Even if post-1991 Russia really were guilty of everything it is accused of (it's not, but whatever, work with me, humans!), this would be a pimple on the ass of Yemen or Iraq alone.
The irony is that empire is a choice. The United States chooses empire, and others must take actions in response to that choice.
A falling tree makes more noise than a growing forest. – A Tibetan proverb
Let’s hope the silently growing forest represents a mass-awakening.
From the looks and evidence – ever more visible to even the ignorant – we are living in a Death Cult – a cabal-driven death cult, with a key objective to do away with: eliminate a large segment, if not the majority of the world population. https://www.globalresearch.ca/wef-who-they-running-death-cult/5804177
It almost looks like the "choice" to empire, as well as so many other choices the "empire" makes, are self-generating. How can a giant corporation become, in itself, psychopathic, even if some of the players in them are not psychopathic? That question bears answering, I think, if we are ever to find a way to stop many of the horrible things these corporations are doing.
Power is to sociopaths what catnip is to cats, what cocaine is to addicts. Not only does it attract the corruptible, power attracts precisely the sort of people who should not have it.
A heartfelt fuck you, Michael McFaul! You and your ugly ilk have wanted this war for more than three decades.
Hundreds of thousands were in the streets protesting in the first quarter of 2003 when we all saw the writing on the wall regarding the United States' intentions towards Iraq. Where were you then, huh?
......, and by the time it was Libya and Syria's turn the anti-war movement had been killed.
Exactly. Dumbo presided over both Libya and the start of Syria. That's when the humanitarian bombings began, and let's not forget the responsibility to protect (R2P).
humanitarian bombings goes back to Jugoslavia 1997 at least, if not earlier...Obama didn't invent much, because US presidents are actors performing a role scripted in Washington inelected bureacracies, agencies and think-thanks
US policies and activities have been remarkably consistent at least since the time of the Atlantic Charter (1941), when the US in effect took over the British Empire. Needless to say, all of its bombings have been "humanitarian."
The "dismal science," aka traditional economics, is a house of cards floating in some empty part of the skulls of all too many people. The "Federal Reserve Board" is neither federal nor reserve. It's a cabal of sneaky bastards controlling $$$ that even otherwise brilliant people think is real. Gold Bars on the Global Titanic aren't likely to be very helpful, neither are zeroes and ones in your computer "bank account."
But this will look like the Good Old Days when Centralized Banking Digital Currency, CBDC, rolls all the way out. Reason? It's rock solid foundation is raw unadultrated fascism, as per the greatest scumbags of the world.
Albert Einstein: Compound interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World. Me: CBDC is the Ninth Wonder of the World, that will make life not worth living.
Exactly! The not-so-federal Federal Reserve System was named so to give people the impression that the federal government was behind it, that the currency it issued was backed by a gold reserve, and finally a system is supposedly NOT a bank.
Elon Musk is doing everything he can to position himself better than Bill Gates with his patent 060606. Trans humanism, graphene (think MRNA) and 5G are also a part of this. I imagine when the chip is rolled out, the powers that shouldn't be can sit at a terminal and decide which computers will be rebooted, and which ones will simply be turned off.
Like you said: That will make life not worth living.
I'm ready to participate and volunteer my skills wherever they can be used. The initiation and organization of something like this is not my forte, but I'm certainly willing to give my time and effort if someone or some people who are good at those things come forward.
If Russians are responsible for their governments, we are responsible for ours. True, anyone who votes in an election is engaging and endorsing that very system. We will inevitably end up with the same blood on our hands. We are accountable. They rule by us (If you are a voter that is). That's Dumbocracy and Freedumb!
When the Capitol Hill 'rebels' went up with their placards and fake 'anger' to confront power..lol... they achieved nothing because they are in truth powerless like the Extinction Rebellion and the BLM and the rest of the peaceful 'protesters' through history. They are powerless for the reasons stated so well in this article.
