Julian Assange's extradition would simply be the Death Blow to whatever illusions Non-westerners may still foolishly hold onto regarding 'Press freedom' in the Empire of Lies & its vassals.

Given the Demonic nature of his enemies & their Determination to Sacrifice him, his fate will be quite Grim. They wish to make an example of him & Brutalize him for all to see & take heed:

Namely 'This is what happens to critics of the Regime.' Such is the 'Free & Democratic' West!

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The US has been having a huge temper tantrum ever since their atrocities have been exposed by wikileaks. I really hope that somehow he does not get extradited, "given the Demonic nature of his enemies"

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He’s already in a bad spot. England and it’s elites are on the same team as US elites. Extradition won’t matter

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Possibly, but the US seems to be especially out for blood in this situation. The UK may not have the gumption to refuse extradition.

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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Not really. The West is rich and at relative peace. Humans like the goodies.

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My friend, I just had this debate with an old friend. His statement, when I said vote NO on Genocide Joe, he said "People in the u.s. are living well, 3% unemployment, they have things, so much food they ride in wheel chairs" I said, long term unemployment is 8% because if you knew they no longer count you after 6 mo. when the money stops. People of the u.s. have the greatest % debt to income in the history of the country. The u.s. annual debt is 2 TRILLION and the interest on that 34 TRILL will be 1 TRILLION next year. At 25% of income a bank would no longer lead at average rates. He said "it's the dollar we can print" I said " That was partly true before the dollar was made a weapon" . End Stage Capitalism demands it.

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Even taking all that as granted, humans are not exactly great at long-term thinking. Even cats fail at it.

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Never, Feral!


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I try to call things as they are.

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Jan 26, 2024
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No, it doesn't - it's not even in the Top 10.

Some fact checking for you:

(1) World Bank Gini Index (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI?view=map)

(2) https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/wealth-inequality-by-country

There are dozens of other resources, sites, books, research, statistics, etc. that contradict what you say.

Please make an effort to verify your statistics, as forming opinions on incorrect assumptions will cause you to form distorted perceptions of the world.

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A clarification: The West is not rich - the "elites" of the West are rich. When it comes to people - the ordinary people in the US suffer similarly to the common people in other countries (though in different ways with respect to a particular nation's socio-economic conditions, cultures and relationships).

Agree with you on the "relative peace" part.

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I would say that the average frustrated American is still better off than his average frustrated non-Western counterpart (there is a reason that so many still try to get in, and it's not the O Say Can You See bullshit), but that the American's real standard of living is falling rapidly, relatively.

Certainly, the elites live lives of sybaritic luxury. Even a Roman Emperor ddn't have Alka Seltzer for his headache., much less a private jet

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The issue with making cross-nation comparisons is that it doesn't reflect the reality of experiences felt by the people of said nation.

As an example:

- A poor person in America (homeless, unemployed, rejected by society, suffering from hunger, etc.) is not going to feel "less" frustrated than a poor person in let's say India, or Vietnam, (or where ever else) that is experiencing the same effects of poverty.

I belive such comparisons should be made within the confines of a country rather than cross-country. One reason for comparing cross-countries is unhelpful and counterproductive is that some people DO use such "statistics" to say - "see - you think you have it bad in America - but you don't - look at how people in so and so country live. On the basis of that, you deserve even less support since you are better off than the poor in 'x' or 'y' country".

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Being poor is a different experience in different cultures and countries. For example, poor people in the US, such as the homeless, suffer not just the impact of poverty, but also often moral judgment, persecution and even rejection by their own families, which can be as painful as hunger itself. In many other countries, including Gaza, the poor still have the love of family. So it may be worse being poor in the US than elsewhere.

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I understand what you are saying, but there is a reason that people from around the world flock to the US, and it's not as if the life of an illegal in the US is any bed of roses. For that matter, people get deported from the US (or leave) and then come back - it's a common occurrence.

