"The nation's paper of record" got that title because it consistently prints the things that the ruling establishment wants to see in print.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

Another shooting today, in America and this time a woman did the killing, 3 children, 3 adults and she herself was killed. Biden will come on and provide some room in his speech to talk about our need for gun control. Too bad he doesn't have the same regard for the killing of hundreds of thousand if not millions he and his fellow comrades in government have killed in other countries, as well as those young Americans they have sent to carry out the killings have also died. Well, in that regard no amount of weapons seem enough as they constantly feed the war machine. They of course will never see the hypocrisy they are mired in, or maybe they do, I'm sure they do, but don't give a good god damn.

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Plus I think we REALLY have to get down to causes and conditions. The cause is that the Libshits have decimated unions and the farms, thus destroying the farmer/ labor coalition that built the FDR dream. And the current condition is this has left the economy to be a war economy. So all we do is start wars all over the place, then sell our only product—weapons— to the combatants. So Raytheon etc and gun manufacturers and of course oil companies are our only source of coin and the Pentagon is our leader. This is EXACTLY what happened in Rome. I always thought it was telling that Patton thought he was a reincarnated Roman general. True or not, it tells you something about our zeitgeist and our probable end.

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Well, don't disagree with you or Feral, but in listening to their endless compassion about the lives lost today, just makes you think a sliver of that would be nice to hear in regard to the children we have killed in our middle eastern wars and now in Ukraine, and elsewhere. Just read Mate's post on Douma, lots of children killed in that chemical attack. I know the White Helmets perpetrated that slaughter to give further justification for the overthrow of Assad. I remember their bodies in heaps, and was talking to a "friend", another recently retired teacher at the time, and I referenced the heaps of children lying on the ground. She said, "So what, they're Muslims." I slammed the phone in her ear, and that comment sitting on many other insensitive statements ended our relationship. Americans I think in particular have no global perspective on the world, not even when it comes to children. Maybe if Americans were encouraged to have a greater global perspective they wouldn't let their politicians turn the world into a killing field.

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Maybe, but I doubt it. Some of the stupidest statements I know have come from my teacher associates who, like you experienced, are as cruel as a bohemian hausfrau in the 30’s, and yet teachers have or should have a greater global perspective than your average bear. Cruelty comes from superiority and nobody thinks they are more superior than white middle class ‘merikan women of a certain age. It’s just infuriating to me that all the work my generation put in defining and trying to institute feminism lead to the next batch, born in about 1958 onwards, choose to define “rights” as privilege. Pisses me off.

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During the Iraq war I was very involved in the anti-war movement, but unfortunately it went no where. Out to lunch with a mixed bunch we started talking about the war, and one person gave it her full support, a therapist. I was surprised at her support for this war, and asked about all the children killed, and she said, "I hope every last one of them are." I simply cut her out of my life, and it wasn't a decision made purposely. Also a friend who was a former nun claimed she wanted to see every last Muslim child and baby dead. She went as well. When I was a child, 5, a friend and I crossed the street into Central Park, absolutely forbidden, and went down to a local lake. A boy, maybe 16, wearing a man's shoe killed three little boys, maybe 5, or 6, or younger. Two didn't put up a fuss, a fight, when he forced their heads under water, and quickly drowned, gone, but one did. He pleaded for his life, but the big boy with the man's shoe pushed him under again, and again until he was drowned. He slipped away, his small white shirt a sail that took him away from the shore line slowly. Murder and violence became very real for me that day.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Hell, the United States government is quite happy to arm such people, as long as they cause mayhem in Syria (various "vetted moderate rebels", lol), Afghanistan ("Afghan National Resistance"), or Ukraine (assorted neonazi paramilitaries) or other such countries.

For that matter, am I truly the only cat who remembers that the Christchurch, New Zealand shooter liked to hang out with his Nazi buds in Ukraine, as did the Buffalo shooter? Both of these individuals liked to sport the same "sonnenrad" symbol and swastikas also so beloved of Ukrainian "democratic freedom fighters".

This pesky little coincidence caused the internet to twist itself into knots, trying to explain why a sonnenrad was Very Very Bad when it was sported by a neonazi in the US or New Zealand, but the same sonnenrad was a Symbol Of Muh Freedom when a neonazi in Ukraine wore it. This lasted for a couple of days before the humans got distracted by some other shiny object.

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One of the worst experiences I get is actually meeting people who cite it as such. Speechless is the mildest term I can use to describe my condition.

