War will not end until we all come together, black, white, red, blue, Israeli and Palestine and recognise the true enemy, the CIA Pharma Military Industrial Complex. We need to all refuse to fight. Refuse to join. Refuse to die for their profit.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

Yes you nailed it - cop pointing a gun, presumably as a threat to……shoot him to death….unless he stopped commuting suicide?

That indeed says it all about US cops and the US as a country: mentally incapable of comprehending reality, let alone responding to in any human manner.

That’s how you get to the point where they shovel money and free weapons at the Israeli’s committing genocide for them - while at home MILLIONS of their own people are starving and homeless. And an estimated 60 percent of those shot dead by police in the US each year, are people with mental illness problems - in short people who need help and humanity, not bullets to their heads.

A very sick place.

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I remember the monks who set themselves on fire in Vietnam. We all know how long that conflict went on. I hope this one is over as fast as possible so we don't witness more of these kinds of protests. But Caitlin is so right--we are serious. This isn't "brunch". #FreePalestine

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This is so sad. And so powerful.

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There used to be a saying that if everyone refused to join the military, there would be nobody to fight the wars for those who wanted war, the rich aka the elite. It is horrible beyond belief that someone would be so broken by what their country requires of them, i.e. be part of a genocide, that they would set themselves on fire.

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There’s practically a news blackout on this. I never heard of the previous incident in Atlanta. Keep pushing! Keep pushing! Expose the fraud! Expose the lies! We cannot allow this man’s sacrifice to be covered up!

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People that think this funny are the reason I hate people.

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During the Vietnam war, a buddy watched a Buddhist monk set himself on fire to protest the war. "It was the most amazing thing I ever saw," my friend said, "the guy never made a sound." US military leaders missed the message entirely. They put their faith in howitzers instead of ideas. But as Stalin said, "Ideas are more powerful than guns." Gaza genocide is now generating new ideas, new forms of understanding, but our political and military elite remain as oblivious as they were during Vietnam and Afghanistan. No surprise that sandal-wearing peasants using hand-down AK47s push us out of one colonialist mistake after another. Soldiers who believe in what they are doing prevail in the end.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein

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Israel is a pariah state, whether the ruling class and the American Israel first lobby has awoken to that fact yet. Sometimes the truth takes a while to sink in but sink in it will.

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It's sunday night, when I normally limit myself to maximum one drink before bed - but tonight it's going to be one more for this fella, and a few (ok maybe many) more to dim all this fucked up shit out so I can fall asleep and face it all again in the morning.

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I hate this world so much.

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My God, most of us like posts or pass comments on little seen blogs, in the greater scheme, and yet there are people so disturbed by what they see they would go through the horror of setting themselves on fire in protest. No doubt the MSM will ignore it.

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By all the gods above, below, and in between, what the frack was that cop thinking?

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I am unable to function if I think too much about Gaza.

This harrowing piece by Caitlin is brilliant.

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When it turns out this guy has nothing to do with the military, I'm going to laugh my ass off.

In any case, the headline is bullshit. What's happening in that part of the world is horrible, but fuck you for trying to tar all Americans with the same stupid "it's bad on purpose to make you click" brush.

This conflict deserves better than your Buzzfeed level horseshit.

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