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There are many reasons people come to the US. There are also many reasons people come to Canada, Australia, UK, and other "Western" countries. All these people have their own assumptions, illusions, opinions, biases, and other factors that play into their decisions to come to such countries.

Many people come to the US under false perceptions of the country, and are often unaware of the realities of the US.

Another reason people come to the US: to escape the persecution in their own countries. And most of the people that currently come to the US are from Latin American countries escaping the consequences of the havoc caused on these countries by the US Empire's imperialism, neo-colonialism, and neo-liberal policies. If these people had another country that they could go to, they might (example: people from Africa and Middle-East land up going to Europe more than America).

So there is a huge geographical component to "why people are coming to the US". Also, one has to evaluate the "quality" or "socio-economic" standing of the people coming into the US (or in Marxist terms the classs-structure of such people).

Some references:

(1) https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/why-people-migrate-11-surprising-reasons/

(2) Pew Research Center: Facts on US immigrants, 2018: (https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2020/08/20/facts-on-u-s-immigrants/)

(3) A somewhat older (but still interesting) report: Rise, Peak and Decline: Trends in U.S. Immigration 1992 – 2004 (https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2005/09/27/rise-peak-and-decline-trends-in-us-immigration-1992-2004/)

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That always brings up the question in my mind; how can the number one debtor nation keeping skating along before it doesn’t? Other than the privileged population and who listens to an echo chamber, the numbers don’t look that great. As the great Orange overlord always says; “We’ll see what happens!”

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A good question. Things that cannot go on forever typically don't.

That said, I suspect that the answer is "longer than you think" as long as American military might continues and you only can buy oil for dollars on international markets.

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"The less seeing there is, the more abusiveness is possible; the more seen things become, the closer we get to freedom."

You are a "prophet", Caitlin. You are making the hidden "seen" through your words and are bringing us all closer to freedom with every post. You are inspiring us all to not close our eyes and blindly except the US government's "official narrative" (a.k.a. propaganda). For our heresy to dare share the truth we must all be abused and maligned, but we are strong and growing stronger by the day. We shall prevail and Julian Assange will be free, Palestine will be free, and our conscience and consciousness will be forever free.

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Jan 26, 2024
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Capitalists are the world's biggest problem, yes, but discriminating against others because of their race, religion or ethnicity doesn't need to enter into it. Let's just stick with f***ing capitalists as scum.

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I dedicated my book to Julian and sent it to him, as a token of support. Do I have to say that the Belmarsh ghouls did not accept the book.

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Like the rest of Europe, Britain is a sycophant of the United States.

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If Assange is extradited to America AND imprisoned, I suggest a John Brown-type situation.

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Convicting an Australian for "treason" against the United States would be a nice touch for the most criminal regime in U.S. history. After that precedent is set, everyone in the world would be subject to 'treason.'

Fucking unbelievable what they're doing.

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"I haven’t written much about Julian Assange lately because I’ve been so fixated on what’s been happening in Gaza". You have no need to apologise Caitlin. We need to hear the whole story and others writers talk about Assange, about Ukraine, about climate change or about economic inequality (they are all interrelated ). If every body told the same story we would only get half the story. Or less.

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It is a war on the keepers of truth. In other words, it is a war on justice. Fight we must, “with any means necessary.”

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What chance does justice have when the President of the ICJ was appointed by Hillary Clinton and served as a legal adviser for the Obama admin.

The judicial system is already compromised made perfectly obvious by the biased Baraitser and another event was when the US threatened the ICC and even got away with it.

I've proposed a global strike but I'll doubt that people are willing to participate for the duration as a global strike requires sacrifices that not everyone is willing to make.

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So true, only when 'we' are ALL rumbling thru the garbage cans downtown for some 'food' we will be prepared to STAND UP (and then it is too late ...)

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It's based on the theory that we're willing to tighten our belts more than the financial elite are willing to see their incomes fall.

So while a global strike sounds very noble an peaceful it might not be the right solution.

