"Clearly our rulers have some kind of strategy for how they're going to see this through. . ." You give them far too much credit for actually possessing functional grey matter.

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I flagged that same sentence. While I can understand Caitlin's mistaken idea that she needed to write it, it could be the worst sentence she has ever written.

Foreign policy experts I've listened to all agree that the Biden people either literally know nothing, or they are blinded by US "sole hegemon" hubris and Neocon PNAC ideology.

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Rage stupefies and scars the brain, full on racist rage makes idiot savants.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

Regardless which party is in the White House, the party that is out of power will invariably slander any attempts at diplomacy as "appeasement". Even a simple acknowledgement that countries outside the US orbit in fact have interests, gives rise to howls about "Munich".

Since nobody can never be seen to back down, but ever always only escalate, lest the the other party pounce, the result can be described as "painting oneself into a corner".

That's the basic strategy, the master plan, right there.

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Regardless which party is in the White House, the party that is in power fully expects, indeed is depending on the party that is out of power will invariably slander any attempts at diplomacy as "appeasement".

This way the party in power has a ready excuse to reach across the aisle and keep the funding to the MIC-IMATT growing as is necessitated by the shrinking rate of return on capital. The more they debase the currency, the faster the growth rate in funding and the bigger the bonuses. Wall Street wins, the MIC-IMATT wins, most Congressmen win (and those that don't go on to even more profitable careers on K-street where they bribe their former Punch and Judy show partners), and the Federal Reserve (by flooding money at the top while starving the bottom), their children in the venture capitalist industry wins too. What most don't grasp is that when the flywheel stops spinning up and jumps the rail, the destructive energy released will stand them all in good as well.

When there is blood in the street buy property (physical assets) -- that's the Rosetta Stone to all this destructive behavior. Kali before Shiva, Shiva before Kali.

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Like many Ponzi schemes, it works great, right until it doesn't.

Charles Ponzi truly is the Prophet Of The Age.

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If Ponzi had known about off-shore trusts and derivatives sales, he'd have been a king among kings. How many of the Fortune 500 of 1922 are still in existence today. They are gone, but their fortunes remain.

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BTW, kite me an email address.

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One more ignorance that I did not know about has been exposed. What wind should I cast my kite upon?

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you can leave a throwaway email here. TL:DR I have a gift subscription to a Substack that I thought that you might like.

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HOpe this works, but if not, I hope the gift is able to be reused for someone else, and not a one time code.

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Go it, I'll do something this weekend and reply. Much thanks.

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People mistakenly think Stalin was responsible for everything in Stalinist Russia but the USSR was a complex web of agencies all struggling for their place...not unlike the USA. From 15 different security agencies to MIC/Military/Pentagon vying for position against the huge money laundering that 800 military bases afford you. The host countries footing the bill. The petro dollar, etc etc. Weakened Europe, Germany down, NATO in and Russia out...in each microcosm of the system it all makes perfect sense. It is planned and gamed over many years. The problem now seems to be there is no 'off' switch or even a slowing of gears...it has a momentum all of its own. Which is how Churchill described the insane march towards WW1 against the backdrop of a remarkable period of sustained peace and growing prosperity in Europe.

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Keep in mind that the United States has invaded countries and turned them into failed states for less, not to mention threatened nuclear war over Cuba.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

The USA has threatened to nuclear mug (North) Vietnam, China (at least 3 times), North Korea, and even Russia. I say "mug" as they certainly were not retaliatory, not even preemptive, but a crude shakedown.

Uncle Sam's military is simply the mafia street soldier who reports to the Wall Street Capos; They in turn launder the money for the real crime families. Don Michael was a chump distraction. (edit: Just like the D & R biniary is a chump distraction).

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For anyone having drilled deep into the farce that was Russiagate, further provocations of the Russians will be no surprise.

If you want to activate the Langley / Defence troll battalions just say that on a comment thread. Same guys.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

The longstanding and persistent quest for hemispheric, imperial hegemony of the Americas has escalated as well. The procolonialism Council on Foreign Relations had an oped in the Washington Post today deflecting blame for global mass migrations — clearly a byproduct of military interventions by the US/Saudi/Israeli/UK/UAE state terror war-machine, and its imposition of famines and droughts through punitive economic blockades — onto emerging democracies, notably that in Venezuela. Blaming the victims' states. (Not unrelated, attempting escalated destabilization there, by summoning workers with promises of food, work and safe haven, only to criminalize and traffic the foreign-national refugees on their arrival). So this is a third front, that always receives far too little notice. And the inflammatory, redbaiting rhetoric like that published by the Post always finds traction from the "defense contractor" investors (and beneficiaries) among its readership.

