the only way this scum knows how to make money is through war. With all the ways you could profit - to fix all that is wrong . . . .

When did you block the boat?

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2014 in long beach California..at the same time it was going on in San Francisco

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So very well stated kind sir.🙏☮️👏👍

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Thank you!

I am a Christian and I agree TOTALLY with EVERYTHING you said. I pray that your words of wisdom spread to every corner of America NOW.

It is HIGH TIME the morally bankrupt enablers of Genocide (i.e. those pseudo-christians claiming to be "Evangelical Christians") get it through their propagandized heads that their DESPICABLE behavior is as ANTI-Christian as you can get!






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As an agnostic it always fascinates me that people who claim to be children of a god ignore the fact any god would clearly see what they are doing..

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Well said, my friend.

Nothing the Zionists do has EVER been "justified" by ANYTHING in the Old Testament, no matter how hard these Social Darwinist BASTARDS = Zionists (AND their morally bankrupt pseudo-christian "Evangelical Christian" cheerleaders in the U.S.) try to twist the Scriptures to their Orwellian fantasies.

This graphic I made should be slapped on the front doors of every single "Evangelical Christian" Church that hypocritically applauds the Israeli GENOCIDAL LAND GRAB as a WARNING that GOD IS NOT MOCKED.


Does the Bible Entitle Zionist Israel to the Promised Land According to the Book of Numbers?


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Crazy to think it's still over religion as the excuse..yes that graffic is damming but they don't seem to csre, the chosen psychosis has taken them over. Its an international cult. How is there Hannibal directive or Sampson option remotly sane? The hanible directive is the same policy jim Jones used in. The Jonestown massacre...

Its all bat shit crazy from the minds of psychopaths.

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I don't think they are crazy, but I do agree they are sociopaths. Long ago, too many people , the Zionists and just about everybody in the MIC and Wall Street included, embraced Social Darwinist Ideology as "reality based". We are all dead very soon if that socially destructive ideology is not eliminated from human civilization very, very soon. That altruism trashing cancer is killing everything good about human civilization.

Here is my, 'IT'S THE SOCIAL DARWINISM!' rant:


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The fact Darwin's theories are taken out of context and basterdized to use as an excuse always irritated me..I know this idea of dog eat dog is all everyone knows of his works but that is because most people never even read his full works and take it as second hand opinion that this is what he advocated just because the social Darwinist used his work to justify their world view.

He warned and demonstrated even in nature cooperation was a higher strategy for long term survival.

The hierarchy fallacy pushed by the social engineers is useful to make a people accept the predator capitalist model as write in stone and a natural process. But it's design is to serve the financial dynasty banker cartel class that runs society. And enslaved them.

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I suspect with the zionist track records thus far that their ability to exaggerate and false flag narratives into existence to cover thier crimes against humanity has casted grave doubts in me of the validity of their past his-story everyone has been so mind controlled to be emotionally invested in by one of the most egregious deceptions and terrible bigoted moments in history (USA Japanese internment camps too) that has defined this very event today with copious amounts of guilt reparations continually spoon fed the gullible average human species to the point that NOTHING can be guaranteed as true even if they built brick and mortar museums to solidify it all in stone... The greatest CON job ever perpetrated upon the unsuspecting lesser than chosen humans.. But even now the deep rooted welling up of indoctrinated knee jerked outrage is bubbling to the surface for anyone reading this rendering them unwitting gatekeepers for the zionist agenda. The emperors are still just as butt ass naked despite that..

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«Concerns about organ theft from the corpses were brought up by Euro-Med Monitor, which cited reports from medical professionals in Gaza who quickly examined a few bodies after their release. These medical professionals found evidence of organ theft, including missing cochleas and corneas as well as other vital organs like livers, kidneys, and hearts».


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I remember the brooklyn based organ trafficking ring that was caught years ago and using palestinians as the feedstock...but i was accused of "blood libel" if a talk about it.. They have so many clever covers for their crimes..

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Anyone who would accept this genocide would have to be one sick asshole is all I can say. No one in their right mind can accept this.😢☮️

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Right mind...

Seriously, there are people in this world - this one, here, where we interact - that are afraid of their televisions. They will look at you with a mix of fear and rage as they struggle for a facade of casual mockery if you disagree, or openly laugh, at that moulded turd on their wall and defend it like it's a dying relative.

Not sic -, they don't rate one single excuse. Just pathetic, gutless, piss-weak. Til death.

