How dare you so violently force me to agree with everything you say with your undeniable everything you say, dammit!

(I know it's technically a question, but it was more satisfying to exclaim. :)

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Impossible to disagree with the theme and the conclusions. I disagree strongly with the terminology.. A rock, or an earthworm has zero moral authority. The US has hugely negative moral authority. A fox that beheads a hundred chickens in a henhouse has negative moral authority.

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Jake Sullivan, Hillary strategy advisor had a KEY role in launching Russia-gate hoax – he is now national security advisor to Biden.

Same people that launched the Russia-gate hoax are now hollering that Russia invasion of Ukraine is "imminent". All to "save democracy" there -- in order to distract from the fact that St. Obama organized in 2014 bloody coup against democratically elected Ukraine government.

St. Obama installed Biden and his CIA pal Brennan as de facto governors of Ukraine -- immensely enriching US "elite" and posting and removing government members, judges and heads of industry with billions of corrupting cash -- in "fight against corruption".

US War party’s key exports are – coups, wars and all-encompassing corruption.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

Damn. Today Caitlin is like Mohammad Ali -- boom boom boom!

If only moral authority was actually on the table; it's more like which hat the thug decides to wear to the mugging.

Try this one on for size: When your government supports the injustice that is Israel and nary a peep of protest is heard, don't act surprised when that government decides to start treating you like a Palestinian.

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I don't know if it's just me having my biases confirmed or that you're a mind reader Caitlin. Spot on as per normal. Thanks.

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Peace, Love, Integrity, Justice and Balance are the keys, the ethics so required in our new o/s. They are also how we find ourselves happy...

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Imagine being a fly on the wall of these puppeteers: they surely laugh themselves silly watching the masses flinch and squirm with every fantastical notion they foist on them. They laugh all the way to the bank and most people just say: "thank you sir, may I have another beating".

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

I am experiencing a palpable relief that somewhere on the internet there is a comment section in which people are saying things that sound sane to me.

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I am personally sick to death of the game of "what-camp-are-you-in?" to force you to explain in detail just why you don't want to see thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people killed, including children and non-combatants. That is how the move is legitimized, because it is assumed arguable, and a matter of "reasons", some being right and some wrong, and the proponents have all the info and the legitimizing reasons. So yes, STFU is the most logical, reasonable and human answer.

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Caitlin supports north Korea, Iran, Russia, because she criticizes the American regime; does anyone disagree with Caitlin’s assertion that this phenomenon is proof the accuser is but a lowly propagandized shill ? Any dissent? Is Caitlin correct?

Then how about a Trump supporter? Are they not similarly abused? They are dismissed out of hand, the mere fact of supporting Trump disqualifies them and the reasons for their opposition to the elite are bellow consideration.

It’s the same phenomenon. Ignore the Trump factor (ignoramus) he is the effect not the cause, when he dies the phenomenon will find a new (less rude) home.

Come on , admit it, you were wrong!

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Thank you for the pick me up. I’m frequently accused of being contrarian and yet I’m completely sane.

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Is a writing suggesting the identification of the elite and the unlimited source of funds of interest ? Ref. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=87971 GREETINGS, SPARTACUS.

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