Still waiting for that one person to explain to me why Dutch-descendent apartheid in South Africa was bad and it was noble to bring it down with a boycott while Jewish apartheid in Israel is good and untouchable and all attempts at boycotting it are racist and wrong.

Creeps like Bezos and Gates are just going to have to wait.

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PM Hendrik Verwoerd was about to announce a Canadian-style Confederation for South Africa in which all tribes would participate when he was assassinated by a patient in the care of Dr Solly Jacobson, who fled back to London that same day. Today S.A. is no longer a First World country and its currency has become Monopoly money.

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Interesting, but I don't see how this addresses my question. Perhaps that wasn't your intention?

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Hm.... the last point is kind of the opposite of what some of those 'embodiment' style spiritual schools are saying. And those have some eally good, convincing arguments IMO. They say stuff in the direction of 'as long as we despise the body and try to escape it, we will mistreat it and the earth as well and will be in fundamental denial about rest, sex, food, etc...'

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I kind of like my body right where it is. I find it particularly handy when climbing a ladder.

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Thank you for the clarity on the Frances-from-Facebook matter. It's obvious to me why I read you and Glenn Greenwald when it comes to censorship. Glenn really tore the camouflage off the bullshit box at https://greenwald.substack.com/p/democrats-and-media-do-not-want-to.

With every new initiative by these corrupt censors, US society embeds itself one kilometer deeper into the tar sands of propagandized stupidity, as the MSM portrays Ms. Haugen as a

"whistleblower." Even as rags like the Guardian abandon the genuine heroic whistleblowers like Ed Snowden. While I obviously can't be privy to Haugen's motives, in the context of the circus of celebrity we inhabit, I can't ignore her actions as potentially revealing a perceived route to celebrity. Because celebrity usually pays out dividends. The celebritization of culture as wonderfully elaborated in Chris Hedges' "Empire of Illusion," seems to me to be an empire-level symptom of the decay in the collective ethos of the capitalist world. A"more-democratic" successor to the hereditary aristocrat and the feudal lord. And as George Monbiot points out about the Pandora papers, "Trashing the planet and hiding the money isn’t a perversion of capitalism. It is capitalism." Ditto for Celebrity magnetizing wealth and power to itself. King, duke, lord, social-media darling: in one form or another celebrity-worship is as integral to this corrupt system as is lying for profit. Some days I can barely keep the reverse peristalsis in check.

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Noam Chomski warned more than ten years ago about the "Corporate Personhood" legislation that was passed.

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Now he believes in segregation of the "unvaccinated"

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Glad you called out this 'caned' whistle blower, how obvious can it be? But the Left laps it up and the Right mostly scratches their heads. It was all planned with 60 minutes in tow. This was an Op.

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this is how Facebook does "spinoffs". Many big conglomerate corporations engage in "spinoffs" to "unlock value" (ie. have their shares be even MORE valuable by separating out high growth subsidiaries that are relatively hidden from the stock markets "love" by being bundled with other pieces of the conglomerate). so they spin-off the two pieces and the original shareholders get two new sets of shares (one in the so-called "stub" and other in the new "spin-off"). And then, the spinoff gets to be even MORE valuable than it would've been if hidden.

That's the theory of Spin-Offs. THey're pre-baked CEO decisions. ONly in Facebook's case, EVERYTHING they do, must have big stage kabuki psycho drama, being the propaganda narrative control company that they are.

So Biden will get too look "progressive tough" having broken up Facebook, and Zuckerberg gets to be EVEN richer. Crying to the bank. Nice little kabuki theater well rehearsed by (my guess) Ron Klain, who sets the agenda and writes the presidential script or such. Everyone comes out roses.

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The planned endpoint of direct human to computer interfaces and immortality for wealthy elites is the immortal Borg. You will own nothing, not even your own thoughts, and you will be happy, because the almighty corporation will guarantee that you are. Meanwhile, "1 of 5" will sprinkle her salad with micros and macros.

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Good article. These are the new corporate nation 'states' without borders or countries. They hire mercenaries for their armies. We let them have it all and they took it, including our Freedom. Our government been in on it a long, long time too.

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North Dakota has an anti corporate farming law, a law that also restricts non-farmers from owning farm or ranch land.

Whatever else it has done, the North Dakota legislature has so far resisted most attempts to roll back this law. The one time the legislature did so (to allow corporate owned feedlots), their efforts were promptly swatted down by a citizen initiative.

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"Before you know it you're blasting off on a $5 billion carnival ride to space in a rocket that looks like a penis..."

Looked more like a vibrator to me, see


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but dont worry they nothing to do with the scamdemic

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These aren't "individual "billionaires" but employees/actors of the beast system, selling agendas.

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Facebook. Censored.

Twitter. Censored.

Instagram. Censored.

Newspapers. Censored.

TV and Radio "news". Censored.

Personal, selective embargoes are the only progressive form of censorship.

Billions of us should do this to level the playing field.

Not just me.

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Really? Hilarious. You forgot the big one, Obama, he paved the way for what's happening now, along with both sides of the aisle: the real Social Marxist takeover.


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The correct term for the unity of government and corporate power -- which appears to be what we increasingly have -- is fascism, not Marxism.

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I have two problems with your assertion: the mafia have only very rarely gone after a politician in America, much less a president; and I have a hard time believing they would entrust the biggest hit in the history of the world to an errant flake like Oswald.

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You seem to be assuming a lot of facts not in evidence and dismissing my points with a wave of the hand. However, I find your concern with the well-being of my theoretical offspring quite touching.

And just because something is not in the official record doesn't automatically raise it to the level of the rational: the assassination press is thick with frangible bullets, numerous shooters -- including one who thought wearing a WWI German helmet was a great way to blend in with the Dealey Plaza shrubbery, hobo spies, poison darts; rubbernecked driver assassins, lookalikes, faked home movies, and probably by this point, space aliens.

If you find I'm wrong in any of my conclusions I was hoping to be pointed toward some facts I could peruse; instead, I get wall-to-wall condescension. Fantastic teaching tool you got there.

You asked why I'm here. I assume it's for the same reason that you are: the enjoyment of Caitlin's articles and the chance to react with others concerning the topics of the day. You appear to resent even the idea of my questioning your unshakable truths; no worries -- message received loud and clear.

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