One thing we can be reasonably certain about: Everything the US says is a lie or something concocted so that they and others who don't look too closely can believe their lies. The US seems to be governed by people who are cold hearted killers pretending to be someone who cares.

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All during Trump's years in office he was severely maligned, and no I'm not saying he was great, So in 2020 Joe was portrayed as our savior and many people unfortunately saw him and the democrats in that light. They became holier then thou. The press and so called liberals played a significant role in this regard as well. Anyone but Trump!  So now Biden gets away with so much more BS then everyone else, and more then ever before. I remember when Obama could say don't ever underestimate Joe's ability to Fuck things up. The press can see his lies, but aren't truthful about who and what he is, since many are frightened there will be a Trump win in November. The democrats did use Trump to signal their virtue. I heard heard Chris Hedges give a talk on the horrors of what is going on in Gaza, and he was very critical of the administration, and somewhere at the end when his speech was over and he was still hanging out at the mike he said, "I'm terrified of a Trump win." To me that signals no matter how bad Biden is he's better then Trump, so vote for Biden. No one is saying one has to vote for Trump, since there are third party candidates and if they get a whole lot of votes maybe it can really send a big message. Well, maybe not.

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I like everybody getting together and voting "none of the above" and making them give us someone that will represent more than 10% of the voting public.

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Well, hopefully a bit more.

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This is how it works and really shows how crazy we are.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a podcast released on Friday that she believes former President Donald Trump wants to model himself after dictators like Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump beat Clinton to become president during the 2016 election, and she has alleged that he has connections to Russia. Clinton, on the “Democracy Docket” podcast, accused Trump of modeling himself after Russian President Vladmir Putin and other global dictators, suggesting her former opponent wants to commit heinous acts against those who oppose him.

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Matt Taibi

 Why I don’t spend a lot of time on the Republicans:

Why I don’t spend a lot of time on the Republicans:

1) There is a enormous army of MSM reporters already going after them from every angle, with most major news organizations little more than proxies for the DNC, to the point where stations hire Biden spokespeople as anchors;

2) The Republicans have very little institutional power nationally. It’s not their point of view prevailing in schools, on campuses, in newsrooms (where over 90% of working reporters vote blue), and especially in the intelligence and military apparatus, which has openly aligned itself with Democrats. Even if Donald Trump were a “threat to Democracy” he lacks the institutional pull to do much damage, which can’t be said of Democrats;

3) The Democrats’ ambitions are significantly more dangerous than those of the Republicans. From digital surveillance to censorship to making Intel and enforcement agencies central players in domestic governance — all plans being executed globally as well as in our one country — they are thinking on a much bigger and more dangerous scale than Republicans. I lived in third world countries and the endless criminal indictments of people like Trump and ongoing lawfare efforts to prevent even third party challenges are classic authoritarian symptoms. The Republicans aren’t near this kind of capability;

4) Last and most important, the Democrats are being organized around a more potent but also much dumber, more cultlike ideology. People like Yuval Harari and his Transhumanist “divinity” concept scare me a lot more than the Rs, and I was once undercover in an apocalyptic church in Texas. Ask your average Russian or Cuban what overempowered pseudo-intellectuals are capable of.

I have a pretty good record of picking dangerous phenomena ahead of time. I feel confident on this one, and that’s before we get to the demographic/class shifts in the parties.

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Glen Greenwald is pretty much on the same page as Taibi.

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The DNC are Oligarchs and captive to the Oligarchs, the RNC is the same, but to Theocractic Oligarchs. I'm sure I don't see the whole picture but who does?

They've both been playing us for decades. Always voting for the lesser of two evils until we are literally voting for two nearly identical evils. I'm going to write in the equivalent of "Give Us Candidates We Want!". This whole country should have been doing this for at least 50 years. This whole thing is just those Oligarchs, along with the new Oligarchs having the Fascist regime they failed to get in their 1939 Wall Street Coup.

They pulled off the coup from inside the institutions "made change from the inside". Many of the conspirators family members went on to hold high offices and even the presidencies in the years since.

At any rate I saw what the DNC was setting up when they crushed anybody that could stand in the way of their choice of Biden the Grim Reaper. They even did the *Caesar accepts the wreath thing, nearly, as sort of an in your eye gag while stomping on the candidates the people wanted.

*This is me comparing Biden pretending to be reluctant to run for president while the DNC strategied how to get rid of any better candidates.

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Wow, will said Ellen and I totally agree.

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I think Hedges was just being his usual honest, grim self as opposed to it being an encouragement to vote for Biden. I’m 100% certain he would never advise Americans to vote for Genocide Joe, no matter how much he fears and detests Trump, like so many of us.

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Well, if it's not Biden it's Trump, and if he is terrified of Trump, that leaves Biden. So in essence he is saying better Biden then Trump. Taibbi and Glen Greenwald have written some interesting articles that really show how autocratic the democrats have become and in my book they used Trump to do just that. Interesting that Biden can support a genocide, push a war in Ukraine that they can only lose, and they have already lost hundreds of thousands of lives, and we know they can't win yet we feed them money to die by the many, many thousands, and why? Well, as Biden said Putin has got to go. Biden is better then no one, and never was.

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I really think it’s incorrect to infer that Hedges is encouraging a vote for Biden. If he were going to do that he would have been explicit. Having seen many, many hours of his podcast and interviews by others, I know him to detest the Dems every bit as much as the Republicans. He doesn’t traffic in electoral politics or advice about it. Not everyone does, you know.

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There will be a choice in this country Trump, or Biden and his very comment, that he's terrified if Trump gets in, says vote for Biden, not a third party candidate since that might give Trump the upper hand. People put Hedges on a pedestal, and he leads the way in encouraging them to do just that. I don't think he belongs there.

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Ha !!! So funny!!! Because it is ruled by people like that!!! I know them personally. The "Black Hand", look them up; but don't believe the lie that they don't exist anymore.

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Much of the Imperial media is repeating the talking point, "Biden doesn't want to get dragged into a regional war." Almost as often as it has been repeating "Biden doesn't want excess civilian deaths in GAZA."

What a bunch of Hoooey. The US can stop this ongoing slaughter and war escalations at anytime by ending its arms and money shipments to Israel. Biden could go even further, and send US supply ships to the starving and trapped Gazans - and warn Israel in no uncertain terms not to interfere. It could stop giving Israel diplomatic cover at the U.N.

The US isn't being dragged anywhere. The US is not being forced to do anything - it's all a choice. Don't believe the Imperial media for a bloody second.

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Absolutely. This feigned reluctance is just for show.

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So, the whole narrative about Israeli apologists saying, "It's complicated"? It is, because of the "Black Hand", a secret ruthless gangster organization that has spiritual connections to murder gangs thousands of years old. The whole terrorist thing? That's their MO. Look it up !!!

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Link please.

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It's too much work.

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WOW!!! Well, that was a few years ago, but for a short while (a few hundred years?) They were Pharaohs(outsiders) lower kingdom, and even then I think only near the delta, so if you search that, maybe you'll find it, but it's buried in science journals, so maybe not even then; but these groups had their ancestors in even earlier groups that predates the Babylonian Empire, hence Thus an organization that even predates civilization itself. Thus the terrorist tactics.

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Too much work: People who post these kinds of things expecting the rest of us to just believe what they say with nothing to back them up, no analysis, no nothing. It's like they think they are God or something and it is God's word, so we must accept what they say. No thanks.

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Why is it too much work?

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Actually it can’t do that because AIPAC owns every person in government. But you know….Russia Russia Russia.


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He wants a regional war. As always, believe the opposite of what the corporate mouthpieces are saying.

He's done nothing to correct the country's course towards Fascism. He's done nothing to protect women's and human rights. He's increased Trump's back door taxes on the public (tariffs on China). He's opened more cruel prisons for the refugees at or from the border. He stops one small fossil fuel project and backhandedly gives 100s of leases and giveaways to fossil fuels billionaires and all our money to Tech Billionaires that give NOTHING back in taxes (even gets tax returns) and his government gives "Isrealhell" trillions that never ever gives anything back but dead Americans and bribes for our supposed representatives.

He's done nothing about the States violating Federal laws like the First Amendment and so many others. All these States tearing up the Federal Constitution and HE has the power to put a STOP to that criminality. He's been advancing Fascism instead, but he and his co-conspirators have been much quieter than Trump about it and sneaky in having all the 'legacy media' tell us and fool a lot of good people into believing he's not the same as Trump.

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So much for the lesser of two evils ...

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By the behavior of the US state, it is apparent that Israel is an extension of the US Empire (maybe officially?). The US behaves as if an attack on Israel is an attack on the US itself. This would explain a lot of the actions the US has taken vis-a-vis Israel.

It wasn't always this way. The US started taking more of a concentrated and focused interest in Israel after the 1967 6-day war (it started looking at Israel seriously as a state that would/could represent the US's interests in the region inviolably - by this point Iran and Saudi Arabia were no longer a consideration). The USSR was somewhat of a counterbalance to the US in the Middle-East upto 1991. After 1991 and the dissolution of the USSR, the US went completely berserk in its support of Israel as there was no counter-balancing force in the middle-east against the US's imperialist ambitions, and things only got worse.

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Is it possible Chang....it's the other way round?

Israel has slowly bought politicians in the USA? AIPAC

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My entire life, decade after decade, the news of the Israelis vs. Palestinians has never improved. And now here we are, a genocide, televised to the world, and even far worse, a US president who pretends his hands are tied when trying to stop it, and whom even complains he's being "dragged" into a regional conflict he doesn't want, as if he and the US have no power to stop it.

It's hard to know what to say, to the immorality and decrepitude now very visible in US governance and policy. Decrepitude visibly present in the POTUS himself, a corrupt, senile POTUS so symbolic of US empire and even European empire.

No doubt, the new generation will attempt to bring some kind of change - as we, the baby boomers die off, and the pendulum swings back to some kind of rejuvenating moral common sense and hope. I'm blind to seeing what that change might entail given the challenges this new generation faces - but life then again, is a profound mystery. Why is there even existence itself, and human life? I have no quick answer for it - or the 14,000+ Palestinian children murdered in the last 6 months. Maybe, Sartre was right - there really is no answer - life is just a simulation of hell. Particles that magically combined together to create the farcical illusion that any of this has any real meaning.

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Have some of those tasty potatoes to stay on a cheerer side of things, jamenta! 😉

Really, the young seem to be reassessing stuff and swing back to what is good, or at least better. Let the old folks fade with all their hippy bullshit that amounted to nothing or next to it. Surprisingly, some sort of "virtue" or "good" tends to prevail and reappear. Younger folks not burdened yet with the capitalist baggage (loans, mortgages, etc) seem to be getting it.

I've heard some complaints of the departing generations towards their offspring who tend to be on the right side of things. That was music to my ears which I didn't bother to feed back at them.

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Me thinks more like America is an extension of the Zionist Israel Empire

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Great evidence for serpentine speech manipulation -- our elite universities: the academy, bastions of free speech. Bullshit. Article about my alma mater, Columbia, on Scheerpost, reprinted from Electronic Intifada, concerning, of course, threats and actions against an Arab scholar/faculty by its Zionist cutout president whom the last issue of Columbia Magazine touted as fantastic in terms of identity crap — oh look how wonderful, we have a woman president of Egyptian origin! What a bloody crock. I was compelled to leave this comment:

"Alum here. Shades of 1968. Columbia as supporter of Military-industrial complex, this time for murdering poor Palestinian Zionist slaves, instead of poor Vietnamese peasants. Similar source: pressure from Zionist mega-donors. And similar outcomes: spineless administration, NYPD on campus. As I approach the end of my days, I bequeath the university a large bag copiously equipped with dried dog and cat excrement collected in my neighborhood; symbolic of how the university’s values have evolved in the intervening 56 years — from the possibility of an awakening to students’ expectation of and yearning for free speech in the academy to the dessicated husk of that possibility”.

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Marvelous. Columbia certainly earned that contribution. May it keep them as warm and fed as they deserve.

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Hope you haven't paid much when they solicited contributions.

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Believing anything the US says when it comes to money and power is, well, stupid. Actually, believing anything at all is stupid. As an American, I think I can only just be resigned to accepting whatever the eventual backlash is going to be - and none of this was done at the behest of we common ordinary citizens.

There is a clip floating around wherein Boris Johnson is telling EU or NATO or some such "leadership" that if Russia wins, it threatens the West's hegemony. He used those words, the clip was not meant for wide circulation.


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As a fellow American, I agree with you, and if the Western hegemony ends, so much the better. Little America will be a much better and saner place to live.

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WHO in their right mind listens to Boris Johnson?

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It is not a matter of who listens to him, it is just interesting to see the hegemony mindset actually expressed in words, on video. Boris does not care what we think of him; he was the errand boy for deep-sixing the peace negotiations, and he reports to and hangs out with the folks who are clinging to hegemony. No matter how many of we peasants die or are hurt in the process.

