Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

700 people dead in a 24 hour period. Most of them civilians with no guns or bombs or weapons of any kind.

This isn't a war, it's a massacre.

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Israel is a Terrorist State that controls U.S. Govt. and others. Cancel them now for the world. STOP ISRAELI USA GENOCIDE again.

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"...the US empire is run by sociopaths who only care about global domination, and nonstop violence from Israel is a key component in the domination of a crucial geostrategic region on this planet."

This is what's wrong with the world in a nutshell. US Empire. Sociopaths who care only for global domination. Violence is the tool they use to get what they want. That's why we've got to shut down the military-industrial complex, turn off the pipeline of arms to genocidal maniac states like Israel, and march all the sociopaths off to the guillotines. The world isn't safe with them around. The spirits of Palestinian children bombed in their cradles tells us this is so.

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Every time Israel drops a bomb, Blinken"s consulting firm makes $ thousands, Lloyd Austin makes $ thousands through his employer, Raytheon, and Hillary has an orgasm.

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The capital of the US quietly moved from DC to Tel Aviv without anyone noticing.

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How sick is this country to continuously stick our nose in anywhere it doesn’t belong?

This entire fiasco over the last 2 months is totally insane!

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I agree wholeheartedly. My country is being run by sociopathic scumbags. But the American people continue to vote these monsters into office time and time again. They(not all) continue to believe these politicians are going to save us and that the only option is to vote for the lesser of two evils. How can you vote for the lesser of two evils when one monster is just as evil as the other monster?! I used to believe my country was the best in the world, but not anymore. I know it’s the politicians in D.C., not the people, but the American people do put these assholes in office and some very dear to me still think that these politicians speak for us. Well, they definitely don’t speak for me. This is a GENOCIDE!!😢

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As support for the War On Afghanistan dwindled, the Pentagon commissioned a study which concluded that the undecided voters were most likely to favor continuing the war if it was couched as a struggle for women's rights. Hence, public messaging shifted, which is why we heard politicians and journalists express a touching concern for Muh Afghan Women And Girls became ubiquitous. This in turn allowed that particular grift to continue for a few years more.

And we all remember the lurid allegations of rape used to sell the War On Libya the War On Ukraine.

In the last few days, public messaging on Gaza has shifted to unsupported allegations of mass rape, even though nobody has produced any rape kits or other evidence. But the MSM and politicians have changed their line almost simultaneously.

Right on cue.

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We need to all challenge the basic assumptions which fortify this disaster. Such as "Israel has a right to exist."

Acrually, no it does not. The idea of a modern day "Israel" is in fact ludicrous.


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Israel is nothing more than a more brazen extension of the US War Machine. Israel IS the US.

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The US is now doing the thing where it pretends it doesn't really approve while sending thousands more massive bombs to Israel like those bombs could be used for anything other than killing tens of thousands more people

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So, the US is responsible for what is happening in Gaza. Could the fact that 90% of Biden's cabinet holds dual citizenship (Israeli-American) have anything to do with that?

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"These freaks would happily send every Palestinian alive to the gas chambers if they thought it would advance their strategic interests one iota."

I think this should read, "These freaks would happily send every Palestinian alive to the gas chambers if they thought it would increase the share price of any of the military companies one iota."

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thank you for another great article

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Too many Team D and Team R cultists make excuses for Biden and Trump.

They need to own this.

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If the USA wanted this to stop, they'd stop supplying weapons and money. Why don't they want this to stop?

"...a retired Israeli major general named Yitzhak Brick about the ongoing IDF assault on Gaza.

“All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S.,” Brick said. “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability. … Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”"

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