It's been said before by several folks, but I feel obliged to reiterate: If you're not opposing US imperialism, don't even try to tell me you're "on the left." Actually, you're jumping off the cliff with the other lemmings.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

None of the arguments over whether censorship is necessary to save democracy, none of the debates over pronouns or the environment, tax cuts or twitter, good, bad or stupid, none of that will matter if we all go up in a mushroom cloud.

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True that, and none of your commentary here and elsewhere will matter either. I have an idea. If Putin is the saint you portray him to be, he could set the path to peace in motion by getting rid of his nukes and imploring America to do the same. Think of what a public relations coup this would be. He would be my new hero and I don't do heroes. Think of the pressure it would place on America and any other country with nukes to do the same. It would be leading by example. Maybe you could write to Vlad and suggest this. You never know. Stranger Things.

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Are you just here to troll? Do you even know what happened to Qaddafi when he got rid of his nukes? If so, how can you seriously suggest ANYONE, including Putin, do the same thing?

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And they’d steal Russian gold, just like Libya, Syria, and Iraq.

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True, Rob.

That would require one thing that would be expected in return from the USA.


Say no more.

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As a "former" communist cum Christian, Putin and his spiritual advisor Kirill should be embracing this message as christian examples. Getting rid of the nukes is the "let it begin with me" part.


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Why are you not asking the same of the most powerful country on the planet--the United States--that could do to Russia what it did to Iraq if not for Russia's nukes?

Why are you putting the onus on a country that has good reason to feel threatened by NATO, if not necessarily good reason to go as far as it has in response?

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They're not christian, are they? I'm constantly being told they are zionist so it can't begin with them, can it? Head over to The Unz Review and read a bit if you can do so without puking and you will soon learn that America is run by zionists and Russia is a christian nation.

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So you are blaming them for not being sacrificial victims and sacrificing the rest of the country with them.

If that isn't further proof that you are seeking any excuse to lay blame on them, then nothing will serve as proof.

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Do you honestly believe that America and NATO would invade and occupy Russia if Russia eliminated its nuclear arsenal? Russia is not Libya. North Korea, maybe, or on its way to being, but not Libya. America decided long ago (circa 50s) a ground war with North Korea was simply not worth it and the same calculations apply to a ground war with Russia.

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haha I am afraid , compare to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KpBgW6Tsqw ANGEL WITH WHITE WINGS

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

1. Nowhere did I call Putin a "saint" or anything like that.

2. Putin also is not suicidal. If Russia did not have nuclear weapons, the United States would find a pretext to make war on it, just as we did with Iraq and Libya, to name two recent and outrageous examples.

At the same time, we dare not touch North Korea, as North Korea actually has The Bomb and the means to use it.

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May 14, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

He did that, or rather the Russian state did that, there was a program, Megatons To Megawatts, to take reduce Russia's nuclear weapon stockpile. The weapon's "fuel" was sent to the USA for repossessing and return to Russia as fuel for civilian use. Under Obama that reprocessing stopped, and the USA kept the fuel, and made plans to use some of it in the USA's new nuclear weapons program. So STFU.

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No sources for any of this claptrap, of course.

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And, most importantly, Russia has the world's largest nuclear arsenal. It has more nukes than America and Western Europe combined. Not only does Russia have more nukes, it has also been engaged in modernizing its nuclear arsenal while America's is aging and decrepit and perhaps unreliable when and if it were ever utilized.

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Hey, you fat lazy bear, I'm not going to do your work for you. I trust my memory, but I don't trust lazy fat bears.

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You don't care much for the planet to be able to suggest such sheer insanity or you are joking?

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In his case, it's "any stick to beat a dog."

He doesn't like Russia or Putin and so any excuse will do to blame them.

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Correction. I don't like tyrants and those who enable and support tyrants and tyranny, hence my hatred for the American PMC.

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Suggest you stop letting your likes and dislikes color your analysis.

Suggest you stop getting your information on Russia from Marvel Comics.