It is only the threat of relentless and implacable violence that power understands. This is why we still have human wars...why Putin's dove like patience ran out of options and violence, the limited SMO, was the only thing left for him to to bring about negotiation and peace. It seems he misjudged the west and its ability to be reasonable and rational and now we have something more akin to a full war in Ukraine and maybe soon Europe (judging by Poland's desire to become NATO's next proxy). However, to become implacably and relentlessly violent one must give up the very humanity that causes you to feel enraged at the injustice and corruption of power. By this process we (as humans) invariably become the very thing we hate.
If Americans with all their weapons and their beloved second amendment (put in place to defend the nation from tyranny i.e. 'The right to bear arms shall not be infringed' in order to defend the 'Free State' and can't find it in themselves to march on the tyrants with their ample weaponry, it means in effect all they are doing is feigning protest. But also by seeking power to overthrow power we become power and it 'does belong to man to direct his own steps'. We are not designed to rule over each other.
We can enjoy the echo chambers of outrage as long as we might and change nothing. You can't find the solution if you are still part of the problem. Seeking to 'take control' 'change the system' is nothing but more of the same.
To be part of the solution we need to know what the solution is. This is where politicians always score over protesters...what do you want? How can it be done? Are these solutions or just new problems?
Perhaps the solution lies somewhere else entirely.
Not voting at all is exactly what the military, industrial and political complex wants you to do. Neuter yourselves.
Instead, citizens need to vote for new candidates with a new humanitarian ideology. Will that happen in one of the most psychologically and politically controlled countries in the world?
I understand this reasoning. But as implicit in your answer and many articles by Caitlin Johnstone, the whole system is gamed to make sure if you vote or if you don't vote you will get the same outcome.
I have watched Britain vote in and out governments all my life and yet each of these governments represent the exact same interests which shall not be challenged; NATO, US hegemony, Petro-chemical interests, big Pharma etc. Why is this system so unbreakable? I believe it is an inherently spiritual problem.
If my livelihood relies on the arms industry and I am talking about workers in a factory making weaponry (Knowing my work will maim or kill people) will I give it up? Can I? If my wage is derived from tobacco products (that will give people cancer) will I give that up? Most people will answer no.
They may reason it is the government's responsibility to provide alternatives, a government that is equally beholden to the revenues and the benefits from those industries and so it goes on. Who would make that change? Only someone who has come to the realisation of what they are doing and its consequences as wrong and they must take responsibility as an individual to act on a troubled conscience enough to walk away.
Who determines that making weapons and cigarettes is wrong? What is the standard to which we may all agree, because that is the only way we can be saved from ourselves and our destructive behaviour.
What is humanity without God? Without God what is morality? (I am not talking about religion and its terrible hypocritical record here) What defines yours or my humanity? Is there a standard to which all can and will adhere?
The criticisms are clear and easy to point out. The human solutions elude us or are unrealistic, impractical or just plain wishful thinking. Unless there is a God and we can appeal to that superior authority. If not, we must accept the futility of man doing the same thing over and over again (6000 years of human history repeating) and each time expecting a different outcome; which was Einstein's definition of insanity. But whereas cave men had clubs and spears we now have human extinction weapons.
'...so that they would seek God, if they might reach for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.' Acts 17:27
It feels like we are not so far removed from a quasi- consensus that our government(s) are legitimate. The simple idea that has been parroted and sold as a self-evident truth, that taxes are bad, that lowering taxes is good, that everyone wins...this was the ultimate sellout of the old, pre-Clinton DP, and the complicity of a purchased and owned SCOTUS.
Clinton obliterated any possibility of the DP ever reclaiming its root issues, so here we are, unrepresented, angry and ever more inclined to be wowed by empty lies. If we don’t commit to small steps, local involvement and a long-game, collective approach, I think we wait for the next huckster, or an economic collapse that will devastate all but the top 1% of the top 1%. Doing something small now > waiting for something big.
This is all true but I think we need to talk about the mechanism. It isn't that Americans are pushing one war after another because we think we'll get rich, or that all the problems Caitlin mentions are worsening because Americans or others are being enriched. Rather a tiny percentage are being enriched--and they're the ones with power, because under capitalism, money is power. Those with the mental illness that makes them crave ever more wealth, once they get beyond the level where they could spend it all, use some of the extra wealth to influence politics, primarily to ensure that the flow of ever more wealth into their hands is unimpeded.
