Zionism has not just hijacked Judaism, it has absolutely murdered it. Zionists are the worst antisemites. I feel for the Jews among us. They must be distraught at the evil that is occurring in their name.

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Yes, they are distraught. I joined Independent Jewish Voices as a supporting member because those people are doing a lot to protest this genocide.

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A good place to start is the refusal to pay taxes.

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Have you? How's it been working?

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Boycotts are working.

boycott.thewitness.news A-Z companies who support the IDF.

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that creates a baby and bathwater problem, my friend.

Why among all the civil disobedience tactics did you choose taxes?

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Forget about anti-Semitism, where are the voices opposing what is going on in Palestine easily accepted by many due to the ongoing prejudice against the Arab world, and very much in play in the wars the United States implemented in the Middle East.

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I don't think we should forget about islamophobia or anti semitism.

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I am not saying anti-Semitism is acceptable, but right now it is of little concern to me, since my focus is on the carnage implemented on the Palestinian and not those who have used anti-Semitism to avoid criticism of the carnage they have implemented on another people through the decades and whom they perceive as less then human.

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I was not talking about people who weaponize anti-semitism. Even with what is happening right now, it is important, although sometimes difficult, to avoid anti-semitism and to remember that it is the State of Israel and Zionism that are the problems. It is important to us as human beings.

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Susan, I live in the states and have, and have always had a lot of contact with Jewish people, Jewish cousins, Jewish aunts, and I am not anyone who is making anti-Semitic comments. What bothers me that for too long people have not been allowed to be critical of Israel out of fear of being called anti-Semitic, which is pretty much the reason we are where we are today. They have also used that term to weaponize political discourse in this country, and lets not forget the lobby that has a tremendous influence on political policies in the US. If anything our many Middle Eastern wars and the relative silence around them told me loud and clear my fellow Americans don't give a damn about Arabs or Muslims and from some I've heard as much.

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I hear exactly what you’re saying, Fran. I got into a heated argument with my sister-in-law sometime after the events of 10/0723 and she said something that has kind of stuck in my mind. She said Muslims were treated fine in this country(USA). I disagreed with her, of course. I feel like a lot of people in this country don’t like Muslims/Arabs because they cling to stereotypes. All Muslims are not Arabs because Iranians are Persians and speak Persian, of course.

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I called a guy waving an israhelli flag a baby killer today and the poor creature didn't like it very much. It came very close to getting physical and it took everything I had within me to walk away. I'm not going to say what I really wanted to do. I did have some other choice words for the thing.

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Hear hear.👏🏽

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Right on Fran!

REAL , ACTUAL actions of Islamophobia have been carried out here in Amerikkka; a little boy stabbed to death for being Palestinian; three Palestinian college students shot by a neighbor, leaving one of them paralyzed.

But the Zios need to invent instances of “antisemitism” via television commercials.

Additionally I’ve seen videos of Orthodox Jews caught on camera defacing synagogues with swastikas and the like in order to invent such accusations.

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Wow, I didn't hear any of this. You've given me homework for the day. I think things are only going to get worst.

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You remind me of an incident right after 9/11 here in San Francisco where there was a Puerto Rican guy walking around downtown and a mob of black guys thought he was Arab and literally beat him to death.!

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That’s horrible, Kevin…no matter what the man’s ethnicity.

It does somewhat surprise me though that this was perpetrated by Black men. It seems more like a white-supremistist thing.

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Maybe they were adorning them, actually. And then... double duty.

UPDATE: For those hating pronouns the above is going to be a puzzle.

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IDF Let Israeli Civilians Film Torture of Palestinian Detainees: Report

This is beyond military occupation, apartheid, economic exploitation, and all the rest," asserted one journalist. "There is something extremely sickening happening here."

The Israeli army brought a number of Israeli civilians into our detention centers while beating us and telling them, “These are Hamas terrorists who killed you and raped your women on 7 October,” while the Israeli civilians were filming us being beaten, abused, and tortured while making fun of us.

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Their entire social fabric is devoid of humanity. Watch Israelism:


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This is something to worry about in terms of what is going on in Israel Susan.