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They're not joking. Just like they weren't joking when I said (all of this is paraphrased) "It's nice to see shitlibs melting down over Musk buying Twitter," and they were like "OMG, you think it's nice that we're heading for WW3?! What's wrong with you?" Clearly I wasn't referring to Ukraine there. I was referring to the censorship issue, which still matters and which Caitlin had brought up in the piece I was commenting on. But try telling this "simple" individual that.

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haha I am afraid , compare to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KpBgW6Tsqw HE IS ANGEL WITH WHITE WINGS

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Disney's White Wilderness' crazed lemmings, we're forked by poorly paid locals. Creative Class & retired yuppies (trying to replicate ~120% increase in NASDAQ equities, and flipping poor victims' rent-controlled apartments, indenturing PASC essentials into gig-serfdom, last year) figure: if they just keep killing Black, brown & poor people; BELIEVE Comcast, WaPo, Atlantic or Bellingcat ever more OBVIOUS lies harder, maybe Tinkerbell won't die? Meanwhile, Israel & oilgarchs CRUSH any REAL Democratic who happens to be Black, FEMALE & not a cartoonish Boss Hogg kleptrocrat






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Note how "The Squad" ever always only falls right in line when it comes to things that the Empire wants.

And the identity politics crap neither stops the wars nor changes the way that the pie is sliced.

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That's why they play identity politics: it's designed to not stop the goals of their donors.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Of course.

Note that in elite circles, you can denounce racism and sexism, you can decry men's and women's bathrooms and your career at Goldman will be safe. You can debate how many transsexuals can dance on the head of a pin and you will be greeted with hosannas, if not appointed to the Diversity Committee.

Except in the most anodyne ways, you cannot question the Empire, and you cannot question class.

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When Justice Democrats ran its first batch of candidates five years ago, I saw that most of them were either women, PoC, or both. At the time, I thought it was coincidence.

Now I wonder if it was by design and if they intended to follow Hillary Clinton's playbook from the start. Specifically the part of her playbook where she says "All of my critics are just sexist."

How many times has AOC said something to the effect of "I guess you don't care for strong Latinx women." (She's only two of those three things in reality, of course. And while I never hear anyone actually say "Latin-ex", it's exactly the kind of term she'd use.) Or Ilhan might accuse someone criticizing her of being Islamophobic.

It always manages to derail the conversation at least some, because it moves from "Why did you vote to give even more money to Israel?" to "What? No, it has nothing to do with your gender or race, I'd ask a white man the same question..."

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Identity politics is a very convenient deflection for those who can use it.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Caitlin’s Chomsky analysis/redux is a great exercise: it reminds us.

To wit, $40 billion will be spent on American munitions, by the Ukrainians, thereby transferring money from the taxpayers to the arms industry.

Afghanistan lasted 20 years because it was profitable. Ukraine will likely become a frozen conflict because it is profitable.

Of course the Ukrainians have no money so the Americans give them taxpayer money, borrowed from the Chinese, which the Ukrainians use to purchase American armament, which is profitable. Treason with a side order of manslaughter, whoopsie, what am I thinking, liberals are promoting democracy.

Trump may well keep this loop going, so no difference, or he may call bullshit. That’s the thing, he is a heretic and unbridled, there is hope in the bloviating Trump monster, but it’s like a toboggan ride, jump on board at the top of the hill then gravity takes over, you go where you go. But I am particularly enamoured of him because he insults the crap out of all the shit -libs, his crudeness is the attraction.

The rest - pols - are just feckless shills, regulatory capture is the proper term.

We might as well give the unauthorized president a second chance. It won’t work, the permanent bureaucracy will completely resist and obfuscate, but what the hell, what is Caitlin telling us about the dems.

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Get out of here with that Trump crap. Caitlin's article is excellent but nowhere does it mention Trump is the alternative to this. You poison the sentiment of her prose with your advocation for Trump. The Dems aren't the answer. Trump and the Repubs are not the answer. In fact, if anything, Caitlin is advocating for, indeed clamoring for, a true left to challenge the status quo because the status quo Dems are not only fascist enablers but fascists themselves just like their Repub counterparts, Trump included.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Also you are fighting the past war, the meaning of the the parties is no longer the same. Left right is irrelevant, elite and the dispossessed is more accurate and in Trumps hands the republicans are the dispossessed. What happens after he passes away is anyone’s guess but they will probably reverse course

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You're halfway there. It must be evaluated from a class perspective because the wealthy elite have been waging a class war since the advent of civilization. Trump is the enemy because he is of and for their class, as onerous as he is to them, he is still one of them.

