Wow, I'm in the UK, but I'm laughing so hard after listening to those 2 clips that you'll probably hear me all down the east coast. With your top 3 in command and all the WEF retards leading the other five eyes, it could not be any clearer that they are having the biggest piss take on every single one of us. The black nobility must be rolling in the isles.

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My neighbor is an LPN. She said most assuredly Pelosi has Parkinsons. These dangerous people need to be ousted. What the hell are the California voters thinking????

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Well, the US voters as a whole have elected Biden

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I'm referring to the California voters who are responsible for voting in Pelosi.

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What makes you believe the elections in CA aren't just as rigged as they are in Georgia? Nancy's democratic opponent Shahid Buttar, lost to the Republican by 600 votes. Gee...

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Also a sidenote: WA Governor Inslee just appointed a former State Senator to WA State Sec of State. This same Senator physically threatened me while I was fighting foreclosures in 2010. Why? I was digging into the public records and found that our State Senators and Representatives were buying foreclosures and were getting preferential mortgages to vote certain ways in our Legislature. And I had my life threatened because I dared expose their corruption.

So, yeah, that's who runs our WA State elections.

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Your comment is precisely why I unregistered to vote. If you continue to vote and be a part of a rigged system, you are condoning the fraud. Mostly I unregistered to vote because there is NO WAY I will ever cross the path of a courthouse again. If you are registered, you are enlisted as a juror.

My apologies to you and to the voters in CA. I sometimes forget that voting is useless. Thanks for once again reminding me that my decision to unregister was the best possible outcome.

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Agree with unregistering - must make it explicit. Especially in the states where mailing is used your name can still come up for some monkey business.

As to that excluding you from the jury duty - I think you're mistaken. If you're a citizen you're being considered regardless.

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They use Driver's License in California for Jury duty so....no you're not out of the potential jury pool. 60 year California resident born and raised. I tried the voter un-register after I moved to another address and they still called me for jury duty.

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who doubts it? you know when they say "Joe Brandon dint win the election"? Well DNC primary voters CERTAINLY know that's true. But in our democracy, voters don't get to think on their own. Or use their voice. Or make policy.

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Pelosi is my congresswoman and I’ll assure you that I never voted for her.

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Are CA voters better in some way?

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I don't understand your question.

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Wouldn't it follow from your response to the previous statement? The US voters elected Biden which doesn't reflect well on them, I assume. But the CA voters somehow shouldn't have elected Pelosi? Why, because they're better than the US overall?

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I'm not sure this comment deserves a response. But it seems to me that continuing to vote for obvious corruption and obvious health issues that Pelosi has and has done is abhorrent. I do blame California voters for this.

Most voters are lazy. They simply vote for the same person that resides in the current office. We all know the government isn't working yet continue to vote for the incumbent. CA voters did have an option. There was a Pelosi challenger, both Democrat challenger and a Republican challenger.

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Russian_bot, the people didn't choose Biden, they got rid of Trump. Biden was the shit-sandwich chosen for us. The fact is that all our elections are rigged by the pay-to-play system, none of the contenders are chosen by the people, and both parties are complicit in keeping this system rigged and dividing us along fake party lines. The DNC made sure that the Green party would not be on any ballots if they could help it. They realized the Greens had a good chance of rallying the nation. Instead of joining forces with the Green party and asserting more progressive platforms that the US voters in droves TOLD THEM THEY EXPECTED, the Dems opted for a more costly effort to sue the Greens off the ballots and then when Biden (elected by proxy/electors) and the Dems took control of both house (because Trump was recognized as a completely deranged fool by 90% of voters) and senate decided to fuck us all and stab us in the back. So yeah, the people didn't ELECT Biden. I'm sure Pelosi ran interference with her competitors in CA the same way. Money always wins in the USA. Truth and ethics are dead here. Soon the empire will be a corpse too.

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

the elite get to make even their last hour "billable". swear to god. to the last hour. full bonus. full perks. what is LPN?

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LPN = Licensed Practical Nurse (as opposed to RN = Registered Nurse)

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LPN = Licensed Practical Nurse, a certification a step below RN (Registered Nurse). More often than not the LPNs in the hospital do most of the work.

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"Insider trading and vodka enthusiast Nancy Pelosi delivered its last commencement address right after her husband was arrested for DUI."

