Matt Hoh reports from Gaza that a schoolbus full of teenagers arrived at an observation tower outside Gaza after a two-hour trip, after which the boys immediately pumped fists and threw middle fingers toward the starving thousands in North Gaza. The real Israel is sociology lessons in genocide for teenagers. The profundity of the mental illness of that society is beyond understanding by any mind that’s not itself severely twisted.

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It IS understandable. That society came about by the relentless indoctrination of its children into racism and their own supposed racial and cultural superiority. It was done here in the US to justify slavery and can be done to any people anywhere. We all, as individuals, have the capacity for this level of cruelty; hell, those of us who were our families’ scapegoats had it done to us BY OUR PARENTS. It’s in all of us, and it’s nothing more than luck if you’ve never been subject to this kind of contempt on either side. If we don’t acknowledge our very human potential for destroying other people, we may as well give up trying to solve anything.

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Because I'm watching an Abby Martin interview with a heroic anti-Zionist Jewish Israeli activist named Gaia Dan (which I think everyone should), I offer her testimony in support of my initial comment, as this heroic woman is rendered dumbstruck by the appalling nature of her own society. At one point in the interview, she estimates that only maybe 500 individuals of her persuasion (outspoken anti-Zionist Jewish citizens) exist in Israel. Let's say she's underestimating and it's 1000 in a society of 7,000,000 That's a tinier fraction of the population (way less than .0001%) than you'd historically find in any previous situation of apartheid, e.g., white abolitionists in US slavery, white anti-apartheid allies to the African Liberation Movement in S.Africa. She does indeed paint Israeli society as uniquely twisted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6huCGHTtsI

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There's no doubt that Israeli society is sicker than most if not all others, but it's an open question as to why. You're comparing two societies in the pre-internet era to Israel today, and that's more than enough to make a straightforward comparison problematic, not to mention the myriad other moving parts involved in such an analysis. (Indeed, Israelis started becoming much more hardcore around 20 years ago; prior to that there was a much more substantial peace movement there.) I don't know what you think of when you say "sociobiology." It's good to remind people that Israelis are much nastier people than most, but they also undergo a much more hysterical, fear-based and long-term indoctrination than the people of most other societies do, with one of the world's worst genocides constantly being exploited to add fuel to the fire. Personally, I don't see how these facts cannot be intimately related and more explanatory than anything else. Then there's all the outside validation the Israelis get from powerful people the world over, including a systemic hatred of Arabs in much of the world. It seems to me these constitute a perfect storm of toxicity with unusual amounts of interia.

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In terms of psychological dysfunction Israeli culture, society and State are not difficult to understand.

Take a group of people with a religion which promotes the concept they are superior as human beings and eternal victims where everyone else wants to kill them.

Put them together in one place with a political system, Zionism, which promotes and re-inforces those beliefs and in that stewpot of psychotic and pathological delusion, you produce mentally ill people, culture, society and state.

It is akin to taking those suffering PTSD and putting them together with a system which promotes their suffering and ensures that none of it is ever processed in healthy ways, and the end result is savagery and cruelty.

That is Israel. That was Zionism. That is Zionism. And that is a large part of Judaism and a reality for many Jews, real or fake.

Bring a child up to believe that only others of the group, Jews, can be trusted and everyone else is subhuman and bent on killing you and this is what happens. The Palestinians as Muslims and Christians are the other and inconvenient because they exist in what these brainwashed kids are told is their land and always was. Season all that well with hatred, fear, rage, cruelty and bestial savagery toward others and you get Shitrael.

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I disagree that you’ve described Judaism per se. It’s probable that more Jews around the world oppose Zionism than support it. I do believe Judaism has its share of neurosis, and that some cultures are sicker than others (like that of Albania, the land of my grandparents, which makes the Jews look happy-go-lucky). Christianity, on average, has to be the most destructive religion, from what I can tell.

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Sadly it is not a reality that most Jews oppose Zionism. And the fact is, most Jews have funded and supported and promoted Israel for 76 years. There may be more rejecting Israel now but that is new.

As to the destructive nature of religions, it is not possible to understand without context. You cannot retrofit modern values to the past. What Christians did, and indeed, to each other, hundreds of years ago cannot be seen without context.

Times and people change.

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Sociobiology's no secret, it's hardly the point. Your analysis is spot on, and shouts " it's bloody complicated". Yes, I agree. But it doesn't negate the fact that for me, as a rather elderly man with lots of different life experiences, including some hard core NYC cruelty, I can nonetheless not bend my overall mind, cognitive-emotional to do anything but be revulsed by these people. Nothing in my personal experience is even close to being adequately inhuman.

