Thanks !!

It is completely wrong and cowardly to minimize Russia-gate hoax that Obama-Hillary-Biden-Jake Sullivan inflicted on us and that is still going on.

The current "imminent" attack on Ukraine they are hyperventilating daily is an attempt of DISTRACTING us from their crime of a century.

Watergate (a break-in to install microphone in DNC office) pales in comparison....

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Brilliant ❤️

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So how is the population kept coincidentally "divided into two ideologically opposed camps of equal size?" As Caitlin explains, the rich and powerful exploiters, "the worst people in the world," hereafter oppressors without scare quotes, control the communication media and through the media enjoy what Antonio Gramsci called "cultural hegemony." Using this "cultural hegemony," they convince some people that all individuals have unalienable rights including property rights, that a collective is the same as a person and must have all the rights of an individual person and that the power differential between powerful collectives and powerless individuals is totally fair because after all, collectives are people too. They call that capitalism. They convince other people it's OK if nobody has any property rights at all, that government can legitimately redistribute property and that redistribution should make material comforts (property) more equal, no matter how much or how little an individual works to produce those comforts. They call that socialism or communism depending on how close the distribution is to equal. Those are the two ideologies we must choose from. Nothing in between is permissible.

Naturally, people whose income is above the median tend to gravitate toward what those with "cultural hegemony" have defined as "capitalism," while those whose income is below the median gravitate to communism or a milder form of redistribution called socialism. Since the median is the point at which those above are equal in number to those below, this coincidentally yields two groups of almost exactly the same size.

The oppressors further divide us by corrupting Gramsci's ideas, defining pseudo "oppressor" groups who oppress target "oppressed" groups such as whites vs POC, men vs women, cisgendered hetero vs LGBTQ+. This serves two purposes. First, it sets these groups against one another, further dividing the hoi polloi. Second, it distracts these "oppressors" and "oppressed" from the real oppressors (guess who).

The oppressors have been very successful with this divide and rule strategy until recently, but they are losing control because speech on the internet has become quite cheap, and dissidents have found ways to broaden their audiences in spite of the existence of collectives like Facebook, Twitter and Google. In addition, as Aesop said, "Liars are not believed even when they tell the truth." Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people who believe in the ideologies favored by the oppressors and fail to see other possibilities. An example is those who fail to see the possibilities of a system where individuals retain their natural born rights but the rights and privileges of groups are sharply curtailed. Such folk are not quite red-pilled yet, though some think they are. We're working on it.

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Sadly, most people choose to believe what they want to believe rather than empirical evidence.

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I'm officially fed up with the official story, whether it be political or religious.

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but dont worry they are telling the truth about the scamdemic...right Caitlin

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Please be right on this. I do not want more war. Great read.

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Thank you Caitlin ♥

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The "Official Story" is that Bezos, Gates, Musk and the rest only get to vote ONCE - don't you know? - just like you and me - and they contribute so much more - out of the goodness of their hearts! And the worst aspect of all this thunderous idiocy is that intelligent people - well, they can tie their own shoe laces - believe this, and that Russians, Iraqis, and people who don't wear 3 piece suits or $350 sneakers don't value life - like normal people, you and me, so are apt to go against their own best interests just for the sheer joy of taking what we have from us.

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Superb. I'm doing my best to spread this one as far as I can.

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Couldn’t agree more that we are bullied into accepting the official story, and that we are tricked or hypnotized into believing we actually have democracy. And it is astounding how easily we are convinced that it's just coinkydink that the rich and powerful keep getting richer and more powerful.

However, while we currently seem to have reached an unprecedented period of totalitarianism, it might help us put things into context if we recognize this is nothing new. It’s as old as time. Official stories were captured in the Anunnaki Tablets of Enki, the Vedas, the Bible, the Anelects, etc. Today, the official story warps every academic discipline—history, physics, law, economics. And it poisons every aspect of culture—music, movies, blog posts, and journalism.

The official story also infects every institution, including education, science, religion, finance, government, art, technology, and medicine. It’s damned near impossible to escape, and it’s easy to believe that almost everything we’ve ever been taught or told is just a damned lie. In fact, what other conclusion can a sane person come to?

While this official story is still being told everywhere and everywhen, the unofficial story tellers--the contrarians, free thinkers, witches, and heretics--are suppressed, condemned, tortured and burned at the stake. The only difference from one era to the other or from one geographic region to the other is that the guards change their uniforms and the rulers change hats.

Philip K. Dick was right: “The Empire never ended.”

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Great piece as always. Have been following you for a few years now and you have yet to say anything i disagree with, which i find a tad disconcerting 2bh.

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It would seem the official story, like the mRNA 'vaccines', have only one side effect: coincidence.

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The first part of this piece just gave new meaning to facious. Good one.

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great piece kaitlin. You point out the obvious, with great flair, the system is a sham. Systemically corrupt. Needs an emema. Better still we need to recognize, as you point out, the system does not work for us. It feeds off us but because we allow it. In 2008 when the world was bailing out the banks Iceland did as th truckers do today. In just 3days the gov had left office peacefully and new elections were held and the constitution rewritten. It requires a mere 2% of the population to achieve such change. Do the math, we're talking 50,000 to show up at each provincial parliment. Far more people than any gov resouces could handle. Iceland does this time and time again. Women 1st got the vote in Iceland via this means and then womens right to vote spread around the world. We are only prisoners of this system for as long as we accept it.

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