Trudeau has another very big headache as pro-Palestinian demonstrations are happening across the country. This is truly remarkable as Canadians are a docile apologetic lot. When Ottawa isn't kissing Washington's and Israel's ass it is giving standing ovations to former Nazi's in Parliament. This is what happens when a country becomes the dupe of an empire-- screwed, blued and tattooed.
And don't think for one second the U.S. is not prepared to throw any "ally" under the bus. U.S. politicians don't give a damn about anything except their off shore money laundering accounts.
You are so bloody right and they have been doing it for decades and the list only gets longer. NATO countries are so dumb they have no inkling of how thoroughly they are being cannibalized out of existence by their demented imperial master in its desperate rage of collapse. It is both hideous and pathetic to watch self-immolation born of childish spite and endless corruptions. The psychosis runs deep.
Trudeau's father was a decent Liberal prime minister who commanded respect from all parties in the Commons. Sadly, the son has disgraced his father's legacy as he is generally considered one of our better prime ministers. Canada's Liberal Party voted the son into the PMO indifferent to the fact he has neither the talent or intelligence of his father. His father's charisma attracted talented men and women to his cabinet, for the son it has been the opposite as he lost some of his best talent by his own ineptness.
The father was Canada's last liberal prime minister, all PMs since have been neoliberal, including the son. Most Canadians aren't even aware of the difference.
Here is a piece I wrote specifically about the Commonwealth Bank of Australia - a brilliant Public Banking Solution that became a global beacon within 2 years of being created with seeding of a mere £16,000 printed out of thin air by the Treasury...
The problem for Western governments is that they are owned and controlled by corporate vested interests which impose political paralysis on government. We claim to be social democracies which is a lie as we are no more than neoliberal enclaves enslaved to corporate values and power. Until such time as we re-constitute our democracies the decline of the West will continue unabated, more wars and economic decline entrenched.
As the decline gathers momentum the quality of politicians and the people attracted to politics will also decline as we are seeing in both the US and Canada.
Canada's present federal government is deplorable but people do not realize the depth of the crisis. Our system is broken , our democracy is gone. We like the the Americans think another election is going to solve our problems when they solve nothing, just more of the same corrupt incompetence and the feathering of economic corruptions.
The adoption of the neoliberal-corporatist ideologies by the West have been a catastrophic blunder yet to be addressed. We are the victims of utterly corrupt and extortionist ideologies.
It is little wonder China, Russia, Asia and everybody else is running for the exits and creating their own economic systems--- they can see the mess we are in.
Obviously Robert you are not aware of the fact that Tru Dough Senior sold his country out to the global commercial banking cartel and to the parasitic pump and dump schemes of the BIS.
Yes, Canada became a tragic example of the Western economics wrecking ball too. In the 1930s it used state bank-created credit (aka The Public Banking Solution) right through until the 70s when the treasonous Tru Dough Snr sold out his country’s prosperity to the BIS. In reality, “his” so-called offspring is simply putting the finishing touches to the evisceration that TD Senior began.
William King was the hero of the day – the elected PM in 1935 – and he got the model installed – his famous quote, which describes just how essential this is to any country’s prosperity was just one simple sentence…
“Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognised as the most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.”
The Bank of Canada opened in the wake of the Great Depression, which was deliberately caused by precisely the same model that the Western world uses to this day. The BOC created credit to finance federal, provincial, and municipal projects – this was done with accounting entries without a single cent being borrowed from anywhere, let alone from offshore.
Another Canadian hero Gerald McGeer asked the question of Graham Towers, the first Governor of the Bank of Canada…
“Would you admit that anything physically possible and desirable can be made financially possible?"
… and …
" tell me why the govt with the power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly and then borrow that which Parliament can create itself, back at interest?"
As William Krehm a Canadian author and political activist wrote…
“In the years 1935 to 1945, Canada’s monetary base – that is the supply of legal tender – was increased from $259 million to $2,017 million. M1 – all currency and non-interest bearing deposits – rose from $742 million to $2.956 million.
Because the CB created most of the money itself and lent it out to the Govt in the form of treasury bills at rates as low as 0.37%, the bank was able to keep the interest paid on Canada Savings bonds bought by the public to 3% or less. Without the low-rate financing provided by the central banks, the Allied powers could not have won the war.”
Remember that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia was also using the public banking solution as well, in not only developing its economy into an economic powerhouse but also helping to defeat the Nazi fascists that fancied themselves to take over most of the globe.
These models are absolutely not inflationary and as such they create a savings culture in society in which public utility savings bank models flourish and more liquidity and capital becomes available for the localised productive economy.
It is high time that the Western world woke up and realised that we are once again the victim of a fascist takeover. This time it is not the Third Reich – but it is a Reich in vey thin disguise nevertheless.
This time around the enemy is ensconced within our own Western system. This modern-day ravenous monster has actually been handed on a plate the complete monetary power to victimise OURSELVES!
The entire mechanism enables outrageously criminal privately owned Western banking institutions, and most notably the central banking system, with the BIS and the Fed occupying pride of place in this gluttonous “human” food chain.
This network, in effect, has been given complete license to prey on the productive labour resource of much of the world – the most important resource of all. In fact, without this resource, all of the others are completely worthless anyway.
This is where the entire Western system has gone wrong – it has allowed the parasitic financial economy to become a ravenous Frankenstein-like monster that preys mercilessly on our productive human resources and as such the productive economy.
The squid-like creature didn’t just crawl out of Jekyll Island but it also mutated out of the City of London, and most certainly from the Swiss city Basil, ever so strategically located right on the border of both France and Germany.
Pierre True Dough was in fact a neo-liberal too and a very poorly disguised one at that. I would suggest you read Ellen Browns epic book "the Public Bank solution and Chapter 16 in particular.
If you read the entire book you will realise exactly why the globe has been plunged into turmoil for at least 75 years. Ellen Brown is one of only two Wesstern based economists in the world that I have found that not only zeros in on the root cause of the global giant sucking squid, but who also offers up the solutions which are actually so incredibly simple. The other one of course is Professor Richard Werner.
These two visionaries between them hold the key to the financial blueprints which could eliminate more than 90% of the misery of he modern world.
The final sell out of Canada came with Brian Mulroney who followed Trudeau.
Mulroney duped Canadians into his free trade agreements which was the end of Canada's economic sovereignty. The advent of neoliberalism was a further blow and Harper in his tenure was systematically dismantling the country.
I have never voted for Canada's Liberal party. The father was complicit but the son is an absolute disaster for the country and the inheritor of all previous prime minister's willingness to sell out the country to continentalism.
I wonder what the nazi so recently lauded in the Canadian Parliament thinks about Trudeau et all supporting Israel. or for that matter, what Chrystia Freenland thinks about that..
