There is no US Empire. The totalitarians are an international predator class who escape your attention while you suck up their narratives and write about the world as if nations still matter.

They don't.

There is a war going on but you don't even know who the real enemy is.....

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Caitlin shows awareness of that when she writes, "The vast globe-spanning power structure that is loosely centralized around the United States...." What do you think "loosely centralized" means? This is the difference between the global corporatists and Trump. Globalists want international corporations and Davos to be in charge of the Empire. Caitlin recognizes that's the current situation, but US exceptionalists want the US firmly in charge of the global Empire. Both are imperialists and must be rejected. The problems will not be solved by replacing one set of elites with another set of elites.

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Reading is too hard for some.

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Uncalled for. Come on.

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The real enemy is fear. War has always been with us along with totalitarians from past empires to monarchies and robber barons to colonizers. The US is an empire as is China and Russia with the multinationals playing all sides. Power corrupts -- why it needs to be spread out, diluted and checked -- and not just replaced by new powerful actors. The more people wake up and become self empowered the more likely we will make this happen. HOPE!

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I agree with you mostly, but the US is only a PART of an empire that includes other players, like the UK, France, Israel... The main event isn't the "US" per se, it's a group of parasites from various countries that have banded together (think about Klown Schwab) and that USE the govt's of various countries to do their dirty work. Look at how ALL THESE COUNTRIES have marched lockstep to the PLAN of Covid, with its lockdowns, its masking, its jabs, its outright lies about a "virus" when it's actually EMF's and deadly injections... This is not just the US Govt. or even just the US, it's a CABAL.

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You are going back a layer or 2 - but who, exactly, are "the technocratic elites"?

Yes I know, we can all name some names. But I have a sneaking suspicion that the real controllers are content to remain in the shadows, with their puppets (like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, etc etc) as the public face of the NWO.

Billy Gates is patently not bright enough to have dreamed all this up for himself. And I don't think KS is, either.

Maybe the Rothschilds, etc... or maybe some other entity that controls & guides them?

Think Darth Vader & the Emperor.

I can't help agreeing with those who see the hand of Satan/Lucifer/Devil in what is going on. There is an evil intelligence that seems to emanate from a "higher" source.

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Interesting. No Kochs in that list. Too funny.

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Indeed, it's very difficult to grasp the enormity of the evil, but it's essential. I think Patrick Wood has long been categorized as a "conservative." A "progressive" who has also recently been clued in (awakened but not "woke") is Naomi Wolf. She was just interviewed by James Delingpole: https://rumble.com/v17zvd1-naomi-wolf.html

Naomi, who has worked on Democratic campaigns, has recently been working with Steve Bannon of all people. Those committed to the Constitution and the Republic our founders gave us must band together, regardless of our other disagreement, to demand respect for the Bill or Rights. That fundamental respect allowed the existence and triumph of patriots like William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass and Carl Schurz. We allowed those rights to bee trampled by jailing Eugene V. Debs, by failing to protected Martin Luther King Jr and Julian Assange. Now there is a clear and present danger that we will lose them all if we don't stand in opposition first to these global elites and later to the imperialist tendencies of "mainstream" Republicans including DJT.

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Steve Bannon? Are you f*cking kidding me? Get out of here with this bullsh*t. Steve Bannon is a Wall Street creep. He is a member of Club Oligarchy. As such, he's the enemy. He has no truck. He gets no truck. The fact Naomi gives him truck means she gets no truck.

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Right up there with name calling, eh? You're playing the elite "divide and rule" game.

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You are what you associate with every bit as much as you are what you eat. That's not name calling. That's fact. The Simple Bear Necessities.

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****Accused fraudster and former White House strategist Steve Bannon was aboard a $28 million yacht owned by a Chinese billionaire when he was arrested on fraud charges Thursday morning, according to reports.