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Trump is an unauthorized President and as such the most significant electoral event in post war America.

Caitlin you should address this topic.

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Bull. Trump was for sure authorized. He never could have been POTUS otherwise. If he was truly a threat to the Establishment, he'd be six feet under right now, but instead he's not even in jail. He's useful to their cause. Hell, he gave them a HUGE tax cut as he helped stick it to the unwashed some more.

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Yes, and you either get hip to this or continue to be a useful tool for those pulling the strings in the shadows and manipulating the gullible.

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Great SUMMARY of the "HUMAN WORLD" of ALWAYS although being DETECTED by more and more who have eyes to see it. GREAT PROSE BY THE WAY!

You NEVER can see what your "DETECTION SYSTEM" has not been CALIBRATED with!

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Yes good concept “calibrated”, that’s what I meant when I said that Caitlin helps us remember, reminds us.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

Beg me pardon, BUT!

REMINDING is not going to cut it. It is SURELY the ONLY WAY to get CALIBRATED in a broader sense, BUT!

On the opposite side there is the APPARENT powerful MACHINE called PROPAGANDA of the HUMAN MIND. Potentiated by the constant "connection" to other HUMAN MINDS by the technology called "social media" (never understood this OXYMORON anyway - don't know what should be social about looking constantly at a screen!) and thereby getting more and more disconnected from your INNER BEING, call it SOUL if you want.

As I just had a quick look at Caitlin´s "previous" writings. And she mentions in some her old writings, that the old way of going about society it is not going to cut it. So no endorsements for any politicians etc. pp.

At the same time pure INTELLECTUAL "rumblings" of THE HUMAN MIND are not going to do it either. As this TENDENCY towards the linearly processing HUMAN MIND, no matter what anybodies intellect might be, the root cause of the situation we are witnessing. And as I am writing I getting the confirmation of it by somebody going by the alias of "

Simple Bear Necessities" complaining about YOUR comment (back-edited after realising it was about YOUR comment not some comment), assuming YOUR comment (back-edited as above) he/she refers to is an attack on another human being, the author of this article, and by proxy on the ideas "Simple Bear Necessities" associates with the author by you mentioning a name that the COMPLAINER is associating with EVIL itself.

As Human Beings we are QUANTUM in "BY NATURE", as ALL EXISTENCE the human eye observes is, with a "PC" as the DETECTION SYSTEM for the binary (0/1) world of the "Material" extended to our hands, feet, eyes, ears, skin etc. pp..

As long as each individual HUMAN MIND "BELIEVES" its IDEA of the WORLD is the REAL THING the creature called "HUMAN BEING" is going to "screw" up time and time again. Individually and even more collectively. And the those with the MATERIAL RESOURCES and the adequate INTELLECT of the linearly processing HUMAN MIND, not to confuse with INTELLIGENCE, which includes INTUITION as well, as of my understanding, are going to take ADVANTAGE of their FELLOW HUMAN MINDS carry THEIR CAUSE till the (blindsided) FELLOW HUMAN MINDS are inevitably loosing their SCALES of DECEPTION! FIRST not knowing what to do but letting THE PROCESS take its course! While watching the MATERIAL WORLD falling apart around oneself. It is a very slow and PAINFUL process for every individual HUMAN MIND. It makes one even physically sick. but that´s the ONLY WAY. EVOLUTION is a appropriate term, but in the REAL SENSE not the mingled one every so called "PROGRESSIVE" is using it, to pretend he/she knows how the UNIVERSE came into being and how it works.

Only "THE IMMATERIAL" (from the "human eye´s perspective), which brought all "MATERIAL" (from the "human eye´s perspective) into being, can "properly CALIBRATE the SYSTEM it brought into EXISTENCE.