I did not get it from CNN. I suspect that footage got "leaked" by somebody who liked it, but wanted to stay employed, or somebody else with a non-CNN camera running.
Personally I hate CNN because of it's total bias on any given issue. No shades of gray, just black and white thinking so they get people not to think at all. Thanks for that footage.
I try look at as much media as possible, even those I don;t trust, believing I can read between the lines, but this week I made the decision to never watch CNN or Fox again unless it involves footage of an American disaster. Everyone here can take John's link and share it to Notes on Substack. Let's be more than commentators.
Please, remember we're people too, and not deserving of a disaster. Biden and Pamela and a bunch of neocons pulling the strings, well, that's enough of a disaster, for a life time.
I read as much independent journalists and individuals as possible. I even prefer the Russian Times to almost anything in the American media as it is much more open in what it will allow to be printed. But we have many good people like Chris Hedges Scott Ritter;, the writers of Global Research or Information Clearing House. Even Common Dreams and Truthdig are better than the MSM which is too toxic for my brain. For health and environental issues I prefer, ANH USA, Green Medicine and again Global Research just to mention a very few. And these are just a few of the resources.
Have you listened to MSNBC. They're even worse. Right now in regard to this issue no one is worth listening to since they have all adopted a pro-Israeli policy which they always have.
Fox, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times. They ALL are horrible, just in different ways, with their bullshit aimed at swaying slightly different "demographics" and selling to different "markets".
None of them exist for any purpose but to make their investors money. And in this world, money = POWER.
Outside of USA, same applies. BBC, RT, whatever. If it is large, free on line and considered mainstream, it serves some master of the universe or other. Not YOU, pitiful little under person. If you MATTERED, you would be at the shareholder meetings and your PR firms employees, AIs and web service subcontractors would be posting to Substack, not yourself.
But do continue to throw your bodies onto the gears of this neoliberal/neofascist/corporatist machine if no better way to change the future comes to mind. It will be better than dieing in the camps or 500+ REM prompt radiation zone, or a fallout zone where the lethal dose accumulates agonizingly slowly while feeling like you never tried.
I can't find your post in regard to Biden and your claim he's a great proponent of the of the environment. Many, including Obama spoke of the environment and it's importance, so, can you tell me about his legacy in that regard, although I know it will be impossible to find. There are many like Biden who talk a good game and accomplish nothing. During his present administration he wants to define himself as a great liberal, and one concerned about the environment, black people, and all things woke. It's a charade, and these groups play along since they have little to lose. By the way shove environmental changes down people's throat, and there's backlash. He no doubt has created more climate change deniers then ever before. If he really carried about the environment he would not have been, and would not be now such a proponent of war, wars that may annihilate the planet all together. He cares about those people of South America, really cares about their plight, s he opens our borders, yet he supports Israel in her destruction of Gaza, another 1948. He uses Ukrainian lives to bring down Russia, a neocon supported agenda, with now hundreds of thousands dead. Spare me accolades for this old man who has always been a liar that is very self serving.
Your comment doesn't really reference the interchange between the reporter and the woman who was very vocal, and in my opinion right on in her assessment of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. I don't know if you live in the US, and Biden is your president, hope not. I do live in the US and have listened to the non stop support for woke rhetoric from democrats, and now he can go over to Israel and support them monetarily and support their position in regard to the Palestinians. It's why I don't like the man, since he is nothing but a BS artist, and he has had years of practice in the US government, a perfect place to learn that art, I might add.
Look Biden is Trump with a softer smile. I have been saying for quite some time we have only 1 Uniparty. Any challenge to it shows the lief about our electoral system. They destroyed Sanders 2 campaigns by controlling the media. Now they are attacking Kennedy brutally with incredible lies and mass censoring of him. I constantly tell people to listen to RFK directly and not the lies told by the media. One person who was vehemently hostile to RFK finnaly listened to a 1/2 hour interview and came away admitting he liked his positions and style but still preferred Biden. That was a big win with him as he never pays attention to anything that disagrees with his belief systems.
Yes, Fran, I do live in the US, and have voted for POTUS since 1976, but have not "picked a winner" yet. I wrote-in "Tulsi Gabbard" in 2020. Here is my latest news compilation from last night.
That has been the case in America…..through slavery, through the disposession and genocide of the native Americans, through Jim Crown, and through the current regime of police abuse and mass incarceration of minorities - and IN-justice system if there ever was one.
Ralph Nader, Biden just returned a huge bill for the American People, he writes with integrity of Biden’s inhumanity, failures. I do not support any funds to Israel or the Ukraine from America. We’ve damaged other human beings and ourselves enough.⚖️☮️🇵🇸🇺🇸
"But hey, check out the weapons arsenal in my house. Boxes of ammo too. Ready to go in case the government comes for me."
Or some such bullshit. All the while not having a slightest idea the government has already come and planted itself firmly in the dude's place. And it didn't have to bust in. It just used the TV, radio, internet, etc.
You do realize, I hope, that it doesn't matter whether you pay your taxes or not. They can just print the money, which they can do because contemporary money mostly doesn't represent value of any substantial kind. Someone can sit at a computer and create or wipe out billions of supposed dollars in a few seconds.
But you still toil for's still causing you to work and sweat and Labor for free and die to feed the are just trying to find an excuse not to have to risk getting abused by the state and be a good little obedient citizen... (not attacking you personally) just notice this is a method of avoiding the point. The cowardice of not organizing a tax revolt.
I'd like to add to what I wrote that I have nothing against people resisting taxation in principle, but I think you have to pick your battles. Governments are set up to collect taxes and persecute the unwilling, so they've often got the practice pretty well worked out. Often, however, other methods of non-compliance are possible, including working off the books, selling your own productions directly, or not working at all. However, NOTE that I suggest not discussing such methods on an open list.
Additionally I’ve worked many jobs that paid cash under the table. I am now retired and collect on hub’s SS, plus I receive disability due to a blown-out hip.
My very best job was a successful crafts business ( I’m a lifelong artist) which I ran for about ten years and didn’t pay the feds one red dime.
But the US again delayed tax 2023 estimated tax payments another month to Nov 15; even in 2020, a crazy and horrible year deferrals wee just three months (April to July). This year the wealthy in blue states (only) have paid nothing this year and just got another month. Absolutely no “crisis” explains these full tax deferrals other than the idea, “why make our friends pay tax when we are in the process of scuttling the ship anyway.” It seems to me that we are watching the intentional destruction of the US republic. Our moral account has been brought to less than zero. The fact that Gaza is waking up a few of the zombies may be too little too late.
Lots of truth in this article. One correction, though: If you scratch the surface, Israel has no ideology other than expanding the land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, which requires the Palestinians residing there to disappear, one way or another. All the rest is fairy tales. In this way, Israel and the US are all about natural resources, from real estate to oil, nothing else. Really not complicated.