The 150-foot mega vessel was in the Long Island Sound near Westbrook, Connecticut, when President Trump’s former strategist was picked up by US Postal Service inspectors, the Hartford Courant reported.

The boat, the Lady May, is owned by Guo Wengui, one of China’s most wanted fugitives, who is wanted in Beijing on fraud, blackmail and bribery charges, according to the Washington Post.****

Word has it, Wengui is a CCP spy and his cover is the portraying himself as a wanted dissident. So, Bannon's in bed with the CCP. Too funny. And you want us to be "manipulated" by him and if we balk at that you call the balking name calling? I, for one, would never be on a $28 million yacht let alone one owned by a CCP spy or any spy for that matter.

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Indeed we know the enemy– as evidenced at the Davos and Bilderberg Group meetings. They are the top echelon...the old houses of Europe (the Balkans war just a boundary rewrite with US-NATO policing),and the US Empire.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

Excellent comment. I appreciate Ms. Johnstone's criticisms of the Anglo/Western world as far as they go. But just the other day I saw her get really downright vicious towards a commenter who timidly and accurately pointed out that just because NATO are bad guys, doesn't mean China and Russia aren't equally bad.

In fact, she responded exactly the way the "manipulator" she describes in this article would. Completely misrepresenting the author's comment and intentions.

It's impossible to understand who the real enemy is in all this if you don't have a foundation in metaphysics. And, as Ms. Johnstone is the author of a book about astrology - of all things - it's safe to say she doesn't understand metaphysics.

Oh well, nowadays one Has to get information where one can, and in that respect she's not at all bad.

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Exactly. Well said.

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I've often likened it to the domestic abuse dynamic. The victim may suffer but still sees the abuser as their protector so will stay in the relationship, even defend their tormentor when a caring outsider questions them. Like when the neighbor pops over after hearing a violent argument and the abuser tells them to mind their own business, and the victim says the same, pushing away neighbors and friends alike who try to intervene and help. "You don't know what you're talking about! Leave me alone! I deserved it! Butt out!"

That's truly what trying to wake people up about their government and corporate abusers. They get downright hostile to anyone who is a threat to their abusive relationship. Akin to Stockholm Syndrome. So many parallels of the same dynamic exist out there. Thing is, there are strategies known to society and mental health professionals about how to deal with victims of those types of psychological manipulations and unhealthy relationship dynamics. Surely we have some guides from those types of strategies we can apply to this sorry state we find ourselves in. Separating the victim's dependence and attachment to their abuser.

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I had to go through my own stages of disbelief, grief, and anger when I started finding out just about everything I knew about the world was a falsehood. My journey began in earnest in 2011, and it was fraught with periods of me wanting to go back to sleep, to take the blue pill again and be reinserted back into the Matrix. I have compassion for anyone going through this right now, and there are many more people experiencing this dissolving of their narratives at this time because of the now blatant lies and power grabs. My strategy is to keep telling the truth in whatever ways I feel compelled to, standing up to the power grabs in whatever ways I can, and treating people with kindness and compassion and meeting them where they are at. I don't know where this all leads, but I know I am doing my best and really, that is all anyone can ever do.

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The US is the military branch of this Globalist would-be "govt." Can we agree on that, people? While Caitlin is fantastic with words and explanations (yep, I'm a big fan of hers, she's a very effective wordsmith), there's no reason why certain aspects of what she says can't be fleshed out a bit. There is nothing WRONG with a few little pokes in the general belly of something, it's what makes the Big Picture more clarified. Not every comment that isn't fawning is meant to be an INSULT. That's what comments are for-- clarifying, and strengthening the MESSAGE. If we can all remain civil and not get our panties in a bunch, it helps to keep us UNITED, which to me, is very important. So we can disagree without insulting those who have mild differing views, or variables to point out, or minor differences... insulting each other over less than SIGNIFICANT issues is divisive and well, kind of stupid, considering what's at stake. I think Americans are trained to squabble unnecessarily, about very small issues, and it's time to grow up, allow for some room for different takes, even making mistakes, and learn to RELAX enough with each other's words to be UNITED under the general umbrella of what it is we are trying to do... REGAIN SOVEREIGNTY, REGAIN FREEDOM, and LIVE WELL. This is not about individuals, my friends, THIS IS ABOUT UNITY, THIS IS ABOUT THE MESSAGE. It's NOT about a personality cult, as prone as Americans are to turning everything into one... PEACE OUT AND THINK ABOUT WHAT IS BEING SAID HERE, and what is being done to us, and relax a little, because this forum is where, for now, we have the COMMONS. We are not little children. We can handle a conversation and agree to allow for some give and take! xo