So we have a political system where decision are made by elected "representatives"--but they get elected by spending lots of money on campaigns, and they get the money from special interests, which after the election want payback in the form of special favors. This is how it works, and you can blame the voters for electing these sociopathic monsters, when they could instead have voted for--the other sociopathic monsters. There are lots of ways this system could be fixed but the Supreme Court in the US has blocked them, and I'm sure there are similar reasons other countries work basically the same way--maybe not quite as marinated in corruption as the US but bad enough to provide no challenge to the stinking, ecocidal, rapacious system. We could rise up to force change, but we don't, because as Caitlin so tirelessly says--and yet not enough!--WHO CONTROLS THE NARRATIVE CONTROLS THE WORLD. That is the key.
When I see posts like this, I like to remind everyone that China publicly executes its corrupt Oligarchs. Russia seems to just make them disappear. America assassinates political leaders that stand against the Oligarchy.
I agree and my own country , the UK, is no better. Their governments use the media to conceal from their people the real aims, which is usually money or power.
The reach of post-truth media is not what they are getting you to think it is. CNN 2023 viewership was down a whopping 33%. Joe Rogan gets 16 times more viewers than does CNN.
I dunno, Rogan was all a gaga over some guy saying that China was on the verge of falling apart. Evidence that Peter Zeihan was just spouting the story that the Oligarchy wanted to hear was ignored.
Rogan isn't God.
He just knows how to coo and woo at the right time. Alex Jones in drag so to speak.
I don't listen to Joe Rogan and have little to no idea what he says or thinks. The point is that an outsider is far more popular than the insiders. This tells us something.
I sincerely doubt that the folks who protested against the war believe what you're accusing them of. No one pay attention to W. any longer other than to laugh at him and hiss at Obama.
There were people at the SF protest mooning the crowds out of their apartment windows.
Yes, the political environment in the US is awful. But that doesn't mean everyone has been turned into a Zombie.
You have a point. Before the Iraq war I saw seas of people protesting in San Francisco. Not just one protest, weekend after weekend. Enough people that wall to wall people took 4 hours to walk two miles from The Embarcadaro to the Civic Center. I knew that NY, DC and LA all had equally as many people, for each of the many protests. It seemed like there were enough aware people that no one could stop their intent. Then I'd get home and the media made it seem like a couple thousand of people who were destroying store fronts were there.
Our media is so controlled It might be that no matter if every one of the people don't want what's happening it will still look like they are a minority.
80+ million Americans protested against the ongoing injectable bioweapons' genocide and the "Experimental Countermeasures" continue as if nothing has happened..
Helicopter carrying Ukrainian Interior Minister (head of the Azov, which is under the Interior Ministry) & his Deputy, aides, shot down by U.S. Stinger missile over Kiev, crashes & hits busy daycare, killing kids - The Dreizin Report
There are potential solutions to today's insatiable profit-dominated oligarchy, but these solutions must organically build into a counter force capable of surviving long enough to challenge extant power.
- Utopian grand designs can't work
- Every step from A (now) to Z (the better future) needs to be described
- Being right doesn't mean being heard
- Path of least resistance is the prime directive of 90% of human beings
Your noting about how many in the USA believe that China wants to invade this country was quite interesting. It reminds me of the talk of "Who lost China," "Who lost Iran," Who lost Iraq," and "Who lost Afghanistan" questions and rhetoric. The fact remains that the United States still behaves as a "genocidal - enslaving" nation. There are numerous individuals who oppose this mentality, but it has deep roots.
In that light, also, maybe the term colonizer, and colonized needs to be "enslaver," and "enslaved?" This is my own personal thoughts, ones that have been percolating for quite some time.
As you note, military aggression wins out over peace, given the simple fact that the military industrial complex (MIC) runs the USA, and has for generations. The MIC has always been there, just in different forms. Smedley Butler noted that "war is a racket" and that the profits were measured in dollars and cents, and the losses in blood - lost lives and broken and lost limbs. A recent book "Gangster Capitalism" published in the past couple of years really shows how bad the corporate interests have been, including the MIC.
