I need only phone my friend P. should I require a reassessment of US moral leadership in the world. I think of him each Memorial Day, as it and Veterans Day are P's two most hated days of each year. Drafted to Vietnam and made a clerk based on his linguistic skills, P was nonetheless handed a rifle and shoved into a perimeter foxhole each evening and regularly poisoned by Agent Orange. Home with leukemia, poisoned by primitive radiation "therapy", P has lived the rest of his life in debilitating chronic pain. Another life shattered by the global and moral "leadership" of the Immoral Empire.

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So very sad.

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Indeed, thank you. My only satisfaction was as a participant in delivering his meals when we lived in the same city; and of course in sharing our disbelief in what our country had devolved into.

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Sorry for his suffering. There are so many P’s out there. I hope that in his experience of the truth (not the denial of it to cope), there is some freedom of his own authority.

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Thanks. He definitely coped through chewing hard on the truth of how his country had screwed him and his comrades, and losing himself in his music studio (excellent guitarist); definitely no denial.

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For many, it’s a daily exercise in accepting what the US has become. For others, an exercise in denial.

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For some of us it's just the affirmation of what we knew growing up American, but were called names and shamed for stating our view; my country has been sick my whole life. We are a violent people that prizes martial strength and abhors intellect; we are ever so nice yet we are deeply unkind; we kick the poor as we exit our churches after having listened (sullenly) to the Sermon on the Mount.

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Since winning WW2 for so called 'Free Democracy' the FAKE virtue US-led ANGLOPHONE CRIMINALS for their profiteering Military Industrial Complex have KILLED 20 to 30 MILLION Human VICTIMS in 37 VICTIM NATIONS. Including pregnant women/unborn babies, infants, innocent children, the disabled & defenseless elderly in their own lands = 4 x HOLOCAUSTS/ FIFTY x Hiroshima-Nagasakis!!

It’s a fact, not an analysis, not even an opinion – the 'free and open international order' promoted since 1945 by the United States has cost the lives of 20 to 30 million people throughout the world. No President, whoever he may be, has managed to slow the rhythm of this killing machine.


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“the 'free and open international order' promoted since 1945 by the United States has cost the lives of 20 to 3o million…” This is true.

My current concern is, why are they completely undermining this tool that has been so useful for them. I think it is very important to try and understand this new phase in the power dynamics.

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Nothing new, not 'undermining' but boosting their century ongoing unelected Banks/Military/Media Industrial MAFIA!!!

Quote, U.S. truth-teller most decorated Major General Smedley Butler, 1933, "War is a Racket. I could have given Al Capone a few hints, he only operated in 3 districts. I operated on three continents!!!"


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Of course because Hitler et al were puppets of the USA, we brought the Nazis to power and we maintained them for years; the deaths of US soldiers was not an issue because, like always, goy is always expendable; speaking of subversives, both of O.J. Simpson's inlaws worked for the Nazis. What exactly were they doing doing? Pretty much just destroying a nation like Zelenski is doing; and I wouldn't be surprised if Netanyahu isn't doing the same; killing two birds with one stone.

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"The US empire is too crazy and sick to be allowed to rule the world anymore. There is no argument to be made that the benefits outweigh the costs."

The US Empire is what happens when anyone gets power. The costs and benefits have nothing to do with it. The only question is - what does anyone propose to do about it?

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I am pretty sure BRICS when it gets going will sort out a lot of this.........just keep your fingers crossed there is no war against Iran!

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With all the talk by the Brits and French regarding Ukraine, and the continuing escalation there - if WW3 starts - it's going to be when they start firing Western made missiles deep into Russia forcing Russia to respond in turn. We're very very close now to the fools blowing up the world.

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Hi jamenta, Zalensky is busy doing his propaganda videos to get people used to the idea of bombing inside Russia. Also the Western powers are plotting to handover the Russian Federation assets (which they have frozen) over to Ukraine.

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Yes we are.

This will start because the USA always has to win.

I lived in the USA for 23yrs and everything was about winning. Sports.