I susually like and agree with Caitlin's writing/ideas but on this one she is wrong about the lack of ideology of the US. It is Capitalism which morphed into Corporatism which in fact is fascism. It's exported ideology is hegemony based on the belief in its right to control the world and its resources. The huge propaganda machine is a heavily financed industry with part of its goal being the control of the media and, these days, also Social Media. Covid planning intentionally promoted the goal of repressing any questioning of the formal narrtive in order to "manufacture consent." People wrote about this as the Belgian psychiatrist Mattias calling it Mass Psychosis. There are other terms used but all referring to the same condition of controlled media and controlled thinking of the public forcing consent and a belief system.
Bottom line however you name it the US has an ideology it just is not democracy or justice or fair play in manner. It is self-centered narcissism with the belief that the US has the right to control the world and everything in it including who is to live and die. it is just a nasty ideology and puts the lie to the myth of democracy we were all conditioned to believing.
Yes, I know this. I would go further and call it fascism which is the 'partnership between the corporation and the State. This simply definition from Mussolini and it applies today as well. The details may be more complicated but the power relationship is what is most important.
There is a lot more going on with fascism than corporate capture of government. Many good books on the subject, but all one needs to do is look at Trump and the Florida governor and their base, plus militia's White Christian nationalists, book banners, et al.
The ideology of the US (and or its empire): "It is Capitalism." Exactly, or to be more exact, it is liberalism-capitalism. Liberalism is the political system of capitalism, and capitalism is the economic system of liberalism. It hasn't morphed into anything; corporations are a natural, logical development of liberalism-capitalism. When rich people want to control things and obtain profits, they find it advantageous to form corporations instead of fighting one another individually.
Absolutely not true and actually quite confused. Your attack on Liberalism is simply a rejection of democratic principles. While correct that one is an economic system (capitalism) and what you call liberalism is a political system they are in fact diametrically opposed to each other in how they function.
Politically democracy is a system that support the voice of the people making decisions on how they will live inn a society and it promotes processes where people can express their voice and have impact. the idea of a public election process is what this country created to allow the people's voice and it works by majority rule--at least on paper.
Economically Capitalism is a belief system (that is what the suffix 'ism' means) based on money and its power and functions by promoting self-serving interests. In fact it opposes democratic principles at all costs which is why we have censorship of people who question or oppose the official narrative of the ruling elite who are always the wealthiest. Their interest in in depriving the public the people of fair wages the right speak freely the right to have autonomy over our own body. The development of Capitalism has attacked all the democratic priniples and civil liberties that were agreed upon in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But even the Constitution was not crafted to give equal rights and access to all people. That is why we have Movements to demand fairer wages, work conditions, access to education, ability to buy a home, etc. Capitalism as it grew promoted corporate development with the ability of those who owned those industries and the financial industry too, with the concentration of wealth and the power of that wealth to control the political decision-making. In fact Corportism, the belief in the power of the corporation to control government is the very definition of Fascism which is exactly what we see today in this country.
Your confusion about liberalism is simply a lack of knowledge of what has really transpired in this country. It's roots go back to the very beginning of this country when the Upper class of the UK and France invaded this land to make their fortunes as they lost their ownership of land in their home countries due to inheritance laws. Land ownership was the means of power and they came here to create what they lost in Europe. Everything they did was all about developing their power and means of control over the people. There is nothing liberal in that thinking or their goals. Do some serious study of history and learn the difference between the economic and political systems and how they actually work or don;t.
I don't think there's much of a crossover between liberalism and democracy. Liberalism was originally invented to answer the problem of the rich who wanted to avoid the Hobbesian sovereign (who could protect your stuff, but could also take it) and the people, the mob (who could also take your stuff). The solution appeared to be a republican form of government, such as that specified by the U.S. Constitution, which began with a restricted electorate (the rich; you had to own property to vote) and evolved a complex system of political machinery which only rich people or those favored by the rich could (usually) operate. It's not an accident that today, to run for an important, policy-making office, you must have huge amounts of money, or many rich friends and supporters. As the elites learned how to manipulate the political machinery, more kinds of people were allowed to vote. (Although note that when a populist succeeds in politics, for example Trump, it's considered a major crisis even when the populist is pretty tame.
Capialism co-evolved with liberalism. It's easy to see that a system which basically allowed the rich to tell everyone else what to do would synchronized well with a political system devised to secure the wealth and status of the rich.
When I think of what the USG does routinely and cavalierly with no concern for explaining or justifying, it magnifies the moment where the global condemnation, minus the blowback at home, has the messaging and the bravado and the righteous rhetoric out of sync and reduced to leaning on a hollow insistence that the Israelis didn’t destroy that hospital.
Any cursory history of Israel will show how consistent the Gaza hospital bombing is with Israeli policies and practices over the last 75 years, including its bloody founding. And for an American president to double down on this lame argument is both ironic and pathetic.
I don't like Hamas, and certainly don't approve of it's killing of innocents, and it most certainly knew what the repercussions would be for those it claims to represent, although most didn't vote for them, too young. I have never supported the Israeli position toward the people of Palestine, not it's unwillingness to create a two state solution, not it's many assaults on the Palestinian people, and certainly not it's open door prison in Gaza.. I have no doubt that Netanyahu supports Hamas. since neither is interested in a two state solution. Certainly the treatment of those in the West Bank where people are thrown out of their homes then taken over by settlers with no consequences have added fuel to the fire and further encouraged Hamas to attack civilians even knowing what the consequences would be. Gallant truly gave it away when he referenced the Palestinians as animals, not worthy of being given food, water or fuel. I think this is going to cause more divisions among countries then anything that has gone on, and continues to go on in Ukraine. I feel sickened by my country's willingness to push an agenda that could ultimately end everything for everyone.
My issue is that they attacked civilians, not acceptable, and their assault was very provocative, and no doubt done in order to assure that Israel in return would retaliate with a vengeance. Enough of a vengeance for other groups, even countries to enter the fray. Scary, and there is a good possibility that it will trigger a war on a grand scale involving many countries, even causing WWIII. That scares me. Israel is also very responsible for making it very clear they want a one state solution. What is going on in the West Bank, disgusting, and is also making the same claim, your out of here. Thanks for that movie. Really, thanks.
What do you say to the fact that Egypt warned Israel of this attack and did nothing? Why?
Hamas WAS in the pockets of the Israelis for years in order to get rid of the PLO.
Just suppose Israel (Netanyahu) saw the Israeli people were against him. They were in the streets for 3 weeks before this happened. He knew he was on his way out.
I truly do believe Hamas attacked because Netanyahu was about to be ousted.
