"The Zionist ideological framework which birthed Israel in the first place is what has been guiding its political course this entire time".

Which is all you need to know. It ain't Judaism; it ain't some ancient scriptural imperative; it ain't the fiery breath of Yahweh shooting down to cleanse the land for his (her?) chosen people. It's an ideology of settler colonialist totalitarian horror that rivals so many other violent self-affirming narcissistic nationalist movements that have killed millions throughout the sewers of human history.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

It is "ethnic murdering", not "ethnic cleansing". Time to make that very clear.

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How does the US government expect anyone to believe they support a genuine truce while funneling military weapons and support to Israel?

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This is the money quote here

"The Zionist ideological framework which birthed Israel in the first place is what has been guiding its political course this entire time, and that ideology can only steer the country towards racism, apartheid, fascism, theft, murder and genocide."

Nailed it again, CJ.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Even the mainstream media has reported babies dying in incubators and dozens of children being killed every day by the bombings. What is really depressing for me is that it is so obvious that this is wrong, immoral, cold, heartless, and murderous. And so many people just choose to close their eyes to it. What kind of a world is this that we are living in? What kinds of animals are humans? Other animals such as dogs, cats, monkeys, rats, mice etc are much more admirable than we are.

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In Israel and to all Zionists, *all* Palestinian children are future terrorists which justifies their murder right now. This is not hyperbole.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Was expecting the truce to extend further into some kind of negotiated ceasefire. Now the bombing has resumed, it will be astonishing (at least to me) if the world continues to sit by and accept the ongoing civilian massacre - it's hard to believe the Arab world still has done nothing. I no longer believe Israel has the right to exist, after this obvious ongoing, deliberate civilian massacre and butchering - Israel no longer has any kind of moral integrity worth speaking of. Netanyahu is right up there with Hitler and Pol Pot.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

The US is PARTICIPATING ACTIVELY in the genocide


They claim to be there to “help located hostages”…..but the all news we have seen in these two months says they have BOMBED hostages to death along with the gazans and saved NO hostages.

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To be honest these actions by the Zionist state has me thinking about Jewish people in a manner that I never thought my mind was capable of being driven into. Such dark thoughts in dark spaces. I’ve always considered myself a rational being. Yet my thoughts disgust me. I flip flop. I think of “ Pegasus” I think of Epstein’s/ Maxwell honey pot. I think about the reaction of the political classes to the genocide in Gaza. Or lack there of. I get paranoid. I think you’ve given an unsuspected enemy the resources to bring you down.

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The U.S. House votes on a resolution stating that being Anti-Zionist IS ACTUALLY being anti-Semitic.

Passed on a near-unanimous vote save two: Thomas Massie from Kentucky votes against, and Rashida Tlaib from Michigan (an actual Palestinian), votes "Present."

THIS is the level of disconnect and gaslighting that we see at our highest levels of government.

Meanwhile the Pentagon once again fails its annual audit to the tune of 2 TRILLION DOLLARS.


Someday, somehow, all of these people need to be out on the asses, and we need to reclaim our Country.

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Just read an article in Foreign Policy which skipped blithely around painting Biden as some kind of heroic negotiator whilst ignoring completely the reality of Israelis murdering thousands of children. Example sentence:

"Yet despite all of the criticism and the grim death toll among Palestinians and Israelis, and given the constraints and things beyond his control, Biden has fared pretty well so far in preserving U.S. interests and preventing matters from getting worse."

Er, I'm not sure anyone in the world right now can possibly put the death toll of either side as if there were some kind of equivalence here. The only thing I find 'grim' is this disgustingly inadequate journalism: we are seriously being asked to believe Biden is stopping the killing from getting worse?

As you say, Caitlin, the level of cognitive dissonance required to read articles such as these whilst watching children being blown into pieces and vast swathes of Gaza turning into dust is becoming impossible even for hardened Israel apologists. Hamas aren't even in control of the West Bank, yet Palestinians are being gunned down there too.

Boycott, Divest, Sanction. And thank you so much for your writing, your clear voice is needed now more than ever before and I'm so grateful for it amidst all this horror.

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"... as a free democracy with liberal values identical to the west’s ..." - actually, that's true. Israel and the West are identical in their lying stance about "free democracy" and "liberal values".

"...believe that that partner is actually entirely in alignment with the values of the virtuous west..." - yes, it is. See above.

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"Westerners are taught (falsely) that their governments embody virtuous values systems prioritizing freedom, peace, justice and truth, and here’s this bizarre ethnostate glommed onto them which very clearly wipes its ass with those values without even really attempting to disguise it."

Beautifully said! Westerners are starting to wake up to see the "ass" that is Israel and its crap stuck all over us and nothing, no "virtuous value" can cover over the shit stains.

"You’re more likely to support Israel if you’re a shitty person, and if you weren’t a shitty person to begin with you’ll eventually have to turn into one to continue supporting Israel’s actions."

Yeah, I've met a few shitty types lately doing the apology round for the genocider. