Yours is a unique and necessary voice. You have a way of articulating what many of us are feeling. Your writing also sustains us during this time when many feel powerless in the face of the prevailing government and mass media narrative. Thank you.

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Agree, she expressed it beautifully & skillfully. And as an Israeli I think it's also important to understand that the profound ruthless cruelty and inhumanity of the zionist ruling class against the local people in Palestine is NOT an accident, but is very deliberate and calculated to elicit as much trauma, anger, hostility and hatred as possible. The Zionist ultra-wealthy ruling class are doing it for the exact same reason for which they created Hamas, fund it and keep it in power (some of the evidence available in English can be seen here https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-funds-hamas-keeps-it-in-power). Besides the multiple evidence above, another dead giveaway that Hamas is a zionist-created proxy is the fact that Hamas joined Israel, USA and their other created proxy (Al-Qaeda ISIS) in the zionist/american regime change operation in Syria. Yes, you read that right - just like the ISIS proxy which is funded and armed by the west, Hamas was also fighting together with/alongside Israel & USA to fulfill their imperialist objective in Syria!!! I repeat, Hamas was fighting TOGETHER WITH/ALONGSIDE Israel !!

Why would the zionist ruling class do that (Both create Hamas AND ensure that the zionist forces inflict as much trauma as possible on the local people in Palestine)?

Very briefly, the reason is this - like the United States, the Israeli government is run by a very wealthy zionist upper class that economically severely oppresses and exploits Israeli ordinary people (Israel has the third largest gap between rich and poor and the highest poverty rate in the developed world). The right-wing zionist billionaire class uses tribal divide-and-rule to brainwash ordinary Israelis by pretending to be our righteous and patriotic "protector" against our boogeyman enemy-- those "evil scary monstrous" Palestinians.

To make the Palestinians be an effective boogeyman enemy, the right-wing zionist billionaire class needs Hamas (which it created and funds and keeps in power) to be as frightening to Jews as possible, it needs the boogeyman zionist-funded Hamas to espouse right-wing religious supremacist and exclucivist views that are threatening to non-muslims (and which are, by the way, a mirror image of the exclucivist supremacist views espoused by right-wing Jewish religious fundamentalists), and it needs Hamas to deliberately direct lethal violence against non-combatant Israeli civilians (i.e. to commit terrorism) in order to make it seem (to propagandized, uninformed and gullible Israelis and others) as if ordinary Palestinians want to kill all Jews..

Hamas plays the role of the boogeyman Palestinian antisemitic terrorist perfectly; it is exactly what the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to stay in power.

The long-time support of the ultra-wealthy right-wing zionist ruling class for Hamas is not a secret. When the subject comes up, right-wing zionists “explain away” this support by saying it is simply a clever way of dividing the Palestinians and weakening the PLO (the secular 'Palestine Liberation Organization') . However, what such right-wing Israeli leaders never mention is this - The REASON that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen right-wing religious fundamentalist Hamas was because the PLO advocated for something that intensely scares the right-wing zionist ruling class: Equality and cooperation of Jews and Muslims; that the entire land between the Jordan river and the sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its citizens. Not a supremacist state where the immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' are superior to the local palestinian people of the land, but a secular democratic state in which Jews and non-Jews would have equal rights under the law and live without war in respect, security and peace with each other (one of PLO's most memorable tenents was: Jews - yes!! Zionist racism & supremacy - no!! ).

Right-wing Zionist billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non- threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like them and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless right-wing billionaire ruling class, just like them.

THIS is exactly the reason why the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving humane secure state where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering cynical infantile right-wing billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by transferring our wealth and fruits of our labour upwards to enrich the 0.1% and keep us all - Israelis & Palestinians - struggling just to keep the head above the water).

The right-wing billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a world of tribalistic fear of the other, of nationalistic division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and nationalistic hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the right-wing billionaire ruling class in each country) as our so-called "protectors" from "those evil people" over there, that scary other tribe over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all" (and the scary and monstrous boogeyman created by the right-wing billionaire class gives ordinary people all the "proof" needed to claim that 'the other side' are non-human monsters who hate us for no reason).