One very remarkable point to me is just how much restraint we are seeing from the Muslim countries. We are told that Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia are vicious totalitarian terrorist states and yet they, and everyone else in the region, is reacting to the Gaza provocation a lot like how Putin has reacted to the Ukraine provocation - very slowly, patiently. Perhaps the rest of the world truly recognizes that it is now dealing with deranged hostage takers that have seized the West.
This powder keg is about to blow. The deranged hostage takers of the West have no reverse gear. On the contrary, they double down like gamblers. The rest of the world has been far too patient for far too long...
They may estimate that the behavior of the US and Israel are self-destructive, and as Napoleon is said to have said, "Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake." I suppose if the US destroys itself, which it seems to be busy doing, Israel could sell itself to another great power, although the great powers I know of would be harder to take to the cleaners than the US.
I flew to Cairo on October 6th for work, which happened to be the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, and I was there the day after, when all this started. Egyptians find themselves in a very difficult spot: if they open
the Rafah crossing to let Palestinians into Sinai they will effectively destroy their peace with Israel and invite the war to the Sinai. To your point, though, regarding restraint, taking Egypt as an example: Israel's neighbors have to tread carefully, each country for reasons of its own. What I heard in Egypt was that they did not want to become another Lebanon. But rest assured they are seething.
Disagree. Egypt knows damn good and well that if they allow the Gazans in, IsraHell will seize their territory, including all those oil reserves off the Gaza coast.
As I see a lot more push back of Israel's propaganda machines but I also see these responce posts giving the usual stock lines of hasbara PR talking points popping up in places like YouTube.
YouTube is doing the dirty fascist censorship work of the empire by deleting and shadow banning all voices like your own. There is a pattern I noticed of these spooks all saying the same thing..Israel belongs to the Jews..all of it they insist and Palestinians don't exist and never had , and Arabs stole the land of Israel hundreds of years ago , and then the idea around conquest comes own what you can take is a very Zionist traditional thinking and I hate to say it a very Jewish cultural thing at least in the nationalistic types.
I have even overheard those setiments laughed at by Jewish business people.."if they get taken they must have deserved it" and of course these things are coined antisemitism if you repeat what came out of their own mouths.
White supremacist have nothing on Jewish supremacist.
And this whole Palestine beat down so parallels every abusive relationship dynamics in the classic domestics as it does in the international politics.
"Why do you make me beat you" is their entire mindset. And sadly this behavior pattern is in perfect alignment with USA empire building. It abuses it's public as if they are its abused children.. All it knows is punishment.
Remember this . . . you need NO prosthetics of ideology / narratives / propaganda or fixations . . .
“I am my mother’s son. All other identities are artificial and recent. Naked, basic, actually, I am my mother’s son. I emerged from her womb and set out on this earth. The earth gave me another identity, that of name, personality, appearance, character, and spirit. The earth is my grandmother; I am the earth’s grandson. The way I comb my hair today has nothing to do with myself, who am my mother’s son and the earth’s grandson. I am put on this earth to prove that I am my mother’s son. I am also on this earth, my grandmother, to be her spokesman, in my chosen and natural way. The earth owns the least to myself; she shall take me back, and my mother too. We have proven the earth’s truth and meaning, which is, simply life and death.”
" Planet Earth is littered with the remains of former empires, born to their own destruction by human folly. History is the great whistleblower and is blowing the whistle on yet another empire, and the ship of fools running it."
Thank you so much for this! This is astonishing! The first reaction I had was the amazement that Google allowed this! This is truly a very intelligent and carrying person who you can't just blow off as a dissenter of Israel. Here is the raw truth right from the original source! Thanks again!
I looked into some more from Abby Martin and this link here tells the real story of the genocide being done for over 73 years. Also the start of Israel and something that has to really stick in the craw of democrats the fact that Netanyahu LOVES TRUMP!
"Once someone learns about the realities of the Palestinian plight they very seldom abandon their support for it, so every newly-opened pair of eyes stays open on this issue for a lifetime." welcome to the party
How to instantly, after two decades of “efforts”, create a two-state solution – NOW?
No need for war but Saudis should reduce oil output by 30% - with consequent price increases.
If in two months a mutually agreed solution is not agreed and implemented, reduce oil output by another 20%.
“Bibi” and his Greater Israel and apartheid extremists, together with US, sabotaged a two-state solution for decades – by terror and “realities created on ground”, i.e., relentless building of settlements in West Bank fully financed (with tax deductions) by extremist groups in the US and – contrary to “official” position of US government..
Trump has land in that settlement in the West Bank! His kid is busy making big deals with Netanyahu! This has been a Criminal Elite invasion since Churchill at the end of WW2.
Egyptian woman BLASTS CNN reporter over SHAMEFUL coverage of Gaza and for falsifying the truth (Less than 2 minutes of perfectly articulated truth.)
Trudeau has another very big headache as pro-Palestinian demonstrations are happening across the country. This is truly remarkable as Canadians are a docile apologetic lot. When Ottawa isn't kissing Washington's and Israel's ass it is giving standing ovations to former Nazi's in Parliament. This is what happens when a country becomes the dupe of an empire-- screwed, blued and tattooed.
And don't think for one second the U.S. is not prepared to throw any "ally" under the bus. U.S. politicians don't give a damn about anything except their off shore money laundering accounts.
Also Kissinger: "To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”
As the Godfather Kissinger once said, America doesn’t have friends or enemies, only interests.
You are so bloody right and they have been doing it for decades and the list only gets longer. NATO countries are so dumb they have no inkling of how thoroughly they are being cannibalized out of existence by their demented imperial master in its desperate rage of collapse. It is both hideous and pathetic to watch self-immolation born of childish spite and endless corruptions. The psychosis runs deep.
nato countries are ruled by coke' s heads.
Compromized and obedients to rothchild. Selling countries assets to te greed of blackrock and Co.
it is the well know anglosaxon politic of " divide and rule".
It seems to work all the time.
De Gaulle kept France out of Nato. And threw out US GI out of France.
Bl** dy sarkozi ( from hungarian origine) re introduced france within nato. Could not hurry enough to do the biding of the usa.
Disloyal little sh**t selling out the country that welkomed his family. But all "young global leaders" are the same.
Won t be sorry when i leave this world
Trudeau's father was a decent Liberal prime minister who commanded respect from all parties in the Commons. Sadly, the son has disgraced his father's legacy as he is generally considered one of our better prime ministers. Canada's Liberal Party voted the son into the PMO indifferent to the fact he has neither the talent or intelligence of his father. His father's charisma attracted talented men and women to his cabinet, for the son it has been the opposite as he lost some of his best talent by his own ineptness.
The father was Canada's last liberal prime minister, all PMs since have been neoliberal, including the son. Most Canadians aren't even aware of the difference.