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The Russian president is saying, which folks are missing, that Russia has weapons that are better than ours, so they may not need to go to nuclear to win a war.

Nazie Pelosie is insane and her husband is a drunk driver.


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The Pelosis exemplify modern American graft. The single-handed Botox glutton welded to the government contract junkie. A perfect match. The Kagans redux.

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You forgot the (legal) insider trading.

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Yes those cuddly Congresscritters who spend more time with lobbyists than with their constituents and what with Congress getting more money from lobbyists than from the taxpayer…. How hard hearted would you have to be not to ache for them. The insider trading which is ok for them but not for the working stiff? It is richly deserved. Just keep it quiet.

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I am somewhat mystified by the present crisis.

I don't have any inside knowledge, of course, but just observing the behavioral patterns from afar, Putin and company are playing the game as if they think they can win, and whoever's running the US/West/NATO is playing as if they're on their back foot, losing balance, flailing. Another metaphor might be a poker player going all-in because he's down to his last dollar. I don't know why this is -- the US has food, energy, and some manufacturing capability left, a lot to lose, whereas, as Victoria Nuland said, "F*ck the EU." They're out of luck. So what is the US's problem? Why aren't they playing diplomatic and financial games which they could have easily afforded when the present dust-up started? Too late to fix it now. Attributing insanity to our great leaders seems a bit too facile. But I suppose they really could be crazy.

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THEY're all involved in a global government, NWO endgame.

Ultimately, when things go tits up, THEY will 'step in to save us', then hand out accolades and Nobel Peace Prizes to the brave leaders who saw it through.

T h e

H eirarchy

E nslaving

Y ou


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War before the coming elections will allow the leftists to declare a voting holiday and then stay in power for years as they drag it out. 2024 elections could be postponed for years. The idiots in charge only care about themselves and retaining the forceful use of power.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

I know it is just a qualitative noun but as a Canadian I find it a bit strange when the US democrats are called leftists......to me they are just globalist / fascist shills.

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I find it strange too. I'm an American. I consider myself both "left" and "progressive" yet I refuse to support the Democrats after what Obama did.

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Leftism has never been more occupied and under assault. Not since it was hijacked, poisoned, demeaned, caricatured and dismantled.

What frustrates me are the millions of good, but blind people who've ignored the onslaught of fake 'antisemitism' and now can't even recall the old, honourable left.

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As a “ leftist”, I respectfully ask that you purge that word from your vocabulary when referencing American politics. Leftists have not been anywhere close to American politics since American communists were instrumental in pushing the liberal FDR into assembling a package of programs to protect American laborers.

75 years of concerted effort to erase any authentic opposition have been phenomenally successful! We have had a de facto one-party State since Bill Clinton promised Wall Street CEO’s and manufacturing CEO’s that Democrats can be as loyal as Republicans.

It makes me cringe when Americans buy into the great charade of the one-party State, that there actually are meaningful differences, when it is so obvious that differences are facile, in tone and degree. We have austerity and more austerity. Neither side will promote an end to war, or promote raising taxes, or suggest that the liberal-capitalist model has run its course.

If you believe that American dysfunction can be fixed by the one-party State apparatus, I think you are missing the forest for the trees.

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Can you define what you mean by "left"?

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Socialist, communist, Marxist, but for day to day outcomes, each is indistinguishable from fascism.

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Are you another avatar for Gorgo?

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Sorry? Gorgo?

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The top comment in this particular stream was authored by Gorgo, to whom I addressed the question.

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They don't know what the word _left_ means in political theory; I assume they don't read history.

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Their declared war will give them votes. They will hold elections.

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During President Kennedy's tenure, the Joint Chiefs of Staff pressed him to authorise preemptive nuclear strikes against both Cuba and the Soviet Union; Kennedy however, had the political acumen and the strength of character to resist them; moreover he sought to build a lasting peace with America's Cold War adversaries.

The same evil influence which wanted war then is at work today.

But whereas Kennedy wanted peace, Biden seems to be inclined to war.

We are living in perilous times.

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JFK ran for president in 1960 on a platform that *Richard Nixon* was "soft on communism".

The difference between 1962 and today was that foreign policy is now entirely as a subset of domestic policy, and as such, an opportunity for one party to score points at the expense of the other party. If the Cuban Missile Crisis were happening today, Team R would take the opportunity to label anything less than pushing The Button as capitulation, just as Team D was glad to do the same when Trump wasn't escalating tensions to their liking.

