U.N. voted 130–against 2 (US and Ukraine) to outlaw Nazism.

On 16 December, 2021, the United Nations tabled a resolution that called for “combating glorification of Nazism, neo–Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism.” The only nations to vote against it were the United States and Ukraine.

Every Russian knows that it was across the plains of Ukraine’s “borderland” that Hitler’s divisions swept from the west in 1941, bolstered by Ukraine’s Nazi cultists and collaborators. The result was more than 20 million Russian dead. This is the driving force behind Russia’s respect-seeking, self-protective security proposals, which were published in Moscow in the week the U.N. voted 130–2 to outlaw Nazism. They are:

- NATO guarantees that it will not deploy missiles in nations bordering Russia. (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow.)

- NATO to stop military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia.

- Ukraine will not become a member of NATO.

- The West and Russia to sign a binding East–West security pact.

- The landmark treaty between the US and Russia covering intermediate-range nuclear weapons to be restored. (The U.S. abandoned it in 2019.)

These amount to a comprehensive draft of a peace plan for all of postwar Europe and ought to be welcomed in the West. But who understands their significance? We are told that Putin is a pariah, “killer” and a threat to Christendom. Russian-speaking Ukrainians, under economic blockade by Kyiv for seven years, are fighting for their survival. The “massing” army we seldom hear about is the 13 Ukrainian brigades laying siege to Donbas: an estimated 150,000 troops.

(John Pilger - www.johnpilger.com )

“War in Europe and the rise of raw propaganda.” - The Scrum (substack.com) – Feb. 19, 2022

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I'm caught between wanting to mention my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, and not wanting to go near the far-flung self-promotional references in this thread. But really, um, it is kinda on-point. It points out the obvious which, as Caitlin says, is like a fish trying to see the water it's swimming in. And, after it exposes the contradictions in thinking and twisted history we've been raised on, it gives a way we could (relatively easily) change the system so we could build those alternative communities we really want. Just sayin'.

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Well you certainly touch folks emotions with such notions Caitlyn, which bodes well for such notions being true.

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"No other regime has spent the 21st century slaughtering people by the millions in wars of aggression. No other regime is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases. No other regime works to destroy any nation which disobeys it using starvation sanctions, war and terror. Only the US-centralized empire does this. While supporting most of the world's dictators."

Has there ever been a better summary than this comment from Caitlin today...and so relevant to the USA as it has now become.

I do not see how America can ever return to normal as the 2022 objectives and resulting actions as described so well are now the new normal, accepted as they are by so many countries, enforced not by friendships and common interests but by trade sanctions, financial pressures and the actions of the US once-hidden criminal army, the CIA.

Empires in the past have failed for just one tenth of the arrogant standards now on display out of Washington. The beginning of the end.

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let's focus on building alternative communities.

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Regarding "journalism school," a co-worker told me his daughter selected a journalism major in college, but changed her major when a professor told her class that journalists do not exist to discover and report the truth, but should faithfully report what their government and editors want them to report. I think she eventually went to law school. I hope she followed in the footsteps of William Kunstler or today's Robert Barnes.

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I'm curious...the Israel lobby is not a silent bystander on the issue of Ukraine. Do they support the Nazi chord being struck/played here in the US and in Ukraine, given news reports of the entire right wing fascism du jour has become haute couture since Trump and is cross breeding with Ukrainian Neo Nazism? The matrix sure shows the world some strange cosplay!

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It's quite difficult to accept that the entire medical establishment is corrupt and trying to kill you, an integral part of the most corrupt empire in recorded history. How could all those people we had always looked up to, who had dedicated their lives to helping people and saving lives, possibly be involved with something so evil? It wasn't hard to accept a pocket of incompetence uncovered by Erin Olszewski (https://www.bitchute.com/video/3ivASg6BHp1y/); the capture of WHO and Anthony Fauci by Bill Gates and Big Pharma, exposed by the Eastern Virginia Medical School and FLCCC; and the capture of virtually all of corporate media by those same evil elites. After all, we had learned of the lies and government involvement in all the assassinations of the '60s, the Vietnam War, Iran-Contra, April Glaspie and Desert Storm, WMD and Iraq part 2, Libya and Syria. We could accept corruption at the pinnacle of authority, but surely our own trusted physicians, with whom we had a decades long, seemingly personal relationship, would do what's best for us. Yes, of course some would be ignorant, so I read up about zinc and zinc ionophores, Dr. Zelenko, vitamins C and D. My physician had endorsed a vitamin D supplement, and about that time I tested out at 43 mg/mL. I did a bit more investigation and learned Fauci was taking 6,000 IUs/day, so I did the same and am now > 60 ng/mL.