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I studied the holocaust a long time ago. And, all the pogroms before it, for centuries. There were many reasons given for hating jews. But, I still didn't get it. Being an American, I felt that jews were like anybody else, some fine, some not so fine. Then living and working in Manhattan, I was ripped off 13 times by jewish partners. friends. stock brokers, real estate deals. I had to conclude:

A: they think it's their right to cheat people.

B: they don't care if they are hated.

Now this. Not too many decades ago, Israel was admired for turning a desert into a garden. Not only did many love them but the antisemitism was a label NO one wanted...and the Holocaust was thrown out in media for decades starting in the '70's. Horrors! Anyone criticizing a Jew was reminded: "But, look how their people have been persecuted!!"

Months ago, seeing the slaughter and the lies, I came to believe that they CRAVE being hated. Why? Somehow, it works for them. To question this was against decency. The POOR Jews...don't even go there. Now, I think some WILL go there and study what is in their culture that causes this. Something in the Torah teachings?? Do they hate themselves?

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Henry Kissinger said something to this effect:

If Jews have been hated throughout history, shouldn’t we be asking ourselves why?

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That's very odd that he would "say" that, because he too is an Ashkenazi "Jew", and completely pro-"Israehell".

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He was Jewish. He suffered and fled Nazi persecution. He was highly intelligent; he surely gave that question some thought. He most likely felt, especially as a Jew it would be a major mistake to voice it. NO one wanted to go there.

Wikipedia: "He had a negative view of American Jews who lobbied for aid to Soviet Jews, calling them "bastards" and "self-serving".[126] He went on to state that "If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic" and "any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong."[127]"

Holy smokes......a tad self hating?

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Not Torah teachings, but Talmudic teachings which condone all kinds of evil things that the Torah does not.

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I would like to know exactly what is said. I have seriously been wondering about this for decades...like 5. This mess right now takes the cake. And, they are getting away with it.

It's a unique event in the history of the human race.

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Bibi the Butcher Boy with the bloody apron has given antisemitism a whole new meaning.

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It's almost like he wants to destroy his country...

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He's a psychopath. I have read he is very much disliked and distrusted by former presidents and officials .

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Based on Ilan Pappe's books they in Israeli government are at each other's throats all the time. But that hasn't interfered with their policies towards Palestinians.

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Well until Bibi’s current campaign in bloodlust no Israeli had more blood on their hands than former general and prime minister Ariel Sharon.

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I saw a clip of Obama giving a eulogy at Ariel Sharon’s funeral or memorial service. The likes of Clinton and G.W. Bush were there I believe. The ultimate love affair with all things Israeli.😢

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Ariel Sharon, aka “Jabba the Hut” 😁

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I still can't get past thinking this is all about actually eradicating Jews.

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Real Jews while the fake Khazarian Mafia Jews steal the lot.

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Exactly. This has always been the ultimate goal of Christian Zionism as routinely told by Evangelical preacher John Hagee.

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The endgame is the coming of Christ, right? All conveniently in one place? Convert or burn?

So, yeah, there's no getting past it. Your instincts are (insanely, stomach-churningly) spot on.

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In the past few decades, 'Israel' & its crimes have begotten Nemesis, Anger & Reprisal worldwide. Jews today (fair-minded & not pro-Zionism & its sundry crimes) have therefore been targeted; so this is already a daily reality. As the carnage increases in Gazah (Rafah in particular), Domestic Terror attacks in every major Western city will be the natural result. This time however, The Empire is overstretched & will not be able to deal with a 'Global War on Terror v2.0'... & would simply implode from the domestic turmoil from all the small fires (a la said Terror Attacks) worldwide.

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It makes no sense to target all Jews for Netanyahu's crimes. It would be like targeting all Christians for Biden's crimes.

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Violence is a language which (once a certain level is breached) goes beyond Common Sense. So you are correct, the coming tragedies will 'make no sense'... yet they will happen; this is now inevitable as the Death toll gets closer to 100,000+.

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If Biden conducted a Genocide explicitly to restore the Holy Roman Church and refight the Crusades based on his interpretation of Biblical prophecy, it would be legitimate to criticize Catholics. Natanyahoo has explicitly invoked the Bible as the basis and justification for his genocide to establish a Jewish Israeli State.