That is also why the zionist billionaire right-wing ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the palestinians will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionit ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate jews for no reason (and the zionist ruling class can get away with such cynical manipulation because the corporate zionist media never shows the context of what palestinians are actually reacting to, but only show the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)

The nonstop cruelty amd inhumanity that the zionist supremacists inflict on the palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn would make reconcilliation impossible (reconciliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing billionaire ruling class) AND would make Palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven tribalism will always reign, that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire class to be our rulers (because the right wing ruling class deceivers pretend to be patriotic and "the protectors of the nation" against those 'scary even monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the right-wing ultra-wealthy class do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of hateful conflict and antagonism (or downright war) against others AND that the nation's wealth keeps flowing upwards from the people to the ultra-rich 0.1%

That is precisely the reason why the right-wing zionist ruling class continously inflict these horrors on the local people of palestine. They thrive on a world of trauma and tribalistic division and antagonism. This is what makes people keep voting for them, this is what keeps them in power. Their atrocities are not a mistake, it is a built in feature of the right-wing strategy to create a hellish divided traumatised hateful world, and thus stay in power so that they may continue making that sweet money flow from the people to the ultra-wealthy, in their sick 'trickle down economics' ideology

PS. this excelleby article explains quite well how Hamas and the Zionist ruling class operate according to the same right-wing supremacist ideology and why they need each other; how each of them (Hamas and Zionist ruling class) takes actions that strenghthen the other, and helps the other keep a grip on its own people, providing the other a perfect boogeyman enemy with which to frighten its "own people" into obedience and support for them. https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth

I would also very highly recommend this brilliant and insightful essay to understand how the world (dictated by the ultra-wealthy anti-egalitatian fascist ruling classes) actually works, and how the ruling class in each society must constantly use a boogeyman enemy in order to keep the have-nots in each society under control and obedient to the "patriotic duty of fighting the monstrous enemy of the nation (or at least hating & blaming, or morbidly fearing them)" https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

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I have to say I had read many opinions with regard to Hamas being used by Israel any times before.

Thanks for the above.

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Dec 7, 2023
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To be fair, it wouldn't be the first time that western creations have not performed as intended.

See, e.g. al Qaeda.

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Hey old friend -:) thank you for this. I hear you, largely agree and empathize with the sentiment, but I'm sorry to disappoint you that I'm not an agent of the ultra-fascist right wing Israeli gov't (that would be news to them too, because leftists like me are deeply hated and persecuted as 'traitors to the nation' by the fascists that make up the zionist gov't and establishment).

There's no need to look for enemies where there are none -:) Lord knows the fascist ruling class already hates us with a vengence and does everything in its power to divide us and pit us against each other. There's no need to help them -:)

PS. PDR Boston is not my page. It is run by John Spritzler. Here is his substack https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/all-national-rulers-are-our-enemy

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I recommend you revise your opinion on hamas and the right wing zionist billionaire class being the same, though.

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Thanks. I understand, though my comment was a bit more nuanced than simply saying that they are the same.. (they are obviously not the same)

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‘If Christ were born today, he would be born under rubble, from Israeli bombing’ I thought you name grabbed this headline which is from an Aljazeera post.

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No official story has got into my mind. There is no room because the reality of thousands of dead civilians, dead babies, dead people from ICU, people with no way to escape the bombs, moms and dads who have lost their children, children who have lost their moms and dads keeps growing bigger and bigger and I feel like I am going crazy anyway.

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I understand, but I do think it's important to know whether Israel was aware of the impending attacks and let them happen in order to carry out a preplanned genocide. I know they were warned a year prior to the attack that Hamas had plans to attack, but it was dismissed,  since they thought it was too complex for them to carry them out.They were warned of suspicious behavior by those monitoring the Gaza border, whose observations were reported, but dismissed. Egypt just days before warned of an attack, but once again ignored. Netanyahu is jail bait due to corruption charges, and his life long dream of a one state solution was at stake, so it seems to me he and his Likud right wing government wanted this to happen, and let it happen. They certainly were willing to lie about how people died, they embellished the attacks with their stories of woman raped and babies murdered and upped the overall death toll. The truth if it ever comes to light will never be accepted.