Some countries are thinking........how to make lives better for it's citizens.

America the "brave" does not care about its people.

YOU are the ONLY country in the western hemisphere who do NOT have adequate healthcare/housing. OLD people sleeping on the streets.

WHY is this?

You have sold yourselves to AIPAC and ZIONISM.

When Israhell comes for you I won't help you.

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May 28·edited May 28

I know. You're lucky, you got the hell out of here. I'm seeing thru the final few chapters - whatever remains. Doesn't seem like much anymore. :(

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I have NO country. I was born in Sri Lanka to colonialist parents.

I have lived in the decadent UK/I have lived in the decadent USA now I am living in France a 'puppet' for the USA.

When people ask me (here in France) where I come from I say I am International.

I do not believe in patriotism/I have NO flag/ I do not want war and I certainly want to see the USA/UKabolished.

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May 28·edited May 28

I'm somewhat like yourself in a way. I've lived in so many states in the US I've lost count. Nowhere really was "home" to me. I made my own home with my books and journals. And when the patriotic US zombies started attaching flags to their trucks, and planting flags on their lawns after 2001, it felt like to me just a re-emergence of militaristic Nationalism that would in the end be self-destructive to the country. And it's grown worse over the last 2 1/2 decades.

Oh well, much of life really is not within our control. You live it best you can, and then wonder what might be on the future horizon - a horizon you cannot see. Maybe there will be more, but maybe not. Maybe it's just one huge inscrutable hoax.

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I'm with you. Northern Irish father, American mother - holder of UK & US passports, and eligible for and Irish one. Grew up in the Middle East. When I was about a youngster, perhaps about 10 years old, one of my grandparents humorously asked me what nationality I considered myself. I said that I guessed I was a mongrel. Half a century later, I have a much greater aversion to nationalism, patriotism, and flags.

(p.s. As for France, well, that is the place I have a lot of wonderful vacations. I need to get back there. Lovely country. I hope you live in a pleasant place - preferably in the south near the Med!)

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BRICS is important, Jenny

Iran, Russia and China need to form a protection alliance, each one there to protect the other and to bring an end to the corrupted Israel controlled empire and add to the BRICS consortium, which will see the end of the control of international trading with the US dollar.

Can you imagine the pricing on some of the US products made in China now if they are made in the USA?

As an example,.......goodbye to Apple.

Then if all other countries decide not to supply the raw materials ( oil, down to 8 years of reserves only in the US) it is goodnight to so many other important industries as well.

You can't continue to kill 30 million people over time and get away with it....forever.

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with Turkey's recent suspension of trade with Israel, the Zionists better hope that Iran and Turkey - whether as allies or just coincidentally, both decide to take military action. Unlike the recent retaliatory rockets aimed by Hamas at Tel Aviv which were easily nullified by "Iron Dome", it has already been demonstrated that any serious, sustained missile attack will get through. The Israeli civilian population has yet to experience any suffering under bombardment - the numbers of deaths and injuries sustained are really quite small compared to, say, Ukraine. And as they are blind to what is happening to Gazans, they literally have no idea what that will be like. Israel no longer has superior armaments or air power, the personnel numbers don't compare. and the supply lines of US weapons are vulnerable.

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Turkey and Iran I hope will not take military action but I am more concerned about the US taking military action against Iran.

Israel also had the help of UK/France to take down some drones from Iran. It is obvious the so-called Iron Dome is weak.

Not sure how long Israel can last IF the US were to stop shipping weapons and ammo. This is the 1st thing that SHOULD be done but it won't happen.

The Israelis as you said have only had a few infringements on their land we will see.

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What most people seem to miss (again and again) is that Israel is an essential military outpost of the US. Any war against Israel is a war against the US. Once this simple fact is understood, all the pieces fall into place and the reasons as to why the US supports Israel unconditionally becomes clear.

Hence, unfortunately, it seems the only way to defeat Israel is to weaken/go to war against the Empire (US).