The "elite" universities are where the worst ideas and people of the empire spawn from: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-rank-the-top-npc-universities

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I look forward to reading that, Yuri. I just finished reading Cynthia Chung's "Is Pelosi's Trip to Taiwan the 'Pearl Harbor Moment' Jake Sullivan Called For?" I think you read Cynthia too. But her article "The Real Global Agenda Pushing for War with China" is the most comprehensive piece on US subterfuge in Asia I've ever read. I changed my mind from what I thought I knew several times within it. FYI:



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Very interesting article, Yuri. And very funny. I agree with kiers that here in the UCs, the Chinese students not only pay full tuition, but pay their rent a year in advance in cash. They surround my house.

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most surprising....Columbia has a huuuuuuuuuge China student population. (I mean mainland China). Something liek 8K students and pretty surely they pay full tuition. And the same campus' poli-sci deep state foreign affairs training ground schemes attacks on the very same target!). Being head of Empire is an a-m-a-z-i-n-g t-h-i-n-g. amazing.

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When the downfall of the US Empire arrives, I'm sure it's going to make my life more difficult just as it will make the lives of Americans more difficult. I'm hoping that I'll remember how whatever inconvenience or economic trouble I end up going through is nothing compared to what people in the global south were subjected to when the Empire had yet to die. That if I have it worse in the future, it's worth it if the wars and sanctions all end and the people who currently have it worse than me end up feeling safe.

As for the main subject of this article, it's kinda scary that between the president and the second and third people in line to succeed him, Kamala friggin' Harris is the most qualified of the lot, simply because her brain works well enough that she probably wouldn't say "Good morning, Sunday morning" out of nowhere or talk about how America will "accommodate" Russian oligarchs while apparently thinking that "accommodate" means "stop". She's a terrible communicator and also a terrible person, but she's still able to clear that anthill-high bar.

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Not so sure about that.

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Which part?

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That Kamala is able to clear the anthill-high bar.

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She certainly has her own set of embarrassing quotes. E.g. “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

Or telling those kids (who all turned out to be paid to act like they were interested in what she was saying) that they'd be able to see the craters on the moon with their own eyes. (As opposed to their spleens?)

But as far as I'm aware, the closest she's ever come to seeming either incredibly stupid or suffering from something like Alzheimer's was when she was asked about codifying Roe v. Wade into law, that people wanted Democrats to "Do it now," and her initial response was "Do what now?"

So if we assume that she has a functioning brain and that she just doesn't care about the lives of the mere peasants either domestic or foreign--as opposed to Biden and Pelosi, who at this point not only don't care about said peasants but who also have malfunctioning brains--then as much as I loathe Kamala, I think she'd do a slightly less shitty job than Pelosi or Biden. She'd certainly keep on being a war hawk, including against nuclear-armed nations who can actually fight back and kick off WW3. But with Biden or Pelosi I kind of wonder if one day they'll suffer a delusion that Russia nuked Baltimore or something and order the US nukes launched.

To try putting it another way: which is least bad, a sociopath running the empire who has no morals but has a grasp on reality, or a sociopath running the empire who has no morals and who also has a slippery grasp on reality?

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Sick when we have to ask who is the least shitty sociopath!

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I am not looking forward to the downfall of the US, but would prefer a big change in how it acts out its foreign policy. The US has a lot to offer the world. The key word is offer, not force, not coerce. This regime change stuff is getting old.

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Great barbeque, plenty of nice people, but the country is almost surreal.

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The mental deficits of those who have secured their sinecures at the highest reaches of the US government are nothing less than breathtaking. My god, the decrepit fools should be safely ensconced in a retirement facility, not setting our nation up for World War III.

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It is the Oligarchy that put them there.

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did you catch Justice Alito's (bearded) speech "to britain" from a Notre Dame sponsored PR stunt event......big hooopla. Notre Dame qualifies as a far right oligarch too now.

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Listen to Aaron Good's 2nd interview with Ben Norton. The Yale Scull and Bones was endowed by a opium magnate.

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Great piece, Caitlin. The US is now breaching its formal undertakings to China. US/Chinese relations were established in 1972 by the Shanghai Communique. I have cut and pasted two paragraphs from the communique below:

The Chinese side reaffirmed its position: the Taiwan question is the crucial question obstructing the normalization of relations between China and the United States; the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China; Taiwan is a province of China which has long been returned to the motherland; the liberation of Taiwan is China’s internal affair in which no other country has the right to interfere; and all US forces and military installations must be withdrawn from Taiwan. The Chinese Government firmly opposes any activities which aim at the creation of “one China, one Taiwan,” “one China, two governments,” “two Chinas,” an “independent Taiwan” or advocate that “the status of Taiwan remains to be determined.”

The US side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.