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The Ziopathics have been false flagging to try and legitimise the existence of israel for the last 80 years.. NOTHING that a zionist says is the truth,,they are compelled to keep lying and manipulating and using the jewish people as their human shields..Im sure they used their hannibal directive to get rid of undesirable israelis at the same time.. you know those youthful fair goers might be the type that would protest the realization of the zionist agenda (just a guess on that ) ..

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Well, lets just say Israel came into being due to colonial power struggles of WI. The Ottoman Empire lost that war as well , and under duress from Zionists who felt prejudiced against got themselves the Balfour declaration which gave away another's land, Palestinian land. A lot of guilty parties here. After WWII the UN divided up the land and the best part, the most fertile part went to Israel, and like always it wasn't enough.

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A land without a people was the biggest egregious lie they have ever told...

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They're a country of nobodies. Don't even exist, and therefore so easy to kill.

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Yeah that's the psychopathy of the israel narrative..they don't exist so we have to kill them to match our lie...

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A “country of nobodies” Fran. That’s exactly what the powers-that-were thought of Palestinians.

Otherwise , a “homeland for Jews” would rightfully have been carved out of Germany. But, hey! We couldn’t displace WHITE people now, could we? Even if they were Nazis, by god and Sonny Jesus, they were still WHITE!

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Zionists had a plan to take all of it from day one...the international pressure to give some of palestine to the indigenous arabs thwarted that plan and then came the nakba and the international world pretended ignorance there too.. Israel's right to a state should have ENDED as soon as it did that ...

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Do you go on the Alazeera website.? Choloera is now spreading across the population, due to overcrowding, lack of sanitation and clean drinking water. Interesting that some 85 percent of people who have been abused as children do not go on to become abusers. Sometimes I wonder how does a people subjected to the camps of Germany and the millions of deaths that occurred go on to behave in the same manner.

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My reading is that the Khazarians Mafia never were in camps, only true Jews. They just lie and steal identities to further their game which is turn the Goyim into slaves.

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I used to go there but they started to get too propaganda for me ..i'm not sure of they are changing but it left a bad taste in my mouth the last time Israel went on its killing spree...

I also think that most of the actual survivors of the ww2 have expired and we are dealing with the generation that heard all the horror stories and internalised them as the existential amplified unreasonable fears of perpetual persecution and the anger and resentment that comes from all the over exaggerated claims of official zionist narratives to equate any challenge of zionist beliefs as a threat.. They demonize arabs who never had anything to do with their persecutions from ww2 but it serves their interests to scapegoat them now...

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LOVE “ziopathics”, Chaz!

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There are reports they were warned the night before and the commanders in the base bordering Gaza said “go to bed, we’ll talk tomorrow.” If true, thats damning.

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That information was published on Anti-war almost immediately after the attack by Hamas.. This was published in the NY Times on Dec 4, The Israeli public is blaming him for failure attacks, but if anything he knew what and when those attacks were going to happen.

"The corruption trial of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel resumed on Monday, bringing back into focus the legal and political challenges he faces even as he presides over the Israeli military’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

Israeli courts had stopped hearing non-urgent cases after Hamas launched a devastating surprise attack from Gaza on Oct. 7, but on Friday, the country’s justice minister, Yariv Levin, said that most normal court operations could resume because the suspension had expired.

Mr. Netanyahu did not attend Monday’s hearing, which dealt with procedural issues, according to Israeli news media reports.

He could testify in person in the spring as part of the defense’s case.

Mr. Netanyahu has been on trial since 2020, accused of bestowing political favors on businessmen in exchange for expensive gifts and offering regulatory benefits to media moguls in exchange for positive news coverage. He denies the charges and has rejected calls to resign.

Over the summer, lawmakers from Mr. Netanyahu’s right-wing party, Likud, introduced a bill that would have stripped the attorney general — who has been critical of him — of the ability to oversee the prosecution of government ministers, including the prime minister. The bill was later withdrawn amid the intensification of protests that had been going on for months over the government’s efforts to assert more authority over the judiciary.

As the trial resumes, Mr. Netanyahu’s standing with the Israeli public has worsened. Many Israelis blame his government for the failure of the security services to prevent the attack by Hamas, in which roughly 1,200 people were killed, according to Israeli authorities, and about 240 people taken hostage."

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I’m going crazy as well Susan.

And I’m not even THERE. There’s only so much a sensitive soul can take. I started smoking again; I’m doubling up on my anti-anxiety meds; I have the most awful dreams at night to the point where I’m afraid to go to sleep.

The last time I attempted to take my own life was when IsraHell bombed the shit out of Lebanon. I decided this was not a world in which I wanted to live and only a very unexpected intervention saved my life; I guess it wasn’t my time to go.

But I’m beginning to think that THIS is my time; if so, I’ll make it a statement for the people of Palestine and use a gun instead of pills.

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I hope you keep going, Gypsy33 because the world needs people who care. There are way too many who don't. I don't think THIS is your time to go, i.e. die. You are not alone in having the weird and scary dreams. I am sure many reading these comments are also having some strange dreams. Our world is upside down and it is confusing, especially for those of us who are over 70 or so. It is confusing and discouraging because many of us have lived through Vietnam, Korea and the post second war McCarthyism, botched abortions, and then Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and on and on. I had always hoped that all that marching, all that consciousness raising, combined with reading and education would make the world a better place. Sometimes the world is better. More recognition of people with disabilities, more acceptance of different sexual choices, more understanding of the stupidity of racism, more understanding of the harmful effects of sexism.....but then the evangelicals and the billionaires came along and took over and they have been working just as hard on getting back to how things were as we made trying to escape it. I think technology will foil their attempts, but it will take time and patience. And technology has its issues too. Keep the comments coming.

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Stay with us, friend; your sensitivity to humanity needs to stay with us. We are all linked together to witness and work towards a better world for all of us.

Please also work on your good nutrition, plenty of water (and tea), exercise (simple walks outside in fresh air), and be with family and friends.

There also is prayer and meditation, and other spiritual practices.

Please also talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. All your friends here care about you as much as we care about the people of Gaza and Palestine.

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I know its very difficult to sleep thinking how innocent Palestinians would be spending their nights. But don't lose hope. I also have difficulty sleeping since this genocide began. Its like a never ending nightmare. But I put all my trust in Jesus.

Believe me Israel will get its due punishment. Its the enemy's plan to get you all riled up and hate the state of Israel. I'm not saying you shouldn't after what they have done, but that's the plan. So Antichrist would come and wipe the nation Israel from the map. Kissinger said there would be no Israel by the end 2023. If not this year maybe next year.

The plan is killing of evil(Nation of Israel) with an even greater evil(Antichrist). Please don't fall for it. Israel is one hell of a evil state no doubt about that but try to look at the bigger picture, we're in the last days.

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Thank you for your reply.

I’m afraid that you and I have differing religious convictions. As a Pagan, I believe in only ONE higher power: Nature. And unfortunately nature has made Homo Sapiens the most vicious, bloodthirsty creatures on this planet ( and we believe we’re “evolved”, lol.)

I agree that we’re approaching end times, because IsraHell’s behavior will devolve into nuclear war.

Good riddance to humanity. The cockroaches will be better stewards of the earth than we were.

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Do you have a source for the Kissinger comment?

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Fourth link does not mention Kissinger predicting end of Israel. I mention these points just to emphasize that a solid source is needed for this quote (with date, link and other citation material) for it to be useful in discussing the topic overall.

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Third link attempts to refute NY Post columnist cited in second link (from 2012): "Kissinger staffer: Ex-secretary of state didn’t make ‘no Israel’ quote

Inflammatory prediction had appeared in New York Post gossip column."

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Second link (from 2012) cites a NY Post columnist (also in 2012): "In a recent article, NY Post columnist Cindy Adams stated in no uncertain terms that former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger predicted the end of the nation of Israel in 10 years." But there is no link to that column (or a date).

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First link (from 2021) cites a NYT story in 2012, but there is no link (or date) for the story. "The Israeli newspapers Jerusalem Post and Haaretz News asked then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in 2012 he had said: “Israel will end in ten years.” The question was raised after a 2012 New York Times report quoted former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as saying that “support for Israel in the United States is waning and Israel will cease to exist in the next ten years.”

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Thanks for the links Susan!