As far as Turkey's "supposed" suspension of trade with Israel - that is mostly theatre. Turkey cannot afford to ignore losing $7 billion in trade with Israel (or any other country for that matter), especially as its economy has been deteoriating for a while. Just as Russia was successfully able to navigate all the sanctions against it, there are many back channels (which you won't hear about on the news) through which Turkey still trades with Israel.

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"The only question is - what does anyone propose to do about it?" Exactly. I suppose we powerless mopes and schmucks can take refuge in studying the history of how we all got here, but this doesn't tell us how to move on collectively, to escape, as a community, even if we can find or devise some local and individual strategies. As the man said, "We're an empire now," but seemed to be under the illusion that this was a good thing. It wasn't then and it isn't now. Americans, especially, are obviously ill-suited to be imperial overlords; they don't want to do the work, and are too cynical to support the pretensions. In that realm, we will never match even the Brutish Empire. It's long past time to retire to our island continent and lick our wounds, which are many.

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May 28·edited May 28

The cynicism is necessary for an empire. Pat Buchanan, of all people, asked whether the United States wants to be a republic or an empire and he asked the right question.

For a republic is bounded by laws, while an empire cannot allow itself to be restrained by any law of God or man, else surely it will fall.

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It is falling. All empires fall. The vanity of man is his weakest point.

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Well, as noted before, the problem with sociopaths is that they only are good at self-aggrandizement. Hence a society ruled by sociopaths gets rotten.

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You need the cynics to manage things, but you also need someone to do the actual work, which is usually pretty nasty, ideal for fair-haired, square-jawed, clean-shaven young men to skewer and be skewered by the Boche. The US was lucky enough to have a huge supply of relatively ignorant yokels to throw at their empire.

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Basically. Cynics are not good for much other than self-aggrandizement.

Anyway, the US still has plenty of yokels. Bastet's tail, how they get all weepy when they say "thank you for your service!"

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"Anyway, the US still has plenty of yokels. Bastet's tail, how they get all weepy when they say "thank you for your service!"

Speaking of yokels, the Aussies are subservient to the Deep State. Why don't they demand an end to their butt-boy status?

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Because europeans, aussies, etc. like being slaves.

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Same as Europe....we just don't see.

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Well said. And just like Pax Romano and Pax Britannica, they all fall down. Overweening ambition combined with just plain thievery are the ingredients and we should pity any country who goes down that road. They may do a lot of good in the beginning but in the end the rot is too putrid. Thank you Joe Biden for being so rotten and putrid as to lead us blindly to our doom.

I think I’ll vote for this guy he’s doing such a good job of destroying the empire.

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"It's long past time to retire to our island continent and lick our wounds, which are many."

But the Australian government aids and abets the hegemon, especially against China. Where are the Aussie protesters?

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I totally agree with you. Seems like they just can’t stop being chilled. I keep trying and trying to point out total facts. In regards to war with Russia my feeling is they want to take on China. Gaslighting for quite awhile now and even the other day here in Australia our non-human minister of foreign affairs put our security alert on the pretext China is making the area unstable as showing off their naval ships. They are total puppets and i do not want this country to be destroyed by US as of course they are behind it

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I have seen many protest in Australia..everywhere in the world.

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"I have seen many protest in Australia..everywhere in the world."

How about an example of Australian protests against U. S. military bases or U. S. dominance over Australia?

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It's the Anglosphere; like Canada, a submissive colony. Should they make trouble, the masters will cut off their crumpets.

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It seems to me that the US gvts actions all serve to hasten their decline.

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The nations of the UN could sanction us as we do to them. Or we could vote all of the current assholes in Congress out of office and see if that strategy works or we could say FU america and move to Cuba.

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Do you think Cuba would like a whole bunch of Americans after how it has been treated?

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Saw this great post of Shihad Bolson today. He says where we go wrong when we demonstrate is request Free Palestine or Ceasefire now but we need to add OR ELSE invoke article 6. Therefore stating the consequence. I agree with him and we need to be on the lookout for petitions of this as well. Have signed one on change.org about a month ago

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Most of these people have Down Syndrome there are people who love using the mentally impaired to commit crimes for them.