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In international relations, it always pays to read the fine print. The powers that be rely on their ability to re-work the narrative to suit themselves.

In this case, it is simply gob-smacking that a man as amoral as Richard Nixon should look good by comparison with the inept gangsters running Washington today.

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I think that Nixon would be too liberal to be nominated for the presidency by today's Democratic Party leadership, and too honest (and competent) for the Republicans.

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Right on both points. Nixon was the last New Deal president (or maybe Gerald Ford was?).

The generational deterioration is extraordinary, but the wider historical context explains everything. The overwhelming domestic priority of the US government back then was social stability, which complemented the need for national unity/support in connection with WW2 and the Cold War. Today the US elite can take the masses for granted.

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The most powerfully insane and delusional country on Earth.

Yes, USA. You are exceptional.

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Seems like a lot of people feel the same way, this is what John Kaminski had to say the other day;

"My worst fear — our worst fear! — is coming true, just as I said it would almost a decade ago.

That worry was — much like what happened to Germany — the reputation of the United States would become so disgustingly disreputable that the community of nations could not help but arrive at a consensus conclusion that all the countries of the world had to gang up on the USA and put it out of its sack-of-shit lying misery before it could do any more damage to everyone else.

(Except Germany never deserved the bad reputation it was given by worldwide Jewish media, whereas the United States more than obviously does, given its never-ending string of invasions under phony pretenses during the last 200 years.)

(And Americans have become so comatose that they watch in stupefied incredulity as their lives are being destroyed by obvious lies they are simply too immobilized to contradict, never mind resist, and too stupid to even understand.)

Somewhere between bogus wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that fatal point of self-destructive no-return has now been passed. All the foolish histrionics about Ukraine are merely more dirt covering the coffin of the corpse of the USA. What still astonishes me is that the worldwide invasion and mercy killing of America has not already happened, given the level of demonic abuse and exploitation the U.S. has wreaked on every nation in the world for longer than any of us can remember.

Then I started thinking, especially given the rapid and chaotic destabilization the U.S. is now undergoing, that maybe this final destruction already has happened or is happening as we speak, and we simply haven’t realized it. I mean, the deliberate sabotage and erosion have been so clumsily obvious.

Count the atrocities if you wish. Phony election, poison vaccines, deliberate destruction of the food supply, telling us we must eat bugs . . . the list is long.

A military that prioritizes buggery over national defense? The world laughs at this with an apoplectic hysteria. A president who needs a male nurse to wipe his ass at a moment’s notice and a wife ready to feed him drugs to keep him awake does not exactly look like the hero who will save us, does it?

But then a further epiphany revealed the more likely scenario.

Why would all these countries bother to invade America when the perverted leaders of the United States, bought and paid for by the international bankers, are effectively conducting the tortuous task of destroying America from within?

No foreign invasion necessary, thank you, for a decaying country that has been sold out by the psychopaths pretending to defend it, wouldn’t you say?

Most Americans with eyelids that still lift would conclude that is exactly what’s happening. America is being deliberately disintegrated by obvious treason from within."

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Your dislike--even distain--for America is quite clear in a lot of your writing. And admittedly, you are often on point. I just hope you recognize that there is a difference between our government and the people it is claiming to serve. And that to hope for our country’s demise condemns a lot of innocent, powerless people as well. In fact, many of its people--including myself--do not like what our government has become and where it is now taking our country. America has never been perfect. No country ever has been or ever will be a perfect. But where we are right now--is even shocking to many of our citizens. I, like many other Americans am saddened, ashamed and embarrassed by what is going on in our country and by what our government has done and how it is currently operating. But I wish to remind you that it absolutely does not reflect or represent ALL of us. 😔

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It's really a terrible revelation to understand that you, actually, are part of the problem. My revelation came at around 2009, when I lost my job due to Great Financial Crime Spree of 2008. Consequently, I found myself facing foreclosure. There were so many red flags that something was terribly wrong regarding the title to my house, I began investigating. I spent 10 years fighting the banks, and inevitably found I was also fighting my government. You see, the government IS the corporations. Corporations submit bills to our legislatures and they get passed. How did I find this out? I spent 2 years in my state legislature. Got 4 bills dropped, and 2 bills to the Senate floor. This was an unbelievable feat for a lowly constituent. Most bills that reach the Senate floor get a vote on the floor, especially if they are sponsored by the most conservative Senator and the most liberal Senator. The 2 bills I got to the Senate floor passed through Committee unanimously. Bills that have bipartisan sponsorship and pass through Committee unanimously most often get passed by the Senate. This was not the fate for these bills. What happened? The bank lobbyist sat down in the back rooms with the 2 sponsors and told them that if these bills get passed, the banking community would exit from Washington State and they would not fund one more mortgage. In other words, the crooks sat down with our Electeds and threatened them. So, of course the bills failed.

