Abortion is a brutal procedure. And there is no explicit right in the Constitution protecting it. The decision should be up to the people, that is, the States.

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U.S. sanctions around the world starving and killing men, women and children.

From fair.org -- Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

—60 Minutes (5/12/96)

….and where are the complaints or protests from these Catholics on those evil actions?

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Dear Caitlin, I love your newsletter. I'm obsessed with your intense, eye-opening, sometimes terrifying takes on things — war stuff, government corruption and evil — which before this year I did not think I could possibly be interested in. You, Mike Cernovich, and Glenn Greenwald are tied as my three favorite people online. I'm writing this to you because I like you so much! Also I'm not very active on social media, so maybe I am just using this as my outlet to vent. Sorry not sorry!

What I saw happen today was that a shoddy and overreaching precedent was rightly disposed of (just as we eventually disposed of some other insane decisions that our freaky SCOTUS gave us over the years). Now a healthy (and probably long and ugly) debate can ensue about what limits and laws we the people can compromise on.

I admit to a certain callousness and a blind spot, as I don’t personally know any women who have been in that abusive situation you describe — where they need an abortion for their own safety from their partner. My heart would break if I did know that person and I would do everything I could to help her, but there are still other solutions than abortion. Perhaps none of them are easy peasy lemon squeezy, but life isn't easy. Saving a life is worth sacrifice. (Plus, if they are in abusive relationships it sounds like their life is not all that easy anyway...?) I would also argue that making the decision to have the baby and protect it from their abusive dude might be the impetus they needed to escape their bad situation. A net good after a huge initial hardship. I'm not minimizing how difficult that would be, but just because something is really really difficult doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.

On the flip side, I suspect it’s equally, if not more common for women to be pressured by boyfriends and husbands and families to have abortions. Abortions they would not have chosen if they felt they had true freedom to decide. These women are not free. They do not have a “choice” (in their mind.) They “choose” abortions because they feel force and pressure from their loved ones, with the weight of the whole of society backing it up and bearing down on them. I have been tempted to have an abortion myself, simply to avoid embarrassment! That's how pervasive the culture of death is (and how weak and insecure I am, but that's another story) — that I would think of ending a human life, that I myself helped create, just to save myself some trouble in telling my family I had a one-night-stand.

Being pro-life 100%, I will never feel at peace until there are no abortions, no death penalties, etc. … but I can at least be ok at the civil level with the limits Americans decide on for abortion. What was never ok was that a group of old '70s dudes with a god complex passed legislation from the bench that took away our right to hash out our own laws on this issue.

Further note: watch Dave Portnoy’s video denouncing the overturn. What a true feminist that man is. I couldn’t help but think “Now there’s a guy with a conflict of interest…" Of course HE wants ladies to be able to have all the abortions they want.

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I think the rationale for striking down Roe v Wade was a legal/constitutional one (as I understand it from the other side of the pond.) The constitution does not provide a legal right to abortion any more than any other medical procedure and so it cannot stand. No other country attempts to embed it in this way as a right and seem to manage perfectly well. It does not prevent women having abortions. Federally a law could be brought in to make terminations illegal after a certain duration but whether a termination is appropriate is a matter for clinicians etc. Perhaps this will allow the horribly polarosed debate to arrive at a comprpmise. Irreconcilable absolutists on both ends should accept this as adults in a polity. What is notable is that RvW was a money spinner for the Dems; millions of dollars of donations exclusively to them via RvW based Planned Parenthood now cut off. Follow the money.

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I used to support you Caitlin however this is a very poor and low consciousness bad analogy. It has nothing to do with Jesus as you suggest.

"I wanted to meet my biological mother mostly to see if she was OK and to thank her, because I'm glad I didn't end up as an abortion. She was twenty-three and she went through a lot to have me."

Steve Jobs.

The world would be very different if Jobs was an abortion. Gates admitted to copying the Macintosh substantially for his coders to create Windows. There would be no iPhone and likely no Android. The Google head Eric was on the Apple board and got all his inspiration from Apple. Job's children would never have been born. I think they are glad they were born. And so on...

You know what drives the abortion trade? Super valuable parts like stem cells from the fetuses that you can't get easily from anywhere else. The longer the age of the child in utero the more valuable the harvest! Hence laws changing on that in the past decade or so.

My choice my body works ethically on DNA/mRNA new tech jabs as it's an assault on one's own body if mandatory to hold a job and live.

My choice my body doesn't work ethically in regards to abortion as the child is a sentient being created by both the father's seed and the mother's egg residing temporarily in the mother's body and it's an assault on the child. The mother didn’t create this child on her own. Get the child's signature and permission before you proceed thanks!