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Things may happen naturally but to avoid catastrophic natural consequences, we need to guide change. It’s a conundrum because we’re in this spot because the ‘guiders’ are deeply corrupt. Who will redefine a global economic system once AI replaces all white collar jobs and most blue collar with robotics. We’re about 3-5 years away I’m guessing. How do we satiate the human drive to compete, to achieve, and to progress in a positive way in a world where scarcity is no longer an issue and so competing is not necessary?

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>>"once AI replaces all white collar jobs and most blue collar with robotics. We’re about 3-5 years away I’m guessing"

Don't buy into all the hype AND fear-mongering about AI. AI has been around for over 60 years. The tech industry loves hyping (and under-delivering) everything - be it cloud computing, social media, big data, crypto, virtual reality, AI (in its many forms), etc.

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Normally I’d agree but I’m terrified after witnessing what it can do. I’m not worried about AI turning into a terminator. I’m more worried we’ll stop using our brains and become completely helpless and unable to solve the simplest problems without AI. Maybe this will become a utopia of sorts or more likely a worse dystopia considering who is running the AI now. I might even hope someday that an AI becomes sentient and takes control from the human psychopaths running the world.

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Yeah. I'm a lot more concerned about natural intelligence.

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Me too. That same intelligence that has US looting, and shooting worldwide. The same that made US the only country to Nuke another, twice! A surveillance,police state is rising.

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My sentiments exactly. What the US and allies have achieved is to open the people of the West our eyes wide open. Result: realisation that it is the West that are the true terrorists (a word they invented and have abused to start wars purely for plundering and destroying). China is not a threat nor is ME. The US empire is. So damned clear now. They are the most arrogant and delusional nations unwilling to read the play. People of the West are totally against them. They have achieved the impossible. We accept that the West are the warmongers and in reality the terrorists. Not ME, not China nor Russia. It is mind boggling we did not see earlier. But Palestine has forced us to see them for what they are. Naive for sure but we believed in democracy. Their utter abuse of UN finally showed us the bullies. Their continued support is not just that. It is them using the non-humans in Israheil for their own power. They don’t realise they have lost forever. Like a caged animal trying to cause as much damage as they can. They are doing it. No doubt about it yet they are also self-destructing. But at this crucial time in history extremely dangerous. They want WWIII and undoubtedly will lose but at what cost to their own citizens? They are that dangerous that they will create nuclear war irrespective of human lives lost. Means nothing to them. Look at Ukraine proxy war. US has always been brilliant in creating war on foreign soil (allies soil included). They are the bullies of this world and have to be stopped. Americans have to wake up to this fact as well as their allies. Another example of this is Australia. Today announced security alert re China. China does not want war but they have progressed over time to be a powerhouse. Why? They did not go and create wars elsewhere instead decided on developing their economy and technology. US cannot abide this and most certainly realises that Brics is going to destroy them as the dominant ones. And their stupid allies are willing to have them destroy their own country and its people. Far fetched? Unfortunately not

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Greet Andries - very well said - and you hit the nail right on the head on every single point above!

>>"the West that are the true terrorists (a word they invented and have abused to start wars purely for plundering and destroying). China is not a threat nor is ME. The US empire is. So damned clear now. They are the most arrogant and delusional nations unwilling to read the play." 💯✔👌👍

I only hope more people realize the same things that you do - the world needs to wake up!!!

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When Hollywood switched its output to entirely Fascistic SuperHero content, it was obvious which way the American public and Westerners were supposed to blow in the coming years.

And there is a definite crossover with Zionazism.

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Those of us who live here have been aware of that since forever. At least those of us who aren’t asleep and stay away from the Kool-Aid. Same as it always was.

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My experience of living in the US was that very few people were aware of it. Indeed very few seemed to have any concern for anything outside of its borders.

