Bravo: "There's nothing inscribed upon the fabric of reality saying states need to be waving armageddon weapons at each other. There's no valid reason not to lay aside these games of global conquest and collaborate together toward a healthy coexistence on this planet."

In other words: "All we are saying...is give peace a chance!"

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High time we had a popular "peace movement" to answer this nonsense, especially since AOC, the rest of the Squad, Bernie Sanders and every other Democrat in Congress has gone shamefully AWOL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUt2KVyfABM


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AWOL? Or perhaps they were always regime apologists . . .

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Bernie didn’t used to be. But that seems to have be defenestrated.

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"Didn't use to be" until it mattered. Which is equal to never has been in the first place.

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People do actually change. And not always for the better.

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The left isn't anti-war anymore. The movement is too focused on the minutia of identity politics - around 7-8 minutes in - https://wholistic.substack.com/p/world-war-iii-and-nuclear-war-prophecies

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What's wrong with a peace in Ukraine that serves Russian interests?

From the perspective of this American, my country got along just fine for a couple of centuries of Russia controlling most of Ukraine(Austria-Hungary or Poland controlled the rest of it). How is Russian control now any kind of threat to the United States?

It's not, that's how, but threatening nuclear war over Ukraine IS. George Washington warned his successors not to get caught up in any "foreign entanglements." He was right about that.

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Americans seem to think that considering the interests of any other country goes against the interests of the US. There is no middle ground.

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Well, it's obvious: you have to threaten annihilation - especially to attain an unjustified objective- like running roughshod over Russia: being reasonable is -being unreasonable. These idiots could say just about anything, and have done, and many would fall in behind, and have done.The only hope may be that Europe, the ordinary people, will tell Ursula where she can go, along with Truss and Scholz. And all the other fascistic elitists who are ready and even anxious to have us all dead. They have survivalist plans and resources for themselves. A dumber bunch you couldn't invent.

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They won’t last very long in their bunkers. I can picture it now: Hilary Clinton gets stuck with Donald and Dick Cheney when the doors seal them in. It would champion even American Horror Story’s imagined post-apocalypse season.

Here’s an article showing how insane the bloated wealthy really are.


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War is hell, evil. Civil war is more hell, more evil. Nuclear war is the most hell, the most evil.

Truth, beauty, love, cooperation, kindness, equality and respect for all life on earth are the best choices.

May people wake up!

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If you want to be profoundly discouraged about the confused and incoherent state of the "left" on the issue of Ukraine, watch this very recent youTube video from Kyle Kulinski (one of the founders of Justice Democrats, with nearly a million YouTube subscribers). THEN, for even more evidence to the profound stupidity on the left on this issue of Ukraine, read the comments. I am sorry for being so dismal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6L3wbj3K24

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I can’t even stomach watching any of Kyle’s videos anymore. He was such a big part of my political awakening, but I’ve certainly strongly diverged from his thinking recently.

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Kulinski, at best, is a Social Democrat. Now he's a millionaire with a beautiful girlfriend of a gazillionaire. Capitalism works for him. He's not going to oppose it.

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I applaud Caitlin for citing Trump and Musk. I realize she often does not like them, and she does not like the billionaire class. But if those of us against escalation and nuclear war can't make common cause, there is no hope for humanity. I'm a right-wing populist, I love everyone due to my religious beliefs, and I'll align with any reasonable person of any ideology who is working for detente.

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Thank you very much. It is never explained WHY such pathological hate of democratic capitalist Russia and total support of Nazi-dominated Ukraine government !!

Roots for this propaganda predate the Russia-gate FBI-DNC hoax and FBI 2020 election theft.

Stand with Russia – it fights for all of us against bipartisan fascist US/UK warmongering clique.

Jacob Dreizin – Oct. 13 – Racism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine



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After teaching 3rd, 4th, and 6th graders for 25 years, I'm hard pressed to think of one of them who would disagree. Keep speaking truth, particularly with such simple yet brilliant eloquence. Thanks!

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So much stupid. To think that for 77 years the USA has been doing just that, blackmailing the world with its ginormous nuke stockpile, suddenly it’s a bad thing?

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The fact that they come up with such transparently absurd logics and attacks shows that they are desperate and they see public opinion shifting against their war.

That's why the blew up the nordstream pipelines: to sabotage negotiations and undermine European and German peace movements.

US doing the same thing right now in Iran to sabotage nuclear deal.

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And for the Criminal Elite to continue pilfering the til! I thought it couldn't get more insane but I guess I was wrong! This retarded reverse logic shows just how stupid they are and obviously the people who buy this bag of bullshit! I think we should go back to Stoning People in the Town Square. We'd need a Really BIG One though!

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"how stupid they are" - I don't think they're stupid, they're gamblers. People otoh are stupid indeed. And are de facto enablers.

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022

Who do these experts relate to. One POTUS. Who does POTUS relate to. Saying Eisenhower's revelations fifty years ago means zilch since capitalism is transnational and shareholders very transient. Markets are algorithmic and schismatics, schizoid influenzas spreading the Wuhan Viral Brain Spectre to haunt the digitally demented generation: meh/whatever can't remember a moment ago unless there's an app for that so who is driving the conned-version except the msm who relate to advertisers first. Unless its the guggle-bubble-micro-cosmic neural-coma defect effect. Unless the Ukraine is a test, another failed experiment to all appearances. I saw a video of $aint $oro$ dream for the Ukraine. Total digital immersion for its inmates. I can't wait. Solve a lot of problems once that zone is digitally abstracted from the rest of the world. Meanwhile inside they're perennially distracted so it wont matter what they're dementia connects with the other dis-conned actors. Unless, like Max Headroom they leak into our computers next. Digital derangement for the next must have estrangement. Then its hosannas for $aint $oro$ us on bended knees ever and anon. Since no identities will remain to maintain the delusion of being one, we then will all be One.

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It's about the fact the fact one kind of intelligence tends to rob you of another kind, if you let it. And the end doesn't happen in a moment, no matter the cause. it happens by moments over centuries. It happens when democracy doesn't happen, and we choose instead to listen to the small number of people who appoint themselves our betters and rulers. It happens when we permit cruelty of any kind to become normalized, the idea of sacrifice of some for the survival, or even mere comfort of others. We are those little caged experimental animals. We are those captured slave armies producing cheap unending goods in unhealthy, even toxic, environments. But we're too blind/ uncaring to realize it. Imagination , the stuff we are made of, has helped some of us to avoid facing the reality we created, and embrace the axiomatic destruction as though it were merely a dream from which we will awaken, intact. The tragic -fatal, misuse of imagination.

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