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Bill Wolfe: I disagree. People are just muddling along, doing their shopping, going to church, taking holidays, being obedient. Some people may not be the greatest thinkers, but that does not make them liable for every bad decision made by those in power.

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It isn't a question any longer of "making sense".

Does Biden's continued support for the Genocide "make sense"?

Does it "make sense" that Elon Musk would declare himself to be "aspirational Jewish" at Auschwitz in the middle of the Palestinian genocide and declare "there is no genocide". (Blumenthal and Mate had a podcast that cover this, Blumenthal was spitting angry.)


So, Jews, Sorry. A lot of people will have no idea that Zionism is not Judaism. Your contributions to AIPAC and ADL will be bringing this judgement down on your own head. Just as the USA Oligarchy is destroying the American Economy and the American Dream. Which brings up the point that Musk said 2/3 of his "friends" (meaning other Oligarchs, or billionaires if you prefer) are Jews, thus furthering that slur against all Jews.

I have no clue how to remedy this. How to avoid the coming Holocaust which will be against all nations and all peoples of the world. Brother will turn on Brother -- at least in the West. Russia and China appear to me to be up to the challenge. The Houthis are showing how resilient they can be. The USA and their NATO vassals (including Australia) are headed for a steep fall.

Look at how Jeremy Corbin was removed from the head of the Labor Party because of lies about his anti-semitism. Look at how US politicians scramble to support the Palestinian genocide lest they be primaried. Yes Jews do control the US geopolitical economy. Just because it isn't all Jews, doesn't make that charge any less true. Halper, Finkelstein, Mate, Blumenthal and many other Jews know this and they expose it all the time. But this isn't going to prevent attacks on "good Jews" any more than the attacks happening on "good Palestinians".

Lots of people are going to be like me and do nothing. What are we suppose to do? So lecturing us about how "all Jews" should not be targeted is wasting your breath and our time.

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John Zweibel: We, as individuals, do not have to behave like Elon Musk or any other anti semite. There are many Jews with money and power, just as there are many non-Jews with money and power. It is money and power that is the problem and singling out a particular group of people, rather than states or governments, for the problems in our world is racist. At this particular moment, Israel and the US are a major problem in our world, seemingly bent on leading us into a world war. There are many things in this world that make no sense. That does not mean that we, as part of this world, as part of this system, as individuals should support those things that make no sense or that we should not occasionally point out that they make no sense.

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Listen to Lawrence Wilkerson speak of Jews in America and how the Israeli lobby controls American Politics. Especially his quote of Colin Powell who said <as I recall>, "Some day we are going to pay dearly for this [support of Israel]" The point is identifying who is pushing the genocide and determining how to stand up to them and remove them from power.


Then listen to Jeffrey Sachs explain how the world is now multipolar and how it became that way. How USA imperialism is THE cause of conflict in the world. And how STUPID our political leadership is in believing that it can continue those failed policies without consequence.


"Most" people may understand that Judaism and Zionism are not the same thing, but it is coming to the point that "Most" people won't care. I'm not promoting that perspective, I'm predicting it. It isn't an original thought, anti-Zionists like Finkelstein, Blumenthal, Mate and Halper talk about it all the time. Yes, it will be "bad for the Jews".

The question is what is to be done? Saying that Judism and Zionism aren't the same thing is about as effective as asking for mommy while on a rowboat in the middle of a hurricane.

How do we remove Elon Musk, for instance, from power?

Why is the choice only Biden or Trump?

It is the System that is at fault.

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You misunderstand my point.

You said "Israel and the US", how do you pick and choose among the Israelis and Americans? How does this differ from what I posted?

I don't support suicide, which is where the Human Race is headed.

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I am not really sure what your point is. It seems to me from reading what you wrote that you are saying that most people don't understand that zionism and Judaism are not the same thing, so too bad for Jews. And you used Elon Musk as an example of what? Things that don't make sense? The human race is being taken on a suicidal path by those with power and money. Just the usual. And, as usual, it does not make sense.

