The soviets had a state run media, we have a media run state. The merger of state and corporate power is another step in the color revolution playbook: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-execute-a-color-revolution

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I always used to joke:

"In other countries...they have state run media channels, so the public looks at them and knows right away: this is the government spin on such and such topic. In the US they have 5 different "competing" channels that say the EXACT SAME THING AT THE EXACT SAME MOMENT past the hour, across all 5 channels carrying news. The murican public looks at that and goes: "oh this must be the truth", and thus, the countries with the state run channels have the better informed citizens and better outcomes! " --yours truly, LOL.

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... corporate owned media run state...

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More like we have a privately run state!

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At least the Russians knew Pravda was bullshit. Americans eat this stuff up as Gospel.

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Good point. What about TASS...isn't that the current Russian news agency?

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This is all true but it doesn't explain why the NYT and WaPo are doing the feds job and smearing journalists who expose the government. What is going through the mind of journalists and editors at these places? Didn't they all come of age possessing the idealism to speak truth to power? What happens to them on the way that makes them go from idealizing speaking truth to power to carrying water for power?

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Amazon hosts the CIA's cloud servers so the Washington post is done as a source of journalism. The NYTimes was bailed out by Carlos Slim and has ceased to be a source of opposition to the globalist corporate state.

This is why monopolies, especially in media, used to be understood to be bad for the nation's health and were restricted.

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Carlos Slim ... I lived in Tijuana Mexico 2000-2004 and Carlos Slim owned the Media in all of areas of Mexico CablaMex was the Internet Platform I subscribed to and it gave me 100% access to World Wide I.T. platforms. I had access to NPRK NK News: Latest North Korea News

And NPRK. Going the Distance in North Korea. Writer Will Philipps takes part in the Pyongyang marathon, in the first year the Hermit Kingdom

My impression of Mexican People who I conversed with was 100% positive of Carlos Slim who truly Owned All Media in Mexico at that time. BTW his name is not Carlos Slim, however he was, in fact The Richest man in Mexico (he probably is still richer than most American Media Mogales today: He did Own Everything from Telephones to Tacos

when I lived in Tijuana!)

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Totally. Plus $$$$$$

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they have "bosses". The people who own papers do not own them for "profit". That is the biggest lie. IF news were run for "profit" it'd be a completely different product. The journalism is run by the powerful for seeking "power" AND "profit" OTHER WAYS....on the side, not directly via the journalism. And the "journalism" company makes a satisficing yield, like a certificate of deposit, which they don't compete for.

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I liken it to the pages of legalese that one must sign if one wants a smart phone or a smart device. The smart device is not really for your enjoyment, but for the vendor’s profit. Your enjoyment is the hook. And you will not be permitted to enjoy it if you don’t agree to the vendor’s terms.

In the print media the “journalist” is the buyer and the the publisher is the vendor. This is Marx in a nutshell. The publisher owns the means of production, i.e.,the physical printer, and if the “journalist” means to be compensated for his/her work, the publisher pays editors to not run anything that is injurious to the publisher’s profit.

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This is Marx in a nutshell. Please, Mary! Obvious USA propaganda has corrupted your reasoning ability. I can say 100% certainly You Never Read Marx or Engels. You actually think Marx was a bogey man? Lolcows think that also~~ just saying. Read ""The Condition of the Working Class in England"" Frederick Engels 1844 He had just met Karl Marx. Become aware of reality, your foolish Marx in a nutshell is the rants of a schizophrenic. 99% of U.S. Media is schizophrenia in a nutshell

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I’m not sure what got your knickers in a twist. Look up “means of production” in any search engine, and you’ll get multiple references to Marx.

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"Didn't they all come of age possessing the idealism to speak truth to power?"

Some time ago (2005?) I happened to see the student newspaper at UC Berkeley. It was all slavish government servitude. That's what you have to do now if you would like to get a job.

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At the individual level, educational indoctrination, class status, and careerism explain a lot.

Much different forces operating institutionally and structurally.

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The NYT’s “The Daily” yesterday was exhibit #1 in the case that this was a carefully crafted government-initiated “leak.” Every reported “revelation” breathlessly revealed from these “documents” by these bootlicking hacks was designed to create an excuse to triple down on arming Ukraine and ratcheting up US involvement. The Jack Texeira incel MAGA gamer angle is just a smokescreen.