That didn't stop me. I went to the Executive Branch. I got our WA State AG to join the other 49 State AGs in filing suit against the 4 biggest banks. The government got a huge windfall, millions of dollars! Did that stop the crimes? NOPE. The settlement allowed the crooks to do the same crimes regarding foreclosures nationwide.

Again that didn't stop me! I went and filed a lawsuit against the bank and trustee of my mortgage. I spent 10 years and basically became my own attorney. The courts committed crimes for the betterment of the banks. The courts mysteriously dropped damning documents from my litigation. I filed one document FOUR different times, every time the page that contained the evidence was dropped from my record. Inevitably, I lost in lower court. That didn't stop me. I filed an appeal. Throughout the appeal, I was convinced I would win. No way the higher court could look at the crimes committed and allow me to lose. What happened? The Appellate Court manufactured a document to unlawfully dismiss my case. THE ONLY WAY I WON WAS CATCHING THE APPELLATE COURT IN THIS UNLAWFUL ACT! I got a settlement with the trustee and was able to move to a small town and buy a house outright.

I continued to write my Legislators and Congressional representatives. Every time I see something I find abhorrent, I call. Do I think it does any good? NOPE. But I do it anyway. In fact, I spent the last 2 days on the phone about Pelosi. Just this morning I wrote my State Legislators about the foreclosure crimes that still continue. Why? I don't know.

I think this country is doomed. When corruption is the name of the game, there is no winning. So, do I feel responsible? Damn straight I do. Do I try to make a difference? Every damn day.

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I do not write my Congress people any longer. They no longer answer the phone, claiming that everyone has to stay safe from Covid. I only discovered how corrupt our politicians were after 12 years as a precinct officer, when the primary went overwhelmingly for Sanders but each congressional Rep, voted for Hillary. After that, it I realized how useless it was to contact them.

I do still read a lot of sources (like Caitlin) and try to pass that information on, but I often feel it is tossed. Or that those who cannot see the US responsibility for the Ukraine war and continually blame Russia alone as the ultimate in evil. This includes Germans who declare that there is no gas shortage and if there is they can still take hot showers and a slow down now in German industry is a worthy price to pay for guaranteeing the freedom of Ukraine. They refuse to acknowledge the corruption of that nation and its violent Nazi past.

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Let me guess, you get called a Russian troll in the pay of Putin a lot, don't you? I find that's the fate of pretty much everyone now who doesn't parrot the official story about any damn thing at all.

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I understand and sometimes feel that my efforts are useless. But every once in awhile I feel I might make a difference. Just yesterday when I asked the kid who answered McMorris Rodgers phone the definition of "detente." He said he didn't know. I asked if he had heard that word before, he said no. I asked him to quickly do a google search while we were on the phone, he did. After he read the definition, he nervously laughed. That nervous laugh made me realize I just enlightened him and he MAY, just MAY, critically think. Dunno, but it makes me feel good to ridicule these clowns.

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You rock!!

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Thank you. I still am living through the mental anguish I experienced during the decade I spent fighting my government and the multinational corporations. I nearly had a mental breakdown. It's so hard to believe that we are the most corrupt nation. Sad, but true.

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As I used to tell my students when I taught English as a Second Language in Peru, "There's plenty of corruption in the United States, just people like you and I can't afford it."

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Right. And so you understand better than most what it is like to take on the powerful. You won personally, but there's little satisfaction in the global sense.

I think lots of people know it second-hand, so to speak. And so they act such as to avoid that at any cost. Including being passive and swimming with the current.

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“ But I wish to remind you that it absolutely does not reflect or represent ALL of us. 😔”

I must point-out to you that it definitely does.

The demented war-mongers are working inside the D.C. Beltway instead of working out crossword puzzles in senior homes because of us. We tolerate their reckless and feckless actions when we alone are the only ones who could force their peaceful removal to a safe environment where they are no longer a threat to others or themselves. That we fail to do so is a direct reflection on us. The fault is ours, and shame on any American who offers platitudes and excuses for our failures.