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It's the perverse incentive structure created by unconditional US support. Its gradually elevated insane leaders and as everywhere most people just follow. The root of the problem is US Jews who aren't unusually evil but just ordinarily stupid and arrogant and consequently incapable of accepting or even noticing that they've lost the country thanks to their own stupid policy.

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How can yon be an anti-Zionist, yet reside in Israel? You’d have to be palming an attack from within, maybe. Otherwise, if you live in Israel willingly, you’re a Zionist and an occupier and complicit in genocide.

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How horrid! That is less than the percentage of Germans who were against Hitlers attempt to exterminate Jewish people. Never again can that horror be used to understand much less justify this horror. Similarly - the Arab resistance to the British establishment of this Zionist state in historical Palestine.

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Thank you for sharing this comment and link.

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Yes indeed, the doctrinal brainwashing -- beginning with an effing focus on fealty to cloud beings rather than empathy for fellow biological beings of all stripes (including microorganisms) is, and has been, a feature of all societies; sort of as a declaration of the human mind/brain's inability to parse immediate reality from the multitude of fictions offered to it by a multitude of panhandling bullshit salesmen, beginning with clerics. The two remaining questions are first Nature/nurture -- how much sociological, how much a biological defect in our species (my vote, evolution's unfinished business). And second, is Israeli society way off the Bell curve -- so far on the extreme shoulders, such that even given our sociobiology, they're further out there than most of us standardly brainwashed doofuses can fully comprehend at a gut level. Our opinions seem to differ on that second question, but variety's the spice of life, eh?

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What happened with Germans in 1945 was that they received a visit from The Red Army and decided that this "Might Is Right!" and "Life Belongs To The Strong!" ain't nearly so much fun when it is you that are on the receiving end.

Israelis have learned that it's much more fun when you are the opporessor. Just make sure that you are always on the winning side.

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No - commenting as a cultural anthropologist with a specialty in inter/intra/multi-cultural education - there is no documentation for your initial comment that all cultures do it. Only a very few - and only they justify the destruction of others by claiming some sort of special relationship with a 'cloud being' (like that 'naming' btw). Over both time and space - most people of different cultures and economies were much more interested in trade.

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Actually it was not done in the US to justify slavery in any general sense. It played a part in the South, with some, not all, who supported slavery but, even there, nothing the Americans did to their slaves comes even close to the sadistic cruelty and bestial savagery of the Israelis toward the Palestinians.

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The justification for slavery during the late antebellum period came from the upper class. Much of the middle class accepted the status quo, with some desiring to acquire slaves. The lower class whites, often illiterate and living off of marginal land or by day labor wages, were against slavery for the economic reason that it suppressed their wages and the prices of whatever agricultural products they sold. There were of course sadistic slave owners (like Wade Hampton of South Carolina), just as there are sadistic husbands and employers nowadays, but mistreatment of slaves was not a good business practice. Mistreatment would be responded to by "slow downs" among the slaves. Killing a slave was like taking a sledgehammer to a Corvett that has a minor disfunction; it made no economic sense. The most brutal, and truly reprehensible, practice was separating families.

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Yes, my understanding also from what I have read. And human nature being what it is, as you say, a slave had value and no-one reduces the value of a commodity. In addition, the unfortunate reality for the South is that it had established its economy on the use of slaves and losing them meant economic ruin. As with most things, it was more about money and making ends meet than any hatred of Africans.

And the reason why it was so easy to create a slave trade out of Africa, first by the Arabs and then by the English and Europeans, was because it already existed. The Africans conquered weaker tribes and took slaves for themselves. When they found they could sell them on for greater profit, they did so. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the trade developed so much that many of the former African slavers ended up in chains.

People also forget, or do not know, that slavery, in the form of prisoners, white, not black, was the foundation for North America. The British sent their prisoners to work, as slaves in essence, for the colonies. And of course slavery has been a part of all human cultures through most of human history.

And the British were the first to ban slavery. It just took a long time for the Americans to reach the same level of enlightenment, by which time, in the south anyway, a slave mentality culture had developed and that has still not been completely eradicated.

The irony is that even today the US economy rides on the back of slavery. A new form of slavery, illegals, who earn $1 an hour if they are lucky, and which is ignored. Such slavery is not just confined to the southern parts of the US and the powerbrokers who make use of them fight bitterly to maintain their system.

Plus ca change!