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Are you saying Boris Johnson lied about western hegemony?

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Let’s get the Biden Administration to focus on the criminal charges they so rightly deserve. 18 U.S. Code § 1091 is the statute that incorporated the Genocide Convention in US criminal law. Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives. Let us find the way.

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Caitlin, thanks for stating and following and observing the USA travesty vis a vis Palestine!

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Duh. And the US continually comes up with excuse after excuse why it can't support Palestinian statehood right now or on these specific terms.

Because, you know, reasons.

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My heart breaks when I see whats happening to the families in Gaza, but the liars keep lying and the morons keep buying those lies.

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The Shit Hole States and its treasure trove of lies.

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Given what is happening a two state solution is dead as a door nail. There is already much chatter about how Gaza is going to be bulldozed and redeveloped to Israel's liking. All part of creating a "Greater Israel" as planned decades ago.

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+ how many Palestinians will be left before this ends?

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This must not happen at least hopefully it will be destroyed everytime they start construction it could be destroyed

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There is no “two state solution”: such a “solution” would in fact be two separated non-contiguous “reservations” captive inside the hostile foreign nation of Israel that would ALSO still be illegally occupying the Golan Heights of Syria.

That’s NOT any kind of “solution” worthy of the term. Not for the palestinians in the ghettos of gaza and the west bank, not for the palestinian 2nd class citizens of Israel, and not for the 200,000 + christians spread across Israel and the palestinian ghettos. And not least that’s not a solution either for the residents of the Golan Heights which is a part of Syria occupied by Israel too.

In fact the only possible solution for any kind of stable PEACE is to remove the oppression, occupation and structural inequality. That means the dissolution of the Israeli colonial state and the palestinian ghetto - and the establishment a single democratic state there with freedom and equality for all. And the return of the Golan Heights to Syria.

That’s what the prescrption was for South Africa and Zimbabwe. And its no different in this case.

As single democratic state with equality for ALL.

Not the “two-state” con job - which is a hopeless diversion - a hiding to nothing .

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It would be interesting to hear, openly, the reasons for the United States unflagging support of Israel's genocide in Gaza. After all, we can only guess the reasons. The reasons for Israeli support have never been openly stated, merely implied, for decades now. I know why they can't say it, just as there's good reason to not say a lot of things that they are and were up to. I just wouldn't mind some honesty for once.

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AIPAC money and Epstine"s black book for starters.

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$$$$$$$$$ is why...?

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The “reasons”? You mean other than double agents like Blinken at State Department working for and on behalf of the chief promoters of the genocide?


Or do you still not understand what Stuart Seldowitz was doing when he was at work, was simply the real action side of what he was talking about at lunchtime:



There are LOTs of people out there committing hate crimes on the job, with US state dept credentials.

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If any of you like contemporary fairy tales, check out the tales about the upcoming of the Messiah, everyone seems to believe in it, even the deadly forces behind NATO & USA. Ha, Ha !!! Wouldn't be funny if he actually showed up next week in Gaza of all places??? Anyway, apparently, millions believe so. So, of course, you'd expect their sort of evil to show up in force to stop it.

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ScheerPost - Jake Johnson

"The new report comes days after Israeli settlers—escorted by IDF soldiers—went on their latest destructive and deadly rampage in the West Bank, killing at least two Palestinians, injuring dozens, and setting homes and vehicles ablaze. At least 20 households were displaced after Israeli settlers burned down their homes."

Also read somewhere that Israel selling Palestinian land to their apologist, fascist, hateful comrades in the US.

My head is exploding.

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Policies like these DID NOT START WITH Israel and Biden !!!!!

Truman Nuked 200,000 Japanese civilians to their death merely because Japan refused an UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of their rights that Truman "offered" them in accordance with FDR desires

And this does not cover the Civil War either

There, I have said it

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And this is no doubt a truth about ALL RECENT PRESIDENTS (including Obama)

The U.S. practically ALWAYS KNEW what Israel really wanted !!!

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate Let us do it to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Let us call for a No Fly-Zone over Gaza!

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Reverend John Hagee, a famous evangelical with more than 20 thousand followers who believe genocide is good. And they lobby congress to keep funding Israhell (210) 490-1600

18755 Stone Oak Pkwy, San Antonio, TX 78258

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