Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Wonderful post. Thanks for the consistency producing such grounding content.

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These days every government hates its citizens

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"People are getting their life advice from chronically miserable freaks like Jordan Peterson"

Disagree. Peterson has bravely stood up for standards and for that I am grateful. I don't have to idolize him or agree w/him about everything.

"I wrote and tweeted about abortion for days after the Roe decision using the words "women" and "woman" the entire time and no one ever objected or told me to say "birthing people" or "people with uteruses" even once. The majority of my readers are leftists. This "women are being erased" culture war talking point seems to be a made-up crisis."

So, the people who read YOU didn't complain and you conclude that the "women are being erased" culture war is made up? Sorry but this is bullshit. Women are being erased. Your writing isn't the entire world.

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I'm not sure we should be too relieved by the fact that playing to their abortion rights political base seamlessly supplanted the trans rights mind poison.

There are lots of examples of swapping one narrative for another with virtually no changeover cost, even when the two narratives are logically inconsistent. I think it just demonstrates how removed from reality they have gotten most of the population.

There is a subtlety to the trans rights push. Should trans people have rights? Yes. But there is a difference between having the right to be acknowledged and treated with dignity, and disallowing the formulation of any difference between two very different things at the linguistic level. That I consider to be mind poison, and a powerful way to break people's minds in support of the narratives. Forcing people to mentally accept logical inconsistency and obvious falsehoods is a method of control straight out of Orwell.

I'm not sure why the criticism of Jordan Peterson, he has always seemed pretty reasonable to me. He has his faults but he seems very honest and open and is a good listener. His advice to first make small positive progress in your own life among things you can control, seems quite wise to me. Is he really miserable?

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You clearly haven't followed the money funding gender ideology. Their ideas are absolutely about destroying biological sex as a category. It would behoove you to research what's going on there before making such bold statements about women's erasure. If you've read Biden's latest human rights bill, you'd know it doesn't mention the word woman once.

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I have been a leftist since the 70s and no longer want to use that label or any label. It divides people which plays into the divide and conquer strategy of the oligarchy/ MIC. People are entitled to their opinions, which are based on their experiences and understanding however incorrect they may seem. Politics are mostly based on opinions, not Truth. IMO, the most important truth is that we are all connected, and both independent and interdependent. Love is the way. It raises vibrations.

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This: "It is good that the last two US presidents have been slobbering idiots with holes in their brains. You never want the world's most evil government to have a charming face."

It's almost like they want to be found out and taken out. Or the oligarchy is just too plain arrogant in thinking we're all too stupid and will fall for it. Well, some do, alas.

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Unfortunately you almost have to be on underground feminist closed social media groups to hear about the repercussions for using the word woman or not using gender neutral pronouns on some jobs. Women professors, professionals and leading feminists are getting shut down on social media, fired or harassed and smeared just like JkRowling so please don’t minimize the problem. I am glad for the positive you are reporting but people are driven out of some left groups for not believing transwomen ARE women.

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Paul Craig Roberts, since the 2014 Nuland coup in Kiev, has been writing about American neocon aggression in Ukraine and that Mr. Putin should have put down the insurrection against his country years ago instead of allowing the Pentagon to flood Ukraine with deadly high-tech weapons. Now, after 8 years of Washington's building up Ukraine's military, it has been a much harder, and more deadly, task, possibly ending in thermonuclear war. The American enemy of mankind, as represented by the idiotic Biden Regime, must, somehow be stopped before the Russia-hating neocons blow up the planet.

BTW, Caitlin, not all of your followers are on the left. I imagine that you have tens of thousands of supporters on the anti-war right also.

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Biological women should not have to compete against men, regardless of who they think or feel they are. The transgender community has the press and the government on their side so that should tell you something!

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Cattle. When cattle get foot and mouth disease a whole herd must be put down in lime pits quickly so the land may be put back into production. An individual case of rabies or thrush mistaken for rabies gets shot, even if it take the sorry state of current cattle hands 90+ bullets to do the job. The owners, far away in high society, only note the spreadsheet profit and loss. There is no love nor hate, just indifference at the individual steer or cow. Rather irritation and head scratching frustration arise at "The Problem of Overproduction & the Tendency of the Falling Rate of Profit", or "Limitless Growth Done on a Limited Planet".

The Cattlehands mostly just see it as a job, better to be in the pay of Jay Gould than the other half -- The Cattle. Plus the perks, ones that tends to attract many sadist as anything goes if they keep it out on the range away, from the dinning tables and country club bars of the 1%.

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Powerful Stuff - poetic, concise and brilliant

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Caitlin writes with so much rage. It appears unhealthy. Not sure where the hatred of Jordan Peterson comes from...he's as milquetoast as they come...jealousy perhaps?

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100%!... may I add, NARCISSIST PSYCHOPATHS TOO OVER!, it is their turn!....

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Great Post... stay True to yourself...

About Jordan Peterson...

Great man that fights all of the above but also the enemy within himself...

I believe that is due to the fact that he is a carnivore... when in reality he is a gentile person.

You cannot be hunter and prey at the same time... you must first be honest to yourself.

First rule of ZEN

Second Observation and you will find this is true to the bone.

What happens now happened before 100 years ago to the bone... in Germany prior to WW2

Same people same shit same propaganda... result War.... wanted and willing.

Same happens right here right now.... Hyperinflation next step... uprising... war... all planned.

And the underlying common denominator is the Jewish Occult and the related Mafia Families.

You will find that von der Leyen Biden Macron Zelinsky Putin Boris Scholz all belong to this Jewish Occult Network.

They are actors out to destroy you me and this world on behalf of those Jewish Occult Propagandists behind the curtain.

On the 4th of July 2022 I started Project Revolution... because we cannot rely on Governments... we must do it alone. Those who look away only support evil.

We the People are the Revolution there is no other way.


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I usually agree with you 100% Caitlin, but you've seriously misjudged the harms done, not only to women but to vulnerable young people especially girls, by an industry which tries to convince them they can change sex. A 4000% increase in teen girls referred to 'gender clinics' and being fast tracked onto puberty blockers and then testosterone and double mastectomies is not harmless! This is a wicked deception and will leave many young girls sterile and with without full sexual function and other health problems. The boys, are being 'transed' too. Check out the sad case of Jazz Jennings to see the full horror of a teen boy having his testicle removed and his penis inverted to form a 'pseudo vagina' before his 18th birthday. Castrated, in effect.

Search for 'detransitioners' if you think this is an exaggeration. It's truly shocking!

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