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Imagine what slaveholding society could have done with high tech weapons and surveillance. Tell the descendants of slaves who had their children sold away from them or were whipped to death that nothing happening in Palestine comes even close to that treatment. In any case, it’s not a contest. Both systems were and are unspeakably brutal and inhumane. My point is that Israelis are likely the most thoroughly and paranoically indoctrinated people in the world. You’re free to disagree or argue that such does not lead to the behavior we’re seeing, but I’m not sure that’s what you’re getting at.

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Retrofitting modern attitudes and values to the past is wrong. The slave societies did not have high tech weapons so such conjecture is pointless.

And since everyone had slaves, including Africans, Indians, Asians, Polynesians, Europeans, it is hypocritical to blame Europeans and forget the rest.

Any reading of history makes it clear that the treatment of slaves in the US ranged from bestial to humane. It also makes it clear that slaves in the Americas were treated better than were slaves in Africa.

I agree with what you say about Israelis and merely make the point that slavery in the US in centuries past cannot be compared with it.

And in fact slavery is offtopic and a distraction.

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Your level of cogency is unfortunately rare here and on all internet discussions.

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I did not retrofit modern attitudes to the past. I only brought up slavery in response to Vin LoPresti's comment that proportionately fewer Americans were indoctrinated into dehumanizing slaves than Israelis are with respect to Palestinians, which is true. The connection I make between them is that it's indoctrination that causes a society to dehumanize and brutalize a whole group of people, a feature of both slavery and the barbarism of Israelis, as well as other examples including Nazi Germany. I stand by this connection. You seem to want to impress upon me the heinous behavior of the Israelis but it's not necessary, as I've spent many hours of the last year protesting that behavior.

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The book, "Bitterly Divided" by Professor David Williams thoroughly documents the internal rebellion of non-slave-holding Southerners against the Confederate government. Enough of these people resisted conscription or deserted from the Confederate armies that the Confederate war effort was collapsing after two years of fighting. There was also substantial joint action by enslaved people and poor whites against the Confederate power structure.

In contrast, American Jews overwhelmingly support the Palestinian genocide. See my links to the polling evidence.

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I do not want to impress anything on you. I merely want to deal in facts.

Not all Americans or slave owners dehumanized African slaves but some certainly did. It is worth remembering that in the times, people and attitudes were different and women were discriminated against actively.

I simply do not think it is correct to conflate the issue of slavery in the US, or indeed anywhere else in the 18th-19th centuries with the actions of Israel, as a military colonial occupation ruler in the 20th and 21st centuries. The goal of the Zionists, Israelis, Jews was always to exterminate or expel all non-Jews, the Palestinian Christians and Muslims, with, for some, a hope that a few would serve as slaves. And indeed some have because it is the only way they could survive.

In prior centuries slaves were seen as being of economic use and they were. Humans had taken and kept slaves for thousands of years. All cultures had slavery. Most of the slaves throughout human history were European, not African. Some slave-owners and cultures were semi-enlightened and others were not.

In ancient Greece for example, rights were given to everyone except women and slaves. The Romans allowed slaves to become citizens in certain circumstances. Slavery is a digression in terms of this topic.

I also think it lets the Israelis off the hook by conflating the American experience and allowing people to say, see, they did it, why is it so bad for Israel to do the same thing?

Because it is not the same thing and it never was.

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Most slave owners in the US were Jewish so the two systems are not unrelated.

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Southern plantation owners, business owners, and small farmers were not, in the overwhelming majority, Jewish, so that doesn't track.

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There were not enough Jews in the American South to own 4 million slaves. However, over the broader span of history Jewish "entrepreneurs" were very influential in spreading the African-slave plantation business model from Southern Iraq (around Basra) to Cabo Verde to Pernambuco in Brazil to Surinam to the Caribbean islands and finally to the South Carolina low country.

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@TS That is simply untrue. High levels of Spanish, French and English settled the south, and they were Christian.

No doubt there were Arab Jews involved in the slave trade out of Africa however.

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You may find “Roll, Jordan, Roll,” by Eugene Genovese, interesting.

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Hi Vin, was that on Judge Nap’s interview with Matt? I watched that and his description of kids being bussed in to “watch” literally made me nauseated. “Sick” doesn’t even begin to describe this so-called “society” (actually, a cult.) Psychopathic is far more appropriate.

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Yes gypsy, that same nauseating interview, to which Sam, above, posted the link. Psychopathic cult behavior of zombies under full brain-control would seem an accurate description. I'm trying to be a little heartened, today, by the arrest warrant issued for Bibi, but unfortunately I'm deeply skeptical that anyone will actually execute it without the long tawdry arm of US empire intervening.

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I posted on this too. Here’s the video. Worth watching.