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I always feel a bit happier when I watch this video


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“Every Israeli accusation is actually a confession.” - NBF

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The western style projection effect of ziopathology is to blame their victims of what it is they are doing to them..

All of this is the family abuse dynamic transferred to the international relationship...

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There are quite a few other countries you could substitute for Israel and the truth of the proposition remains.

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You are absolutely correct. The United States and UK are right up there too. Both are unreservedly supporting and funding this genocide.

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Dear Caitlin: I really hope this nightmare in Gaza will be over before we know it. It's just so hard to relax and obey our gracious overlords, the Israeli government. Like, I really want to stop being an "evil Jew-hating monster who loves terrorism and wishes Hitler had won" but I just can't forget the photos and videos I've seen of dead children crushed underneath the rubble of their homes and babies in incubators forced to die alone. Is there anyway I can get these awful images out of my mind, out of my soul without resorting to heavy drinking and drug use? Signed, a Person with a Conscience

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Get real busy. Channel energy towards collaborating with others and then hopefully, organise! We are many and they are few but they have the [imaginary] money and the puppet strings and no doubt many Achilles Heels...

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I reiterate: A January 6 for the Palestinians.

I want to be roaming those halls shouting Tony! ( Blinken), Tooooooony! Where ARE YOU?

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Good lass! I'm with you in spirit! Let's try & do this with absolutely minimum violence!

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HI, Person with Conscience.

I've tried that, but thank God, not recently.

It never works. For me, it only made it worse.

A close look at what all you are thankful for coupled with some new experiences in nature usually helps, at least with me it does. Shut off the net for a day or two.

And, perhaps, some putting things in order, deep cleaning the abode - Activity is key, especially if you can help someone else.

And some prayer wouldn't hurt.

btw... the baby things you mentioned never happened, they are calculated evil posits into the world psyche to manipulate and cause outrage and support for counter-action...and unfortunately not retracted in as big a way as when first instilled by les boob toobs.

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From context it seems like a reference to Palestinian children crushed under the rubble of their homes and apartment buildings .....

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I don't know how to help you purge the images, except perhaps to get some pleasant (or at least neutral) onea to replace it and consciously call them to mind when the intrusive ones try to take over?

All I can say is that I avoid images of horror in favor of text for that and other reasons, and hope you may choose to do the same going forward. Doing so is no betrayal to your conscience, but rather a preservation of your ability to act. Good luck.

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Hello friend: please see my suggestions above for gypsy33 for health and healing to continue your good work to make the world a better place.

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It is a 75-year + nightmare for the Palestinians, since at least 1948 (and for decades prior too). Respectfully, "over before we know it" is not going to happen. It is a long road to any sort of political justice here that emphasizes human, civil and cultural rights with equal citizenship in one country that really appears to be the only way for this conflict to resolve reasonably fairly (if at all possible), using the South Africa example as a political model (or at least, inspiration).

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that was really funny ; the official narrative is so mind-bending and insane, that it can only be promoted by twisted minds and hearts. I was laughing at the insanely, ludicrous life we see unfolding daily before our eyes. The more unbelievable, the more it is touted as truth. What is this life and world? are we lost in some hellish mindscape, where up is down and in is out. love your witty writing while your heart is aching. This world may be Dante's Inferno and or Not-Divine Comedy. In case there is reincarnation, I have already decided not to dare consider coming back to this World/Earth.

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People would be able to handle it without going crazy by knowing that's always been the case. In the past, due to no internet, most people were protected naturally. Later, with newspapers etc it became more difficult, and now it's insanely difficult.

But it is nothing new as far as the rulers behavior goes. Hence, nothing new re how humans are.

I just stumbled on what appears to be a legal free download of the Arthur Ponsonby's "Falsehood in Wartime". Really everyone should read it who wants a perspective and help in maintaining their mental health.

A little work to download is required:

- at the link scroll to "Media, propaganda" section

- click on "Ponsonby's Falsehood in War-Time, 1929 (Geoffrey Miller, 24 Aug 05)" (do not do PDF as it's incomplete)

- a window pops up with the text - that'll be a full version. Print it as PDF.

Here's the link: http://www.vlib.us/wwi/resources/archives/txtarchive.html

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Thank you very much!

