
Thank you Caitlin. Every day that goes by now, more and more people I speak to have questions about their/u.s. support of Ukraine. I refer them to your writing for unbiased information and thoughtful questions. I owe you, we all owe you our thanks and gratitude : )

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deletedNov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022
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Not denying there are many more war mongers to convince with facts and logic.

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As empires decline, they lash out like wounded animals.

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We should be licking our wounds and not constantly hissing and scratching.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Sorry 'bout that.

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Yes, great post. The evil deeds being done in our names as citizens of the United States must cease. For those of us who survive all this it will be a major task to prevent it from recurring. I will never ever take at face value the pronouncements of anyone contemplating a professional political role. Think we need to presume they are professional liars and manipulators first and only support someone who has managed to convince us beyond a reasonable doubt.

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To The Editor:

In October 1962, at age 19, I slept next to the planes with the Paratroopers of the famed 82nd Airborne Division. We were waiting to jump into Havana in what would have been WWIII, if not for President Kennedy.

Russia had placed missiles in Cuba. Kennedy had mobilized our military to remove those missiles while he was in daily contact with the Russians, negotiating a way to Peace.

I am 80 now. Still grateful for president Kennedy’s love for our troops; grateful that he loved us enough to resolve the rush to WWIII by agreeing to remove U.S. missiles aimed at Russia from Turkey if the Russians took their missiles out of Cuba. Which they did.

I voted for President Biden, thinking he might have graduated from his warmongering past to discover a bit of JFK’s heroism for peace. How wrong I was!

Russia, like the United States has a human right to be free from NATO (U.S.) missiles. Most foreign affairs experts agreed. Most foreign affairs experts predicted for decades that if NATO expanded to threaten Russia, we’d be in WWIII. Biden understood that. But Biden does not care. Biden is surrounded by warmongers and fascists from the project for A New American Century, who deliberately led us into this war.

Now the bright spot is Zelensky’s peace offer to insure Ukrainians and Russians that Ukraine will no longer threaten Russia. The U.S. needs to promote this peace.

But on Saturday, Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken, was in Israel trying to drum up more arms from the Israelis and our friends in Saudi Arabia (the folks who did 9/11 and bomb Yemen every day) for the war fighters in Ukraine.

There are many reporters now writing and saying that Biden, Victoria Nuland, and PNAC do not want peace. Biden says his sanctions will damage us all. Biden says we must accept decades more war.

I wonder…..who are these people? They attack us at home by cutting our wages, pensions and close plants. They ship our jobs to slaves in this constant domestic war on workers. And then, they take the domestic war on workers abroad with bullets, bombs and lies. This is their foreign policy.

I wonder….who are these people? Most of them seem to have never had a real job. Most couldn’t care less for working stiffs and our troops. Most of them are somehow the multi-millionaire Elite who are too proud to fight. And thus, the humble do the fighting. We do not need decades of more war. We need a new Peace Movement. We need a new Solidarity Movement. We need Good Jobs for All. We need a raise. We need to get along so our kids can live happy lives in happy communities.


God bless Dorothy Day, Cesar Chavez, Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy!

– Tom Laney, Mercedes, TX

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

I always thought Kennedy's biggest success was his ability to negotiate with Russia and prevent a nuclear war. Back then there was no 24/7 propaganda machine to indoctrinate people, and the main press weren't whores corporately owned. As for your thumbs up for Biden, who I have always defined as a war monger for supporting all our 21st century middles eastern wars. Of course I know it is a neo-liberal agenda that is pushing this war, and I'm sure you know the party through a tantrum at the very idea of talking to Putin, and everyone, including the "progressive" caucus caved. I think the democrats have become so crazy they'll find a way to connect Pelosi's husband's assault to Russia.