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Thanks. Had to scroll way down there to find your other post. I enjoy the Napolitano interviews with Hoh, who seems like a straightforward forthright man with the life experiences relevant to really appreciating the bullshit he sees coming from the US govt. and its agencies.

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The Real Israel has long been out in the open.

The Real Israel has been behaving more and more outrageously, with its American Thug ready at its side, such that now it is like an armed rapist saying "What are you going to do about it?"

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We need to encourage our leaders to attack israel, cancel dual US citizenship of all israelis, and prohibit their immigration to the US. It's what should happen to genocidal peoples.

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Our leaders are in Israel’s pocket

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No, Israel is a tool of the US empire. Israel doesn’t control America. America controls Israel.

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Toe-MAY-Toe, Toe-MAH-toe. Whichever way you slice it, it’s the same thing. You think of the U.S. government as some world super power, I think of it as a cabal controlled by wealthy multinational NGO’s.

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Can’t see that changing too soon, so the likes of Blackrock snd other similarly structured organisation will still be telling politicians what to do.

$100 million dollars to Trump's campaign from Miriam Adelson, a classic example. The gambling owners, the Adelson family there only for Israel. Certainly not for the United States. But no one seems to care.

Now that the electoral circus is over, how much of foreign policy will she control? How much has Trump promised that woman for her cash?


Until you rid the USA of such abnormalities, money will continue to play a major part in the dying US empire, second influencing factor next to crafty, grafty , despicable Israel.

I personally do not think that the Americans wil ever wake to the insidious influence of history’s most disgraceful country, ever. Israel. The USA thinks it is able to control,all these developments.

As an argument against this, just look at Trump’s cabinet. Netanyahu’s cabinet, nothing surer. One more thing…….

Today in the USA, just 10 per cent of the wealthy control US$6.2 trillion in wealth. The number is 800 billionaires Again, that means that two thirds of all the wealth is controlled by just the top 10 percent. The remaining 90 per cent have just 2.5 per cent of the wealth. The also means that a small number of wealthy control vast sections of the economic life and profit every day from the exploitation of multi millions of workers both in the USA and internationally. Just note the worker unrest in the world, almost every country.

To add to the mix, capitalism is now off the rails and well out of control, with Israel pulling all the strings, in the USA. Certainly.

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Yup. There’s no way but through them. They’re beyond reason, beyond democratic control. There’s no good way this ends.

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One third of the wealth owned by the 90% of the population is 33% of the wealth, not 2.5%. I would believe that the lower 50% has 2.5% of the wealth.

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Don't make excuses for their behavior !!!

Whether that is the intention, it will work that way

They are in total control of what they are doing for the vast majority

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I don't think he's making excuses for them, he's just stating it as it is. The USA is the head of this criminal, war-mongering, imperialistic gang and Israel is a tool. It doesn't change how deranged Israelis and their society are.

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There are no excuses for genocide , using footage of or helping it along in any way : thus no pix because some will get off on it , no money for it (not just the USA !) , no prayers for it to be more 'efficient' , no congratulations - I'm looking at you born-again Christians . God is a god of justice not just for the USA and Israel .

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I disagree that bribery doesn't rise to the level of an "excuse".

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Hang on ; surely you don't mean "but I was well paid !" is an exoneration ?

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I made a statement of fact and you paint it as me excusing them? Fuck outta here, bad faith troll. Nobody has time to entertain your idiocy

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This will never happen .

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The world is also getting a good clear look at the real USA. The one where the members of Congress gave Netanyahu (the face of the real Israel) 58 standing ovations, and then were mostly re-elected by the voters a few weeks later.

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Damn, didn't look at it this way but you're so right on point especially the part where most of those Sheeples in Congress were re-elected by American citizens themselves... The vast majority of the elected and electorate in that country are just lost Souls and empty vessels clinging to life 🧬🐲

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SO PERFECTLY WRITTEN... I'm going to take many paragraphs and share them with the globe! Thank you again Caitlin for your gallant efforts to help save the world, you truly are a wonderful force!!!!!! XOXO

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The apartheid state had spent 76+ years gaslighting any critic as bigoted when all the time they were projecting. Every accusation is a confession.

The exposure of Zionism's true nature is a silver lining from the dark, devastating, genocidal cloud it has cast over Palestine & the entire planet.

Not that it has had any impact on curbing their insatiable need for violence. Introspection must be anathema to ethno-supremacists.

They will not succeed. It is not those who inflict the most but those who can endure the most who will prevail.


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About time the rest of the world learned the truth. It's being censored, but thankfully there are sources like this.

