Welcome to The Senile Puppet Joe Biden Show - brought to you by Pfizer, Lockheed Martin, and BlackRock.

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Interesting timing with respect to the SCOTUS “leak”… let’s distract by stirring the roe v wade pot while congress quietly gives 33 billion to the MIC

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Not only that but can’t allow the plebes to get their student loans forgiven...

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Censoring talk of diplomacy with Russia is like censoring talk of treatment protocols with Covid.

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I'm sorry, your comment is to intelligent.

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It's been an American nightmare for 70 years but it wasn't until Vietnam I finally got it. Previously I was a) young and b) too occupied with my career which somehow always wound up being be about the cold war. The bombing of Serbia was literal torture for me. The best time I ever had was a few weeks in Moscow on business in the 80s. I've tried explaining the stuff here in this article to friends and family but it seems to do no good and a lot of harm socially. I'm just venting . Ignore me.

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I don't even try to explain any longer. It's easier to talk Kant or Nietzsche with my kitty.

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I would have loved to swap with you during 80s. Me leaving Russia for "American nightmare" and you experiencing life of Russian citizen for longer than a few weeks. It would have been interesting to compare notes ....

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Well, it was a good time Moscow in certain ways. It was not yet totally westernized and when you went out the traditional balalaika music was magic and the our Russians friends also. Although they had little money they insisted on giving us gifts when we left.

I still have a chess set hand made by the guys father. The girl was an American literature major and we talked long into the night about politics and art. This was a lot different to my life back home in Indiana where they would love to have incinerated Moscow and my friends. An unforgettable experience.

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Deeply corrupt Joe Biden is a major war criminal

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Although Russia may win the war, both Russia and China have no Narrative in the homeless Homeland.

That is, the land of the free, free of the home.

Should I name my child Javelino or javelina? Such a hard choice.

Of course I wouldn't be able to get an abortion if I had to, were I female, although I did just read today, speaking of narrative, that they are teaching folks how to have a baby birth pass thru a man's penis, which supports your assertion that control of narrative is more important than, say, gravity, physics, or life itself.

Did you get your neeedlerape yet?

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Trans men can give birth, they are born female and have female reproductive systems. A celebrity example would be Elliot Page (formerly Ellen Page) who if he desired to could give birth to children with proper planning ahead of his transition (freezing eggs, etc).

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new twist on old phrase, "go fuck yourself..."

did s/he actually do that? Still would have the need for a partner to provide egg or sperm, you don't get to do both in one lifetime, we are not Asexual. Sounds like you say if he'd gotten an egg of HIS fertilized he could birth it once male, but he ain't producing both sperm and eggs, i sure hope. Who would want to be that child?\

Luckily we still have legal abortion, tell dude to go get one.... ha ha

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

Are you being willfully obtuse? Trans men still have female genitalia. Obviously they would need donor sperm. And that’s assuming that the trans man is rendered infertile from the cross sex hormone treatments. If not, they can get pregnant the old fashioned way.

I’ll go really slowly for you since you seem to be so unbelievably ignorant: trans people are not claiming they can change their SEX, aka their biology. They are claiming they can change their GENDER, which is how they present in the world.


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I was being funny

But now you have just left me confused

I live in San Francisco killafornia

I see every possible presentation

I strive to treat people well, whoever you want to be is fine by me, if it works for you. I don't have to like it as long as you do, good enough

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Given the extreme hostility and violence towards trans people and LGBTQ+ people in general right now, the “jokes” about them aren’t funny.

Sincerely, a cisgendered lesbian who was attacked in a bathroom for being the “wrong” gender during the bathroom hysteria under obama. Anti-trans rhetoric harms more than just trans people.

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I understand

People always spoke badly of me all my life saying things they assume...