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

Well, before Kennedy ran for office in the 60's the great divide had already occurred between the Soviet Union and the US. In the 40's, Truman had his Marshall Plan that was meant to see that no more countries that were politically unstable due to the war would wind up in the communist camp, like Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, etc, and of course from the beginning a divided Germany. In the late forties you already had NATO and in the 50's the Warsaw Pact, and I know they vied for power in countries around the world that were unstable across continents. The Soviet Union made out big time in China. A winner. Then there was Korea. I wonder what Kennedy's  decision would have been in terms of Vietnam had Eisenhower not established an agenda of involvement and had he lived longer. Before he was murdered, maybe he would have said no to that war no matter the degree of his escalation initiated in the beginning of his presidency. So, getting back to your statement, what exactly did you think they would we talking about when Kennedy ran for office, other then how he would strengthen our nuclear arsenal? It was an ongoing saga since the end of WWII. Even when it comes to Cuba it was Eisenhower's plan and his idea about overthrowing Castro, and Kennedy did take strong responsibility for the Bay of Pigs. He owned up to it's stupidity, and it was Khrushchev who did put up that Berlin wall. Of course this escalated the military tensions, and the military industrial complex made out big time. The Soviets also engaged in nuclear testing, and Kennedy followed suit. Scary. the Bay of Pigs which thankfully ended well. If Kennedy had listened to some I may not be responding to your post. After the Bay of Pigs Kennedy did make a concerted effort to direct America toward peace, and when he was killed things softened up between the US and the Soviet Union. Remember the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty? Why do you choose to vilify this president?

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Look Kennedy ran his presidential campaign in 1960. A lot happened between the end of WWII and 1960, and the cold war was well underway when he became president. He didn't instigate the cold war, and I give him credit for eventually attempting to deescalate the tensions between the two countries. Other presidents like Truman and Eisenhower were very instrumental in creating a divide between America and Russia yet you fail to focus on their role, and that does not mean I approve of some of the tactics Kennedy used, like the Bay of Pigs, which the previous administration orchestrated, and Kennedy went with it. Everyone died. However in the end he made many efforts to implement peace between the Soviet Union and the US. What about that Hotline, or the limited nuclear test ban, and didn't he call for a strategy of peace? I am not saying America good, Russia bad. I am not that black and white in my evaluation of things. You are simply interpreting it that way. Your type of rigidity is a good example of what Kennedy overcame in the end. The end.

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I never thought about the possibility that he was murdered because he wanted to pull out of Vietnam, don't know that he did, but maybe that was the reason. I'll have to look into that. Never thought Oswald did it.

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Your dislike for this family distorts your vision and perhaps the author you keep pushing substantiates your own biases.

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"I wonder….who are these people?"

Biden isn't the one making any decisions, he was (s)elected specifically because he's a stones throw away from being a braindead zombie. (Much like the rest of America in another sense while we're at it)

The NWO/Globalists are making the decisions.

As to your question above, "these people" are anti-Christ-ian types. Dig a little bit more (not on Google) and you'll find the answers to that question. Warning, we've all been inculcated that they're beyond reproach for one or more reasons.

Americans don't like the answer to that question because it kicks their existing world view straight in the nuts and renders it lifeless. Hence, they'd rather go down with the ship, which is exactly where we're going for that very reason.

Yuri Bezmenov's statements on Americans being demoralized have come to full fruition, in spades and then some.

As these injections continue to take their toll in an exponential manner over time, between that and the civil unrest deliberately being caused, anyone not spiritually prepared for death is making a drastic mistake in our world of drastic depopulation. I mean SMH when people on talk shows and elsewhere applaud the massive depopulation agenda. What, as if they've been chosen to survive that. LMAO Honestly, ...

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Our jobs are actually "shipped to slaves". As for who did 9/11, his guess is as good as yours

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You can cherry-pick examples all you want. Mexico is nowhere in better conditions it was decades ago.

As for China, it's been a calculation by their government to have people work at wages that made it profitable for foreign companies to produce over there and import. Those wages are considered slave wages in the companies' countries which is why it's more profitable for them to produce over there even including the transportation costs. Of course, they managed to install free trade to make it even more advantageous.

But there are countless countries that didn't have a government to see it at least lifted the poor out of their misery. Thailand and Bangladesh come to mind. In any case, corporations didn't relocate there out of commiseration for their people and they sure didn't ask if first world workers thought it was worth it to become unemployed for that cause.

As for 9/11, if you have to make a peer reviewed research to demonstrate the official narrative holds water, there's a problem. But I don't expect you to understand that

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I am reminded of Mark Twain's main disagreement with the military, which I agree with: "I don't like to kill people, until I get to know them a little bit."