The first inkling I had that my faith in the medical profession in general was unwarranted was when I asked my Mayo Clinic internist at the end of 2020 whether he'd be willing to prescribe either HCQ or IVM should I become ill with Covid-19. After several days delay, no doubt consulting with the hierarchy, he dodged the question and told me treatment would be up to "the treatment team." That made me uncomfortable, but the Clinic had repaired a hernia, saved me from a PE, cancer and a heart attack. I investigated telemedicine and got prophylactic IVM through that route. When 6 mos. later, I heard Dr. Ardis describe how Remdesevir and ventilators had become "standard of care," I was skeptical. Then I heard Dr. Vliet describe how difficult it had been to force Mayo to continue IVM or discharge a patient, so I investigated Mayo's website on Covid-19 and discovered they were indeed using Remdesevir. About the same time I learned that, through a "carrot and stick" approach, CMS has forced virtually all hospitals and clinics to adopt Remdesevir and ventilation, just as Dr. Ardis had said. Finding it difficult to get more IVM through telemedicine, I ordered HCQ, IVM and doxy OTC from India and started an HCQ prophylactic at the start of flu season.

I continue my journey, no longer an advocate of Medicare for All, unable to support either Democrats, Trump or most Republicans because of foreign/military policy, and Empire (whether globalist or US-centric as Trump wants). The Western system is deeply corrupt, far more corrupt than any "banana republic" at which we point our collective fingers, be it Venezuela, Nicaragua or even El Salvador. I pray for US collapse and a restoration of the values of the Founders in some small group of states or localities.

As we work our way through these troubled times, I think we need to focus on the professed ideals of the Revolution embodied in the Bill of Rights. I think that's something that can unite and galvanize the people once they see the crime and betrayal. If we ever have a chance to rebuild, we need to institute additional checks and balances that make it more difficult to violate those rights in the future, especially by corporate entities, which MUST be understood to be creatures of the State. It would help to remind people that the Boston Tea Party was a revolt against the East India Company (chartered by the Crown), not directly against the Crown itself.

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The tyrants of old, the Genghis Khans, were straight-forward: they didn't claim divine guidance and inspiration. They just weren't likeable, and it was obvious, but it took a while before they became intolerable. So it's not difficult to see how populations fed on the idea that concepts of justice and the good are the monopoly of their system and government and so are moved in the wrong direction, time after time, by the same tired old tricks. And wanting to believe is greatly reinforced by the fact that the US not only has the biggest military arsenal, it also controls world banking, without access to which we all either starve in the cold, or starve in the excessive heat. Maybe the first step is to say, in effect, we bow down to you mammon because we must, but under protest: we know who you are.

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We have a dominant military empire. That is a truth. To conflate all of government to be thrown out is a bad scenario. What would it be replaced with? Global government under Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the wealthiest untrustworthy corporations in the world?

I am of the belief that the Constitution and Bill of Rights and amendments are still our best shot at freedom. Can and must it be improved? Yes, but of course.

Though you have never stated it, there are folks out there that believe in socialist totalitarianism. Those that believe that scientific socialism by scientists and technocrats is the way.

That path too leads to ruinous government policy.

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The "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment American Jesuit Empire created in 1868, a part of the Revived Roman Empire which reigns supreme over the entire world

The World Is A Stage.


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Unlike the BLM protests which were accompanied by looting, burning, and shooting, the ones going on now in Canada have been entirely peaceful, yet the government and its police -- expensively dressed as Star Wars extras -- insist on acting like WWIII has broken out, and perhaps for ensconced politicians like Trudeau, it nearly has.

Ultimate pustule Antony Blinken would be proud of the fund freezing going on, as if citizens peacefully assembling for a redress of grievances were their own little wayward country to be sanctioned to death or compliance -- whichever comes first.

The facade of our true rights is paper thin, and like a kleenex after a good sneeze, on a government whim, there won't be much left of it that's recognizable.

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I think we need a whole different form of government (REAL government, NOT the Bullshit we call "government" today, which is nothing more than the Public Administrative Arm of the Big Banks and Corporations). Society desperately needs leaders, but we have none at all today. Lying backstabbing politicians whose campaigns are funded and controlled by the Billionaire Oligarchs and their privately owned Big Banks and Corporations, and who swear allegiance to the Zionist Terrorist State, is not the answer, and they are the exact opposite of leaders.