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Not to minimize this situation but what is happening is so human. The Irish Catholics, were driven into horrific poverty (long before The Potato Famine) for being Catholic. The British would holiday by excursion to Ireland to view these wretched beings as a lark. Richard in Canada.

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No surprise, then, that Britain was the operating power still doing its colonizing thing. Lord Rothschild made Israel happen.

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I was under the impression that it was Lord Balfour that did that, with the Balfour Declaration of 1912.

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Friends, please assume good intent, truth is the sword & shield of Christ.

I must confess that I have reasoned and searched enough about the Nazi State pre-and-during WWII - to believe history has been manipulated, especially each time I come across another false statement that can be shown false, like the 6 million dead when pre-post Europe population data difference is nowhere near that number, and seems 300,000 seems truer.

History is seen to be re-written today with lies debunked and videos showing important relative information, all ignored, not placed in 'media of record'. Corp-media 'official record' with talking heads, experts, think-tanks, UN, political public speeches, .. all cannot be incompetent and must be unwilling to change the Narrative their Zionist owners and controllers direct.

.. I no longer can entertain the excuse that they do not know.

Our children's children will believe the lies because the 'official record' states those lies, and so into the history records. We can see this easily because we have alternate journalism, videos from cell-phone, more, and those are censored from main-stream consumers, and ignored, and will fade with time. Left will be 'Grampa told me there were not rapes on Oct7th, regardless of Pres. Canidate Harris says. He died 6 months ago or you could ask him details.'

The number of unJust genocidal White Christian men wars , trusting men that trusted authority that they were needed to serve and were killed by the millions, that benefited or punished Freemasons and pre-Zionists, Private City London, Federal Reserve secrete Private owners ($1 Trillion every 100 days now), israel, and bribes, black-mail, drugs, assassinations, and propaganda - media, think-tanks, history shaping, surveillance, ...

Their intended false-reasons based mass deaths of virtuous white men in wars and genocides they directed and used to remove the best of the West, the removal of fathers, the protectors of society, families, Churches, Liberties, Justice, Order, .. French Revelation, CivilWar, WWI, Armenion Genocide, Holodomor, WWII, .., Ukraine-Russian mass killing in both countries (to create a new-extra israel built by Zionist owned BlackRock with Western donated money stolen from mostly White Christians, filled with unprotected children and women to traffic, torture, murder and use in Scarifies to Satan like done on Islands and isolate Ranches and other places the victims bodies easily disposed of - mine shafts, sea or large body of water, ..

There is sometimes the best information in what is missing, and Wikipedia is full of Zionists lies and selective censorship, and lies in subjects related to israel, Zionists, middle-east - especially the times when Zionists terrorism, lies of peace, deadly crimes, Zionist glossing-over crimes and murder, driving indigenist Arabs in terror while killing and dying in forced walk, ..


Even this Zionist re-written history it is clear that UN never should have given Nationhood to israel, that Private City of London's control of British Empire, and much of Europe, Federal Reserve control of USA and others were driving such unJustice and giving them and Satan nationhood, giving Power and immunities from crimes of leaders - much like the Federal Reserve drove, bribed, .. to change corporate laws for immunity of owners & executives, to legal Personhood, and 'Money is Speach' and perhaps soon Nationhoods.

Information on Jews directing of Genocides such as Armenian and Holodomor are missing, every time I check the reported dead White Chistian families that the Russian Jews killed in Ukraine (1st time, in Holodomor) number slides lower, 10 millions, then 5 millions, now 5-3 millions, and likely next time it will be 1 million and then erased to hide the genociding Christain-murdering Jews ruling Russia.

Recall that WWI was contrived by Private City of London owning Families controlled British, in coordination with Federal Reserve owning Families to push USA against national & popular interests, killing of passenger ship's people in U-Boat destroying of munitions as contrived by those powerful ruling families, and told the Germans so they die and bring USA into WWI.

The basic reason WWI started was not only too genocide so many of our and their White Christian men to .. kill Christians .. and to remove more society's protectors that womanhood more easily Sickened, Fatherhood, and families destroyed, But the Germans threw-out the Jewish families in financing and banking that were actively usury enslaving & possessing powerful peoples and families as they did in Britian Empire, USA, and many others. The Sick demonic powerful Jews were bent on destroying Germany and punishing population (as seen in surrender treaty and should remind all that they are not Christians and to fight one it is needed to kill one and their family - or they will slime, poison, sabotage, warp armies of Golems as they did to USA, while instructing the Feminists and Communists. Working on Infiltration and destruction of Catholic Church.