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Good article! Yes, we must uphold western democratic values like free speech and a free press with Censorship and Theft. PayPal has reinstated fines for misinformation.

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From what I can tell, it's almost impossible to donate to Caitlin without using PayPal. (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong about this.) It would be nice if she would provide a non-PayPal alternative.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

But Paypal cares about the politics of its clients. That's what “PayPal has reinstated fines for misinformation” means

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Dude, go outside and pet a dog, maybe listen to the birds sing... it’s gonna be ok...

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How can anyone in their right mind believe the fraud Squad is "progressive"? These grifters would be like centre-right politicians (at least) in any other country.

They (and Sanders) might be "leftists" in the US, but this only means that the Overton Window there shifted so radically to the far right that nobody with a modicum of common sense can have a voice.

Alas, here in Europe is the same. Millions of idiots lobotomized by the corporate media. World War I propaganda all over again.

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"How can anyone in their right mind believe the fraud Squad is "progressive"? These grifters would be like centre-right politicians (at least) in any other country."

You read Chris Hedges, so it makes sense that you think this statement is reasonable, but it's right / left paradigm nonsense.

The Squad are not progressives, they are shitlibs; their personal views may be left, but they are establishment shills. They will vote along with the democratic establishment. 

They are not socially or economically right wing, the fact that people in other countries would call them center right means nothing.

"They (and Sanders) might be "leftists" in the US, but this only means that the Overton Window there shifted so radically to the far right that nobody with a modicum of common sense can have a voice."

Regressive are funny.


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Why do you stereotype Americans? And do you actually have a problem with job training?

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I was always skeptical--even when I was young--but the thing that really killed my faith in PMSNBC, the Clinton News Network, and Faux was their full-throated endorsement of:

* Vaccines

* Masks

* Crushing free speech and all dissent

* Their refusal except for Tucker Carlson to question Basement Joe's "81,000,000 votes"

and then their blatant, evil refusal to accurately portray why Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia only said about 3,000 times since 1991 that they wanted to be friends, and not have NATO on their border. We promised them we wouldn't let it go east of Germany. Germany reuniting was with Gorbachev's permission, btw. Gorbachev had a handshake deal with the Americans.

Well, here we are today: on the verge of nuclear death, and with all faith in the mainstream narratives, and in our elections, absolutely blown to atoms.

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I'm thinking of moving! Trouble is no matter where I look to go besides China or Russia I see puppet governments paying homage to the Criminal Elite!

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Even there you'll find lots of corrupt "elites" playing to the tune of the world currency printer. Else there wouldn't be as much trouble to begin with.

I'd look at spots where this current - and perpetual - spat is not front and center in the people's minds. They might have their own but it would hopefully be removed culturally so as to not occupy one's mind constantly.

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Any suggestions? I am ashamed to say I am from the US of Corruption! I have looked at all horrible things they did and do in South America and right now I am thinking of going to Canada at least it has to be somewhat better.

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I'm curious as far as South America. All the negative info comes from this same haughty western press and we know what it's capable of.

As for Canada - it's of the same western superiority complex ilk. Plus, with the current situation especially, it's home to the large Ukrainian Nazi collaborators spawn that was stowed away at the end of WWII. The know and love their Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich: https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2018/08/13/shukhevych-monument-canada-oun-upa/

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Just great. I have heard of some of the puppet governments in South America having finally been ousted. These criminals steal all the resources and financial resources along with everything else so I am concerned about the state of any one of these as even being liveable. I did hear once of a place on the west coast of Central America that was considered to be a "Hippy" town. That would be fine with me but I don't care to buy the bridge without first seeing it!

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deletedOct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022
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Quit being so mean and disrespectful. It's toxic.

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I agree. CXK has given nothing but vitriol. If you believe you have a case to make, then please do it.

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For what it’s worth I second your agreement. Some things I read are a timely reminder why I stopped using Twitter. One may discuss topics without being angry or using gratuitous or hurtful insult. One may choose to do the opposite. Fortunately one may also take a deep breath, count to ten and continue to enjoy one’s day.

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You having a nervous breakdown is of even less interest

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Wow get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning did you!? Why are you here? Your vile opinions are not needed. Attacking everyone shows your real purpose and perhaps who you truly represent.

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I recommend rt.com for actual news, Richard Medhurst for analysis. Of course bring your own brain too...