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I was raised there, Vincent. Because of this, I almost understand what's going on in the mind of Israelis.

I am GenX, so I don't know for sure that my experience matches younger people - but... here's a thing. I knew the flag code before I knew my multiplication tables. (The flag must never touch the ground, and the US flag must NEVER be flown lower than the flag of any other power. It must be raised with a salute in the morning, removed at sunset, and folded in a perfectly triangular form. Yes, I was a Girl Scout.)

I knew the pledge of allegiance before I could read. We began every day with it.

It was illegal to teach history that in any way disgraced the United States (that law is still in our judicial codes) and therefore we are not taught US history, but rather, US mythology.

We are carefully taught that our country is always right, and we are always number one. We are the best at everything there is to be best at, and pointing out that Russia reached orbit first is un-Patriotic, which is the worst thing you can be. The slaves were well treated at the plantations, and were all brought to God through our own manifest destiny; when they were not, it was the fault of an individual, not of a system. The Indians were noble savages, but savage all the same. I could go on...

We are also raised with an unshakable belief that if something bad happens to you, you must have had it coming. Therefore, if you end up on the streets, it's your own sin that caused it. Medical bankruptcy? You made bad choices. Unemployed? You didn't learn to code or get an education. Got an education but crushed under student debt? You're a dumb ass who took out a loan you can't afford.

If you have amassed obscene wealth? It's because God loves you and you are a Good person, and you are smarter and better than other people - (even if you came by that money through grift.)

There is a streak of Calvinism that runs through the blood of my nation. People in the US really don't understand how this streak of fundamentalism impacts them because they think they don't believe in God, but it's the water we breathe and the air we drink. We are drowned in patriotism and wrapped in the flag from the time we are the littlest of toddlers. And to critique the nation is to be a traitor, an apostate, a heretic.

I committed the greatest sin of all. I left and shook the dust off my feet.

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That makes for an astonishing read, but it explains a lot. Thanks for expressing that.

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It's a lot of conditioning to overcome. It's really hard for the folks who are just seeing what our nation is doing in Israel - (or have done in Afghanistan or Libya or Iraq or El Salvador or Chile or Cuba or...) - so, each time the US commits these crimes, for Americans, it's like the very first time, every time, and it's because of this President or that Party and 'we aren't really like this' and 'this isn't us, we're the GOOD guys!' and they forget until the next time.

Oh - and also, we Americans mistake ourself for our government. Which is why you hear us say 'We did this and We did that' - which is intensely perplexing to my European friends! It's a really profound rhetorical trick that makes us all individually responsible for things over which we have absolutely no control.

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Confusing the people with the government and making it sound as if the people of the US are the ones committing crimes against humanity also makes it more difficult to resist the people in power who are actually committing crimes against humanity. It is difficult to put up much resistance to yourself.

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deletedMay 28
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Same thing happens with Jews and Israel. Myself and every other Jew I know had the indoctrination happen from an early age. I caught on early about the both the American and Israeli ruse, but too many that I know have never been able to shake the foundational, generational lies. Add in the greed and religion and those of us that are constantly trying to fight against the tide find ourselves constantly treading water. But the fight continues. It has to.

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deletedMay 28
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You're barking up the wrong tree brother. When one is brainwashed from an early age, it's extremely difficult for them to change their ways as they mature. It's the eternal story. Zionists who have been taught that Jew's are supreme, and Israel is their land, and they are are the victims, are very slow to change their ways. Some find their way out of the madness, like I did. I despise Zionists, and I despise the United States government and all those in the States that parade around the flag and truly believe that the USA can do no wrong, especially when it comes to Israel. I battle with them daily. We're on the same side.

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>>"Some find their way out of the madness, like I did."

I commend you for that Sam! Not many people are able to do what you did and see through a lifetime of brainwashing, gaslighting, propaganda, and bullshitting.

Now, if only we could come up with a strategy to "de-brainwash" people, I think we can speed up the process of waking people up from their illusions of reality.

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Kiko… Sam is on your side. You have every reason to be furious. But there are worthier targets for your anger.