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I've been having this discussion with Matt Ehret on his excellent Substack (where he's also thanked me for the info on the Sur and link to you, Caitlin). I'll repost the discussion below because he makes some interesting points, and they're always backed with facts:

Me: I stand by my position that Trump is the Great Set-up to the Great Reset, with or without his knowledge. We've been played by both sides.

Matt: I don't think Trump is the only thing, but from a practical combat standpoint, he is the most viable weapon currently available who exists and is willing to fight. I don't think anyone's quotes are the basis for judging character or intent when it comes to politics, but rather policy actions which either enhance or undermine a broader satanic program. In the case of Trump, I assess sufficient examples of his policy actions that undermined the broader depopulation program on a multitude of levels that indicates he is not a puppet shill. ... if the USA had extracted itself from the WHO as Trump fought to do and had launched a re-construction policy of the destroyed machine tool sector with a US-China focus as Trump had fought hard to do and if this all went along with the re-calibration of conventional US military systems extracted from the CIA and collaborating with Russia as Trump had done, and tied to an arctic development orientation alongside Russia as Trump had done in Oct 2020 with the Alaska-Canada rail program which would have transformed the north from the military platform it is today into the basis of a new paradigm of cooperation, then the covid scam wouldn't have carried any of the political punch which it has under a Malthusian technocratic governance.

Me: I see Trump/ Biden as action/ reaction with the end goal being the ultimate centralization of The Great Reset. Over the course of his administration, the Left became for everything that Trump was against and against everything Trump was for. I'm not defending that, just saying it was intentional. They became obedient, pro-censorship, pro-propaganda, pro-Big Tech, pro-Big Pharma warmongers. I can't imagine them agreeing to the level of muzzled subservience under Covid if they hadn't worked themselves into such a reactionary frenzy. So I think Trump was a propaganda double-agent, witting or unwitting I'm not sure.

Matt: I know 100% that the oligarchy wanted Hillary to win in 2016 and worked overtime to undo Trump's victory at every turn. I also followed Trump's policies, who he fired, who his policies benefited, and as much as possible, which evil forces embedded within the US deep state which he had to negotiate with or navigate through in order to keep from being ejected or worse. Since we are talking about Duterte and Trump at the moment, just take the example of Trump's support for Duterte's call to cancel the US visiting forces agreement in Feb 2020 which resulted in a hardcore fight inside of the US establishment. The fact that Duterte's reversal of this kicking out of the US military in July 2021 occured after the Austin visit (which also coincided with many other threats to destroy Philippines post Trump), is very important. Why did Trump support the extraction of the USA from Philippines? Why did Trump work so hard to end the conflict between North vs South Korean thereby ending the entire basis upon which the anti-China THAAD missile shield was installed there (as well as the entire buildup of US military systems in the Pacific which were justified only by the "danger" posed by "crazy" North Korea? Why did he kill the TPP? Why did he arrange to unite the USA and China in the most important trade deal needed to rebuild the destroyed US industrial base (yes, that would have worked), why did he cancel the USA's role in WHO, and sever it's role in WTO by restoring protectionism? Why did he harmonize US military systems in Syria with Russia and thus implicitly with Pres. Assad? Why did Trump by-pass the State Dept in order to negotiate for a full day with the Iranians the second Solemeini was killed via the Swiss embassy in Tehran in order to reign in the WWIII danger on Jan 3 2020? Why did he fire so many neo-cons and neo-libs who we know are part of the British-directed deep state? Why did China's entire media apparatus maintain a largely pro-USA editorial policy during Trump's tenure and only now with Biden reverse that policy 180 degrees? Same goes for Russia. There are so many bloody points to bring up that I'm not even listing which could turn my response into a 10,000 word article laying out the evidence that your thesis of Trump being a controlled opposition to set the stage for the NWO is overly simplified to a fatalistic degree.

Me: Barring unforeseen events, there's no doubt that Trump will be the next Pres. No Democrat can win after Biden's crash & burn, they're using the Roe v Wade card for this election (per my last episode) and Chris Hedges doesn't even think that will work. So whether he deep-sixes the deep state, or this is another pendulum swing to keep us hypnotized, we'll find out.