Here is a piece I wrote specifically about the Commonwealth Bank of Australia - a brilliant Public Banking Solution that became a global beacon within 2 years of being created with seeding of a mere £16,000 printed out of thin air by the Treasury...[0]=AZXwaq0EDtzFzWR7ScPs11VwEvKE0m9faryxRmXe6zumIo2A9XpJwY6j9WQw1IWeRihQfd6LgOxqPDjDstZGPdKEKh15SOZGVsNvtt1oMJhq1g_XEueEQrK46WZ7n0vSy3u0VAbW1l4z2DGyoc9onZFzP9t-dZYHKIOeV32jc9b8uw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
The problem for Western governments is that they are owned and controlled by corporate vested interests which impose political paralysis on government. We claim to be social democracies which is a lie as we are no more than neoliberal enclaves enslaved to corporate values and power. Until such time as we re-constitute our democracies the decline of the West will continue unabated, more wars and economic decline entrenched.
As the decline gathers momentum the quality of politicians and the people attracted to politics will also decline as we are seeing in both the US and Canada.
Canada's present federal government is deplorable but people do not realize the depth of the crisis. Our system is broken , our democracy is gone. We like the the Americans think another election is going to solve our problems when they solve nothing, just more of the same corrupt incompetence and the feathering of economic corruptions.
The adoption of the neoliberal-corporatist ideologies by the West have been a catastrophic blunder yet to be addressed. We are the victims of utterly corrupt and extortionist ideologies.
It is little wonder China, Russia, Asia and everybody else is running for the exits and creating their own economic systems--- they can see the mess we are in.
Obviously Robert you are not aware of the fact that Tru Dough Senior sold his country out to the global commercial banking cartel and to the parasitic pump and dump schemes of the BIS.
Yes, Canada became a tragic example of the Western economics wrecking ball too. In the 1930s it used state bank-created credit (aka The Public Banking Solution) right through until the 70s when the treasonous Tru Dough Snr sold out his country’s prosperity to the BIS. In reality, “his” so-called offspring is simply putting the finishing touches to the evisceration that TD Senior began.
William King was the hero of the day – the elected PM in 1935 – and he got the model installed – his famous quote, which describes just how essential this is to any country’s prosperity was just one simple sentence…
“Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognised as the most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.”
The Bank of Canada opened in the wake of the Great Depression, which was deliberately caused by precisely the same model that the Western world uses to this day. The BOC created credit to finance federal, provincial, and municipal projects – this was done with accounting entries without a single cent being borrowed from anywhere, let alone from offshore.
Another Canadian hero Gerald McGeer asked the question of Graham Towers, the first Governor of the Bank of Canada…
“Would you admit that anything physically possible and desirable can be made financially possible?"
… and …
" tell me why the govt with the power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly and then borrow that which Parliament can create itself, back at interest?"
As William Krehm a Canadian author and political activist wrote…
“In the years 1935 to 1945, Canada’s monetary base – that is the supply of legal tender – was increased from $259 million to $2,017 million. M1 – all currency and non-interest bearing deposits – rose from $742 million to $2.956 million.
Because the CB created most of the money itself and lent it out to the Govt in the form of treasury bills at rates as low as 0.37%, the bank was able to keep the interest paid on Canada Savings bonds bought by the public to 3% or less. Without the low-rate financing provided by the central banks, the Allied powers could not have won the war.”
Remember that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia was also using the public banking solution as well, in not only developing its economy into an economic powerhouse but also helping to defeat the Nazi fascists that fancied themselves to take over most of the globe.
These models are absolutely not inflationary and as such they create a savings culture in society in which public utility savings bank models flourish and more liquidity and capital becomes available for the localised productive economy.
It is high time that the Western world woke up and realised that we are once again the victim of a fascist takeover. This time it is not the Third Reich – but it is a Reich in vey thin disguise nevertheless.
This time around the enemy is ensconced within our own Western system. This modern-day ravenous monster has actually been handed on a plate the complete monetary power to victimise OURSELVES!
The entire mechanism enables outrageously criminal privately owned Western banking institutions, and most notably the central banking system, with the BIS and the Fed occupying pride of place in this gluttonous “human” food chain.
This network, in effect, has been given complete license to prey on the productive labour resource of much of the world – the most important resource of all. In fact, without this resource, all of the others are completely worthless anyway.
This is where the entire Western system has gone wrong – it has allowed the parasitic financial economy to become a ravenous Frankenstein-like monster that preys mercilessly on our productive human resources and as such the productive economy.
The squid-like creature didn’t just crawl out of Jekyll Island but it also mutated out of the City of London, and most certainly from the Swiss city Basil, ever so strategically located right on the border of both France and Germany.
Pierre True Dough was in fact a neo-liberal too and a very poorly disguised one at that. I would suggest you read Ellen Browns epic book "the Public Bank solution and Chapter 16 in particular.
If you read the entire book you will realise exactly why the globe has been plunged into turmoil for at least 75 years. Ellen Brown is one of only two Wesstern based economists in the world that I have found that not only zeros in on the root cause of the global giant sucking squid, but who also offers up the solutions which are actually so incredibly simple. The other one of course is Professor Richard Werner.
These two visionaries between them hold the key to the financial blueprints which could eliminate more than 90% of the misery of he modern world.
Regards from NZ
Colin Maxwell
The final sell out of Canada came with Brian Mulroney who followed Trudeau.
Mulroney duped Canadians into his free trade agreements which was the end of Canada's economic sovereignty. The advent of neoliberalism was a further blow and Harper in his tenure was systematically dismantling the country.
I have never voted for Canada's Liberal party. The father was complicit but the son is an absolute disaster for the country and the inheritor of all previous prime minister's willingness to sell out the country to continentalism.
Nor do I claim expertise in banking or economics.
Thank you, Liz, for that hope. Btw its TARDiS and Star TREK. For future digs you may find that handy. You’re welcome 😉
I wonder what the nazi so recently lauded in the Canadian Parliament thinks about Trudeau et all supporting Israel. or for that matter, what Chrystia Freenland thinks about that..
Did CNN show that clip? Personally I very much like the woman's assessment of what is, and has been going for many, many decades.
I did not get it from CNN. I suspect that footage got "leaked" by somebody who liked it, but wanted to stay employed, or somebody else with a non-CNN camera running.
Personally I hate CNN because of it's total bias on any given issue. No shades of gray, just black and white thinking so they get people not to think at all. Thanks for that footage.
I try look at as much media as possible, even those I don;t trust, believing I can read between the lines, but this week I made the decision to never watch CNN or Fox again unless it involves footage of an American disaster. Everyone here can take John's link and share it to Notes on Substack. Let's be more than commentators.