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Also designed to expand the powers of the National Security State, and crack down on "disinformation", and expand censorship.

The MAGA gamer angle is highly revealing and key, it is a shift from the Russia-gate and China rationales, which are wearing thing and becoming increasingly exposed as sham and unpopular.

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I’ll be poring through your posts. Looks like you would be interested in this sort of thing I investigated for The Nation 20 years ago. Nothing has improved: http://www.biffogram.com/stories#/adventures-in-patakistan

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Well stated and right on the money as usual, Caitlin. NPR - National Propaganda Radio isn't even discreet in its partisan and imperial establishment-protecting role. Even my spouse, who up to some point would have defended NPR as the voice of truth, finally saw it herself, back in 2015 & 2016, when NPR effectively disappeared Sanders and shamelessly gave most of its airtime to promotion of H.R. Clinton. That was actually helpful as it finally allowed her to begin seeing NPR for what it had become well before that.

The revolving door between governmental propaganda offices, military & Intel, and main stream media such as MSNBC and Fox, has been clear for some time. Now there isn't much of any degree of separation. So I love that you compare it to government/press relations in states we proclaim as tyrannical.

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Indeed, I sent to local journalist. I’m pretty disgusted with my country.

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Was it always this bad? Watergate was published once, surely there was some actual journalism at some point?

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sorry to break your heart (red pill neo), but Pulitzer was famous for yellow journalism. Then they named a prize after him.

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Amazing you also know History and how US Propaganda subverts the minds of the people. A cure for foolish thinking is Noam Chomsky - The Political Economy of the Mass Media which I just read again. At the age of 73 I have vivid memories of Reality. younger people do not have this blessing, hence they are believers of lies. I also have Eric Hoffer 1951 The True Believer 1966 Harper & Row paperback edition. Hoffer is Vital to Understanding American Lunatic Populations and how they are Controlled, Like Cattle with no cognizant minds.

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Noted! I have put Hoffer on my reading list!

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During my youth things were much better. Even during 2003 one could find truth. Now it's 100% propaganda, the flimsiest tales presented as truth. I no longer expose myself to such stuff.

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Note that those who spoke truth in 2003 were cast into Outer Darkness. Those who repeated the approved lies were promoted.

Careerists took note.

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The truth can still be found. Many People don’t want to hear it. Reddit is one place to see the wide diversity of opinion --if you visit several subs. The ignorance is evident everywhere. With a few nuggets of truth. Identify those nuggets is very difficult.

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Not quite as systematized or nearly as powerful, but always as bad - read this classic for a taste of historic US media corruption (decades before Chomsky):

The Brass Check: A Study of American Journalism by Upton Sinclair


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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

Excellent analysis, Caitlin. Leaves no doubt in the minds of your readers that the line between state and media doesn't exist at all….( the respected exceptions, seemingly on the increase, hopefully.)

The really amazing thing is that the more you read of the comments by ex spokespeople from the State Department or the White House on subjects such as who is and who isn't a journalist, as they try desperately at every opportunity to paint Juian Assange as anything but a journalist, the more these people show themselves to be an extremely pale image of a what a journalist should be. We have a similar case out here in the vassal state of Australia where some puffed up presenters on our National Broadcaster have never been able to accept Julian as the best source ever of real truths. A case of envy no doubt,. Having said that not to ever diminish the efforts over the years of so many within that same broadcaster who earned the respect of all in Yemen, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq and Syria and other countries, risking their lives for truth in reporting. Different climate in those days.

You can see the truthful tone has diminished here as well, exampled by the failure to see a mention of the Chinese initiative with Saudi and Iran, the grateful winner being Yemen and a peaceful solution with hundreds of thousands saved from starvation.

In that potentially wonderful outcome, not a scrap of assistance from the professional US war maker though, nor a mention of it in the state/media or media/state news services, all under penalty of being called disloyal or something equally as degrading. The favourite is un-American and fully actioned by the CIA, State Department, Department of Defence or the White House. What a collection of media charlatans. The creators of truths, US-style.

This is the climate around the globe, bowing to US dictates, everywhere.