I don't know that my thesis is that Trump is controlled opposition. My guess would be that he's being played without his knowledge. Here are some thoughts, for what they're worth:

1. When Trump withdrew from the WHO, it let Gates become their biggest donor and made him the hero. Trump's opposition to Fauci made him good as gold. Trump talked about ivermectin in one breath and injecting bleach in the next. Ivermectin became "Trump's horse dewormer."

2. If Trump is friendly with Russia, China, Iran, Syria & N Korea, it makes it a poison pill for any other politician to extend diplomacy to them. Trump's remarks like 'kung flu' and 'shithole countries' don't seem to make diplomacy his strong suit.

3. I used to take notes for a coalition of trade NGOs and they were as liberal as it gets. What happened when they found themselves on the same side as Trump on the TPP? Did he kill it only to have it come back stronger later, with no opposition?

4. If these policies had come from Ron Paul, for instance, they would all be perfectly consistent with things he said, things he wrote, policies he supported. But they don't seem like anything Trump's ever been interested in. Are they coming from him or someone hidden, and what's his motive?

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What a joke the whole political circus called voting is. No meaningful change is coming from the top. We have to create parallel systems and stop thinking any of the current systems are going to be changed from within. They're not. You can cover a pile of sh*t with gold glitter and call it gold, but it is still a stinking pile of sh*t.

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The parallel systems are already being build. With each STEP of the AWAKENING of each HUMAN SOUL to the REALITY we are witnessing and the MESS that is being REVEALED to each one that has eyes to see it, although it has been doomed to fail FROM THE BEGINNING.

Something new is already growing, and always has been, inside each Existence - the parallel system every sincere human being is yearning for without being able to visualise what it is or how it looks like. Without a doubt it will come from within. The PAIN the "WORLD" is experiencing right now are like the birth pangs at the onset and during giving birth of a new human being. Only here it is a psychological birth process of the HUMAN MIND having physical effects on THE HOST of said HUMAN MIND.

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Ilhan Omar is my "representative." I'm sending the URL to her.

As Ana Kasparian screeched, "I'm Done!"

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They sell hopium to dopes.

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44 billion to purchase twitter ...

40 billion to spend on a proxy war in Ukraine ....

Seems like some people have lots of money out there to spend, while apparently the price of diesel is going to go up to $10 a gallon. Not sure if any of this is sustainable. Is the US a banana republic yet?

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I have suggested the Kangaroo Kakistocracy of Korruptistan. Note the convenient acronym.

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America is a kleptocracy just as Russia is, but with a much more sophisticated marketing department.

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Outstanding article!

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As for the $40 billion allocated to the Ukraine proxy war, consider that Biden recently asked for, and received two Pentagon budget increases that push it's annual haul above $800 billion. Out of that $800 billion, the brass hats can't find a lousy $40 billion? They have to ask for even more to fight their proxy war? And it's all A-OK with the Democrats.

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Hey now, that $40 billion for Twitter is worth it to the likes of RJF because it will allow Trump to tweet 24/7 again. Also, when it's all said and done, the $40 billion for Ukraine will end up amounting to $1 trillion or more.

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More than A-OK. They wetting themselves.

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I voted for Pressley in her primary against 10-term incumbent Capuano and again for her in her first general. Both were a mistake. Michael Capuano was about as decent as that rotten party can tolerate. I guess in that he was a bit like Barney Frank. There's only so much you can do once elected to office. Bernie Sanders is another example.

But I wonder if Pressley ever even suspects when she's being cynically used as an idpol decoration by the party, like kente cloth.

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Barney Frank is not "decent." All you have to do is read the Dodd Frank Act to understand.

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I don't think the merits or defects of that legislation prove much about Frank's decency.

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Oh, so you think it's just a coincidence that BOTH Frank and Dodd retired after issuing that legislation? Barney, notably, beginning then to join the Board of Directors to a NY-based BANK????