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Thank you.

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deletedMay 28
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Excellent overview, all truth, and this part really jumped out at me: “There is a streak of Calvinism that runs through the blood of my nation. People in the US really don't understand how this streak of fundamentalism impacts them because they think they don't believe in God, but it's the water we breathe and the air we drink.” I have never seen someone highlight Calvinism as you have done. Thank you. I grew up indoctrinated in an extremely fundamentalist Calvinist school in west Michigan. It was an utter hellzone of hypocrisy and white elitist thinking. Really disturbing messaging of a chosen people, the elect, underpinning a facade of Dutch pride and cleanliness.

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Hi Erin

I grew up in eastern-ish Michigan. It’s astonishing that our state is nearly split down the middle in terms of political and social views.

I lived in the 1-75 corridor with its large population of Blacks, Arabs and Latinos.

I do commend the people of the Grand Rapids area for electing Justin Amash to Congress. I understand that he is now running as an independent after having retired. He was the FIRST Palestinian-American in Congress.

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That is heartening to hear about G.R. - thank you. I moved east (Ann Arbor) in the mid-90’s and it was glorious! My eyes were definitely opened. Like moving from a dense fog into the sunlight of diversity, discourse and cultural health.

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Hi Erin

I spent a lot of time in Arbor as a teenager, when my brother was attending U of M. This was in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I feel priveleged to have been part of the scene on the country’s second most radical campus, lol.

I was born and raised in Flint and now live in a rural area between there and Lansing.

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Wow! I could not have said it better!

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This is a cold hard fact but I would argue that it is the County border not even the country's! I left my home town 50 plus years ago and have been back all of 3 times (never again!) and the same people I grew up with are still sitting on the same barstools they were on 50+ years ago! Never left the County but can tell you all about what they believe is happening in the world having been watching sports and the MSM! It is sad beyond belief.

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Your comment reminded me of one of Darden Smith’s first songs from back in the mid-1980s. It’s a brilliant song. “…And in a thousand other towns

Now people, Lord, they're doing just the same/

They're all living their lives in two dollar novels/

And wondering why the world is so insane.”

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It is necessary that the vast majority of Americans are unaware of living at the center of an empire. It is important that they believe in America as the Shining City on the Hill and a positive example leading the world to a brighter, freer, and more prosperous future. This is the myth of American Exceptionalism and it is an article of faith for the majority of the population. And of course the news media, entertainment industry, and educational system work to reinforce that idea. To call America an empire? That is heresy!

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Yeah. I lived there too for 23yrs. completely agree.

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Same as it always was. Same as it always was.

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Arnaud Bertrand recently discussed an FT article on how "the rules based international order" is so much horse hockey and should be abandoned. Rather, the FT article advocates an explicit understanding that some countries are entitled to more than others.

This would at least be a more honest formulation of the only real American policy - Might Is Right.

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I’ve been wondering why TPTB are undermining their institutions. Thanks for something new to consider on this front.

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May 28·edited May 28

They are abandoning their professed ideology because they can, and keeping up the pretense requires time and energy that could be more productively spent elsewhere.

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa

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He he he. Did you get that via me?

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For anyone old enough to remember when the U.S. at least APPEARED to be a benevolent leader of the free world, finding out that it is actually a tyrannical bully and the epitome of EVIL is quite a shock!

Having full knowledge of the EVIL that the West is engaged in, are we going to bury our heads in the sand or take action to elicit change? That is a question we are all faced with. More importantly, how do we elicit the needed changes? Well, removing Zionist control of our media and government would be a good start. But replacing one AIPAC stooge with another one hasn't worked!

Revolution? John Lennon's song on that screams for clarification. Sorry, I can't provide answers, just hoping to find them. Student protests sure kicked the Zio hornets nest. What will those students go on to do? Supporting their efforts will help. Donate to BDS? Engage in conversations with Zombies or Zionists? Good luck!

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May 28·edited May 28

Want to turn almost anyone into a tyrant? Give them power.