This piece is chock-full of wisdom and wake-up calls! It is also beautifully written. Thank you, Caitlin, for doing this service and protecting my sanity.
So sickening - the calls encouraging Russian anti-war protests are coming from the same people and institutions that crushed authentic US domestic protests, like Occupy Wall Street or co-opted one, like BLM
He is exactly an American that is responsible for being the most violent and destructive nation on earth.
We don't even need to "overthrow" the government. All we need is for the masses to be aware of who we are and what we're doing. We could start by having a military expenditure that's not bleeding us and the world around us dry.
Good points. Particularly your last, "In what court will the crime be judged? An "International People's Court"? With this, how does one arrive at the definition of criminality? Who will prosecute the charges - crimes? In what type of criminal - justice system?
Even if post-1991 Russia really were guilty of everything it is accused of (it's not, but whatever, work with me, humans!), this would be a pimple on the ass of Yemen or Iraq alone.
The irony is that empire is a choice. The United States chooses empire, and others must take actions in response to that choice.
War Is Freedom
Slavery Is Peace
Ignorance Is Strength
A falling tree makes more noise than a growing forest. – A Tibetan proverb
Let’s hope the silently growing forest represents a mass-awakening.
From the looks and evidence – ever more visible to even the ignorant – we are living in a Death Cult – a cabal-driven death cult, with a key objective to do away with: eliminate a large segment, if not the majority of the world population. https://www.globalresearch.ca/wef-who-they-running-death-cult/5804177
It almost looks like the "choice" to empire, as well as so many other choices the "empire" makes, are self-generating. How can a giant corporation become, in itself, psychopathic, even if some of the players in them are not psychopathic? That question bears answering, I think, if we are ever to find a way to stop many of the horrible things these corporations are doing.
Power is to sociopaths what catnip is to cats, what cocaine is to addicts. Not only does it attract the corruptible, power attracts precisely the sort of people who should not have it.
This is the kernel of The Iron Law Of Oligarchy.
A heartfelt fuck you, Michael McFaul! You and your ugly ilk have wanted this war for more than three decades.
Hundreds of thousands were in the streets protesting in the first quarter of 2003 when we all saw the writing on the wall regarding the United States' intentions towards Iraq. Where were you then, huh?
......, and by the time it was Libya and Syria's turn the anti-war movement had been killed.
Obama did more to neuter the antiwar movement than anything Bush or Cheney ever could have done.
Exactly. Dumbo presided over both Libya and the start of Syria. That's when the humanitarian bombings began, and let's not forget the responsibility to protect (R2P).
humanitarian bombings goes back to Jugoslavia 1997 at least, if not earlier...Obama didn't invent much, because US presidents are actors performing a role scripted in Washington inelected bureacracies, agencies and think-thanks
US policies and activities have been remarkably consistent at least since the time of the Atlantic Charter (1941), when the US in effect took over the British Empire. Needless to say, all of its bombings have been "humanitarian."
Thanks for the lesson in how US politics don't work.
The "dismal science," aka traditional economics, is a house of cards floating in some empty part of the skulls of all too many people. The "Federal Reserve Board" is neither federal nor reserve. It's a cabal of sneaky bastards controlling $$$ that even otherwise brilliant people think is real. Gold Bars on the Global Titanic aren't likely to be very helpful, neither are zeroes and ones in your computer "bank account."
But this will look like the Good Old Days when Centralized Banking Digital Currency, CBDC, rolls all the way out. Reason? It's rock solid foundation is raw unadultrated fascism, as per the greatest scumbags of the world.
Albert Einstein: Compound interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World. Me: CBDC is the Ninth Wonder of the World, that will make life not worth living.
Exactly! The not-so-federal Federal Reserve System was named so to give people the impression that the federal government was behind it, that the currency it issued was backed by a gold reserve, and finally a system is supposedly NOT a bank.
Elon Musk is doing everything he can to position himself better than Bill Gates with his patent 060606. Trans humanism, graphene (think MRNA) and 5G are also a part of this. I imagine when the chip is rolled out, the powers that shouldn't be can sit at a terminal and decide which computers will be rebooted, and which ones will simply be turned off.