And they destroyed the Russian under-sea pipeline recently, because if they cannot own, control, or profit - they will destroy, and so we will never have good things, or be safe, until all ruling families gone.

So before WWII, from Germany's point of view they knew of the Genocides, the enslavement of USA, and sending USA against them, disruption as perversion and riots and commie and other political battles on street, was like the color revelation our Zionist CIA did in 2014 Ukraine, pre-WWII social disOrder and violence was directed and financed by Powerful Jews that ran when best to leave the rest of the lower Class Jews to face the work-camps and starvation sickness and other deaths, and to drive Fear and lies to them for control and torments after war of the 300,000 undead Jews Haunting those 'lesser-Jews' they help Nazis collect Jews - like G. Soros did - to sacrifice to Satan for israel.

There is a lot more, but that is a more true history, and as you can see today and for more the a year - there is and has been a Sick Murdering dead heart in that bunch and we should start public discussion on how to separate the 90% population that support Satan, make us all safe from them in public, and drive the reminder out of Palestine so Justice, return he land and include everything, except what the 10% is wearing and a small bag of personals.

Seem reasonable?

God Bless., Steve

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Wow. I think that comparative historical facts like this are of immense importance as we grapple with and fight against this genocide, in that they demonstrate that the most obscene and sick behavior is not new under the Israeli sun, but likely commonplace in the history of humans. And why bring attention to the non-singularity of such depravity and heartlessness? If we intend to combat it, the bigger the picture we have, the more knowledge – the more power. We need every drop of power we can find and collect. Among other things, it’s important to know that despite having such an enormous array of choices in how to act, these are the ones we make again and again.

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High-functioning sociopaths often rise to the top of the political structure and then make decisions with horrific consequences. That fact does indeed explain much of history. But two things about Israel stand out as demanding a group-level, rather than an evil leader, explanation. First, there was the initial genocide 75 years ago that uprooted Palestinians (they are not Arabs, though they speak Arabic) from the land they had occupied since the Bronze Age. This was a Jewish group effort by people who were 50% European genetically. Their justification was apparently that they had preserved a Bronze Age religion and could therefore displace a more thoroughly Semitic population that had changed its religion because of being conquered. Secondly, the current genocide is far more deadly than the first one and is wholeheartedly approved by the Israeli public. The current genocide is premised on the concept that if there are not Palestinians then there cannot be a Palestinian State. Mass murder gets Israel where it wants to be, and that is a group-level decision.

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Israel has embraced the Final Solution.

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But so depressing !

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Yes, I agree; I’m not clinically depressed or suicidal, yet so many things I see around the world make me wonder, what’s the point? All these tens of thousands of years and how have we improved in terms of violence and destruction? We just keep doing it. We don’t slow down. We don’t grow more intelligent. Grown men and women, “civilized,” in power, still decide to expand and strengthen mass slaughter. We say, how primitive! as if this behavior belongs far in the past; yet we’ve never once stopped! We learned how to talk, reason, negotiate … but we still prefer to pull out our slingshots and spears! What is in us that is so bent on physical violence? When we know it’s useless in a modern world?! What malfunction of mind is this?

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Because power is to sociopaths what cantip is to cats, what cocaine is to addicts.

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Why are we producing such an immense number of sociopathic addicts? Does it all come down to capitalism?

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No. Power selects strongly for sociopathy.

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It's better than it used to be. But progress is discouragingly slow.

Well, in 1930 Germany was the most civilized and technologically advanced on Earth. Look what happened to them.

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Well… I don’t know. We refer to ourselves and many other nations as “civilized” – so we drink tea in a cup and saucer, say please and thank you and attend the ballet, in the morning sign orders to drop bombs on people. Or have the option at our disposal, should the need arise. So, really? It sounds schizophrenic. I think the warmongering overpowers and nullifies our civilized features.

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The mark of Cain ?

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It is not me, you, him, .. if there was a group of powerful investment & banking power close or in power at every capital, and quiet private talks, then go to other side of the pending war to check on White Christain men and enough WMD to murder on both side .. yes, goy, I wonder who was controlling and getting arms in place before Paris'

God Bless., Steve

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For that matter, the (entirely intentional) Bengal Famine of 1943-44, engineered quite deliberately by St. Winston ?Churchill.

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I'm glad you mentioned that ! I first heard about that via Satyajit Ray's film which ends with a stunning shot panning out to a huge crowd cresting a ridge . The shot represents the huge number who died in that man-made famine . I had never heard about it before altho' we studied stuff about the bloody British Empire and how wonderful it was for Indians at school . (I am Eurasian) .