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I kicked my TV out with impressive prejudice during the Miners' Strike here in the UK and have had no regrets whatsoever in performing that glorious action. Indeed, I reclaimed my life back from the strangers who decide what to dump into that open television sewer that exists in most peoples homes. You've probably seen this but others might not so here is a 1':40" video https://vimeo.com/10857606 to lucidly explain certain things about their [missing] lives. Perhaps it needs to be televised...

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"Look at me!" I love that. Yeah, it should be compulsory during commercial breaks.

I can't tell you exactly when or why I tuned out - it was around 2015/16. It was just this general feeling of being captured, I suppose. When I had the money for internet, I started watching culture war nonsense - even got sucked into that for a shameful period. But, obviously, I did find my way to real journalism and this growing community. I'll even start to contribute, soon enough.

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Sylvia, see Catherine Hazur below.

One sick asshole, as you say.

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......but you're fine with calling for the genocide of the Jews until you get what you ask for, falling down upon your own head? Hatred only begets more hatred.

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No, I’m not fine with calling for the genocide of the Jews or ANYONE ELSE,fyi, and that is an ignorant statement you made, btw. I’m tired of being called someone who hates Jews simply because I’m against the mass murder of innocent civilians. Yes, innocent civilians. No 12 or 13 year old Palestinian children are Hamas and little babies whose incubators are purposely turned off by the IDF and left to die, btw, are NO THREAT to Israel. This is not a war against troops, tanks or battleships. The Palestinian children don’t have weapons to fight back with and an occupier has no right to self defense, but the occupied do have that right. Never again should mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE. This is not a war. It’s a massacre of thousands of children and that just doesn’t sit well with me and it shouldn’t sit well with you or anyone else.😢

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What has Sylvia said that in any way indicates that she is fine with calling the genocide of the Jews? I am taking a wild guess that Sylvia is probably anti any kind of genocide, so not clear on your attribution here.

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Thank you. 🙏😊

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Dec 6, 2023
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Your name says it all.

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Your COMMENT says it all…and not in a good way.

Tell me, Ms. Catherine, who is calling for genocide against the Jews?

On the other hand, we have JEWS openly calling for the genocide of PALESTINIANS.

Take your fucking hasbara elsewhere before we destroy you.

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Dec 6, 2023
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Dec 6, 2023Edited
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Indeed, Che Guevara WAS A HERO - long live Che!!

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Ever been to Cuba under those great "freedom fighters" Raul and Fidel? Lol

Ever actually lived under communism, CHE?

I think you are too soft to have ever done that for very long, if ever.

You talk just like an armchair revolutionary whose only understanding of this is strictly theoretical that never goes beyond your computer screen.

If you live in the west, you will soon be getting an up front and personal glimpse into what HAMAS is really all about......I won't waste any more of my time on trying to convince you of it, because you refuse to believe anything that conflicts with your mindset. So we'll just let real life do the talking as it will all too soon. That will be something you will not be able to refute

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I hope you will find a way out of your bubble. Your words tell me why Hamas found no other way forward.

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To Catherine Hazur: Excuse me? We're talking about what's occurring *right now*, to the *indisputably innocent* (thousands of young children), and which the (my) U.S. has a high level of control over.


Caitlin: "The US House of Representatives just passed a resolution saying that Judaism is synonymous with a colonialist ideology which routinely murders children."

Exactly. WTF is it with this anti-semitism here?? I though they were supposed to be CONDEMNING murder and torture -- not equating it with Jews! But I've been seeing exactly the same crap occurring about murderous, tyrannical neocons and globalists, as they are now trying to do with Zionism. It's high time to turn this shit on its head!!

And if you truly don't understand what I just said, try a lot harder to disengage your burnt-in assumptions ...

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What an absolutely disgusting comment and 13 yr old logic Straw Man Fallacy.

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Are you sure nothing fell on your own head?

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Dec 6, 2023
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I know that tune!





& thereafter repeated ad infinitum on as many MSM outlets as possible.

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And there's nothing that should make anyone accept the murder of thousands of children in Gaza.

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Apparently there's a lot. Their poll results, along with the US Congress licking their ass, are proof.

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Whose poll results? And how were they arrived at?

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I would not put a microscopic ounce of credence in that "poll" look who released it! These are the same folks who told you 40 babies in ovens rapes, blah blah blah.