Easy to make a joke about something I don't really know

I was attempting humour, and not to be offensive

I am sorry if I hurt you inadvertently which is not my intent

Please be well

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"...to expand and normalize censorship and propaganda. Narrative control is an end in itself". yep, that right. while free speech absolutism has to be the start for every topic. nice and easy for people, one would think. *censorship, bad.* . -JC

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About Cartoon Putin:

Last March, when the three Ukrainian peace negotiators got sick, brain-dead Jim Geraghty over at National Review passed along the idea that Putin poisoned them to stall the negotiations, I commented that Putin could simply have walked away from the negotiations if he wanted that.

To which someone really did reply, "Well, Putin just likes poisoning people."

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Again another set of spot on observations by Caitlin.

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"Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix": 'The real' "Ministry of Truth". Where would we all be without you, Caitlin and Tim? What am I getting out of the 33B? Inflation approaching 33%. That's what. F**K You!, brain-dead Joe, and all your asshole friends in the MIC and Congress my fat kitty is more useful that the lot of ya! Peace, All

BTW...And here I thought the US was fighting Nazis in the last real war the US was in. (WW II, for those not knowing.) The 33B is now supporting the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine killing Russian speaking Ukrainians. Go figure!?

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I mean if Joe Biden really cared about women's bodily autonomy, he'd have asked Tara Reade, "pretty, please?" first, before (allegedly) sexually assaulting her.

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Right on the money again Caitlin. EVERYONE must read this!

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PayPal backdown?

Is this the start of a Blackrock / Vanguard rethink of the way the USA is heading....downhill at a great pace?

Too much of an impact on profits perhaps? Have decent, concerned people started to drop off the Paypal client list?

Yes, the afore-mentioned USA controllers (along with Israel) have a large shareholding in Paypal, as well as anything else that impacts life in America. We all know that by now.

CNN backdown as well? Keep at it everyone.

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Brilliant, Caitlin. You should think about writing a movie script. You might call it "Matrix," or some such! Total control will come about when they insert a chip in your brain that can construct memories. Then elite factions can struggle over control of the downloads.

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Theory: not that I'm really complaining because it's hard to imagine how he could make things any worse, but I believe Elon Musk might have been smart enough to notice that there were more people upset about censorship on Twitter than not. So he knew that in addition to everything else he'd get from buying the platform, it would be good PR for him if he came in promising to stop the censorship. Sure, elites might scream their heads off, but most people would be happy to see what appeared to be someone saving them from being dragged out of the new town square.

And okay, if he's sincere about preventing stuff like the censoring of an entire newspaper for reporting on Hunter Biden, that's good. But he still remains a powerful person, and as such he is at *minimum* enormously tempted to control certain narratives that he has an interest in, as you said. So while he may be an improvement, what happens if someone digs up some dirt on his company or on him personally, and tweets about it to a very large number of followers? Will he be a big enough person to let that stay up? Or, what if the same pressure is brought to bear on him as was brought to bear on Jack Dorsey ("Censor more, or kiss your liability shield goodbye and get sued into oblivion")? Will he be brave enough to refuse to start censoring again?

I'd love for it to turn out that he's actually as good as his word here and that I had nothing to worry about, but I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Regarding "Censor more, or kiss your liability shield goodbye and get sued into oblivion”….

For now, Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act actually prohibits suing a social media company so long as the social media company did not create the offensive content or edit the content posted by a user. So, content creators are liable for what they post, not content hosts. Commenters here on Substack can be sued for what they post (if they can be identified), but Substack cannot.

With regard to Musk, the jury is still out on whether he will use Twitter for his own nefarious purpose. At the moment, I’m hoping for the best, but I won’t be surprised when his companies—Tesla, Neuralink, StarLink, The Boring Company, and SpaceX—are given top billing in everyone’s feeds, and that Twitter will somehow be used to hypnotize us all into becoming volunteer transhumanist lithium miners on some nearby dead planet.

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Yeah it’s really stunning that the president cares more about war than reproductive rights but not too surprising

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Brain-dead Joe is a Catholic, though he sorta supports women's autonomy, I think. He does relish war, though!!

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