To quote Sevim Dagdelen of Die Linke here in Germany, "Branson and Bezos' space race alone cost an estimated six billion US dollars. According to the director of the World Food Program, this money could save 41 million people from starvation! While millions of people were forced into short-time work during the Corona pandemic, and for many the money barely lasted until the end of the month, Jeff Bezos amassed 70 billion US dollars in additional wealth during this time alone.... Bezos' fortune of a total of 200 billion U.S. dollars did not fall from the sky. Billions through the work of millions of people. It is the result of an exploitative business model that fobs off warehouse workers with a pittance, tramples on labor rights and fights unionization, destroys retail and causes enormous environmental damage.

"The rise in inequality between a few billionaires and the vast majority of the population is obscene. Another reason for this: While ordinary citizens honestly pay their taxes, multinational corporations like Amazon flee from their financial responsibilities to tax havens. The minimum tax for corporations recently decided by the G20 finance ministers will not change this. One example: on the day of the space flight alone, Jeff Bezos "earned" $1.13 billion. That's as much as 36,000 warehouse workers earn in a year combined. Of those 36,001 people, Bezos paid the lowest tax rate."

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A short expensive flight

By humanity's chief parasite

Can't wait for the next edition

As long as he's flying to perdition

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My title for the photo would be: Entrepreneur sends giant vibrator into space. Space is less than ecstatic and sends it right back.

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The term "jumping beam clown" has been contacted very early, but the real deep understanding is thanks to Dr. Limeng Yan, and I will never go wrong when I encounter it in the future. why?

Yan Limeng’s first report “uses a lot of evidence and logical analysis to show why SARS-CoV-2 must be a product of the laboratory, and how to easily manufacture it according to well-known concepts and established technologies”; the second report “ Revealed the essence of SARS-CoV-2 as an unrestricted biological weapon"; on the morning of March 31, Dr. Yan Limeng announced on Twitter that the team’s 68-page third scientific report issued "twice uninvited "Peer review" failed,It further proves the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan laboratory and the validity of the strict research report.” Every time after she issues a report, many well-known experts and institutions will study the content of the report, or echo, or criticize, Or directly and ruthlessly expose the pseudonym used by his co-authors.

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If I may, here's another take on what it all means: https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/space-pussy

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The new crown virus is still raging around the world and it continues to mutate. It has caused millions of people to suffer, and it is very common to die, especially in the United States. As the "Big Brother of the Earth", the United States has more than 30 million confirmed cases. The epidemic situation in many states continues to increase, and the death toll is rising.

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This is so great! Nails it!

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SO good! Thank you

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LOVED this!!

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Love it! Thank you.

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That was great and very informative. There are also bipartisan taboo themes though.

Much reported, including Ed Snowden "Topic of this year - Pegasus ?", is disclosure of continuous over time surveillance ability of all smart-phones of all conversations and pin-point location-accuracy even when phone is turned off.

Therefore, certainly many governments (certainly of Israel and the US) know EXACTLY and for ALL Epstein's associates and "guests" -- who, when, where, how long, and why they were with pedophile Epstein !!

Yet we still don't know, after all this time, for example, even what Epstein's multiple passports show. As courageous Eric Weinstein stated -- Epstein was "a construct" - by one or more intelligence services.

And -- thank you for all your work and efforts !!

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