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I have not seen the film, but I refuse to join in the Churchill Cult.

And I am a cat, so I don't have an ethnic dog in this fight.

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Actually, no - it was not "deliberately" engineered, just like the "Holodomor" famine/genocide was not deliberately engineered. It was because Churchill could not care less about what happened to the Indians (even though there were some Britishers that did care). So Churchill gave preference to supplying the grain to England instead of keeping an adequate amount on hand for the Indians. The Bengal famine/genocide could very well have been prevented, but Churchill - being the "mega racist" that he was, prolonged as long as he could. When the grains did get to Bengal, it was a little late in stopping the ongoing famine.

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No, the grain was intentionally denied to Bengalis, lest the Japanese seize it.

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Nope, that was the excuse, the narrative.

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So the more monstrous explanation was an excuse? Go on, pull the other one.

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>>"Go on, pull the other one."

I don't need to pull anything. Read up on history, multiple sources. The reason was BAD (and stupid and careless) POLICIES, not purposeful intent (i.e. Churchill couldn't care less if millions of Bengalis died).

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The distinction is too subtle for this bear of little brain.

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True . I live in the UK and anti-Irish jokes are still OK and the Irish are routinely blamed for everything you can think of - esp. in the damned British Empire .

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When I said the Mark of Cain I was being a bit obscure - I mean the monotheistic understanding that we are all fallen . This will show up somehow or other whatever human beings try for . This is NOT a reason to give up . I can say personally that the continuing struggle by so many keeps me going .

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Hi Rukshana

No offense to y’all living in GB, but the Irish happily return the favor 😉

During the two times I visited friends in Ireland, we see a UK license plate on a vehicle and all simultaneously roar BASTARD BRITS!

And I’m not even Irish, lol.

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Oh I was brought up in a pro-Irish family and was taught the history by parents who had very little time for British lies .My mother had an Irish nun as a friend and colleague in medical school and was impressed by her fiery patriotism . I haven't reacted with enough anger to the extraordinary levels of anti-Irish racism . I apologise for that !

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The US continues to veto a ceasefire. The real US. Another bunch of murderous, inhumane, immoral people.

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Susan T, Not only does the US keep on vetoing ceasefire resolutions in the UN, but also has their own hypocritical versions of a ceasefire.

With Israel in the case of Hamas, they were promoting a "ceasefire" ( not a permenet one by any means) between a state armed to the teeth with the most lethal weapons known to man, and the Palestinians with a few rockets. And to hand over hostages with no guarantees as to the thousands of Palestinians Israel has abducted and detained.

Another version is being played in Lebanon - a ceasefire but one where Israel can go on bombing!

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and any ceasefile they will support must be temporary in the way it works

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Keep at it Caitlin. You're getting results.

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This stark and bitter truth “should” be changing the world. It has changed me.

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If the past year plus wasn't the time to stand up to them, then it seems like nothing can cause criticism from the USA government. I have no idea what they could do that would get the world to stop the killing.

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Well, when you have a decades long Israeli blackmail operation (led by Mossad agents like Epstein and Maxwell) collecting footage of politicians in compromising situations with children, along with any other embarrassing information they've managed to acquire through covert means (ie; stingray devices, malware, software back doors, etc), then it's actually not surprising at all that the US government continues to be Israel's bitch, despite all of the heinous shit they do. And just because we're all supposed to pretend like Epstein is dead and Maxwell is in prison (haaaaaaaahahaha), that doesn't mean their blackmail operation has stopped or even slowed down.

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Tragically, 'the real Israel' is still, and probably always will be, the world's nasty, dirty secret. The popular media sure isn't going to spill the beans. The governments that enable the racist slaughter won't either. The only way to find out about the bestial regime, is to hunt information down, and most people don't bother. Israel, the US, and the other racist supporters of ethic cleansing and genocide count on it. So, just as the true nastiness of 'the real Nazis' was only revealed after the war was over, it is likely that the world will only become aware of 'the real Israel' - brutal, vicious, vindictive, all humanity expunged by 80-odd years of racist determination to believe religitard propaganda - when scholars replace journalists, and especially their editors, who have no interest in the truth. Of course, if that ever happens, the ghastly, brutal, racist role the US, the UK, France, Germany, and all the governments that once feigned interest in human rights will be revealed too. And they'll face an interesting problem. The nastiness of the Nazis proved tremendously valuable to its vanquishers, who were able to say 'we have rid the world of a great evil'. Their citizens could be proud. This time, they will be the great evil. And their citizens will have nothing to feel but shame.

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Well said Rod Dawson!

