Egyptian woman BLASTS CNN reporter over SHAMEFUL coverage of Gaza and for falsifying the truth​ (Less than 2 minutes ​of perfectly articulated truth.)


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Ralph Nader, Biden just returned a huge bill for the American People, he writes with integrity of Biden’s inhumanity, failures. I do not support any funds to Israel or the Ukraine from America. We’ve damaged other human beings and ourselves enough.⚖️☮️🇵🇸🇺🇸

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Lots of truth in this article. One correction, though: If you scratch the surface, Israel has no ideology other than expanding the land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, which requires the Palestinians residing there to disappear, one way or another. All the rest is fairy tales. In this way, Israel and the US are all about natural resources, from real estate to oil, nothing else. Really not complicated.

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I susually like and agree with Caitlin's writing/ideas but on this one she is wrong about the lack of ideology of the US. It is Capitalism which morphed into Corporatism which in fact is fascism. It's exported ideology is hegemony based on the belief in its right to control the world and its resources. The huge propaganda machine is a heavily financed industry with part of its goal being the control of the media and, these days, also Social Media. Covid planning intentionally promoted the goal of repressing any questioning of the formal narrtive in order to "manufacture consent." People wrote about this as the Belgian psychiatrist Mattias calling it Mass Psychosis. There are other terms used but all referring to the same condition of controlled media and controlled thinking of the public forcing consent and a belief system.

Bottom line however you name it the US has an ideology it just is not democracy or justice or fair play in manner. It is self-centered narcissism with the belief that the US has the right to control the world and everything in it including who is to live and die. it is just a nasty ideology and puts the lie to the myth of democracy we were all conditioned to believing.

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When I think of what the USG does routinely and cavalierly with no concern for explaining or justifying, it magnifies the moment where the global condemnation, minus the blowback at home, has the messaging and the bravado and the righteous rhetoric out of sync and reduced to leaning on a hollow insistence that the Israelis didn’t destroy that hospital.

Any cursory history of Israel will show how consistent the Gaza hospital bombing is with Israeli policies and practices over the last 75 years, including its bloody founding. And for an American president to double down on this lame argument is both ironic and pathetic.

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I don't like Hamas, and certainly don't approve of it's killing of innocents, and it most certainly knew what the repercussions would be for those it claims to represent, although most didn't vote for them, too young. I have never supported the Israeli position toward the people of Palestine, not it's unwillingness to create a two state solution, not it's many assaults on the Palestinian people, and certainly not it's open door prison in Gaza.. I have no doubt that Netanyahu supports Hamas. since neither is interested in a two state solution. Certainly the treatment of those in the West Bank where people are thrown out of their homes then taken over by settlers with no consequences have added fuel to the fire and further encouraged Hamas to attack civilians even knowing what the consequences would be. Gallant truly gave it away when he referenced the Palestinians as animals, not worthy of being given food, water or fuel. I think this is going to cause more divisions among countries then anything that has gone on, and continues to go on in Ukraine. I feel sickened by my country's willingness to push an agenda that could ultimately end everything for everyone.

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One very remarkable point to me is just how much restraint we are seeing from the Muslim countries. We are told that Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia are vicious totalitarian terrorist states and yet they, and everyone else in the region, is reacting to the Gaza provocation a lot like how Putin has reacted to the Ukraine provocation - very slowly, patiently. Perhaps the rest of the world truly recognizes that it is now dealing with deranged hostage takers that have seized the West.

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“All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.” ― George Orwell

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Bless you for this, 🇵🇸💔

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As I see a lot more push back of Israel's propaganda machines but I also see these responce posts giving the usual stock lines of hasbara PR talking points popping up in places like YouTube.

YouTube is doing the dirty fascist censorship work of the empire by deleting and shadow banning all voices like your own. There is a pattern I noticed of these spooks all saying the same thing..Israel belongs to the Jews..all of it they insist and Palestinians don't exist and never had , and Arabs stole the land of Israel hundreds of years ago , and then the idea around conquest comes up..you own what you can take is a very Zionist traditional thinking and I hate to say it a very Jewish cultural thing at least in the nationalistic types.

I have even overheard those setiments laughed at by Jewish business people.."if they get taken they must have deserved it" and of course these things are coined antisemitism if you repeat what came out of their own mouths.

White supremacist have nothing on Jewish supremacist.

And this whole Palestine beat down so parallels every abusive relationship dynamics in the classic domestics as it does in the international politics.

"Why do you make me beat you" is their entire mindset. And sadly this behavior pattern is in perfect alignment with USA empire building. It abuses it's public as if they are its abused children.. All it knows is punishment.

Don't forget to sign and date those tax checks.

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Remember this . . . you need NO prosthetics of ideology / narratives / propaganda or fixations . . .

“I am my mother’s son. All other identities are artificial and recent. Naked, basic, actually, I am my mother’s son. I emerged from her womb and set out on this earth. The earth gave me another identity, that of name, personality, appearance, character, and spirit. The earth is my grandmother; I am the earth’s grandson. The way I comb my hair today has nothing to do with myself, who am my mother’s son and the earth’s grandson. I am put on this earth to prove that I am my mother’s son. I am also on this earth, my grandmother, to be her spokesman, in my chosen and natural way. The earth owns the least to myself; she shall take me back, and my mother too. We have proven the earth’s truth and meaning, which is, simply life and death.”

― Jack Kerouac, Jack Kerouac: Collected Poems

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" Planet Earth is littered with the remains of former empires, born to their own destruction by human folly. History is the great whistleblower and is blowing the whistle on yet another empire, and the ship of fools running it."

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Indeed! Your perspective is agreed to by this former Israeli soldier:


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CJ one of your best.

Israel walked/is walking right into the Woke trap!


Oppressed/ Oppressor

How do they get out of their Mess?

The world turns against Them?


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How to instantly, after two decades of “efforts”, create a two-state solution – NOW?

No need for war but Saudis should reduce oil output by 30% - with consequent price increases.

If in two months a mutually agreed solution is not agreed and implemented, reduce oil output by another 20%.

“Bibi” and his Greater Israel and apartheid extremists, together with US, sabotaged a two-state solution for decades – by terror and “realities created on ground”, i.e., relentless building of settlements in West Bank fully financed (with tax deductions) by extremist groups in the US and – contrary to “official” position of US government..

ENOUGH of that bloody charade !!

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