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I do remember several years ago a friend I met at work told me that in the not so distant future the USA will not be a safe place to live. This was in 2014, I believe. The way things are going now, I believe my friend was correct. It’s already happening. The West is in a downward spiral and it’s determined to take anyone down with it. This is especially the case with the United States. It scares me. I’m so upset with this government in what it is doing by being complicit in this genocide in Gaza. I feel that a lot of people around me just don’t get it. My Dad thinks our government is still the best and doesn’t understand why I criticize it. He thinks the Cubans(meaning Castro) killed JFK. It’s like most people around me think the FBI and the CIA are the good guys and I just don’t feel that way. It’s so disheartening. I personally think it was the CIA, our own government that killed Kennedy. I don’t understand why some people think it’s ok to do what the U.S. does around the world and some of these people are ones that are dear to me. Not too long after the SMO started in Ukraine, him and my neighbor were talking and saying someone in the CIA should take out Putin (in other words, regime change). Now, my dad is a very smart man when it comes to many things, but if it’s Russia or China or Cuba or some other countries he doesn’t understand. I’m like this is crazy. That’s how the whole Ukraine debacle got started to begin with, b/c of Maidan Coup 2014. He didn’t know about that either b/c I had to explain it to him.

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If you want to follow up on your question about who killed Kennedy (FWIW: it wasn't the "CIA" although many involved worked for the CIA) Aaron Good's web site is a good place to get more: https://americanexception.com/podcast/

Good is an outstanding resource but he's "scattered" across the internet. These youTube videos are revealing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDAi0NdlN8hNArLl765PXe8tsTKmOciGL

It wasn't the US "government" that killed Kennedy. It was the Oligarchy -- a synonym for "the Mafia". Even that isn't quite right.

Caleb Maupin (a communist) has an interesting rant on Navalny's death. He rails against "These people", and he's right. The problem is (as always) no one identifies "These People". It is assumed you already know. who they are. [You might find his rant boring. I was listening to it and your comments about Putin made it seem appropriate to include here.]


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You miss the distinction between Jew and Zionist.

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If you are interested, you can watch this movie on Kinema. It is very informative


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no. I do not

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You also seem to not understand Netanyahoo's rationale and justification for his genocide, which he explicitly ties directly to the Bible and Jews as a people (and race).

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That's Netanyahu's "rationale". It is not the rationale of all Jews. I am well aware of Netanyahu's insane "rationale"

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It would be like targeting all Democrats for Bidens crimes.

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Unfortunately at this point most if not all Democrats are in lockstep w/ Biden's regime...

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I am not a Democrat. (Or Republican)

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Is Biden a Christian? I doubt it.

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He pretends he is.

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or all people in the US for Trump's.....

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Still paying reparations to holocaust survivors, Che.

Yet Amerikkka pays nothing in the way of reparations to the indigenous peoples whose entire continent was stolen from them, or the descendants of slaves on whose backs this country was built.

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Ahnaf Ibn Qais - I'm sorry to say, but what you are saying seems to come across as somewhat random hypothesizing with your theories and conclusions (to me). I hope I'm wrong.

I don't really see any logical train of thought that by magic seems to connect all the dots towards the conclusions you are drawing.

For instance, can explain on what basis you predict:

(1) "As the carnage increases in Gazah Domestic Terror attacks in every major Western city will be the natural result"?

(2) "the empire....would simply implode from the domestic turmoil from all the small fires"?

If you are basing this on some history or analysis, or some other objective reasoning, I would very much like to understand it. Thanks.

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His dots connect for me.

BRICS, Ukraine War, threats to China, Gaza...

The world is now multipolar. This will create more conflict.

It will take John Mearsheimer 2 hours to explain it:


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Where is the outcry among the American Jewish community? AIPAC and his Jewish donors are the reason Biden doesn’t stop the carnage. Why else would anyone finance and send an enormous amount of military assistance to facilitate genocide?

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the outcry may not be what some would like, but it's definitely there and growing




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Thank god for Jewish Voice for Peace. I think its important to realize that its not the PEOPLE that are complacent, its the leadership. People all over the world are in the streets, blocking traffic, etc. But AIPAC owns the leaders......

