Empire? Republic? Mutually exclusive. The USA's crimes against humanity reveal a cultural ethos that accepts destruction of people's lives, and outright murder, as integral to its existence as a nation-state. This renders any allusions to a democratic republic, at best rhetorical fluff, at worst a self-parody.

One of the better outcomes in the 21st Century is that far fewer folks worldwide are buying the propaganda of world-protecting empire, which the agents of US imperialism— the CIA et al. — are constantly injecting into the global conversation; even as they use every means available to wage covert economic and overt physical destruction on societies that resist becoming vassals for its imperialistic and biosphere-destructive crapitaslism.

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Caitlin is the Schopenhauer of our age. We have allowed society to become a prison.

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You have a real gift, Caitlin. You are a pair of prescription eyeglasses for the near sighted.

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Attractive lies get a life of their own.

Here, well into the twenty first century, millions believe that a Jewish zombie can grant them passage into a glorious afterlife; where America pretty much stands for the same things as Superman -- another example of wish-fulfillment for the powerless; that Israel is just this widdle biddy group of peace-loving Jews surrounded by Arab terrorists whose only reason for getting out of bed in the morning is to drive them into the sea. And so on...

Fund this fluff with trillion dollar intelligence and media organizations and you get the exact landscape we've got, where everyone's dating the most beautiful robot imaginable.

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Caitlin, please help!

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would you ever write a mini-piece about the subliminal copoganda

and fear p**n (i.e. you can't trust anyone, except cops i guess)

that is the Purge movies, this new one The Forever Purge looks really bizarre

and also they always come out 4th of july weekend

I think what you write about is more important but would be extremely curious as to your thoughts as well

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The empire does a great job of discrediting its own propaganda, but the sheep aren't listening. I guess things aren't bad enough yet.

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A healthy culture cannot exist within a corporate controlled world. As we need health, I wholeheartedly imagine a world where 'The Corporation' does not exist. Maybe if a bunch of us wish upon a star...

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