Are there any other men here who have found out later that a WoWman terminated your child without even telling you she was pregnant and you would have happily cared for the child, no child support needed or demanded? If you take the D, a creative act, be prepared for the consequences. Even using contraceptives they are at best 97% effective which means 34 lovemaking sessions = one baby. I have been known to complete 6 lovemaking sessions a day. Obviously, the woman needs to be ovulating.

I admit rape and other medical issues bring up other ethical and psychological concerns. I am talking about a child made in Love.

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SEX = CHILDREN. If you can't prevent pregnancy with birth control that's available, you are too irresponsible to be having sex in the first place

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What right does any man or group of men...or women...have to be placed in a position to ever judge or decide on any aspect of another woman's life? A person's life is surely their responsibility alone except in the case of a crime. How is abortion a crime if it is a decision made by a woman about her own body and her interest or willingness to proceed with an unwanted birth?

I consider it is the greatest injustice in the world today that any person anywhere can determine what happens to a woman's body. Where is the male equivalent I ask? Why hasn't there ever been any legislation preventing men from having any form of relationship with a woman without the risk of serious penalties should the woman fail pregnant. It takes two to tango. Equal responsibility is fair.

Let us see that responsibility shared.

As a crime it would vanish overnight.

And as for giving governments such authority, government's populated by arch conservatives or fanatical religious people, trying to force their outdated thinking on others, nothing could be more outdated than that.

How medieval.

It is an absolute outrage. Always has been in my book.

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I really see this an inability to clearly define the difference between self (own body) and not self ( child’s body).

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The West is sliding off the edge of the flat earth again.

I’m in the West and I couldn’t care less about it. Nothing one can do. No Wisdom of the West is seen as described by Bertram Russell in his book.

Waking up time is here for the rest of the world. its exciting and full of promise by their actions.

Who would of thought Mexico would lecture the President of America to release Julian Assange and be sensible.

It’s hilarious.

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"Bad guys conscript young people and force them to kill and be killed against their will. Nice guys impoverish young people so they have to enlist on their own to get money.'

And rich old white men take away women's rights to abortion to control them and keep them in low paying jobs in order to feed the myriad of unwanted children fathered by sicko rich old white men like Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, and company. Future wage slaves for those who wished they could have been slave owners.

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Moore v. City of East Cleveland says you have a constitutional right to live with your relatives, Thomas wants that gone. Pierce v. Society of Sisters goes back to the 20s says you have a right to raise your own children, Thomas wants that gone. This is an attack on the family. Lawrence v. Texas protects same sex conduct, Thomas has that in his crosshairs. There are a dozen or more cases like that. If it's not enumerated explicitly in the constitution, Thomas et al think it's not constitutional. Let's all go back to the signing of the constitution in 1786, shall we? These are interpretations of the guarantee of "Liberty" in the 14th and 5th Amendments. The Dobbs decision is much larger than you realize, things are going to get much worse. It's a Trojan Horse for the Right that want abortion gone because it signals a siesmic shift in other things they take for granted they don't realize is happening.

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"Easy access to safe abortions makes women much more free from male domination. It just does. And that's exactly why it is opposed." No, that's not why abortion is opposed. In fact, many women support the decision. I'm not saying I support it; that's just the way it is, and progress will not be made by setting female against male. The issue festered so long because, "As long as the powerful can make the public fight over issues which don't inconvenience power, public attention can be kept away from issues which do inconvenience power."

I agree with most of the rest of your analysis.

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Remember how MOVE got their entire neighborhood in Philly firebombed from the air by the FBI? Remember how the FBI massacred Bobby Seale in Chicago to stop the Black Panthers Movement? Man, where you been? It's like trying to kill an elephant with a pea shooter. Only the pen is mightier than the sword, if it's used right. But I agree our options have severely narrowed and nothing will work anymore.

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Sadly the propaganda works a treat. My wife is Jewish and she believes that Putin is the devil and that the whole situation is his fault. She would not watch or listen to for instance Prof. Mersheimers talk about the prelude to the war in Ukraine nor would she read about the lies that were spread from the Ukrainian side about the supposed atrocities committed by Russian soldiers that were complete imaginations.

People need to understand that the public is being manipulated for at least the last 100 years. But most have no clue and will not take a second to think about it.

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Civil Liberty: Other people’s bodies are nobody’s business but their own.

On the other hand, the ancient “privileges” of chattel law, adored by the bureaucratic church (and inverted by so many faithless) represent a, if not the, most remarkable (and unconstitutional) conflation of church and state. ~C.G.

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Guess who else is Catholic? Biden. Pelosi. Gates, Fauci, a short list of Jesuits, too.

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