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Backed by the real U.S. genocider pres, vice pres and scumbag congress.

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Thanks Caitlin, It is so wonderful that you have such writing ability and dedication to expose all the hypocrisy of the West. I have just finished a book " Zionism During the Holocaust- The Weaponisation of Memory In the Service of State and Nation" by Tony Greenstein. This book exposes the Zionist use of antisemitism to shield the crimes of Israel and its genocide. I know of no one who hates Jews. However, I know hundreds who hate Israel, I know hundreds who hate genocide and hundreds who, once they learn the truth hate Zionism. Zionism itself is antisemitic and always was.

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Heck, I'm Jewish and I hate Israel.

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I solicit from the readers an answer to this question: "Were your personal experiences with Jewish individuals in America or Europe net positive or net negative?" The point of this question is whether the Real Israel is an anomaly, or just a reflection of the Real Ashkenazim. My personal answer to the question is "Negative."

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Another antisemite heard from.

My experiences were the same as with any other group of humans.

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In throwing around the term "antisemite" you demonstrate a great deal of ignorance.

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i've heard of quite a few americans who pretend to be canadian when they travel outside the west (although this is losing it's charm quickly). it's also interesting to ask the same question about americans to people, even europeans, after they had a few drinks.

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Israel is simply what you get when you give any group of humans unlimited power and zero responsibilities.

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I agree, it is unLoving and causes and speeds-up self-destruction.

And the poll that I saw a few months from israel reports 90% population support the genocide, war crimes, etc. It is only a dangerous fool that thinks they are genociding White Christian from French-Revolution and through today.

The Sickening of womanhood, the hyper-empowering the twisted delusional psychos, the impoverishment of men - lay-off, move jobs, throw-away applications, workplace a male-hating toxic hell, dehumanize and crush gonads and act surprised, so no income-mates -families, ., Gas-light, false-witness spreading self-hate, male-hate, fear of men.

And the replacement of indigenous White Christians - in 1990 we were 30% world population, today we are 9%.

Do you think that israel's 75+ years of terror lies horrors genocide should cause a debate in UN about voting to remove Nationhood? Return all lands and what is on them to Palestinians?

The much Better '1-State Solution' version. Yes?

I have often considered women's immunity to crimes that women do, and the rest, our-Blindness to their evil, there murdering our babies, disposing men, false-witnessing, .. basically and relatively unlimited power, ..

.. and Jews situation and methods.

Those Jews in power, and what vileness used! - so much the same as our soul-Blackened women, and why not? - Western womanhood been shaped into a programmed Golem from Hell by those powerful, to dig into the Heart of West's soul and rot us as they Putrefy and Poison, crapping in our shared soup-pot, spewing Hate, Lies, causing inJustice and division.

God Bless., Steve

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But the accents are very different !

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My father's family is Jewish in America. My personal experiences with them were positive without exception.

As humans, there must be plenty negative there, but oddly, in my 60 years, little bad has come to my attention--in contrast to the darkness on my gentile mother's side or in my Mexican wife's family.

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The Russian cats say " В кожа и цвет, товарища нет!" (In hide or in color, there is no brother).

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Yeah I would say the same as time went on . Eventually I saw things more as some people just being against injustice and some (most) ignoring it and going in for 'therapy' instead ie 'navel-gazing'!

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Net positive! I grew up watching Jews on TV, in the movies, and in fact there were a lot of Jews in my town. I went to school with them, "they" were my friends, neighbors and my seatmates. In no case were "they" antisocial in any way. One grew up to be a NYT reporter living in Israel. So it would be interesting to hear their opinion; I am 100% against the genocide and fascist expansion of the borders of "Israel", shamefully plucked from religious dogma to serve European and Western interests, however falsely. This is not going to end well for either the 'winners' OR the 'losers'.

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I give a response to your query under a post by Feral Finster on this thread.

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Sort of both ? My parents were active politically in racist S.Africa and had many Jewish friends who went to jail , risked their lives etc . They were depressed to find that in the UK where many took refuge - not just from SA but from the tail end of McCarthyism in the USA many changed overnight to be passionate Zionists . So I also had Jewish friends at Uni in ant-Apartheid groups , Womens' Lib groups etc .

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Thanks for the comment.

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They never truly assimilate.

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Yes. Neither do the Amish, yet they are not reflexively adversarial.

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Neither do us Muslims - is that why we are hated ? Or is taking your faith seriously automatically suspect ?

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No, in the case of the poster that you are responding to, it's goalseeking in service of pre-existing prejudices. He dislikes Jews, now has to provide a justification as to why.

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