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Sad reality. How has it happened in a country with so many decent and generous people? I think the malicious grotesque inequality forced on the American public is hugely influential. Leading the Western world in obesity, divorce, incarceration, pollution, guns, murders, racial murders, nukes, mass shootings, poverty, child poverty, makes the public accept the unacceptable.

There is a rape a minute in the US, all year long. One in ten female soldiers have been raped by one or more of their colleagues. Gun violence? Every few minutes.

Yet in the MSM most of these issues are absent or back page or not followed up. They’ve been corrupted beyond recognition. The country is circling the ironically named American Standard and the public narrative is about paranoid delusions about China, saber-rattling about Russia, those sandbars in the S China Sea, and the ridiculous two party system, fraudulent for democracy, with no effort too great for showing up the other party. A hundred articles about Matt Gaetz and Jan 6th ( GOP-sliming ops - not that it isn’t warranted) for every one on issues that matter most to the citizen.

True current American priorities are accessible only by colonoscopy.

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The ever-popular excuse of the abuser: "I'm protecting you, The Real World is so scary, bad and dangerous, you would be in so much trouble without my protection!"

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Exactly. This is why Russian Speakers in Ukraine should be wary of Putin making these claims to them and then he turns around and mows them down as part of his Special Operation.

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Trolling again.

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It's lonely in his mother's basement, excuse me, bear den, with nothing but the internet and his micro-pen is ... small comfort.

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It sure beats being on the clock hunkered down in a crappy Prigozhin-supplied cubicle in St. Petersburg like you are.

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> "And I think humanity is entering that stage of the relationship with the US empire."

"Humanity" is extremely abstract. We need more detail.

In terms of nations, we can divide the world into 3 zones Nato vs. Eurasia, and the Non-Aligned rest of world. But in our modern world many people have connections to people and cultures outside their home zone. They think about these relationships given the politics around them and some will decide that their domestic politics must be so much bs because accepting the bs would mean repudiating their priors.

Americans are notoriously parochial so it's no surprise their bs is working. But Europe is a mystery to me. How did Nato's betrayal and sacrifice of Ukraine for the profit of Western billionaires turn into a moral crusade? And how is this fantasy sustained?

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I want to stick around and see how this story ends too. Shit, It's got to be better than the end of Game of Thrones, right?

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I think you’ve nailed it. The comparison between GOT and the USA is uncanny. The first couple hundred seasons of the USA make it the best story ever told. It has all the money in the world, the most loyal fans in the world, good will from every corner, every indication that it will be the story of the ages….

Then, in the last two seasons, the show runners (whoever they are) drive it into the shite-filled ditch where it exceeds a level of utter botchedness never before seen. And we are so damned mad because all of that previous brilliance and effort, all that great writing and great acting, all the exotic sets and epic battles, all that time we viewers invested, was in the end—when it matters most—absolutely wasted. We feel betrayed, and we have nothing but contempt for the whole damned thing. We realize that humans are all utterly unredeemable and it makes us question our reasons for being.

On the other hand—maybe, just maybe—it also makes many of us cancel our HBO subscription and swear an oath to whatever gods we worship that we’ll never let anything like that ever happen again. So we all get together to create a true story for the ages, one with a pay off at the end that leaves us weeping with joy…. But then, eventually, we realize that kind of happily-ever-after Hollywood ending makes it the dullest story ever...so we throw in a mad queen and a few dragons….

