Thank you, Caitlin and so many others, for your ongoing support for Daniel Ellsberg and Julian Assange.

There was a time when people such as these two and Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning would have been praised by all for their courage in pointing the finger at those who have committed crimes against the state.

These days the criminal is still that same state....but the crimes are not reported because of the corrupted criminals in the media, the criminals who own the media and the criminals who profit from the crimes of the state.

Unnamed as they are here, no further expansion is required for the readers of this respected blog.

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I was once charged with Treason by the Australian government for my support of North Vietnam (but a Labour gov got in and dismissed the charges) so I feel real comfortable associating with Caitlin's TreaZine

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As long as we don’t lose Caitlin and Tim we need not be downhearted - there are often excruciating pains when giving birth. And the child will be a new world purged of the hegemon. And Daniel can celebrate this on his 93rd birthday on 7th April

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I am a bit cautious about the legend of Daniel Ellsberg and I think he had a bit more institutional/military support than he lets on.

One thing that he has never clarified is he seems to have taken another set of documentation (a RAND study on the effects of nuclear war) and hidden it with his brother. This was never released and Ellsberg claims the sea took it (literally). I am guessing he was using it as leverage - ie if anything happens to me this will also get released.

Then there was the way he never went to prison. Theoretically, it was because Nixon's plumbers unit, burgled his psychiatrist's office and left his notes all over the floor and this so outraged the judge that charges were all dismissed. Yet Assange has had cameras focused on him for 24/7 for years on end and judges in this instance seem to treat it with complete indifference. And how probable is it really that a CIA unit can't enter and leave an office leaving it undisturbed and no visible signs of their presence? Isn't that what they train to do? And then this same plumbers unit, did the Watergate robbery and took photos of the escapade with a CIA camera, which they thoughtfully returned to the CIA with the film inside! Nixon, as I understand it, ordered the Ellsberg raid (on request from who?), but did not know about the Watergate robbery. And then Ellsberg walks free and Nixon is impeached. Don't get me wrong, I am entirely in favor of such an outcome, but fairy tales very rarely come true like that.

I would speculate that the Pentagon was sick of Vietnam and wanted out, but was facing resistance from the political leadership. Hence Ellsberg.

Not saying his actions weren't courageous or the risks he ran were not real. But I don't believe the simple David versus Goliath story.

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