LOL!!! You're still in the "there's-some-decent-people-in-The-Electeds" camp. Wake up. It's one big club and you ain't in it, as Carlin so eloquently stated.

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The fraud squad called again big time.

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Can't stop being amazed at how slow the Exceptional American/Western One(TM) - aka The Dupe - is at waking up.

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The 70-year dose of materialism is finally wearing off.

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because the dopes and dupes have no other choice.

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Democracy, a fairy tale... The Tale of Peter Rabbit of Beatrix Potter is nearer to the reality principle as the narratives about 'western democracy'.

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Elizabeth "Fauxahantas Karen" Warren is the cringiest of them all.

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She has been a disappointment as my Senator in Congress and I doubt I would vote for her again. But I give her credit for the work she did with the CFPM. That was useful for people against Wall St and she managed it despite Obama's opposition and hostility. And in her roles at FDIC and then TARP oversight I think she managed to pursue (on net) the public interest. I was skeptical that she'd be as useful in congress (not many are) and now I have the impression of an egomaniac opportunist as nihilistic as Obama himself.

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The CFPB is a total and utter JOKE! All the same corrupt people in DC migrated from all the other defunct corrupt Gov agencies to join the CFPB.

Unless you were one of the unlucky people fighting foreclosure when this stupid corrupt agency was formed, from the outside it appears a win. It isn't. Believe me.

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I just watched a video posted on Matt Taibbi’s Substack about protests and clashes over the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade. In that video, Senator Warren appeared at a pro-choice rally and claimed “I am mad as hell, and I’m ready to fight!” Beyond the fact that she sure sounds very “insurrectiony” in the clip, I suspect Warren will try to ride the pro-choice horse into the next presidential election (assuming we don’t have a civil war over the issue prior to the election). If so, expect her to select one of The Squad as her running mate. (Note: If my math is correct, AOC, born October 13, 1989, will be 35 years old by Inauguration Day 2025, thus making her eligble.)

Or will AOC make her own presidential run in 2024?

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I take exception to this comment.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

I've never laughed so hard at a Caitlin piece. Loved it! I would only say the problem's not that the US has a defective party system, or a defective electoral democracy. The problem is election itself. People don't vote for Joe Blow down the street, they vote for proven commodities, people of high reputation, so it's no surprise that elites occupy all positions of power in our so-called electoral "democracies". Question for Caitlin: how can a society where elites control all the levers of power be called a democracy, except in jest? So long as the US chooses its leaders by election, things will continue more or less as they are: power perpetually exercised by and for socio-economic elites first and ordinary people last. We'd need to dump elections altogether in favor of a system of sortition to reverse that. That might give us the kind of political life citizens had in ancient Greek democracies (minus the undemocratic limits they placed on citizenship of course).

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One thing I think somewhat important to point out, (although not really important in the grand scheme of us getting screwed over) -- I don't believe "The Squad" are actively trying to work for the Washington establishment, I tend to think they're just being outplayed by the machine and lack the critical-thought intelligence to realize it. This is of course, exactly what the establishment machine wants.

The problem is that so many of these squad members came into Congress believing their own naive thinking that they could actually change things by trying to work within the system. They lacked the critical background knowledge to see how time and time again the Pelosi-types of the party use that mindset against people like them, and inevitably turn them into part of the machine, without them even realizing it.

The machine twists them into thinking that advancements for a few extra table scraps are in fact real, tangible advancements that should be celebrated. This is because table scraps are all that are ever up for debate, in terms of any advancement for the American working class and poor.

They would have done far better had they actually come from a Ralph Nader school of historical understanding of the system and it's crony corporate controllers. Instead, they idolized Bernie Sanders, who is perhaps the premiere modern example of an individual who undermined his own political power for the sake of appeasement, rooted in fear stoked by the Democratic establishment.

I understand in the grand scheme of things, whether they "meant" to undermine America or not really doesn't matter in the eyes of the American populace that they continue to screw over. But I think the whole "AOC is evil!" narrative is a popular Twittersphere talking point that ultimately misses the point, and distracts from the real problem of the total corrupting nature of the entire system of US Gov't as a whole.

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