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Let’s not forget Ifnotnow, and B’tsalem, and all the Jewish people and outlets helping bring the truth to light, such as Max Blumenthal, Glenn Greenwald, The Maté family, Katie Halper, Mondoweiss, and more.

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and Breaking the Silence (https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/), Matt Lieb (Bad Hasbara) and so many more, I just wanted to put a taste out there

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And Alison Weir, Joy.

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Americans were also very silent during our Middle Eastern wars, largely Arab and Muslim. I think the silence among it's people and the press which was complicit in pushing those wars made them all possible.

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Americans are being, and have been, highly brainwashed on this topic for decades. That so many have been able to break through these mental fetters is remarkable, and something I never believed I’d see in my lifetime.

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Not too many Joy, but there will be. I wonder where the voices of the Israeli's are?

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........and more this week, Pamela, but nothing to stop the starving of Palestinians in Gaza as was also the case as well when they supported those long years of bombing in Yemen, blocking the ports to starve the people and supporting other criminal countries like the UK, Israel and France. to allow the oil rich Saudi to get its way.

Thank you China, for bringing that one-sided murder to an end. More than the USA has ever done since they penned the US Constitution. Just war after war.

There is something inherently evil about the USA besides its arrogance and its self descriptive "exceptionality" which if the truth be known, based on facts, really means "exceptionally cruel and heartless".

We've seen it all now...starting with the assassination of JFK, the sell out by Johnson to Israel over the USS Liberty scandal in 1967, wars in Korea, Vietnam, the killing and resulting mass amputations in Laos and Cambodia, the Iraqi criminal adventure, Syria, Afghanistan, drug peddling in heroin for 20 years, torture at Abu Ghraib, Cuba, Chile assassination again, and so many other breaches of what we had come to understand were totally unacceptable acts of violence, year after year.

Mostly able to occur by the use of a UN Veto; the accumulation of White Anglo puppet countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada; the support of war machines like NATO; the corrupting of so many countries one loses count and yet even in today's climate of murder, mayhem and genocide with the US in Israel's camp, lock, stock and barrel, we see the football crowds still turn up and listen to the Jewish ads supporting genocide at $7 million for a 30 second lying advertisement and no one misses a meal to assist starving people in Gaza; no one votes against a Congress stacked with 86% of Jewish stooges funded into their seats by the likes of AIPAC.....all such things being quite legal in a corrupt and disrespected USA today.

Like all empires, it is coming to an end, the sooner the better, through the after effects of their joint genocide actions, still in progress and their totally corrupt standards on show every day to the world. Respect....zero.

Israel as their masters will pull them down to their level and all will suffer as a result. First, it must soon be time to rid the country of feeble Genocide Joe and his shadow Secretary on Netanyahu's payroll, the 'Wandering Jew' Blinken, planning every move and then reporting back to his boss in Israel, as are half the senior appointments in the government of America. Someone should list them, one by one.

Netanyahu's Cabinet. Unofficial of course, paid for by the US taxpayers

What a future.

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Pamela Gabrovsky: There is a lot of outcry from the American (and Canadian) Jewish people. They may not be from AIPAC though.

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There really is never a lot of outcry, since the vast majority remain silent, among Jews and non Jews and that seems to always be the case when it comes to wars. Also it gets little play in the press in America and I'm sure that's true in Israel, and this was certainly true during America's Middle Eastern wars.

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Thanks, Pamela. Zios have NO PLACE in the congress of the United States. I’m outraged that AIPAC is spending millions to unseat the likes of the brave and outspoken Cori Bush. WHY the fucking hell are we allowing a shitty little country to dominate our political system?

I have one requisite for voting for any individual at this time: NO MORE OF MY TAX DOLLARS TO ISRAHELL!

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Hi Che

Yes it does.

We need to call out all our local politicians who suck money from any Zio organizations.

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I think the Jewish people have more to fear from aipac, adl and associates than the average Yank. Recent attacks on JVP protests are just as much a warning to the community at large as the active participants.