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In the book 1984 there are three superpowers in constant conflict.

In our present world we know there is competition and cooperation and conflict and communication between the three. Are they working together or is the US risking everything to maintain total control of the planet? Are the three controlled by the oligarchs?

We do not know the answers to those questions. What we can do is realize that we are all energetic beings. Everything is energy. Anything can happen. We can raise our own vibrations and in doing so raise all vibration. Love is more powerful.

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the self-appointed elites of US of Israhell excels in a few things to compensate many shortcomings of theirs: inflating their abilities intellectual and military, and sucking the blood and sweat of others. al capone prolly read the first page of their book of dirty tricks. rest assured, they are hardly as smart or powerful as they want you to think. otherwise they wouldn't need their wretched propaganda. just stop feeding them.

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the ability to keep their plans secret, war game them at length before hand, is what appears, to the sheep, much later, as they bear the unannounced effects in real time, as "intelligent". You're right. It's not! Tower 7 fell no cause. Covid dovetails with SO many geostrategic plans it's not even funny, plus PNAC dreamt of a genetically targetted pathogen as a political tool, and wrote about it in their report, way back in 2000. They're not intelligent. They're just nasty and well protected from sunlight.

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In all honesty our society was ripe for a major pandemic, if it hadn't been COVID it would have been something else. There are no wild spaces left that aren't being infringed on by people, which means exponential opportunities for new pathogen varieties to jump species and infect humans and/or our animals. Additionally modern high speed travel has raised the stakes dramatically. Spanish Flu killed 50 million people when it took two weeks to cross the Atlantic, today I can be infected with pneumonic plague and by tomorrow be in Singapore or Pretoria.

Ever see what happens when rabbits get overpopulated? A disease comes through and almost wipes them out. No large (>20 kilos) animal has ever had a population of 7 billion before, the entire worldwide population of wildebeests or reindeer is less than the population of Shanghai. Either we reduce our population voluntarily soon or Ma Nature is going to do it for us, and she's a bitch.

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well, for now the animals have stopped biting humans.

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It should be mentioned, I suppose, why not? that 40,000 Americans die every year from gun crimes. But that comes under the rubric of "Freedom", a magic word that literally whitewashes every crime. Remember the famous Rumsfeld mantra -"freedom to do bad things"? Crime in US "liberated "countries is an actual index of US success in the area. They really believe that bullshit.

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The basically vile, hypocritical and destructive nature of the US and glue-ons is something you can't get used to, can't exhaust no matter how much it is reviewed, analyzed and discussed. What is amazing is that intellectuals still do it, along with ordinary people like me, who can't mince words. Does it do any good to mention the Vietnam draft and the thousands of Americans who escaped to Canada and other parts? And was Vietnam surrounding the US and glue-ons? Killing people by the thousands in outlying US, UK areas? Forbidding the use of American English? And where was the UN in the literally endless litany of US/West crimes everywhere, torture, incarceration of innocent people, including mass incarceration and other state crimes against their own people? Defending it takes the fatal hubris and blindness the ancient Greeks spoke of. It is the greatest sacrilege and defamation you can think of, because at base, we do it in the name of Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Well, the Russians wisely decided, fuck-em-all: it's time to stop talking up their game. These ghouls don't want to come into the light. Don't want to be human. They can't be trusted any more than a boa constrictor. The Russians and their new power base and sphere of influence will set up their own courts of International justice. They will take the initiative in judgment of good and evil, crimes and sanctions. Because our system has descended to the comic book level, but it isn't amusing. It isn't cute. It is a threat to all life on the planet.

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What's amazing is the Ununited Nations refuse to recognise the plebiscite. That overweight El Presidente is more concerned about maintaining his girth than his credibility. To deny a self enfranchising republic and choose whom they want to be with, then pretend the crims in Kiev are, well they never say, but lots of adjectives and verbs fly around. Like the League of Nations who denied self determination to a truncated Austria. It's like they want to cause maximum trouble. For where was the UN when the Donbas was being shelled by its own leaders, and 12000 dead later this year they now manage to come up with a denial of democracy when it works, for the people.

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Our country is run by one political party. Some people refer to it as the Uniparty. It should actually be called the Military Industrial Complex Party though.

Alas, the U.S. Congress has almost no deep thinkers. This is tragic because there is no effective counterbalance to the insanity of the military industrial complex.

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Silent waters run deep. Creepy Joe's immoral murderous alliances are targets for all. Bet they even plot against each other.

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