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And what has our MSM or many alt sites told us about the pile of evidence that IS was directly involved with both sides of the massacre - miniguns and hellfires from Apaches into the fleeing ravers?

I have seen many articles now, and there are videos showing the carnage (and lack of) and IDF who have spoken out about all the anomolies that point to outright impossibilities that the attacks were a surprise to IS and the world. The whole of Oct. 7 is a lie. Except for the dead people, yet some of those scenes are suspect.

The deaths in Gaza cannot be refuted.

A 2 yr old going from smiling to half her head missing probably had nothing to do with Hamas.

And how about those hostages high-fiving their 'kidnappers'?

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I'm retired and spend my life reading (both sides of everything) - it's not because I enjoy it immeasurably but often simply to (attempt to) educate others and explain why they should never listen to nor believe anything mainstream media says. It's ironic that you will seek the opinion of a dozen doctors if you're diagnosed with a disease, but rather believe everything our illustrious media spews - the greatest example is new technology - and how much time they spend researching.

Not sure if you've read, know and/or been following Mouin Rabbani but he too somewhat eluded to Hamas having have a much more highly developed public imaging operation going on. They used video's to solidify what transpired which set the tone for Israel's barbaric and egregious propaganda. Within hours they were being debunked. Everyone had knives out.

Hamas had the evidence and as you now see the footage from the fence has mysteriously diapered. A page ripped out of Jan 6th obviously!

Lastly you know about the so called prisoners and hostages? The people Israel is releasing have never been charged with crimes. And you saw how they treated their release - using gas bombs to keep relatives at a distance - they were forbid to celebrate their release - no emotion was permitted to be seen or they would then also be imprisoned!


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And how about the other hostages who were thoroughly traumatized by their experiences......and those that were not released at all because they may have exposed Hamas for what it is. And lets not forget the ones that were murdered by Hamas early on...the ones that are denied by those in the comment section that allow themselves to be brainwashed into believing that only the deaths of one side of this conflict matters.

Ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome? It's a real thing.

I wonder what y'alls attitude will be throughout the West when the Hamas "freedom fighters" break down your doors, drag you out from behind your computers, hold a knife to your throat and force you to participate in slaughtering friends and family. Maybe they will show you mercy and kill you quicker if you tell them you were 100% behind their murder and kidnapping of Jews......

Think I'm kidding here? This is coming for those who choose to be useful idiots and it is just a matter of time.

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{And lets not forget the ones that were murdered by Hamas early on...the ones that are denied by those in the comment section that allow themselves to be brainwashed into believing that only the deaths of one side of this conflict matters.}

Cathy I say this with the utmost respect - but you must must must do your research more thoroughly which can and does require hours on end to seek out the truth. Most importantly you need to ask why Israel is spending one billion dollars in PR to defend itself? I live in NJ are there are billboards plastered all over the highway. When have we ever seen war on billboards?

On October 7th Hamas murdered 200 soldiers - the same soldiers that were responsible for their captivity - they also kidnapped 240 people of which the majority were high ranking soldiers. Their intent was not to kill but rather kidnap as many as possible. The Hamas order was given NOT TO KILL CIVILIANS which is why there is video evidence attesting to all of this. It was the IDF that gave the command to institute the Hannibal Directive. That's why Israel has since destroyed all evidence proving it was their bombs, their gunfire - their everything that killed the majority on that day! It came out recently they also destroyed all the evidence of the original security break of the fences. There is no hiding behind any of this. Hamas has and used a very sophisticated video production to solidify what transpired. You saw how they did one of the exchanges right in the center of Gaza City for the world witness the truth!

Read Norman Finkelstein - Mouin Rabbani - Rashid Khalidi - Professor Mearsheimer Jeffry Sachs - and follow Max Blumenthal - Glenn Greenwald. You will spend numerous hours and perhaps days but at least you will learn both sides

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Hope that KoolAde was tasty, Ms. Catherine.

What flavor was it, Zionazi or Hasbara?

And yeahhhhh, those Palestinians under constant bombardment sure ain’t a-gonna need any psychological help, are they? Not even the ones carrying their dead children, are they?

Nope, they won’t be the least bit “traumatized”, of course.

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Here's the most laughable thing about polls and pollsters - for the past several years if not more I've asked everyone if they have ever been polled for anything and no one has. That a pretty poor ratio.