Please, remember we're people too, and not deserving of a disaster. Biden and Pamela and a bunch of neocons pulling the strings, well, that's enough of a disaster, for a life time.
I read as much independent journalists and individuals as possible. I even prefer the Russian Times to almost anything in the American media as it is much more open in what it will allow to be printed. But we have many good people like Chris Hedges Scott Ritter;, the writers of Global Research or Information Clearing House. Even Common Dreams and Truthdig are better than the MSM which is too toxic for my brain. For health and environental issues I prefer, ANH USA, Green Medicine and again Global Research just to mention a very few. And these are just a few of the resources.
Have you listened to MSNBC. They're even worse. Right now in regard to this issue no one is worth listening to since they have all adopted a pro-Israeli policy which they always have.
@Robert Lindsay
Fox, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times. They ALL are horrible, just in different ways, with their bullshit aimed at swaying slightly different "demographics" and selling to different "markets".
None of them exist for any purpose but to make their investors money. And in this world, money = POWER.
Outside of USA, same applies. BBC, RT, whatever. If it is large, free on line and considered mainstream, it serves some master of the universe or other. Not YOU, pitiful little under person. If you MATTERED, you would be at the shareholder meetings and your PR firms employees, AIs and web service subcontractors would be posting to Substack, not yourself.
But do continue to throw your bodies onto the gears of this neoliberal/neofascist/corporatist machine if no better way to change the future comes to mind. It will be better than dieing in the camps or 500+ REM prompt radiation zone, or a fallout zone where the lethal dose accumulates agonizingly slowly while feeling like you never tried.
I can't find your post in regard to Biden and your claim he's a great proponent of the of the environment. Many, including Obama spoke of the environment and it's importance, so, can you tell me about his legacy in that regard, although I know it will be impossible to find. There are many like Biden who talk a good game and accomplish nothing. During his present administration he wants to define himself as a great liberal, and one concerned about the environment, black people, and all things woke. It's a charade, and these groups play along since they have little to lose. By the way shove environmental changes down people's throat, and there's backlash. He no doubt has created more climate change deniers then ever before. If he really carried about the environment he would not have been, and would not be now such a proponent of war, wars that may annihilate the planet all together. He cares about those people of South America, really cares about their plight, s he opens our borders, yet he supports Israel in her destruction of Gaza, another 1948. He uses Ukrainian lives to bring down Russia, a neocon supported agenda, with now hundreds of thousands dead. Spare me accolades for this old man who has always been a liar that is very self serving.
Your comment doesn't really reference the interchange between the reporter and the woman who was very vocal, and in my opinion right on in her assessment of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. I don't know if you live in the US, and Biden is your president, hope not. I do live in the US and have listened to the non stop support for woke rhetoric from democrats, and now he can go over to Israel and support them monetarily and support their position in regard to the Palestinians. It's why I don't like the man, since he is nothing but a BS artist, and he has had years of practice in the US government, a perfect place to learn that art, I might add.
Look Biden is Trump with a softer smile. I have been saying for quite some time we have only 1 Uniparty. Any challenge to it shows the lief about our electoral system. They destroyed Sanders 2 campaigns by controlling the media. Now they are attacking Kennedy brutally with incredible lies and mass censoring of him. I constantly tell people to listen to RFK directly and not the lies told by the media. One person who was vehemently hostile to RFK finnaly listened to a 1/2 hour interview and came away admitting he liked his positions and style but still preferred Biden. That was a big win with him as he never pays attention to anything that disagrees with his belief systems.
Yes, Fran, I do live in the US, and have voted for POTUS since 1976, but have not "picked a winner" yet. I wrote-in "Tulsi Gabbard" in 2020. Here is my latest news compilation from last night.
But Robert, any oath of Allegiance must end with the "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God".
That has been the case in America…..through slavery, through the disposession and genocide of the native Americans, through Jim Crown, and through the current regime of police abuse and mass incarceration of minorities - and IN-justice system if there ever was one.
So am not sure what the oath means really.
you can lie as much as you can .
Only don t get caught !!!
But hen you still can lie your way out in the country of " in guns we trust" , hey ?
Nelson Mandela's kickarse Palestinian moment when visiting the USA for the first time after his prison release -
Let’s remember that Mandela was a “terrorist”….until he wasn’t.
Ralph Nader, Biden just returned a huge bill for the American People, he writes with integrity of Biden’s inhumanity, failures. I do not support any funds to Israel or the Ukraine from America. We’ve damaged other human beings and ourselves enough.⚖️☮️🇵🇸🇺🇸
Don't forget to sign and date those tax checks like obedient little serfs afraid of state violence if you don't comply.
The one tool to bring this empire to its knees and everyone is too cowardly to even think of using..
Every bit of blood sweat and tears you toil over goes to support Israel's death cult ethnic cleansing.
"But hey, check out the weapons arsenal in my house. Boxes of ammo too. Ready to go in case the government comes for me."
Or some such bullshit. All the while not having a slightest idea the government has already come and planted itself firmly in the dude's place. And it didn't have to bust in. It just used the TV, radio, internet, etc.
Not me, Chaz. I refuse to pay federal income tax again. Let ‘em come after me: I’m a redneck cowgirl complete with a pistol 😉
You do realize, I hope, that it doesn't matter whether you pay your taxes or not. They can just print the money, which they can do because contemporary money mostly doesn't represent value of any substantial kind. Someone can sit at a computer and create or wipe out billions of supposed dollars in a few seconds.
But you still toil for's still causing you to work and sweat and Labor for free and die to feed the are just trying to find an excuse not to have to risk getting abused by the state and be a good little obedient citizen... (not attacking you personally) just notice this is a method of avoiding the point. The cowardice of not organizing a tax revolt.
I can't easily think of a bigger waste of time than proving to myself or someone else that I was brave.
Just for my own personal satisfaction 😁
I'd like to add to what I wrote that I have nothing against people resisting taxation in principle, but I think you have to pick your battles. Governments are set up to collect taxes and persecute the unwilling, so they've often got the practice pretty well worked out. Often, however, other methods of non-compliance are possible, including working off the books, selling your own productions directly, or not working at all. However, NOTE that I suggest not discussing such methods on an open list.
Additionally I’ve worked many jobs that paid cash under the table. I am now retired and collect on hub’s SS, plus I receive disability due to a blown-out hip.
My very best job was a successful crafts business ( I’m a lifelong artist) which I ran for about ten years and didn’t pay the feds one red dime.
A gal after my own heart. Pistal packing moma.
Who wears cowgirl boots 😉
That might be a better weaponry to subdue the government when it comes for you. Than your pistol, I mean.