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I find it an astounding example of the power of branding, groupthink or perhaps just cult behavior that NYT has been shown numerous times to parrot conscious lies or simply just be dead wrong, and yet its readers continue to trust the NYT blindly.

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Exactly. I had the same reaction—a gaping mouth when a friend of mine, with whom I had taught for 18 years, used that very phrase as if it were a salient point in our discussion about going into Iraq. Oy vay.

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Like, hey kids, let’s all go to war!!!

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Populism is an elite word: it means you are popular when you shouldn’t be. Seems to be the opposite side of the same coin. Yes?

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The Gray Lady is Bopeep and we are her Sheeple.

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Sheeple, new word for me, excellent, thanks

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I can’t take credit but isn’t it just the most perfect word?

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It’s fulsome, it captures both people and sheep.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

*USA punches China in the face*

China: "You asshole!"

Bystander: "USA, why did you punch China?"

USA: "Because it called me asshole!"

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Exactly! Chaney was past master at this kind of manip. He’d plant a story—read “lie”—in some compliant rag, like the Inquirer, then cite that as a source for his story when talking to the NYT. And they fell for it.

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Phew, let-er-rip. The number of ways in which The Grey Lady is rotting and corrupt is getting difficult to detail. You did a pretty good job here. Years ago while walking through a summer arts fair I walked past a table where a woman was , rather agressively, hawking subscriptions to The NYT, her pitch had a lot to do with "being intelligent". Long story short, I literally laughed at her and hit her with something similar to, but not near as articulate, as your article. You could have knocked her over with a feather I think, she looked shocked to the core, as if she was being addressed by a Googly Eyed Martian. In the years following I get the sense that maybe there are a few more Googly Eyed Martians about, I sure hope so, you are one the more outspoken and effective, so Thanks as ever.

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The NYT is the warmongering rag of choice of the boutique liberal class, who bring not a grain of skepticism to anything written in blood on its pages. When it comes to the narratives of power and the proclamations of public officials, liberals run to the foxes to get the scoop on the chicken situation.

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The quote from the New York Times on the failure to "persuade or compel China to abide by U.S. rules" was actually not from the editorial board -- even worse, it was from Antony Blinken, presently serving as Secretary of State, emulating his mentor, the genocidalist Madeleine Albright. Great column today!

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Not that my voice would be given any airtime amidst the incessant propagandising for an end to be put to life on earth, by the sociopathic retards who manage the censorship industrial complex which feeds the appetites of the depraved, however in light of that fact I remain grateful for the haven of sanity provided by Caitlin and Tim and those here who defend the simple right for all human beings to be spared the obscenity of the grotesque ambitions of the globalist elite of the Deep State. There is nothing worse than a bad loser who is unwilling to acknowledge the fact that the remarkable achievements of the Global majority render their hegemonic exceptionalism as a gross irrelevance in world where new alliances are riding, such as BRICS, SCO, ASEAN and CELAC which prove the point that 85% of the world’s population voices a resounding “No” to this Western bully and its monstrous criminal and Fascist Global NATO project. This is what has stuck in the craw of these slimy, cowardly psychopaths who are engaging in an excess of venality in continuing their vile pursuits whereby every law is twisted and bent until the innocent are made to suffer while the guilty walk free. It is neither China nor Russia who represent any threat to the freedom, prosperity and happiness of living beings - on the contrary, it is the walking dead as manifest in the likes of Anthony Blinken, John Bolton, Victoria Nuland, John Kirby along with the rest of the slime mould of those who have concocted this nightmare of a New American Century, blithely oblivious of the fact that, with regard to their incessant provocations, worldwide, we will all be lucky to see out the end of this year.

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Great! Somehow you reminded me of the Star Trek episode where a perfectly ordered and polite (liberal) society had no fighting but had to have combatants fight to the death like gladiators for the polite rulers. I’d always seen it as an analogy to Rome but when you said walking dead it struck me that this remembered show was about us, here and now, in the enfeebled 21st century.

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The NYT, like every single Ukraine supporter I know, is addicted to war porn. Makes sex porn addicts look saintly. I am shocked at the BIPARTISAN gloating over pictures of war porn - looks like they are quite kindred to Zelensky and his Nazis. And it has occurred to me that the US/EU (especially Germany)/UK have a festering hate and resentment about what Russia accomplished in WWII. I will always remember that the US nuked two cities full of civilians - not to win a war, but to try and impress Russia. IMO, the NYT and The West are slavering over the possibility of nuking Russia. They do not give a flying f*** about civilians in any country whatsoever.

