I get the feeling this ones gonna backfire. There’s no way the Islamic nations are gonna let this slide. The repercussions here are going to be catastrophic short as well as long term. This arrogance will be the end of Israel in my opinion and possibly the end of America. They cannot see what they’re creating/have created. The hate for Israel and America is growing by the second.

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So dead on the money again line by line word for word. It is truly disgusting how these rabid warmongers are all scrambling to get their piece of flesh out of this horror. They are literally lined up with their list of wars to start next and wanting the money drawer opened all the way again! All the news outlets are spewing their required lines of bullshit and no one learned from any of the previous wars that THIS IS THE SAME OLD LIE!

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Don't hold back, Caitlin--let it all out! But you are absolutely correct that the US hasn't learned any moral lessons from 9/11. In fact, I'd dare say that the US has gotten only worse both domestically and internationally. We're just a subsidiary of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. We're just violence and genocidal mayhem all over. George W is the perfect mascot for such a "winning team", eh?

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Did any American ever repent for Wounded Knee? This is another battle like that one. A slaughter of innocent, impoverished and helpless women and children by an angry State. Kill them all. Take their land.

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

I think I know a bit now what it must have been like being a German in 1939 - who didn't agree with their Nazi fascist government, and then watched helplessly in horror as it invaded Poland with whatever deluded reasoning the Nazis used to justify their mass murder of not just the Poles, but millions more in the following years.

If the Israelis do invade Gaza, we really may be all witnesses to the start of the next World War.

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Caitlin’s analysis is exactly perfect. Israel couldn’t be doing any of this genocide unless they were funded by us. And they are funded by us because AIPAC owns congress. And everyone is dutifully lining up to pay homage to this theocratic apartheid state pretending to be seeking peace. All except Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, so they sicced the DNC on them. It makes me so fucking furious I feel almost homicidal. Good thing I study the Tao de Ching.

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As the USA is the biggest terror-country on Earth which acts worldwide and wants to bring all terrestrial resources and countries under its sword, whereby every filthy means is quite good enough, the CIA, worldwide is the biggest, state-sanctioned, respectively, legalized, criminal organisation which ever existed, and which does not find its equal, on our globe.

And because, on September 11th, 2001 in New York, ...

The press was muzzled and the CIA was given freedoms which are so unbelievable that a normal citizen of the country cannot conceive of these.

That could only happen, however, through the Al Qaida terror act, which shows that this was quite consciously allowed to happen.

It is a matter of fact, namely, that the CIA, through its spies and informers, was just as fully informed about Osama bin Laden's oncoming terror plot as was the irresponsible US President George W. Bush; yet neither he nor the CIA, nor ones from the other secret services, undertook something in order to prevent the harm.

That has several reasons, because on one hand the terror attack had to serve to provide yet more unrestricted power for the CIA, and on the other hand, through its actualization, the USAmerican people could be duped with threadbare and filthy lies, and the war in Iraq could be launched.

In addition to that, the anticipated terror attack also guaranteed that the CIA and the other secret services, as well as the US government, had to be given, along with more power, a greater financial blessing, which then also actually happened as the terror act was actualized and demanded more than than 3,000 human lives which the CIA, as well as US President Bush, coldly took into account.


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George Bush, the arch killer, liar and apologist for *excess of evil", is the perfect symbol for this narrative and the inanity in which it is embedded. So he weighs in on the side of Israel which could not in a million years justify its murderous actions to a sane audience. Even were its story true, and that is far from proven, it does not justify by light years the wholesale killing of civilians that may amount to genocide.

Is the US complicit? Yes to the tune of several $billion every year, but so is the international community, and Canada's Trudeau heads the list of nauseating sycophants: His brief, raving lecture against Gaza and the Palestinians, jaw and facial muscles distorted in a surreal display of hatred, was the worst commentary of all. It's all so phoney and inauthentic - none of these puppets could possibly believe what they are spouting, And that is perhaps the worst aspect of all.

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You are absolutely correct! I am appalled, although I already knew how evil the USA is.

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The U.S. response to 9/11 has been a big contributor to its rapid decline. I hope that, as Israel increases its decades-long Genocide of the Palestinian people, it suffers the same fate.

The sooner the U.S. and its puppets lose the ability to threaten the civilized world the better!

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Biden, Trump, Obama and Bush are ALL cold blooded killers. It’s public information that for decades now they have been running a DAILY kill list that drone executes thousands of people to death every year.

Of those thousands of people, even the U.S. govt data says that NINE bystanders are killed as collateral damage per combatant target killed. NINE.

That’s who is being interviewed there. Murderers in suits.

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The US Is Just As Culpable As Israel For The Atrocities Committed In Gaza

so the question i need to ask is........Why...Why......doesn't the whole world believe that this is so True...........

that is because the majority of the world believes what the MSM tells them.....which is not the truth...........

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I think we are the finale of a long plan put together by a group of crazies many many years ago & they aim to finish this plan .. all on purpose.. no mistakes made ... an evil 👿 bigger plan in play

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Contact Report 429


Especially as long as the US Americans do not end their bloody terror down there and disappear – also out of Afghanistan and all other countries where they have settled in – there will never be peace, rather only further murder as well as torture, rape, terror and destruction.

It has shown itself already for a long time that there, where the US Americans, in the form of their government and military, rip open with their great snout, all evil of the world comes about.

Aside from that it must be said that it is not surprising if Israel, with its war-politics, murder-politics and criminal-politics sits in the nettles more and more and produces more and more enemies world-wide in the Islamic world and in their circle of friends.

It must thereby actually be the Islamic world, and not the Arabic world that is spoken of, because, since the Arabic people are Islamic, the Islamic believers worldwide feel attacked when criminals and degenerates act against the Arabic countries and their populations.

What will be murderously, criminally and irresponsibly plotted through Israel there, for war on Hezbollah and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, is a very dangerous situation and can, where possible, lead to a widespread conflagration through which quite especially Israel can properly fall on its snout.


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Recall that Bush, Cheney & Co were convicted of war crimes by a tribunal in Malaysia in 2012. That news outlets are still asking his opinions on such things reinforces how compromised the MSM is.

MLK was right--the largest purveyor of violence in the world is the US Government, serving at the pleasure of AIPAC and the Israeli government.

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We are under the control of cold-blooded criminals world-wide. What will it take before humanity rises up? With their grip on the msm, probably never.

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