But the US again delayed tax 2023 estimated tax payments another month to Nov 15; even in 2020, a crazy and horrible year deferrals wee just three months (April to July). This year the wealthy in blue states (only) have paid nothing this year and just got another month. Absolutely no “crisis” explains these full tax deferrals other than the idea, “why make our friends pay tax when we are in the process of scuttling the ship anyway.” It seems to me that we are watching the intentional destruction of the US republic. Our moral account has been brought to less than zero. The fact that Gaza is waking up a few of the zombies may be too little too late.
the empire doesn't run on "tax checks", but your local schools do
Lots of truth in this article. One correction, though: If you scratch the surface, Israel has no ideology other than expanding the land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, which requires the Palestinians residing there to disappear, one way or another. All the rest is fairy tales. In this way, Israel and the US are all about natural resources, from real estate to oil, nothing else. Really not complicated.
Just like Ukraine. Powers that be want to control the resource rich E UKR and Russia too if possible.
I susually like and agree with Caitlin's writing/ideas but on this one she is wrong about the lack of ideology of the US. It is Capitalism which morphed into Corporatism which in fact is fascism. It's exported ideology is hegemony based on the belief in its right to control the world and its resources. The huge propaganda machine is a heavily financed industry with part of its goal being the control of the media and, these days, also Social Media. Covid planning intentionally promoted the goal of repressing any questioning of the formal narrtive in order to "manufacture consent." People wrote about this as the Belgian psychiatrist Mattias calling it Mass Psychosis. There are other terms used but all referring to the same condition of controlled media and controlled thinking of the public forcing consent and a belief system.
Bottom line however you name it the US has an ideology it just is not democracy or justice or fair play in manner. It is self-centered narcissism with the belief that the US has the right to control the world and everything in it including who is to live and die. it is just a nasty ideology and puts the lie to the myth of democracy we were all conditioned to believing.
It's a death cult and at the helm with Israel at the control center, it's supporters are the deep state.
Tanya -the ideology you describe is known as Neoliberal finance capitalism.
Yes, I know this. I would go further and call it fascism which is the 'partnership between the corporation and the State. This simply definition from Mussolini and it applies today as well. The details may be more complicated but the power relationship is what is most important.
There is a lot more going on with fascism than corporate capture of government. Many good books on the subject, but all one needs to do is look at Trump and the Florida governor and their base, plus militia's White Christian nationalists, book banners, et al.
i dont have to look at Trump's base to see fascism, I can see it in the US support for nazis in Ukraine.
Like you said Trump’s base+
The ideology of the US (and or its empire): "It is Capitalism." Exactly, or to be more exact, it is liberalism-capitalism. Liberalism is the political system of capitalism, and capitalism is the economic system of liberalism. It hasn't morphed into anything; corporations are a natural, logical development of liberalism-capitalism. When rich people want to control things and obtain profits, they find it advantageous to form corporations instead of fighting one another individually.
Absolutely not true and actually quite confused. Your attack on Liberalism is simply a rejection of democratic principles. While correct that one is an economic system (capitalism) and what you call liberalism is a political system they are in fact diametrically opposed to each other in how they function.
Politically democracy is a system that support the voice of the people making decisions on how they will live inn a society and it promotes processes where people can express their voice and have impact. the idea of a public election process is what this country created to allow the people's voice and it works by majority rule--at least on paper.
Economically Capitalism is a belief system (that is what the suffix 'ism' means) based on money and its power and functions by promoting self-serving interests. In fact it opposes democratic principles at all costs which is why we have censorship of people who question or oppose the official narrative of the ruling elite who are always the wealthiest. Their interest in in depriving the public the people of fair wages the right speak freely the right to have autonomy over our own body. The development of Capitalism has attacked all the democratic priniples and civil liberties that were agreed upon in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But even the Constitution was not crafted to give equal rights and access to all people. That is why we have Movements to demand fairer wages, work conditions, access to education, ability to buy a home, etc. Capitalism as it grew promoted corporate development with the ability of those who owned those industries and the financial industry too, with the concentration of wealth and the power of that wealth to control the political decision-making. In fact Corportism, the belief in the power of the corporation to control government is the very definition of Fascism which is exactly what we see today in this country.
Your confusion about liberalism is simply a lack of knowledge of what has really transpired in this country. It's roots go back to the very beginning of this country when the Upper class of the UK and France invaded this land to make their fortunes as they lost their ownership of land in their home countries due to inheritance laws. Land ownership was the means of power and they came here to create what they lost in Europe. Everything they did was all about developing their power and means of control over the people. There is nothing liberal in that thinking or their goals. Do some serious study of history and learn the difference between the economic and political systems and how they actually work or don;t.
I don't think there's much of a crossover between liberalism and democracy. Liberalism was originally invented to answer the problem of the rich who wanted to avoid the Hobbesian sovereign (who could protect your stuff, but could also take it) and the people, the mob (who could also take your stuff). The solution appeared to be a republican form of government, such as that specified by the U.S. Constitution, which began with a restricted electorate (the rich; you had to own property to vote) and evolved a complex system of political machinery which only rich people or those favored by the rich could (usually) operate. It's not an accident that today, to run for an important, policy-making office, you must have huge amounts of money, or many rich friends and supporters. As the elites learned how to manipulate the political machinery, more kinds of people were allowed to vote. (Although note that when a populist succeeds in politics, for example Trump, it's considered a major crisis even when the populist is pretty tame.
Capialism co-evolved with liberalism. It's easy to see that a system which basically allowed the rich to tell everyone else what to do would synchronized well with a political system devised to secure the wealth and status of the rich.
When I think of what the USG does routinely and cavalierly with no concern for explaining or justifying, it magnifies the moment where the global condemnation, minus the blowback at home, has the messaging and the bravado and the righteous rhetoric out of sync and reduced to leaning on a hollow insistence that the Israelis didn’t destroy that hospital.
Any cursory history of Israel will show how consistent the Gaza hospital bombing is with Israeli policies and practices over the last 75 years, including its bloody founding. And for an American president to double down on this lame argument is both ironic and pathetic.
I don't like Hamas, and certainly don't approve of it's killing of innocents, and it most certainly knew what the repercussions would be for those it claims to represent, although most didn't vote for them, too young. I have never supported the Israeli position toward the people of Palestine, not it's unwillingness to create a two state solution, not it's many assaults on the Palestinian people, and certainly not it's open door prison in Gaza.. I have no doubt that Netanyahu supports Hamas. since neither is interested in a two state solution. Certainly the treatment of those in the West Bank where people are thrown out of their homes then taken over by settlers with no consequences have added fuel to the fire and further encouraged Hamas to attack civilians even knowing what the consequences would be. Gallant truly gave it away when he referenced the Palestinians as animals, not worthy of being given food, water or fuel. I think this is going to cause more divisions among countries then anything that has gone on, and continues to go on in Ukraine. I feel sickened by my country's willingness to push an agenda that could ultimately end everything for everyone.