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An example how "news" gets manufactured. A sequence of newspaper reports describing "THE FALL OF ANTWERP."November 1914., building on each other:

"When the fall of Antwerp got known, the church bells were rung" (meaning in Germany). (Kölnischer Zeitung')

According to the Kölnische Zeitung, the clergy of Antwerp were compelled to ring the church bells when the fortress was taken. (Le Matin)

According to what Le Matin has heard from Cologne, the Belgian priests who refused to ring the church bells when Antwerp was taken have been driven away from their places. (The Times)

According to what The Times has heard from Cologne via Paris, the unfortunate Belgian priests who refused to ring the church bells when Antwerp was taken have been sentenced to hard labour. (Corriere della Sera).

According to information to the 'Corriere della Sera' from Cologne via London, it is confirmed that the barbaric conquerors of Antwerp punished the unfortunate Belgian Priests for their heroic refusal to ring the church bells by them as living clappers to the bells with their heads down. (Le Matin)

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A sort of manifestation of 'Chinese' whispers (from the supposed confused messages created when a message was passed verbally from tower to tower along the Great Wall of China) or downright conspiratorial malevolence in support of a belligerent agenda? Clearly in war truth is the first casualty & WW1 was no exception. The Lie Factories swung into hyper-mode to spew out the all-important & elite-pleasing narrative!

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You talking about mental health is an oxymoronic image.

but you are good at casting despargings arnt ya? ready 3,2,1,

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What exactly did you want to say?

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Fuck you is now always my first reaction at seeing your name ... but i resisted that.

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I never agree with russian bot, but he really nailed you on this. Your comment is so flippant and pointless, while trying to use big words so you’ll seem intelligent, that I just laughed. And wondered the same thing—what exactly did you want to say?

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Thank you, Jeano. From now on you'll have to start similar type comments with "I only once agreed with russian bot ..." because ChazLB will be watching.

He has access to "priors".

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Whats with the dumb trite russin bot nonsense? ..you do realise thats all bull shit to cover up for USrAels war crimes and nazi proxy war against russia? or have you drank all that Hollywood (CIA ) kool aid or jim jones fruit punch you can't stop drinking from your cult think affiliates?

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Please stop and find a way to reconcile.

You are both GOOD PEOPLE with important points to make ( as is Jeano.)

Let’s please get along for our common cause; otherwise, we’ll get nowhere.

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Sorry those two have lost any semblance of respect I could have to view them as anything else but duplicitous fan boys.

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The insult is your new medicine? Fine, take as much as you can. The other ones seem not to work anymore.

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It is not an insult ...its a dismissive response to a lack of respect from the perception you created in others of a weasel personality as your own.. And that's not even an insult either ,, A truth is not an insult it's just an inconvenience to you.. I don't think there is a medicine for denial...its like someone trying to wake you up and you pretending to be asleep..

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It is pretty clear that Israel chose not to stop this. Not sure what the difference between letting it happen vs making it happen, but the utility of it remains; the ability to craft and sell a narrative that capitalizes on a crisis to bring about the desired agenda. In this case, ethnic cleansing among other motivations.

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If Israelis have mastered any art at all, it is that of casting themselves the perennial victims, no matter the circumstances.

Further, Israel has learned that most American of military tactics - casus belli.

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Dec 7, 2023
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I certainly would not say all jews. However, mass society has been designed to both incentivize and celebrate victimhood. Redefining anti-zionism to mean antisemitic aids in this perception and victim creation, which many jews do seem to embrace. Many also do not.

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Dec 7, 2023
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I do know quite a few who do not buy into it. The system would prefer us all at each others throat, we are not a threat that way. Unfortunately their propaganda will bring out real antisemitic individuals and innocent people will get hurt. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy

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Dec 7, 2023
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The idea that they did nothing to prevent it happening is seen as conspiracy theory, but the Minister of National Security of Israel was literally convicted for being a member of a terrorist organisation. He's an extremist who talks of "encouraging" Palestinians to flee elsewhere (encouraging with bombs and the impossible living conditions) and openly supports the most extreme views and people. Everything that happened serves his aims.

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Yeah. And Franklin Roosevelt planned the attack on Pearl Harbor. A lot of people don’t know that.

