"western political/media class which conveyed the idea that because something bad happened to Israel, Israel now gets to do a little genocide" - this is the entire reason for the media propaganda campaign and in many cases the entire reason for the bad thing to start with.

Its a twisted self fulfilling prophecy where a nation "arranges" to be attacked, allowing it to happen, funding the attackers for years before the event, training the attackers in the use of the provided weapons. Then amazingly out of nowhere these radicalized terrorists do the unthinkable.

Unthinkable to the masses and any moral person but part of the plan to the power brokers. The visible power brokers play their part and pretend to be shocked, express their outrage at the unthinkable thing and of course call for war and total destruction of the preplanned enemy.

The elites get richer in gold and power, the average man gets a dead family and destroyed home.

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Your fighters killed our civilians, now we have the right to kill your civilians.

And who is responsible? Cui bono? Who benefits?

In my opinion, Israel benefits from this, as well as the US.


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"...a new CNN poll finds that half of Americans have been successfully convinced that because something bad happened to Israel, Israel is “fully justified” in raining hellfire on a giant concentration camp in which half the population are children."

Only half? Do you realize what a sea change this is? In spite of the most bellicose rhetoric in support of Israel EVER coming out of the White House and Congress, amplified by the corporate media, ONLY HALF of Americans believe it?

I am 65, and have been an outspoken opponent of Zionism since the 70s. I've never seen American opposition to Israel on anywhere near this scale.

The centerpiece of lies cannot hold. This is a good thing, Caitlin.

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I'm noticing so many on social media speaking out about this, and I think it's changing the narrative. We need to continue to speak out, since our political representatives are generally not the voice of reason here in the global north these days.

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Not just recent times. Same could be said about the killing of civilians during WWII

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Excellent article. BeBe added fuel to the embers and started a fire when at the UN he addressed the Israel of the future. Waving a map of the future Israel... which showed NO Palestine ... all 'eaten up' by Israel. That was only a few weeks ago. The address hit a number of Asian news articles at the time, but seems to have been missed by the west.

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Reminds me of the "rationality" of eight-year old male street urchins, as I was in NYC, when one of our gang showed up with a black eye, having lost a fisticuffs encounter with a tough kid named Charlie who lived two city blocks away. Out came the retribution/revenge knee-jerk: gather the baseball bats, rocks and other weapons, we're going on the march to Hot-fists Avenue because no one can treat OUR GANG like that. Gratefully, there was often one cool head who demurred because he knew that if his father found out or if he tore or soiled his clothing, he'd get a worse beating than Charlie et al. could ever render. In retrospect that pre-pubertal brainwashed American male stupidity strikes me as the cognitive level of this entire retributive mindset.

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Give Peace a chance, folks. You hit the mail on the head, Caitlin. Good newsletter.

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Totally nails it and thank you

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Only some nations. The Golden Billion.

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This brilliant from Ali Abunimah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cYwPCzFtGo Peace can only be achieved by identifying the problem, which is 100% Israel.

European settlers backed by the US must end their occupation. They will increasingly be unable to suppress the Arab volcano they're sitting on. Whether it ends now and they get to walk away or whether they go for war and decimation before they're forced away, is kinda up to them I think.

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Spot on

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The situation is dire. The US really has no integrity leadership. It’s new Congress Members are sent off on an AIPAC sponsored propaganda trip to Israel. Biden is a Zionist and he is surrounded by Zionists. How many Americans realize the evil that prevails? Their water and soil is poisoned by the military and industry. Most of the media is owned by corporations or individuals of ill will, profiteering. Reading about other nations, not much better. A world without a conscience! I despair! But I don’t give up on something better.

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Stop making sense

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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