As far as I see it hamas are the fists that came back to punch the abuser that's been beating the Palestinian for 80 years. creation and catastrophe how Israel was formed in violence.
My issue is that they attacked civilians, not acceptable, and their assault was very provocative, and no doubt done in order to assure that Israel in return would retaliate with a vengeance. Enough of a vengeance for other groups, even countries to enter the fray. Scary, and there is a good possibility that it will trigger a war on a grand scale involving many countries, even causing WWIII. That scares me. Israel is also very responsible for making it very clear they want a one state solution. What is going on in the West Bank, disgusting, and is also making the same claim, your out of here. Thanks for that movie. Really, thanks.
What do you say to the fact that Egypt warned Israel of this attack and did nothing? Why?
Hamas WAS in the pockets of the Israelis for years in order to get rid of the PLO.
Just suppose Israel (Netanyahu) saw the Israeli people were against him. They were in the streets for 3 weeks before this happened. He knew he was on his way out.
I truly do believe Hamas attacked because Netanyahu was about to be ousted.
Jenny I don't know, but like you I felt there was some conclusion between the two, that is Hamas and Netanyahu, but I just don't know.
One very remarkable point to me is just how much restraint we are seeing from the Muslim countries. We are told that Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia are vicious totalitarian terrorist states and yet they, and everyone else in the region, is reacting to the Gaza provocation a lot like how Putin has reacted to the Ukraine provocation - very slowly, patiently. Perhaps the rest of the world truly recognizes that it is now dealing with deranged hostage takers that have seized the West.
This powder keg is about to blow. The deranged hostage takers of the West have no reverse gear. On the contrary, they double down like gamblers. The rest of the world has been far too patient for far too long...
AI bot alert.
Biden threatened to nuke them if the touched his local attack dog.
Paywalled. Nothing to see in the First lines about nukes.
They may estimate that the behavior of the US and Israel are self-destructive, and as Napoleon is said to have said, "Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake." I suppose if the US destroys itself, which it seems to be busy doing, Israel could sell itself to another great power, although the great powers I know of would be harder to take to the cleaners than the US.
I flew to Cairo on October 6th for work, which happened to be the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, and I was there the day after, when all this started. Egyptians find themselves in a very difficult spot: if they open
the Rafah crossing to let Palestinians into Sinai they will effectively destroy their peace with Israel and invite the war to the Sinai. To your point, though, regarding restraint, taking Egypt as an example: Israel's neighbors have to tread carefully, each country for reasons of its own. What I heard in Egypt was that they did not want to become another Lebanon. But rest assured they are seething.
Disagree. Egypt knows damn good and well that if they allow the Gazans in, IsraHell will seize their territory, including all those oil reserves off the Gaza coast.
Oil which was owned by Gaza!
That, too. Your point and mine are not mutually exclusive.
“All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.” ― George Orwell
Bless you for this, 🇵🇸💔
As I see a lot more push back of Israel's propaganda machines but I also see these responce posts giving the usual stock lines of hasbara PR talking points popping up in places like YouTube.
YouTube is doing the dirty fascist censorship work of the empire by deleting and shadow banning all voices like your own. There is a pattern I noticed of these spooks all saying the same thing..Israel belongs to the Jews..all of it they insist and Palestinians don't exist and never had , and Arabs stole the land of Israel hundreds of years ago , and then the idea around conquest comes own what you can take is a very Zionist traditional thinking and I hate to say it a very Jewish cultural thing at least in the nationalistic types.
I have even overheard those setiments laughed at by Jewish business people.."if they get taken they must have deserved it" and of course these things are coined antisemitism if you repeat what came out of their own mouths.
White supremacist have nothing on Jewish supremacist.
And this whole Palestine beat down so parallels every abusive relationship dynamics in the classic domestics as it does in the international politics.
"Why do you make me beat you" is their entire mindset. And sadly this behavior pattern is in perfect alignment with USA empire building. It abuses it's public as if they are its abused children.. All it knows is punishment.
Don't forget to sign and date those tax checks.
Remember this . . . you need NO prosthetics of ideology / narratives / propaganda or fixations . . .
“I am my mother’s son. All other identities are artificial and recent. Naked, basic, actually, I am my mother’s son. I emerged from her womb and set out on this earth. The earth gave me another identity, that of name, personality, appearance, character, and spirit. The earth is my grandmother; I am the earth’s grandson. The way I comb my hair today has nothing to do with myself, who am my mother’s son and the earth’s grandson. I am put on this earth to prove that I am my mother’s son. I am also on this earth, my grandmother, to be her spokesman, in my chosen and natural way. The earth owns the least to myself; she shall take me back, and my mother too. We have proven the earth’s truth and meaning, which is, simply life and death.”
― Jack Kerouac, Jack Kerouac: Collected Poems
" Planet Earth is littered with the remains of former empires, born to their own destruction by human folly. History is the great whistleblower and is blowing the whistle on yet another empire, and the ship of fools running it."
At this point, Robert, Amerikkka is just rearranging chairs on the Titanic.
Indeed! Your perspective is agreed to by this former Israeli soldier:
Thank you so much for this! This is astonishing! The first reaction I had was the amazement that Google allowed this! This is truly a very intelligent and carrying person who you can't just blow off as a dissenter of Israel. Here is the raw truth right from the original source! Thanks again!
I looked into some more from Abby Martin and this link here tells the real story of the genocide being done for over 73 years. Also the start of Israel and something that has to really stick in the craw of democrats the fact that Netanyahu LOVES TRUMP!
"Once someone learns about the realities of the Palestinian plight they very seldom abandon their support for it, so every newly-opened pair of eyes stays open on this issue for a lifetime." welcome to the party
CJ one of your best.
Israel walked/is walking right into the Woke trap!
Oppressed/ Oppressor
How do they get out of their Mess?
The world turns against Them?
How to instantly, after two decades of “efforts”, create a two-state solution – NOW?
No need for war but Saudis should reduce oil output by 30% - with consequent price increases.
If in two months a mutually agreed solution is not agreed and implemented, reduce oil output by another 20%.
“Bibi” and his Greater Israel and apartheid extremists, together with US, sabotaged a two-state solution for decades – by terror and “realities created on ground”, i.e., relentless building of settlements in West Bank fully financed (with tax deductions) by extremist groups in the US and – contrary to “official” position of US government..
ENOUGH of that bloody charade !!
oh my, now this would be some turn of events to happen
See Tucker today -- war with Iran is imminent....
Trump has land in that settlement in the West Bank! His kid is busy making big deals with Netanyahu! This has been a Criminal Elite invasion since Churchill at the end of WW2.
Here is a small bit of hope.
Hope they come to America!
Excellent! Thanks for posting 🙂