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Great analysis Caitlin. Those of us who apposed the Viet Nam war knew the Gray Lady was a war whore so I haven’t read the NYT in 50 years, but it’s so good to read a young person of your caliber taking this rag apart with surgical precision.

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As Sartre said -you become what you do, and, a strange phenomenon regarding that maxim: some public officials, newscasters and politicos, are starting to take on the look of insects. My imagination, I guess. But what I can't absorb is the presumed sheepiness of the people on whom all this is declared:

I mean, have you ever witnessed, outside of Hitler film clips, the utter authoritarianism of people like Scholz, Baerbock, Ursula Vanderleyen? In effect, "You are going to starve and freeze In the dark, aaand - shut the hell up about it. See? - because we're fighting a proxy war, a gladiatorial contest against Russia, and will win if we will it. We have become Merlin". Macron barely wins a vote of non-confidence, which means - unless you're a bureaucrat and obsessed with technicalities - that he doesn't have the confidence of the people. But does he give a damn? And they call this "order" as opposed to "chaos", and "democracy", as opposed to - what, exactly? Australia, a small country, is sucked into the vacuum caused by this insanity - but who isn't? It is time for the people to stand up before we are forced to look down at the ground, permanently, like slaves.

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Caitlin - very impressed that you would like to pee on them. Love it!

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The problem is they might be looking forward to it.

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You guys!!!! You and Bill made me choke!! I laughed so hard I spit my tea!

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Sorry about that! Tea, even if boiling, won't do it for the NYT. The other contribution they'd happily welcome.

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Also note the wording: "If war with China breaks out" like it's an attack of measles or a tornado. It would be more honest to say, "Officials are concerned that they can't attack China yet because they might run out of missiles and stuff too soon." Note that in the first cold war, US officials lied very hard about an imaginary "missile gap" to get Congress to appropriate more money for weapons. Ellsburg names a time when he looked into a dispute between agencies about whether the USSR had (well shit I don't remember numbers well but it was something like) 100 or 200 of some kind of nuclear weapon, while the US had only maybe 100. Ellsburg discovered that the USSR had--four. The Pentagon was always howling about the desperate failure to match the USSR, when it always had more than the USSR (and it's childish idiocy to think it matters whether you have enough to kill everyone on Earth twice over or four times over,m while the other side has enough to do it only once). It's possible that the Pentagon actually doesn't have a huge advantage in weapons now, though, despite spending FAR more than any imagined adversary--because corruption has gotten so extreme, weapons makers have found they can make up numbers, deliver defective equipment, deliver things that exist only on paper, charge fifty times a reasonable amount for a thing...with no consequences.

It's a little hard to talk about these things because the very existence of nuclear weapons is so insane. The fact that people accept the notion that war is normal, that the US is always at war, despite the fact that no one is actually threatening us in any military way. As for the real "threat" of China superseding the US economically and diplomatically--so what? But I've read that a big issue is that the US is hugely in debt to other countries, a trade balance way in the red, and has gotten away with this for many decades (no IMF structural adjustment for it) due to its control of the IMF & World Bank and through the petrodollar. But all that is fraying...maybe the bankers are panicked about debts coming due with no way to use bullying instead of paying.

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It's the war loving neocon's wet dream.

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Neocons and I just learned a new one—Shitlibs. It’s sort of like shit lips which is a perfect description of all talking neolibs. Especially Byedone.

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I have boycotted the NYT ever since Nov 2017, when the lead article declared men biologically inferior to women. Before long extended this boycott to all mainstream media. Recently I strayed back there. It's much worse now. These people are on the Highway To Hell.

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“It is a plague upon our world, and it should be destroyed, buried, and peed on.” You left out “spit on”. The NYT is a cancer on the body politic, can’t think of a better way to say it. Its prestige is the problem. It’s influential out of proportion to its worth as a news source only because it seems to have an unlimited stock of cachet no matter how bad it is, no matter how often it shows us what it’s there for. But keep saying what you just said here. That’ll go farther than standard media criticism at this point toward dethroning this behemoth unworthy of anyone’s respect.

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And she was being charitable 🤣 so true

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Like your realistic view of the NYT.

No think left in the Think Tanks are far as I can see.

This crowd is actively composting themselves in Our Ironic Revolution which wasn’t planned on by any Tank!

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Journalism students, exploring the idea of "manufacture of consent", should be assigned the deconstruction of any given day's front page of this rag.

I look at it to to keep track of the manipulations, the subplots, of the current narrative.

(And of course the real estate section to see which apartment the couple with only 400K downpayment will choose from among the choices shown.)

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