Like you said: That will make life not worth living.
R2P as an excuse to make war goes back at least to the War On Serbia.
"humanitarian bombings"
Bombs Away, but we're OK!
He signed the NDAA and started the drone program. That was the beginning of a whole new level of ugliness of war.
"YES, WE CAN!", hope and change, my ass.
"It is easier to fool a man than it is to convince him he has been fooled."
- Mark Twain -
If only that were all of the evil that Obama wrought.
So that's where the antiwar movement went!
I'm ready to participate and volunteer my skills wherever they can be used. The initiation and organization of something like this is not my forte, but I'm certainly willing to give my time and effort if someone or some people who are good at those things come forward.
If Russians are responsible for their governments, we are responsible for ours. True, anyone who votes in an election is engaging and endorsing that very system. We will inevitably end up with the same blood on our hands. We are accountable. They rule by us (If you are a voter that is). That's Dumbocracy and Freedumb!
When the Capitol Hill 'rebels' went up with their placards and fake 'anger' to confront power..lol... they achieved nothing because they are in truth powerless like the Extinction Rebellion and the BLM and the rest of the peaceful 'protesters' through history. They are powerless for the reasons stated so well in this article.
It is only the threat of relentless and implacable violence that power understands. This is why we still have human wars...why Putin's dove like patience ran out of options and violence, the limited SMO, was the only thing left for him to to bring about negotiation and peace. It seems he misjudged the west and its ability to be reasonable and rational and now we have something more akin to a full war in Ukraine and maybe soon Europe (judging by Poland's desire to become NATO's next proxy). However, to become implacably and relentlessly violent one must give up the very humanity that causes you to feel enraged at the injustice and corruption of power. By this process we (as humans) invariably become the very thing we hate.
If Americans with all their weapons and their beloved second amendment (put in place to defend the nation from tyranny i.e. 'The right to bear arms shall not be infringed' in order to defend the 'Free State' and can't find it in themselves to march on the tyrants with their ample weaponry, it means in effect all they are doing is feigning protest. But also by seeking power to overthrow power we become power and it 'does belong to man to direct his own steps'. We are not designed to rule over each other.
We can enjoy the echo chambers of outrage as long as we might and change nothing. You can't find the solution if you are still part of the problem. Seeking to 'take control' 'change the system' is nothing but more of the same.
To be part of the solution we need to know what the solution is. This is where politicians always score over protesters...what do you want? How can it be done? Are these solutions or just new problems?
Perhaps the solution lies somewhere else entirely.
Not voting at all is exactly what the military, industrial and political complex wants you to do. Neuter yourselves.
Instead, citizens need to vote for new candidates with a new humanitarian ideology. Will that happen in one of the most psychologically and politically controlled countries in the world?
I understand this reasoning. But as implicit in your answer and many articles by Caitlin Johnstone, the whole system is gamed to make sure if you vote or if you don't vote you will get the same outcome.
I have watched Britain vote in and out governments all my life and yet each of these governments represent the exact same interests which shall not be challenged; NATO, US hegemony, Petro-chemical interests, big Pharma etc. Why is this system so unbreakable? I believe it is an inherently spiritual problem.
If my livelihood relies on the arms industry and I am talking about workers in a factory making weaponry (Knowing my work will maim or kill people) will I give it up? Can I? If my wage is derived from tobacco products (that will give people cancer) will I give that up? Most people will answer no.
They may reason it is the government's responsibility to provide alternatives, a government that is equally beholden to the revenues and the benefits from those industries and so it goes on. Who would make that change? Only someone who has come to the realisation of what they are doing and its consequences as wrong and they must take responsibility as an individual to act on a troubled conscience enough to walk away.
Who determines that making weapons and cigarettes is wrong? What is the standard to which we may all agree, because that is the only way we can be saved from ourselves and our destructive behaviour.
What is humanity without God? Without God what is morality? (I am not talking about religion and its terrible hypocritical record here) What defines yours or my humanity? Is there a standard to which all can and will adhere?