The way that the so called ''authorities'' are responding* to one manufactured crisis'' after another is alarming all on it's own, something which could not have occurred without the uniformed bullies being on their side and perhaps that's where we need to concentrate on.

Just like the Russian revolution we really need to get a significant number of uniforms on our side to turn things around in favor of the plebs.

* Everything that's happening isn't with with our longevity in mind

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The empire is in “panic mode” as its decline is obvious and its window of dominance and impunity is slamming shut.

In Ukraine, Gaza, and Yemen the empire has done a masterful job of self-incrimination as it puts its treachery on full public display for all the world to see. Its fumbling gross incompetence creates a transparency no amount of propaganda can cover up.

The memory of Gaza will be etched in people's memory for a very long time and the West's political elites are going to have a very shame faced existence, lacking any moral authority, and totally bankrupt on human rights issues.

In their demented rage and stupidity they never calculated the cost of consequences, and the depths of their betrayal.

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"The empire is in “panic mode” as its decline is obvious and its window of dominance and impunity is slamming shut."

I agree with your comments, but the empire's demise will come from outside influence, not inside.

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The demise of the US is already here.........people living on the streets/awful healthcare/lack of housing/drugs.

Elites running the govt. and endless wars.

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"The demise of the US is already here..."

Yes, this country is in the crapper, but my point is the final flush will come from Russia, China, and such, mainly through economic changes.

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I don't know where it will come from but I expect the next US election will provide some answers.

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"I don't know where it will come from but I expect the next US election will provide some answers."

Perhaps it will open some eyes, but it will not be an 'election'; it will be an appointment.

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In all my life this moment is a moment of third party. Ross Perot had an opportunity until he went crazy, they are coming for me, I quit, I'm running, I quit, I'm running and still 19.5% These are those times. Yes, it is not probable nor would I bet on that, Stein or West or victory however, I refuse to vote FOR Genocide and make no mistake voting for the Monopoly party is a vote for Genocide. Sorry, I lose friends over those thoughts, like IF you vote for Genocide Joe may you hear the screams of the Palestinian People when your head hits the pillow at night. We shall see, at this rate of dehydration, starvation and, disease there may be no one left in Nov..Jan.25

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Yes I agree with your last sentence.

Hell of a place to be for people. I think I would vote 3rd party.

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The plight of the people of Gaza and Julian Assange's incarceration are inextricably linked. The way real journalists reporting from Gaza are ruthlessly eliminated by the Israeli regime is bound up with the relentless denying of justice for Assange. It comes from the same rule book of empire.

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Well said Indu!

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I HOPE not.

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Life in a British prison is VERY different from being in prison in the US.

I know this from my son who has been incarcerated many times.

I will go into this if anyone asks BUT I would rather not.

IF Assange is extradited to the US he will disappear.

Epstein supposedly 'hung' himself in US Prison?

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Good point. I understand what you are saying.

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Thanks Chang.

I have little hope if Julian is extradited to the US.

Biden will kill him.

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If he is, Jenny, I’ll declare my farm an Assange Sanctuary!

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Thank you, this is powerful, direct and clear.... 🙏

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He shouldn't be prosecuted because there should be freedom to report the truth.

Further, we shouldn't need that freedom because the governments should be open about things in the first place, not keeping secrets about what they do.

Further, we shouldn't need to have it revealed how the governments abuse and spy on us, because they shouldn't be doing anything that NEEDS revealing. They are meant to be our servants, not despots.

At every level, they are corrupt.

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So now New Zealand joins the war against Yemen.

Another country effectively wiped off the map in the name of Imperialism.

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The Yemeni people have been fighting for many years against the Saudis...probably American backed.

The truth is: Religious warfare is a game which all the 'so-called' white people in the west are terrified of.

BUT the West supports Israel/Evangelicals/Christian right.Zionism.

NO. We do not have the 'right' to tell other countries who to support.

I am anti-Muslim but at the same time I do understand why they have become so aggressive. I went to a place in Turkey which was Sufi an offshoot of Muslims. I was so welcomed. The Sufi's do not drink/take drugs. The whole area is NO alcohol or drugs. IT is NOT policed like it would be in the West.