Even in the cases where the powerful don't abuse their power, that power will attract sociopaths the way fresh dog shit attracts flies.

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It would seem that what is needed to thwart that type of person, at least to some extent, is to make sure that those gaining real power have to have something more than money, and important connections. Maybe having to contribute to the community as a requisite to advancement? That’s impossible, right? I mean there no place where someone has to work their way up the ladder, and can only get to top leadership positions through benefitting the people, right? Hmmm

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The basic function of government is to keep power out of the hands of sociopaths.

Every government eventually fails in this regard, as sociopaths are precisely the people who will do whatever it takes to gain power. The rest of us are always at an inherent disadvantage relative tot he sociopath, since there are things we won't do to get ahead.

This is why, once a sociopath enters a game, all player must either turn sociopath themselves or lose, since the sociopath will cheat whenever advantageous at the moment (and will scream bloody murder if anyone else does the same to him).

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May 28·edited May 28

I guess that's why people put together a "Constitution" and written word laws that supposedly, no citizen of a civilized nation should be above - that a supposed impartial judicial system adjudicates upon.

But the problem is when the corruption becomes so rampant, often as a result of gross unchecked wealth disparity, as what we now have in the US. A once thriving empire heads into severe decline, its social structure becomes dysfunctional and dystopic, and susceptible to all sorts of demagoguery and eventually totalitarian rule.

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That is precisely the function of a written constitution (as opposed to an unwritten constitution, such as that of Great Britain or the Roman Republic).

However, law is meaningless. Enforcement is what matters.

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Well said Feral Finster! (and eerily accurate and true).

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I'm open to suggestions.

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Always hated the USA,since I was 15 and went on Vietnam marches.Then falling in love with Cuba and demonstrating against the USA embargo.But I never expected that it would turn against International law and support a terrorist state committing genocide.They really have now lost their moral highground.But then,how have they tolerated such a funny little clown who can barely function as their leader?They are all either insane or bloody stupid.

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Sarah - they haven't 'now' lost their moral high-ground. We didn't have one to stand on. We were a nation founded on genocide, and built through slavery. Vietnam wasn't the first 'unjust' war, we've been in plenty. For more than a century we waged war against South & Central America (the Monroe Doctrine), culminating in the training of death squads at the 'School of the Americas.' We had a few shining decades where hope was high and things looked different, but we have a blood soaked imperialist history and billions have died in our names.

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"They really have now lost their moral highground.But then,how have they tolerated such a funny little clown who can barely function as their leader?They are all either insane or bloody stupid."

I agree. Just like the allies of the United States. Where do you live?

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The only real argument they give is “because we can”. Everything else said is a disguise

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But they can't. 3 wars in a row lost and coming up Ukraine.

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It’s not only that America has lost one war after another, it’s the trillions wasted on the wars that should have gone to helping the American people. Congress tells us daily that there’s no money to house the homeless, or feed the hungry or to help people who have huge medical debts, or ect ad nauseam. Government at all levels have set up a kickback scheme to enrich themselves and their ver few friends. What’s even more idiotic is how many people here support the never ending wars that steals money from their pockets.

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The rulers make the rules,

the ruled follow them.


Around 700 - 1000 military bases,

depending on how you count them.


Only global hegemony will do,

there is no outside of the empire.


Obey orders, or else

we take the whole planet down with us.

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"Around 700 - 1000 military bases,

depending on how you count them."

Some of them are in Australia. I don't see Aussie protests against the bases, so they are complacent.

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The Australian government is, and always has been, a vassal. It has never represented the population. The country is run by mining barons who want to keep happy whichever superpower controls the oceans. At the moment, that means pissing off their main trading partner, so go figure.

The Australian public, as in most western nations, is largely politically disengaged. Lately, the genocide of Gaza is activating many people, mainly the younger generations. Over the last couple of elections, the vote has swung towards third parties. Most would say they're against AUKUS, but you're right, few protests as yet - most anti-imperial sentiment is currently focused on pro-Palestinian activism.

