Thank you for the audio recording!

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Once a few media giants bought up all the scattered smaller TV news outlets, Television news was finished; much as radio was crippled when Clear Channel took over most of the airwaves, and MP4 file sharing sounded their final death knell; and much as online shopping usurped shopping malls. My old school self sometimes nostalgically misses TV news, radio stations and shopping malls, but at this point I'm content to say good-bye to their mutated versions and remember them as they were.

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It seems to me we won’t be free to rewrite our own stories unless we can overcome the addiction mechanism in our brains.

Traditions are obsolete, but they were developed in the first place partly to restrain the destructive tendencies in humans. (They are tools of dominance and power too, but not only.) We are not really evolved enough to handle total freedom, and we’d better be developing new ways of navigating our unruly selves through this teeming universe.

Not-knowing softens or dismantles mental cages that are hypotheses at best and fabrications or delusions at worst. Intuition then connects directly with currents of meaning in the universe.

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One point re your lumping in UFO coverage with other highly suspect media content: As a longstanding UFO nut myself, I find this quite interesting. While I'm inclined to believe the latest media reports on the subject based on material coming from the US military, now I'm beginning to wonder.

After decades of attempting to squelch public reports of UFOs, it's quite possible the military has finally concluded that this phenomenon is potentially valuable to gin up another threat scenario. At least, so I suppose. OTOH, it may be just another sort of distraction to keep the public's head spinning. As for the latest videos, these would be simple enough to fake, so no problem there.

As noted, I've been on the UFO bandwagon for quite some time, and this unavoidably discredits to some degree anything I say on the subject. But I like to think that I've succeeded in detaching my ego from my inclination to believe that there are solid craft darting around in the atmosphere defying the laws of physics. From that standpoint, I believe I can give Caitlin credit as a new type of UFO skeptic -- not like the cranky deniers of the past but someone who is unexcitedly dismissive.

We remain on opposite sides of the fence, but that's OK by me.

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Nation/state corporate control is crumbling, and it's so very refreshing to note that the old propaganda narratives will work no more. Our Revolution is happening even without a peep from the current media landscape.

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Yes, people are beginning to realize lots of things about the media, religion, gender, the family, etc. etc. This has been going on for decades and people have been acting on these new realizations for decades. Few of these changes, however, are panning out in any measurably beneficial way. In fact, what we're finding in some cases (such as ditching the nuclear family) is that while change itself (as in Darwinian evolution) is DEFINITELY good, most specific changes over time prove to be maladaptive.

So with media, I fully agree, journalism not only isn't what it used to be but never was what it was supposed to be (even Walter Cronkite, IMO). But I can't buy into the notion that the media environment that's developing now, largely fueled by social media, is any improvement. We appear to be "progressing" from a glassy-eyed gullibility to a rabid, foam-flecked, deeply uninformed identitarian cynicism.

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Yet one more thing we can lay at the feet of Bill Clinton, who signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996. You remember Bill Clinton, the "lesser evil" of the '92 election.

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