A few years back our scumbag Mayor (BridgeGate) egregiously claimed - according to his poll the vast majority of residents wanted outside dining on Main Street. This is the same road constantly clogged with congestion and massive fumes from cars and delipidated Jitney buses

emergency vehicle's racing by - 2 blocks from the GWB - the nations busiest bridge. For weeks I asked everyone in the town if they had heard or gotten the "supposedly' study or poll. Not one had so the next time I saw the scumbag I asked him if he simply ran the poll in his office?

I think we can all agree polls (even if they did exist) are worthless as proven by the 2016 election

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I always read Caitlin's post before I comment.

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The polls are piles of dirty money.

The polls that matter, anyway.

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Exactly! The answers would point to pure fantasy.

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she said "should"

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I can read.

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my comment was related to comprehension, but you do you

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My comment was not directed at Diana per se. Let's hope she has a less touchy disposition than you do.

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fair - anyone would be right to be spicy about those crazy poll results

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Having felt the sting of the wit I understand her : )

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Diana, based on the resolution (HR 894) just passed overwhelmingly by the U.S. House Of Representatives, you are likely an "anti-semite". Notice in particular item (4) in the resolution below:

“Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) strongly condemns and denounces all instances of antisemitism occurring in the United States and globally;

(2) reaffirms and reiterates its strong support for the Jewish community at home and abroad;

(3) calls on elected officials and world leaders to condemn and fight all forms of domestic and global antisemitism;

(4) clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism; and

(5) rejects all forms of terror, hate, discrimination, and harassment of members of the Jewish community.”

For the entire text of HR 894, see https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/894/text.

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I suppose that if Congress were to pass a resolution declaring me to be a Golden Retriever, I would start coming when called?

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Probably not, but would they not follow up with fitting you with a collar and leashing you in?

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I am certain that they would try.

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".....I promise there is nothing you can say to me that will cause me to cease opposing the murder of thousands of children in Gaza...." OK Diana how about this

What about if I told you that I am a very religious person (doesn't matter Jewish or Cristian both have same holy text one in their lexicon and one in their bible's first part.)

Long ago a Jewish man prayed for a son and after many years god listened to his prayer and a son was born. Much later God spoke again to Isaac and commanded him to take this precious child up the mountain and then murder him. And Isaac listened to the Jewish God and got a sharp sword and at the mountain top he was just about to murder his precious child when the Jewish God said OK put your sword away -you passed the test you would even murder your only son if I asked you .... Maybe this time the Jewish God wa a bit easier on his Jewish( and Christian) devotees and only wanted them to murder children they don't even know. And as a bonus these kids (and their mothers) are not even Jewish or Christian.

PS I am actually not a very religious person and this example is one of many reasons why.

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The german Nazis were fundamentally based on Social Darwinism - i.e. a master race which they (fallaciously) derived from the scientific work of Charles Darwin. They believed they had a superior gene pool, and other genes were inferior and needed to be erased. Some of the first people the Nazis slaughtered were the disabled.

Genocide happens just as easily with secularism as it does with religion. What really needs to be looked at are the psychological underpinnings and complexes which lead to mass killing. The psychological underpinnings that led George Bush to invade Iraq based on a pack of lies - and the psychological underpinnings that led the atheist Stalin to maintain gulag camps and murder millions of his own countrymen, with those who were religious being one of his key targets.

Religion itself is not inherently evil - just as Secularism in of itself is not inherently evil. And ontologically, either approach to life remain open philosophical questions not yet resolved by science or human reason, as one being fundamentally true over the other.

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I'd like to have a better understanding of the psychological underpinnings of how we are able to allow this kind of mass murder too.

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I'm not a religious person either, but have always found that story quite sick. What kind of a god would ask someone to murder their son?

And what kind of world do we live in where people are cowed into not speaking out about the mass murder of people including children? It's beyond me.

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Dec 6, 2023
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Last time you made comments like that Winston Smith they put you in a cellar filed with rats. Be careful Big Brother is watching you

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Dec 7, 2023
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Don't think of emigrating to Australia then 'Winston' We have house spiders here as big as your hand called Huntsmen . They are fierce looking but near harmless to humans. But we have at least three other sorts of spiders which are very poisonous

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in case it matters to you for the next time you tell that story, the original version has Isaac as the son and the man was a Hebrew named Abraham, of "Abrahamic religions" fame, all of it happening well before "jewish" would be applicable

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Thanks; and yes when retelling a fable detail maters. I had forgotten the son grew up to be the man of the burning bush in the desert in that same fable. He really must have been on something really strong also growing in that desert. Anyway his dad thought him more valuable and shining brighter than all the stars in the sky. Which according to modern science would be a number with so many zeros it would fil a library.