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and now it will all become quickly ‘normalized’ like so many things...

one wonders who will be ‘cleansed’ next... kurds, armenians, ukrainians, world indigenous cultures, or random minorities worldwide?

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Elites do not appear to value any life, other than those close to them who are perhaps valued as conspirators, consorts, and progeny rather than beloved. The masses are only valuable when compliant and indentured to the program. So, it is possible that the cleansing may start to encroach much closer to home. Particularly if one expresses dissent. Look at the laws being passed in parliaments of the global north to prevent protest. Julian Assange is meant to be an example to all of us of the consequences of criticising power. Any form of protest may soon become illegal.

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I've heard that Netanyahu is quite favourable to 'Kurdistan' as a neighbouring friendly buffer state should greater israel be imposed upon the world. Once that 'River Nile to the Euphrates River' geopolitical cancer has established itself and the world's idiotic monetary system approaches a crashing end to be then replaced with the CBDC slavery system is probably when the winner(s) of the Rat Race will be announced. That's when the general auction of large parcels of Planet Earth will probably begin, probably in Jerusalem or Davos, using the last of the old [imaginary] money fortunes in the bank accounts of billionaires and trillionaires. It will probably be left to the successful bidder for each parcel of privatised planet to decide with supremely arrogant [Zionistic?] impunity who will live and who will die. Councils in the UK are going bankrupt and it seems it's starting already with Charter towns & cities being prepared for large corporations to take over here in the UK.

It's all been one big confidence trick performed with maximum chutzpah and deception plus rivers of innocent blood spilt for the manipulating Zionist megalomaniacs in our midst to get to this terrible crossroads. Friends, take which road you want but my advice is don't take the road to [secular] Zion unless being dumped into abject slavery is your thing.

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Ziopathics won't seem to feel safe till we are all dead..

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Or until THEY are all dead, Chaz 😉

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Yup that is their fear...behave badly and get repercussion...this is the insane dynamics of the Zionist Jews..they fear that if they ever let up the karma train will barrell down on them because they do know what they do is abusive.. Its been going on so long they are stuck in that jag...it's true of every domestic abuse scenarios that as they are found out they up the abuse till eventually they or their victims dies.

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Nobody ever points out that 400 of the 1,200 dead Israelis were soldiers- why is that?

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This. And they have acknowledged that the actual total was 1,000. And more than half of the non-military were killed by the IDF.

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They have admitted to the Apache attack on the ravers fleeing, saying it was unknown identification! -->that caused them to head back to base again and again to re-load their gunships! I posted a short clip here:


-links below video, will be adding Caitlin's 10/7 articles too .

There's another video there with Caitlin's work from years ago, that Les Visible produced with Patrick Lewis reading:


Thank you, Caitlin, for your wonderful writing!

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Love PAT and snordelhans as he named himself..his recent one is also quite good too..but it will cause a lot of anger and cognitive dissonance in the "believers" of the holo-cost as they have been mind controlled and indoctrinated into official narratives and have emotionally invested themselves into the great lies of history..


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Thanks, Chaz.

-YT ask me to sign in to check my age. LOL.

I don't have a YT acct, or a twitter, FB, IG, etc...so I used Brighteon Downloader and will watch it later.

Zundel or Tobin or....can't recall, commissioned a ground penetrating radar over all of Treblinka and found 0 mass graves.

You want a mind blower, go to conspira.org and look for 'PAGES' ...under DEW files and scroll down a ways until the Dresden header, click it ...it is a big page with photos and takes awhile to fully load.

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YT are a bunch of sniveling obsequious toads to the establishment.. The new fascist..deleting comments and users is akin to burning books.

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Chaz, it turns out the file I downloaded is empty except for a couple secs at first. 98 megs of nothing! lol.

I found it over at bitchute, that 'hotbed of hate that takes the videos YT deletes' (according to the ADL) lol


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Probably far more than that, Rory, since every IsraHelli over the age of 18 is forced into conscription.

If you were over 18, you are an IDF “soldier”.

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Im sure during training they indoctrinate them into the hate paradigm the way the USA does to its own to dehumanise the enemy and make them the tools of imperialism through nationalistic fever....