In every nation that is supposedly 'white' Christian....including the EU nations I wonder why the west is so aggressive against Muslism.

I am a 'seeker of truth.'

I have ````````no religion. I have no country.

Patriotism is a game pushed on us so-called 'people' to defend our countries.

Because of the US Empire (helped by Europe and little Britain) we have become 'wars of religion.'

I do not want this like many people in the world. Leave us alone.

The next genocide will be the people of Yemen.

I suspect that the Yemeni people know this........what have they got to live for?

I have been to Yemen and Oman....some of the nicest people I have met in my life.

In Yemen they do not care who comes to their Mosques. Sunnis/Shiites/christians everyone is welcome.

IF Yemen survives I would be happy but the chances of this happening is remote against the Western empires.

The next genocide is going to be Yemen because they have stood up against the West.

I have travelled all my life and lived for a long time in 4 Country's. NOT one country is Kosher!

I use the word Kosher because it is apt.

I wish I could remember which website listed the Zionist enterprises in the world today.

We have been taken over by the Zionists and I am NOT anti-Jewish.

I always write from my heart.

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Why are you anti-Muslim but not anti-Jewish?

I am anti ALL organized religion.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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Although every fiber of my being wishes to see Assange (spell checker didn’t like me writing his name) finally free again, I can’t shake the feeling that his extradition might do more to wake people up to reality. I would hate for him to suffer more. As I hate how we all suffer.

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Suspicious how his name triggers spellchecker.

So does Baraitser.

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I thought so, but, the military tribunal will never let us know as he goes to a hole.

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just stop with the military tribunal, unless you can back it up with legal documents.

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We shall see if his father and wife are right.

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He will be held pre-trial under "Special Administrative Measures" which likely prohibit any public communication.

If convicted, he would also be black holed.

The trial court likely will severely limit the evidence that can be presented by the defense as well.

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"If the impulse toward truth and seeing wins out, we are probably headed toward a world of health and harmony. If the impulse to keep everything confused and hidden and unconscious wins, we are probably headed for dystopia and extinction." It would be amazing if the first choice won. I have been feeling more like we are heading for the second choice lately, but I would be so happy to be wrong about that.

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I Love You

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You made me smile today. Thanks.

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It's not just journalists and not just physical infrastructure:

Writers, artists, scientists: Gaza mourns its cultural losses


"The Gaza Health Ministry announced this week that the number of Palestinians killed by Israel’s offensive in Gaza surpassed 25,000.

But there is a hidden, second toll: the writers, historians, artists, scientists, and university professors whose deaths have left a gaping hole in Gaza’s social fabric and in the hearts of people touched and inspired by them.

It is a loss, they say, that Palestinian society will feel for generations to come."

Is Israel systematically targeting Gaza's scientists, scholars and doctors?


"Israel is deliberately eliminating top scientists, doctors and academics in Gaza, the loss of whom will leave an incalculable impact on Palestinian society in Gaza. They are especially targeting those qualified in rare specialisms who have left a gaping hole behind them, which will be extremely difficult to fill.

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Thank you Caitlin. Your words bring clarity to my thoughts and many around me thank you also.

Early on when Julian was in the Ecuadorian embassy, I thought he should just fly to the u.s. and go on trial in the u.s. , but, and it's a big but, Julian would never have a real court hearing he would face a military drum head conviction. Dreaming of justice that never comes not for Julian and not for the Palestinian People, for no one that sticks their head up From Julian to Cop City, African Communists etc. When I say Vote NO on Genocide Joe and people say whattabout Trump. I say vote for Genocide Joe and may you hear the screams of Palestinian Children as you lay your head on your pillow. It's one thing that voting for Stein or West denies Genocide Joe a vote it's another thing to actively vote for Genocide. Sorry about the ramble but I feel so hopeless. End Stage Capitalism demands it.

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