The criticisms are clear and easy to point out. The human solutions elude us or are unrealistic, impractical or just plain wishful thinking. Unless there is a God and we can appeal to that superior authority. If not, we must accept the futility of man doing the same thing over and over again (6000 years of human history repeating) and each time expecting a different outcome; which was Einstein's definition of insanity. But whereas cave men had clubs and spears we now have human extinction weapons.
'...so that they would seek God, if they might reach for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.' Acts 17:27
Is it time to reach out?
It feels like we are not so far removed from a quasi- consensus that our government(s) are legitimate. The simple idea that has been parroted and sold as a self-evident truth, that taxes are bad, that lowering taxes is good, that everyone wins...this was the ultimate sellout of the old, pre-Clinton DP, and the complicity of a purchased and owned SCOTUS.
Clinton obliterated any possibility of the DP ever reclaiming its root issues, so here we are, unrepresented, angry and ever more inclined to be wowed by empty lies. If we don’t commit to small steps, local involvement and a long-game, collective approach, I think we wait for the next huckster, or an economic collapse that will devastate all but the top 1% of the top 1%. Doing something small now > waiting for something big.
Your comment is simply excellent... Regards!
This is all true but I think we need to talk about the mechanism. It isn't that Americans are pushing one war after another because we think we'll get rich, or that all the problems Caitlin mentions are worsening because Americans or others are being enriched. Rather a tiny percentage are being enriched--and they're the ones with power, because under capitalism, money is power. Those with the mental illness that makes them crave ever more wealth, once they get beyond the level where they could spend it all, use some of the extra wealth to influence politics, primarily to ensure that the flow of ever more wealth into their hands is unimpeded.
So we have a political system where decision are made by elected "representatives"--but they get elected by spending lots of money on campaigns, and they get the money from special interests, which after the election want payback in the form of special favors. This is how it works, and you can blame the voters for electing these sociopathic monsters, when they could instead have voted for--the other sociopathic monsters. There are lots of ways this system could be fixed but the Supreme Court in the US has blocked them, and I'm sure there are similar reasons other countries work basically the same way--maybe not quite as marinated in corruption as the US but bad enough to provide no challenge to the stinking, ecocidal, rapacious system. We could rise up to force change, but we don't, because as Caitlin so tirelessly says--and yet not enough!--WHO CONTROLS THE NARRATIVE CONTROLS THE WORLD. That is the key.
When I see posts like this, I like to remind everyone that China publicly executes its corrupt Oligarchs. Russia seems to just make them disappear. America assassinates political leaders that stand against the Oligarchy.
And all three are totalitarian.
Unless people wake up.
I agree and my own country , the UK, is no better. Their governments use the media to conceal from their people the real aims, which is usually money or power.
Destroying the world is profitable, so that's what They are doing.
If 100,000s of Americans protested our wars would they end?
Ha ha ha.
How about millions?
No dice, say I.
I remember there being over 100,000 alone in San Francisco before W. went into Iraq again.
I remember we used to have a local protest that gathered thousands in our small community.
Then the reality of what happened in 2016 followed by 2020 and we just walked away.
Those same people and their offspring now support wars led by democrat administrations and now think George Bush is a cuddly grandpa figure
The reach of post-truth media is not what they are getting you to think it is. CNN 2023 viewership was down a whopping 33%. Joe Rogan gets 16 times more viewers than does CNN.
I dunno, Rogan was all a gaga over some guy saying that China was on the verge of falling apart. Evidence that Peter Zeihan was just spouting the story that the Oligarchy wanted to hear was ignored.
Rogan isn't God.
He just knows how to coo and woo at the right time. Alex Jones in drag so to speak.
I don't listen to Joe Rogan and have little to no idea what he says or thinks. The point is that an outsider is far more popular than the insiders. This tells us something.
I sincerely doubt that the folks who protested against the war believe what you're accusing them of. No one pay attention to W. any longer other than to laugh at him and hiss at Obama.
There were people at the SF protest mooning the crowds out of their apartment windows.
Yes, the political environment in the US is awful. But that doesn't mean everyone has been turned into a Zombie.