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It’s interesting that even the few mainstream media who even acknowledge that Israelis shelled their own people on Oct 7th, still refer to “Hamas atrocities” and “Hamas massacre”….and repeat the mantra that Israel has a right to defend itself”

When even the UN acknowledges that the Israelis are an illegal occupying power in Gaza.

But it’s not clear that Hamas resistance fighters massacred anyone, or took any disproportionate action in their jailbreak actually.

Moreover the media don’t mention that Israel has reportedly killed many of the hostages in the month of mass murder bombings of the tiny place where they are?

It’s one long wave of colonialist denial.

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More than one hostage has complained that their safe places were bombed by the IDF.

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Meanwhile the U.K government - and their lying servants in the megis tries to paint a fairytale of “searching for hostages” in their military partnership with Israel in Gaza:



to try cover the fact that it is simply helping the Israelis to target defenseless civilians- which is a war crime.

Because the Israelis are not trying to save any of the Israeli hostages. They are probably trying to KILL them.

These people are all even more evil than we could ever imagine.

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Denial is your strongest emotion!

It is abundantly clear this was intentional to start a war in order to decimate Gaza and it's people. Israel knew this was coming and the IDF deliberately stood down and then used it as an excuse to annihilate it's own citizens - under the guise of then defending itself! It has been reported Hamas's orders were to capture as many soldiers as possible and not kill any civilians.

If this were not true then why did Israel attack Gaza with a bombing campaign rather than a ground invasion? Why did Israel destroy all the evidence at the kibbutz - the concert and of course destroy all the evidence from the breaching of the fences? Not to mention the Hannibal Directive to make sure there were no IDF witnesses and fearing for their lives if the did survive!

You would think the people of Israel saw the parallels to the vaccines and how many lives they took? This is all about the gas fields - the canal (the need to destroy the infrastructure) and the hydrocarbons - if the "larger Israel" should ever come to fruition. I read that between 70% and 80% of all the water in the region is on and or beneath Palestine! We are all very well aware we also knew about 9-11 and therefore this is deja-vu simply using the exact same excuse to start a war! This one however played out on live TV in front of the entire world and won't bode well for the US and Israel. Russia will make sure of it!

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Israeli propaganda is way over-the-top, as if they sub-contracted with the same people who do Ukrainian prop. In this neck of the woods, every time I go on YouTube I'm peppered with the same stupid ad (however slickly produced) about Oct 7, how 1400 Israelis were slaughtered, babies beheaded, and women raped, exhorting the listener to demand that US Rep. Cori Bush "Stand with Israel." What's interesting to note is that the ad, which I've seen hundreds of mind-numbing times now, totally violates YouTube's "Terms of Service" by dispensing "misinformation": even Israel revised the number of dead Israelis to 1200 a few weeks ago, about 400 of whom were soldiers. Still not sure who sponsored this ad, although I figure it's probably the ADL, or one of its affiliates.

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YouTube is a willing gatekeeper of the new orwellian style fascism we now see everywhere ...and YES they are ALL the same people...The western establishment and corporate overlords are all invested in keeping the people brainwashed.. MOST americans have bolted the TV one way LIE machine to every spare bare wall in their homes (matrix pod) and it feeds them a constant barrage of propaganda...My entire extended family is in a trance of this bull shit..

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Caitlin.....as usual, fucking brilliant........thank you

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15-minute video:

“Do you really know what happened on October 7th?”


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Thanks, Stephen, excellent mini truth-docu!

I've downloaded and will share @SKZX on rumble.

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The truth will eventually break everyone's mind open. You actually cannot keep up cognitive dissonance as it will fragment your mind. You will either break down or break through, but I suspect there needs to be a lot of alternative psychotherapists to help all of the people who will be breaking down in the very near future. Just reading that post hurt my head.

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Why am I anti-Semitic? Simply because being anti-Semitic is a term appropriated by Israeli zionists meaning being anti-Israel, which any even half-decent person is! Oh, and being anti-American (anti-seppo) follows same logic, being anti-warmongering which seems to be a US raison d'être.

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The Official story sounds like a parody

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REJE CT the evidence of your own eyes and ears. It is their final and most important command.

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