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I'm really sick of this 1200 # too, how many of those were soldiers, how many were armed settlers, and how many were actually killed by the IDF, or were actually bodies of Hamas killed by the IDF. That number is wrong and we will never get the actual #. Were civilians killed, I'm sure they were... But not 1200.

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Saw a tweet from an Israeli authority (I think) yesterday that had that # revised down to 1000 now. From the very first # of 2000 to 1400 to 1200 to 1000 to ?? The Israelis are just terrible at counting the dead, especially those that they kill.

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No doubt!

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Now police are saying half were murdered by defense forces, hellfire missiles and helicopter gunfire.

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Thank you ItcheBrain. Yes, every time I see this number quoted, I start screaming a stream of expletives uncontrollably. It is a barefaced lie. It has no basis in fact. Many journalists and researchers have looked at extensive evidence from multiple sources. Many articles and studies have been published. The lie has been thoroughly debunked. But still we see this figure quoted as though it were proven fact. I find this quite disgusting because it is being used to justify genocide. Haaretz has published a list of people who were killed on 7 October. Four hundred or so were active service military. Combatants. People who were at the time participating in the enforcement of a war crime. The 17-year siege/blockade of Gaza is a war crime under international law. It’s called collective punishment. So the killing of these combatants by Palestinian militia is legitimate resistance to the occupation and not a crime. Of the 600 others killed, some were police, some were armed private security and some were armed civilians. This is a gray area. No doubt that several hundred unarmed civilians were killed. But by whom? Mostly by the IDF. Maybe between 50% and 90%. We don’t know. But these are the estimates based on the information available so far.

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I completely agree, I think this was a military(Hamas) action in intention, and like any other act of armed resistance against armed occupation lives that I'm sure were innocent were taken, but nowhere near the propagandized # of 1200. And this is no different than any other armed resistance against occupation Norman Finkelstein has worded it well. I don't even hold it against Hamas, these were mostly young men who had lost family to the IDF. That but do you denounce Oct 7th shit is a joke at this point. Given the history no, no I don't. And anyone holding a weapon, especially the armed settlers stealing land is a fair target during resistance of occupation.

It's not at all different than Haiti, than Nat Turner revolt, than so many other sad situations that lead to obvious outcomes.

The terrorists are the Zionist, and they are the antisemitic ones, fuck chuck Schumer & his fakeass victim playing card.

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It's likely skewed and curated body count propaganda to lend support to one side of the narrative alone. Likely projected estimates based on modelling. Disregard anything that doesnt make Hamas look like the victim here.

Do they have actual body counters working full time amidst the chaos there whose job it is to retrieve bodies and objectively determine how they died? Above all, obtaining accurate numbers.....

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Dec 6, 2023
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Yea max Blumenthal did a good piece on this. They just blamed every single body on Hamas even the bodies of Hamas, we need a better way to reference that day, than repeating this 1200 propaganda lie we have been fed, and keep regurgitating.

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That sordid poll was conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute, which eerily sounds like the National Endowment for Democracy. NED “is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world.” But it is actually a front for an intelligence agency, the one that rhymes with ventral. So the fingerprints of a certain agency are all over that poll. But the results are not surprising nonetheless, given all that we have seen manufactured by the Zionist propaganda matrix.

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Dr.Who - Creating necessary illusions; manufacturing consent; deterring democracy - with apologies to Noam Chomsky - is what they are for.

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Not realizing that the globalist propaganda machine controls BOTH SIDES of just about any war you choose to name......... people thus manipulated by a concocted narrative are useful idiots

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You know nothing about how propaganda works. Nothing. I can see by your writing and your childlike ideas.

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I rest my case. The preponderance of people here swimming around in this particular propaganda bubble ARE being manipulated and played by a concocted narrative.

If you don't get it now, you eventually will....sooner or later. That is one symptom of having been propagandized: the loss of self awareness and a decreased ability to think critically about anything, so the only thing you can do is to hurl insults and, of course, regurgitate all the accepted talking points.......common to many ofthe influencer substack pundits commenting here.

More like a self congratulating and reinforced gathering of cult members rather than an open forum for rational discussion.

"FReedom fighters" .......computer warriors....

Sure you are

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