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I agree, only disagreement that their power is removed peacefully. There is MASSIVE money at stake. Crooks don't like losing the grift.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

I hear you, and yet, what if a government cut off the legs of all its young men? Would you then blame these men for being weak revolutionaries and bad soldiers? Our government has stolen the lunch money and tuition from 3 generations of Americans to make underground missile complexes and aircraft carriers. I'm really not sure how much you can blame the typical American for their political stupidity and laziness.

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You make a good point. Everyone has had a part to play. And if only we had better choices or better people throwing their hat in the ring.

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Diane, Aaron Good in his interviews with Ben Norton on Multipolarista, show us that America is what it always has been -- a criminal enterprise. Good lays out his thesis so clearly with so many facts that it is impossible to not be conclusively persuaded.

It is only if we recognize the criminal nature of our political and economic leadership that we have any hope of changing the direction we are going.

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Gotta go look at those interviews. Thanks for this. I always like to get a little depressed on Hump Day.

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all the evil is done in YOUR name, on YOUR dime, and with your blood and sweat, so YOU are squarely responsible for the evil, no way around it.

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Hi June,

What you list is the true reality of what is happening to the people of the USA... they are not truly aware, that they are absolute and necessary accomplices of all the atrocities that their leaders have caused... of a party and of another, over many, many decades.

Its foreign policy and the way of understanding its world hegemony, has no other name than criminal... and although they have competition, that country is without the slightest doubt... a true and atrocious world cancer!

Hopefully, they wake up and fight against that legion of psychopaths who lead them... before it's too late!

Greetings from Spain

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Thank you, my best wishes to you and your family!

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Lol I love reading all things Caitlin. 🙏🏽

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I don't think the idea is to star ww3. It is to turn China's unification from a peaceful process (trade, employment, education, investment, etc.) into a war with Taiwan.

It's idiotic.

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Thank you !! An obligatory word in US corporate media when mentioning the relentlessly provoked Russian invasion of Ukraine is to add -- “unprovoked”…

The killing of Azov POW by hi-mars missiles was certainly ordered by US CIA overseers – dead Nazis don’t talk. US government knows exactly who Zelenski’s Ukro-Nazis government is… -- as always US supports extreme right-wing fascist side.

Russia is fighting for ALL of us – US population is in a death grip of uni-party War party where Dem versus GOP are identical but offer a three ring-circus for US population. It is 1% versus 99% -- Stand with Russia !!

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Sober up. Someone might be reading.

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At the end of the movie of Ken Kesey's "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest", the Chief, seeing Jack Nicholson's brain and human dignity gone, smothers him with a pillow and sets out for the mountains.

Pelosi needs a pillow moment.

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You know what would result: Charges against Mike Lindell of MyPillow.

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I’m afraid Biden is not far behind her in losing the plot during an interview, both start rambling and have a vacant stare into the distance. I do sincerely have empathy for those with mental health problems but they should just not be in these positions of power. I’m ex MoD and an ex lawyer now disabled at 54 with several chronic health conditions. I wish I could be an outward bound instructor gain but know it’s not realistic, why can’t they or those close see the reality?

The trip to Taiwan was stupid, pointless, arrogant and inflammatory. Shall the Chinese start sending representatives to Cuba and South American countries? Nobody voted for the USA to set itself up as the world police. Why don’t they sort out the huge domestic issues they have at home? I’d never heard of the concept of a country allowing cities to go bankrupt before reading articles on the states. But war with China would be a great distraction from the problems at home, writing off the huge financial debts to China and boosting the cash cow military complex. We need to change how world leaders and those in key positions are selected and held accountable.

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Actually China does send representatives to Latin American countries, and has expanded its Belt & Road program to that continent. Anyone with any knowledge of what the IMF and World Bank have done to the Third World can easily understand why the terms offered by China are attractive in comparison.

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I would imagine it sends representatives to all countries as most so called ‘developed’ nations do to exploit mineral rights or open up trade routes from toasters to tanks.

Indeed the French President publicly admitted that Frances economy would fail without revenue still coming in from former colonies.

I’m not up on fiscal policy but moving away from countries currency being based on gold reserves seems like an iou at a poker game. Interestingly, Russia has decided to return to the gold standard. What the future brings with a cashless society and digital trading platforms both baffles and terrifies me. But it would seem the NWO is using the IMF and ‘world’ bank to achieve its twin objectives of cash free and universal credit system. Concerning times.

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A more dysfunctional group of fools could not be imagined. The sad part is they were elected with all the available information pointing to their incompetence. Lobbying,, $10,000 lunches and hiring your family with campaign donations, what could go wrong?

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I can imagine a more dysfunctional group. All the same people as now but add British pedo Jimmy Saville.

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