Meanwhile, the Okinawans have been protesting steadfastly for decades, but the base is still there. I feel the System of the World is about to tip, though.

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May 28·edited May 28

".... it’s clear that the US has discredited its claim as the upholder of the “rules-based international order”....

There is no such thing as a "rules based order" in the first place. That is fake news that came out of State Dept years ago and has been repeated by their court jesters in the media.

The only order that we have had consists of nations abiding by international law and norms and conventions, such as the Geneva Convention, the Vienna convention and so on. The US and its thug gang "NATO" has progressed from occasionally going around these, to now totally ignoring them. In the past few decades this has let to mass murder by them in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the Sahel, Yemen and many other places:


What they did there in those places, they are now having Israel do in Gaza.

And the US never aimed to "lead" the world. Rather it believes it owns us all and has behaved in that manner, much a slave master "owned" his slaves. That's a backwards view of the world that does not belong in this day and age.

What's really going in now is a US-zionist ("neocon") battle to continue to enslave most of the world, via its network of vassals. And a rebellion against that.

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Lead the world where? To what? There are no world leaders worth the time of day.

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I think you could call Chinese leader Xi worthy. He has brought China up to be a very wealthy thoughtful leader and is not a warmonger.

Please don't bring up Taiwan.....always has belonged to China.

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Nor the propaganda about the million Uyghurs in concentration camps in Xinjiang! https://jowaller.substack.com/p/sinophobia-in-the-british-msm-continues .

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Well worth a read.

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Thank you 🙏🏽

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I've been to Xinjiang. People really were being hauled off to camps.

Uighers who didn't own homes were exiled from Urumqi. That is, all renters had to return to their villages.

Outdoor grills were banned, which was pure oppression.

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True or not it is still sovereign China's own business.

True or not China is not stepping up to be the next US hegemon.

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the idea that the US "leads" the world is and has always been, a myth. Only the US itself and their lap dogs in Europe see things like that. Everyone else sees them simply as thugs and bullies. The idea that they "spread democracy" is ludicrous. They spread chaos, either installing dictators themselves or generating the dictatorships that necessarily arise in opposition to them. Their arrogance in thinking that their version of democracy is the only option, and that other nations are incapable of developing their own democracies, is breathtaking and damaging.

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"the idea that the US "leads" the world is and has always been, a myth. Only the US itself and their lap dogs in Europe see things like that."

You left out the Aussies.

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The Japanese, too, have sacrificed any economic progress since the 90's (see Plaza Accord, yen carry trade) to prop up the US dollar and avoid hurting the Empire's ego.

In Australia, the Empire contents itself with making sure that US corporations have a controlling interest in all the mining operations. The last prime minister who talked about shutting down a US military base was in the 70's, and he got his arse soft-couped by the CIA in short order. The Australian government has been America's bitch ever since.

However, we really must make a distinction between the comprador ruling class of these countries and their publics, who have no love of the USA but have fallen into a state of conditioned helplessness.

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"The Japanese, too, have sacrificed any economic progress since the 90's (see Plaza Accord, yen carry trade) to prop up the US dollar and avoid hurting the Empire's ego."

Agreed, as have the South Koreans.

"The Australian government has been America's bitch ever since."

True, prior to that, they were the Brit's bitch. The Aussie motto should be Take a knee never free.

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The vassal handover was in 1945, not 1975. And that motto would apply to most of the human race, with a few exceptions. The Yemenis, for example.

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"The vassal handover was in 1945, not 1975."

I said nothing about a date.

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That is why we need to vote green all the way. Our only hope to get out of this mess. And this has to be done in all countries in the west. US yr election is rigged totally. Don’t get it rbh

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We're not going to just vote our way out of this mess - it'll take more sacrifice than that. Successfully electing alternative parties, though, will demonstrate to the wider public that parliamentary/congressional politics is a rigged game. Hopefully then they'll take a more involved, active, local stance.

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Clear as the reflection of a mirror.

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