You have a point. Before the Iraq war I saw seas of people protesting in San Francisco. Not just one protest, weekend after weekend. Enough people that wall to wall people took 4 hours to walk two miles from The Embarcadaro to the Civic Center. I knew that NY, DC and LA all had equally as many people, for each of the many protests. It seemed like there were enough aware people that no one could stop their intent. Then I'd get home and the media made it seem like a couple thousand of people who were destroying store fronts were there.
Our media is so controlled It might be that no matter if every one of the people don't want what's happening it will still look like they are a minority.
80+ million Americans protested against the ongoing injectable bioweapons' genocide and the "Experimental Countermeasures" continue as if nothing has happened..
Thank you and -- and Ukraine update:
Helicopter carrying Ukrainian Interior Minister (head of the Azov, which is under the Interior Ministry) & his Deputy, aides, shot down by U.S. Stinger missile over Kiev, crashes & hits busy daycare, killing kids - The Dreizin Report
Very sad about kids
There are potential solutions to today's insatiable profit-dominated oligarchy, but these solutions must organically build into a counter force capable of surviving long enough to challenge extant power.
- Utopian grand designs can't work
- Every step from A (now) to Z (the better future) needs to be described
- Being right doesn't mean being heard
- Path of least resistance is the prime directive of 90% of human beings
- There's no shame in boxed wine
That last point - if it indeed stays good longer once opened, then I'm on board.
Thank you for your writing. Excellent work.
Your noting about how many in the USA believe that China wants to invade this country was quite interesting. It reminds me of the talk of "Who lost China," "Who lost Iran," Who lost Iraq," and "Who lost Afghanistan" questions and rhetoric. The fact remains that the United States still behaves as a "genocidal - enslaving" nation. There are numerous individuals who oppose this mentality, but it has deep roots.
In that light, also, maybe the term colonizer, and colonized needs to be "enslaver," and "enslaved?" This is my own personal thoughts, ones that have been percolating for quite some time.
As you note, military aggression wins out over peace, given the simple fact that the military industrial complex (MIC) runs the USA, and has for generations. The MIC has always been there, just in different forms. Smedley Butler noted that "war is a racket" and that the profits were measured in dollars and cents, and the losses in blood - lost lives and broken and lost limbs. A recent book "Gangster Capitalism" published in the past couple of years really shows how bad the corporate interests have been, including the MIC.
Again, thank you for your work.
This piece is chock-full of wisdom and wake-up calls! It is also beautifully written. Thank you, Caitlin, for doing this service and protecting my sanity.
The capitalist system not only fails to SOLVE problems, it CREATES the problems!
So sickening - the calls encouraging Russian anti-war protests are coming from the same people and institutions that crushed authentic US domestic protests, like Occupy Wall Street or co-opted one, like BLM
"moral obligation to overthrow their government".
He is exactly an American that is responsible for being the most violent and destructive nation on earth.
We don't even need to "overthrow" the government. All we need is for the masses to be aware of who we are and what we're doing. We could start by having a military expenditure that's not bleeding us and the world around us dry.
Michael McFaul - LOL
They don't even hear themselves or see that they are implicating us in their implication of others.
I'm curious.
profit-seeking vs rent-seeking
Are they the same thing?
Is one moral and the other not?
Michael Hudson's definition means rent-seeking is surely immoral.
Caitlin's implied definition means profit-seeking is also immoral.
Does that make business immoral?
Does that mean any exchange of money is immoral?
Are we making noises that seem meaningful to ourselves but which have a different meaning (or no meaning) to others?
Can we be guilty if we don't know what the crime is?
Or is this a "know it when I see it" kind of thing? Where I see it one way and you another?
Are Americans guilty of the crimes committed by their elected leaders even if they didn't vote in the last election? Last 2 elections? Never voted?
Or are they serfs with no control over the Oligarchy?
In what court will the crime be judged? An "International People's Court"?
Good points. Particularly your last, "In what court will the crime be judged? An "International People's Court"? With this, how does one arrive at the definition of criminality? Who will prosecute the charges - crimes? In what type of criminal - justice system?
Again, good points.
It does not have to be either profit seeking or rent seeking to limit the power of BIG business and BIG government.