I think we need a Constitutional Monarchy System with a Socialist Economy that benefits all of society as a whole. The monarchy would provide the leadership that society so desperately needs, and the Socialist Economy would provide a Fair Market Economy, instead of the Grotesque, Greedy, Corrupt Capitalist Economy. In the system I envision, there would be no regular armed forces (no regular full time military), only a part time National Guard, and a Coast Guard, no Pentagon, no CIA, no DIA, no NSA, no Homeland Insecurity, etc., and no long list of alphabet soup of Federal "Law Enforcement" Agencies. The King would be the REAL Legitimate Commander in Chief of the National Guard in a time of war, actually leading the troops into battle (not hiding out at Camp David, or the Ranch like Dubya did while sending the brainwashed Empirial Stormtroopers to fight for Wall Street and Israel) but otherwise the various National Guard units throughout the provinces would be under the command of their provincial governors in peace time. If needed in the case of actual attack by a foreign power, the monarchy could call up volunteers for a full scale army to fight the invading forces to augment the National Guard forces, but such full scale army would have to be disbanded by law within say 6 months to 1 year after the end of the war.

As far as a Socialist Economy, the kind I envision would be one in which their are no privately owned, usury, debt slavery banks, only a government owned, non usury based central bank with local branches throughout the provinces to help finance infrastructure projects, and in which the public could receive seed money to start a family farm, or family run small business at the local level. The public could keep their money, if they so choose in local coop banks, owned by the public themselves at the local level, similar to a credit union. The currency would be REAL Cash, NOT digitally controlled Big Brother Orwellian Cashless "Currency", and it could be backed by Silver for general public commerce and the paying of legitimate taxes, while at the same time, there could be a limited Gold Standard for Legitimate Transactions with other countries. There would be NO privately owned Big Business whatsoever, but the government would outright own and control the energy industry, permanently taking the corrupt profit motive out of such industry, and run the industry on behalf of the Public Interest, NOT some Private Corporate Interest, and at the same time work on healthier, cleaner, more renewable sources of energy. There should be NO Corporations whatsover. Every private business should be either a sole proprietorship (meaning one single owner), or a simple partnership (meaning two owners). And home ownership should be encouraged throughout society, as actual family residences, NOT as some warped, twisted "investment" that prices much of the public out of home ownership. Trade unions and skilled quality craftsmen should be encouraged. Agriculture should be ORGANIC And NON GMO, and should be done at the local level, NOT on giant corporate farms and ranches. For that which cannot be grown or made domestically, Fair Trade would exist with other countries, NOT the "Free" Trade system of today that ONLY benefits the Billionaire Oligarchs and their Corporations and Corrupt Politicians who work for them. And there should be a solid safety net for the Poor and to prevent Homelessness. I think a system like this would not be perfect, but would be the best system mankind has ever come up with that would be a fair, and just system, and that would provide the necessary leadership that society so desperately needs. There are other ideas I have too, about a Fair Justice System, NOT the Prison Industrial Complex System we have here in the U.S. that goes right along with the Military Industrial Complex System. Also, free, or at least very low cost health care, good public education, etc. could also be a part of the system. And as far as taxes are concerned, the poor would NOT be expected to pay taxes, only the wealthy (and, YES wealth WOULD BE LIMITED), the middle class, and business interests would pay taxes. And NO property taxes for people's homes, especially NOT for the poor and middle class. The wealthy might be expected to pay a one time tax the time they purchase their home. And by wealthy, I mean people who may have a business, and make a few million dollars, but Multi Millionaires with Hundreds of Millions of the currency, and Billionaires WOULD NOT be allowed, period!!! A business owner SHOULD NOT be allowed to make more than 10 times more than their lowest paid employee.

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re: Anne Applebaum:

Even Freedom House (a US government funded propaganda organ) refers to Ukraine as "partly free".


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Any thoughts on Klaus Schwab? The World Economic Forum? The Great Reset? "Build Back Better"?The long list of his 'Young Global Leaders' academy alumni, which include many current world leaders, along with many other people of influence? This group is not to be ignored. Member Treudeaus recent despicable actions getting virtually no reactions from world leaders. Crickets.

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You make me laugh. Your husband has you by the short & curlies.

There is no US Empire!

Will you please wake up to the truth?

Read this:


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