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The U.S. gov't has become so completely divorced from reality I think you have to be either especially stupid or especially frightened into pretending to believe the lies. Remember that old Sinclair Lewis book and the movie Elmer Gantry? I think Uncle Sam has become Elmer Gantry - a very accomplished con man who, in the end, just became an object of contempt. May we be as fortunate with the current version.

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Brilliant as always. I would only add that many People - (from my own family) - are self deluded - they are afraid of the actual Truth & adopt a "mainstream narrative". In short, the Sociopaths/Psychopaths are in control & the deluded know this but prefer to believe a fiction because it helps them sleep at night. SWJW.

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Their treatment of Assange bolsters your argument.

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keep on fighting Caitlin!

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I've named my personality disorder "oligarchic hyper-misanthropy". It's a minimal interest in seeing, hearing, or interacting with any ultra-rich human who plays the aristocratic role of societal influencer. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Albert Bourla are illustrative. The main symptom is an extreme urge toward reverse peristalsis when listening to their propaganda. This suppression of that vomitus results in the rapid therapeutic termination of attention to their hyperbole and outright lies. The aftereffect is speculation about what fraction of the population is a hopeless write-off due to incurable brainwashing, followed by a misanthropic response to stringently limit my exposure to any human fitting that description. Which response has very little to do with a person's supposed location on the typical left-right spectrum.

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Thanks, I know Mercola's stuff. In Feb. 2021, I wrote about shit vaccines that had no hope of attenuating spread from my perspective as a 25-yr immunology teacher. https://vinlopresti.medium.com/are-covid-vaccines-not-as-socially-protective-as-they-could-be-715d3a902b65. Medium did its best to suppress that one and my three subsequent '21 posts. Merely looking at the collusion between FDA and Pfizer, the unblinded "clinical study" with no release of data and the quickly approved garbage vaccines for billions in profit are quite enough to tell us that a vast conspiracy was operative. Then, close examination of the genetics shouted: manipulated RNA. The specifics of the intrigue were obvious to many biologists, most of whom were subjected to censorship. what else does one need to know. Calling it a technocratic coup d'etat is certainly accurate, but it's only the continuation of an ongoing coup that's a natural consequence of minimally regulated Capitalism that daily exhibits its penchant for shitting where it eats.

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The us of Arrogance is infiltrated by globalists who are traitors to our constitution including

Nazie Pelosie who voted like every other Democrat to support the UKroNazies.

I don't like Republicans nor that they are our only hope, oh fucking shit

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"Propaganda only works if you don't know it's happening." This is not exactly so. A long time ago I read a theoretical article about advertising which declared, among other things, that advertising (for common products such as, for example, soft drinks, cars, vacations, records and so on) enhanced people's enjoyment of the experience, so that (this advertiser of advertising declared) manufacturers and sellers of the products ought to keep buying advertising even after the product had been sold. This would apply as well to the form of advertising called propaganda. A war would not be as much fun if we didn't have propaganda about the hideous adversary and the noble home boys fighting for the cause and the frightful or wonderful death-dealing machines to be used. Many people seem to be quite conscious of this. I'm sure you've seen the little flags posted to help it along in the course of the present fandango.

In regard to psycho- or sociopathy, the mystery to me is not that it exists -- many mechanisms can go wrong in the case of beings as complex as humans -- but that so many people do not detect and resist it. Psychopathy etc. is a lack of function, a sort of disease or stunted development, which one would think people would automatically avoid just as they would evidence of the plague or influenza. It must be very difficult for average psychopaths to get through life because they lack this essential mode of intuition and perception. Hence as you note they must spend a huge amount of energy to deceive, manipulate, and control other people. You'd think they'd be too busy to run the world.

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