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I'll just reiterate what I've been saying since April--that it's Britain that is the #1 provocateur of this conflict. And what do we have today? The Russian MOD accuses the Royal Navy of bombing the Nordstream pipeline. Note that they're not accusing America, they're accusing Britain. Now we'll get the usual big brains saying that the Brits are helpless lapdogs of the US empire and have no agency. What a pile of rubbish.

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You were getting nearer the truth when you said that the Birts are lapdogs of the US Empire. They are like barking pit bulls that look dangerous but can't do anything to hurt you as long as their master (the US) didn't have them firmly on a leash. Maybe (or maybe not) the Royal Navy did bomb the pipeline, but they would never have done it without the approval of the neocons in the State Dept. who control the Biden Regime. It was an act of suicide in any case. Europe is getting good at that.

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Your thesis would be believable if the Brits didn't also act violently towards any perceived American interference in their internal affairs. Remember Obama's tepid remarks about how Brexit was kinda stupid? The Brits went crazy with indignation, saying how dare Americans comment on our domestic policies. And yet we're supposed to believe that they would willingly do something like like blow up Nordstream even if they thought it was recklessly provocative. Nope, that doesn't wash.

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It's like being on point for the last so many years has just exponentially leveled up in many ways. Like there has been a great culling of common sense, principles, and very basic empathy over the last 10 years. I used to see myself as leftist through and through. The anti war left seemed consistent and very committed to their ideals from the Afghanistan war up until occupy, all the antiwar people I knew seemed bulletproof in their consistency. Then Trump happened and its like the madness never ended and possibly never will. Its as if the constant MSNBC Russiagate brain pounding followed by the COVID ultra-authoritarianism for the public good made many people I once respected irrational permanently. How much of it is illusory bot farm narrative manipulation, paid/blackmailed influencers, I suspect this is mostly how that happened. Now I see Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and a tiny handful of semi popular , definitely not MSM journalists such as Matt Taibbi, Eva Bartlett, Glen Greenwald, and Aaron Mate as the only people allowed to say sensible obvious things, and ask questions (like real journalists) that once would have been automatic on national news (probably not since the 1970s tho)? Former CIA applicant Tucker Carlson, unbelievable. Glad it's said anywhere to be honest. The older I get the more I realize I don't have all the answers, and the more I'm open to something new, some way of thinking that makes me different from the thinking that caused this schism. We can't fix all problems with hammers. Every problem is not a nail.

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What happened in Ukraine is what the US has done to many other countries. A country with some ethnic divisions that found a way to keep things more or less stable, until the US got involved. Support of opposing factions to the present regime, then forced removal of its leader, regime change, then all hell breaks loose as one ethnic group is empowered and attacks other groups. Ukraine is just the latest US casualty. And yet most Americans are dumb enough to think that Russia attacked Ukraine for the hell of it, and the country that caused this mess can actually fix the mess because of our amazing wonderfulness.

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I've faced enough of these pro-war trolls and they are tiresome. Thanks for spelling everything out so "clearly," Caitlin, so we can come to see the errors of our ways. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

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The same "pro war trolls" have driven every single major war in modern history. WWI, WWII, and all the more minor ones.

Remember, it's an industry. The idiocy of it all is how many people I know that work for the companies or government behind it, have stocks in those companies, but complain about it. SMH

I'm largely convinced that if humanity is to survive that an enormous purge is actually necessary to sweep the glaring idiocy off of the face of the earth even though it means throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The very sane and rational few have no power amongst the legions of morons.

And funny how those talking about depopulation won't exhibit any leadership there and lead the way! On a side note, also interesting how those that were pushing the jabs for students in college almost never mandated it for themselves. Don't worry, they'll be preaching leadership at their next orientations and talking about how their universities extol the virtues of leadership. Isn't that right Mr. Tim Sands!!

There's a massive HINT in that last paragraph, probably that most readers here already realize. Key Word: Deliberate!

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An EXTRAORDINARY good news !!

The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime -- and Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program – Glenn Greenwald - Oct. 28, 2022

We are launching a new live, one-hour, prime-time news broadcast. Armed with cable-sized budgets, it will be part of a network that Russell Brand has already debuted.


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But ... Putin!

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