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Yeah, no, we're not doing that here. I'll keep banning you dipshits until you get the message. This will NOT become a place for fascist shitstains to hang out and say "name the Jew". It will not happen. Off you go.

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Bravo, Caitlin. 😊👏👍🙏🇵🇸☮️

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Good move, as I warned yesterday.

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Damn straight.

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Mr. Raven: Christians and Muslims with money and power always suck too. Money and power has that effect on people.

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Jews have been uniquely destructive in history. Why are their some many homeless people in the U.S. for example, Jew bankers and their usury interest and foreclosures, and Jew landlords. Why so many wars post WWII, Jew neo-cons advocating for wars. All religions are NOT the same, the Amish don't cause these problems, Jews do.

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You sir, are NOT welcome here!! Be gone with you!! There are good and bad people in every race and religion.

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Genocide Joe and Butcher Bibi are going to go down in history together as the two leaders that perpetrated a vicious genocide that was broadcast over the internet in real time. That will be their legacy and their shame. Even that little Austrian guy with the mustache--Adolf something or other--won't be as infamous as these two villains.

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"Even that little Austrian guy with the mustache" - sooner or later he was bound to have serious competition. Especially from demented Bidens of the world who don't care whether their names will overcome that of Hitler's.

At least Hitler was aware enough not to leave any offspring.

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"...demented Bidens of the world who don't care whether their names will overcome that of Hitler's."

It honestly baffles me. What do they think they know? Or is it just "As long as my fellow demons and suck-ups speak well of me, I'm ok"? It's still hard to accept that they don't see us as anything more than pieces on a board - no matter how many times they scream it from the stage. Maybe I'm scared it'll break my brain...

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Some, I guess, truly believe in what they say. Biden as himself no longer knows who he is. Maybe if he were, given his experience, he'd probably pull some plugs on this shit. But he's not, and so true believers run the show. Being anonymous only makes them bolder.

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Biden was a warmonger and zealot on Israel long before his dementia

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No one doubts that.

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You just mistakenly assumed that Biden might "Pull some pugs" if he "knew who he is". You wrote:

"Maybe if he were, given his experience, he'd probably pull some plugs on this shit."

Now you straight up deny what you just wrote? Wow.

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Yes, also hard to accept: gutless, piss-weak children run the world.

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Thank You Caitlin

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All it takes for many of us to see the difference is a denouncing of the Zionists.. Its my litmus test for anyone Jewish or not ... bigotry is inherently born of ignorance of small minded scared people.

All my Jewish friends that stood beside me in every picket line, I have love and fondness for.. I even have some Jewish friends i am close to that support israel and I simply know not to bring up the subject unless they want to. And then i try and kindly relay where things are in my perception .. But its a very difficult subject when so many are in a life long propaganda trance themselves from so much deceptions...

Even on these threads i run into such extreme hard headed people that posture about their superiority positions when even slightly challenged on their own hypocracy and then they go on the attack...

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My mother was an anti-Zionist and accused of being anti-Semitic which was not true. Jews have long depended on the Holocaust for their cries of anti-semitism, and now with a genocide of their own I think any cries of anti-semitism on their part will be totally ignored. Which is a good thing because no one is beyond criticism, especially the country of Israel where they have used anti-semitism as a cover for decades enabling them to implement their prejudicial hate for the people of Palestine since 1948. Had people been more critical of their behavior this genocidal assault would never be happening. They have also depended on anti-Arab and Muslim sentiment in America and Europe, and elsewhere.

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Definition of an antisemite:

“An anti-Semite used to mean a person who disliked Jews.

Now, an antisemite is a person who Jews dislike”

— Hajo Meyer, Holocaust survivor

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We are not to say they have infiltrated the thinking of most western allied nations or you are labeled an antisemitic... yet here we are...its brilliant how they can rule from the shadows and shield that rule with the specter of the scarlet letter A accusation they threaten to pin to your label on a little bit of verbal cloth.. I have overheard some praise this ability to manipulate perceptions and others behavior by using that weapon..

To me the antisemitism smear is just a big shout of shut up.. don't look at what we do...only listen to our rhetoric and cover story..