Ex White House spokesperson Psaki in saying "to me, journalism is providing information to the public, helping make things clearer, explaining things”, but is conveniently not able to see that all of the functions mentioned were the reasons the world now knows of the US criminality, thanks to just one person. Julian Assange. How do journalists today justify their title when the actions that are still occurring all over the world are skipped totally or glossed over with a lie, known to all, based on the current US-dictated trend.

NordStream, a classic case.

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I’m not comfortable with believing that Americans will come to their senses even if the lies of their government are all exposed. There is quite a substantial number of citizens who, through religious indoctrination believe that they have the truth, and their enemies are everyone who doesn’t share the same dogma. And that includes most Americans.

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Amazing you also know History and how US Propaganda subverts the minds of the people.

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The idea that a 21 year old National Guardsman leaked this 'Noforn' classification material (i.e. Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals) is ridiculous. It is almost most certain this came from someone who is in the 'inner circle' of command operations, who wants to expose the military madness of continued support for the US 's Ukraine disaster. Not some kid dropping it on a games server for kicks.

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This could be another shoe dropping in Pentagon and NSA/CIA efforts to do 2 things: 1) distance the US military and disengage from the war they know is a loser; and 2) force Biden into an LBJ exit.

I read one theory that the US spooks opposed the Nord Steam sabotage and were forced to do it. They were enraged when Biden blew their cover (beforehand) and Blinken and Nuland afterward. The Sy Hesh story was their retaliation - this could be second shoe dropping in that campaign..

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But they might have put it in his hands as a patsy…

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For me, who was born and spent most of my life behind the Iron Curtain, the situation and behavior of the US media is not strange at all ! :)

But between us, the despised Eastern Europeans, and the citizens of the "advanced" world, there is a small but not negligible difference. the western population, who imagine themselves above the peoples of the world, spout lies with open mouths, which still amazes me ! :)

Of course, this does not apply to everyone (especially not to the people reading here), but unfortunately the majority have been artificially dumbed down, since they are still treated based on the principles developed in the Roman Empire (Panem et circenses), a full stomach suppresses the desire for knowledge and the search for truth !

Although I have some bad news, if the robbery of the world by the USA ends (petrodollar), then that particular belly will no longer be full !

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"The US Could Use Some Separation Of Media And State"

You Think??

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Amazing you also know History and how US Propaganda subverts the minds of the people. Eric Hoffer 1951 The True Believer 1966 Harper & Row paperback edition. Hoffer is Vital to Understanding American Lunatic Populations and how they are Controlled, Like Cattle with no cognizant minds.

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The media and the government both serve the same master, what has been called the Money Power, the Money Trust, the Banking Cabal or the State, organized violence in defense of the wealthiest. The private profit motivated interests who control the creation and allocation of money use it for profitable corruption, like war on everything. They learned long ago that investing in government was their most profitable investment. Their media helps control the polity. We need to turn this rig around, it can start by passing one bill and implementing it, The NEED Act (2011) that Kucinich introduced. It wouldn't fix everything, it would just make fixing everything possible. While we would have to elect a Congress who would pass the bill, how do we make it an appealing campaign issue?

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NPR's pentagon beat reporter Maria Louse Kelly was recently interviewed on her book about being a mom - oh, the sighs were truly incredible!

But she openly admitted that the NPR host and reporters' work was a "show" (her word) and that the work was "ephemeral". It's not journalism, it's entertainment and propaganda.

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These media gamers have no rules , guiding principals or reasons as to why the truth is essential for a functioning democracy.

To claim we have a democracy where the truth isn’t allowed to be told and only one view is published means we don’t have a functioning democracy principal in action.

We have no free speech principal either.

To tell the truth in a court of law means everyone’s view of an event is heard in order to determine the truth.

That is the basic law.

So it’s no surprise we live in a lawless politic living and without the means to nurture our democracy.

Why democracy has no laws on the books to ensure its survival at all..

To claim we live in a democracy with free speech is utter nonsense .

It’s time we became serious about enshrining the principals of democracy so we can live decent lives.

One opinion doesn’t make for the truth as we have noticed easily.

Time for action.

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I think this is where the state-operated media falls down--the public wants to see the warts and faults of its government. When state-operated outlets like National Propaganda Radio give nothing but Pollyanna-ish reporting about the government (or one half of the uniparty), it calls attention to itself and its propaganda. I say we sit back, laugh, and clap as these propaganda outlets crash into the dust.

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