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Do you live in the good old USA. Here we are well aware that any criticism of Israel, well, maybe before Israel's genocidal assault, could get you labeled as an anti-Semite. Those, who were Jewish who marched against this attack on the Palestinians were labeled as self hating Jews. I think that is now or will become a thing of the past, although even as I say it, I think many would be uncomfortable in posting their feeling about this assault, or being critical of Israel, since someone is always out their trolling, or people have been so indoctrinated in this country and for so long they are just afraid to speak up.

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Indeed i am born raised in the USA ..My mother a German child immigrant of the 2nd world war.. I heard all the stories of the war through my aunt and mom as they talked of it.. Mostly in German when they wanted to hide the worst of it from us kids. (sadly she never taught us German as kids)

And also told about the bigotry they endured after the war and abuse during their escape (not pretty for women then) Part of my moms personality reflected some deeply held trauma.. I remember stories they told of the oppression and fear of speaking out then too from the Nazis.. How my grandfather would start to get loud about it in a cafe and they would all have to shush him... He died in the Russian bombing of Berlin and my moms mom ended up marrying a Lieutenant colonel USA occupying Germany after the war..

My dad of french descent from Canada married my mom ..and here i am!!!!

They always taught me to never judge others by skin or background but by the content of their character..

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That film i pointed out 1948movie.com creation and catastrophe is a must watch and created by dear friends of ours documenting the story of the Nakba when Israel was formed...of course it was accused of being antisemitic yet all it did was show real footage and eye wittiness testimony of what really happened from the Palestinians indigenous people living there at the time .. Look at western and European history going back thousands of years and you see this play out countless times where the predominant technological power dominates subjugates and murders in droves indigenous peoples. The biggest lie ziopaths and its colonizing supporters ever told was "a land without a people"

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I'll watch looks good. I recently watched ‘Farha’ Review: "A Most Brutal Coming-of-Age Story

Set in the early days of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this drama depicts the upheaval of Palestinian society from a 14-year-old girl’s perspective." It was great, and you could see the blatant disregard they had for Palestinian life from the onset.

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Others to look out for:

Israelism (2023)

Defamation (2009)

Tantura (2022)

5 Broken Cameras (2011)

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I saw 5 broken cameras , so poignant .. i met that guy once too many years ago..

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Great recommendation..I think i know of it but not sure i have seen it..so thanks!!

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“...technological power dominates subjugates and murders in droves indigenous peoples.“

It would be good for everyone to consider deconstructing just who was part of an invading army with the advanced technology, and who was the indigenous person defending his homeland in that famous story that still shapes our mental landscape, that of David and Goliath.

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Oh that old chesnut of a story..I remember that...or was it invented for the forever victims to constantly try and create its perpetual status as The great downtrodden underdogs for the manipulation of guilt reperations they now demand through every pound of flesh they crave to get even with the world no matter how many inocent lives they have to destroy .Ah that story? Germans against the Jews, story can apply too, while now the new technological isralies pump up their chest-nuts about their technical prowess and how they invented everything and without them we would all be still wearing bear skins and using stone knives..that story?

Or how about the story of how the usa under Zionist control pumps vast sums of money at them even after they stole the nuke technology off them, that story?

Or the story they tell of beating all these others countries at wars they started and have the big dumb stupid body guards USA and It's big dumb allies bail them out and fight their battles for them,,that story?

So many "stores we get told like grims fairy tales

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Lots of stories that followed, that's for sure. I'm assuming the first word of your reply was meant to be "Or," rather than "Oh"?

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It does occurs to me that David and goliath can be applied a lot of ways... Jews against technologically advanced Germans in the 40s that led to this now pariah state of Israel on the backs of indigenous Palistinians using the technological prowess of the Americans to perpetuate another type of hollocost onto an indigenous peoples ...how sadly ironic the never forget crowed so quickly forgot ...in just two years 1948movie.com

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No it was meant as Oh..as in a reminder. Like "oh right"

Lots of "stories" came after to perpetuate a perception .

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Fran, your mother was a wise woman and before her time.

My father was the same way. I recall him having an absolute conniption when the USS Liberty was attacked and Israhell was not held responsible for the de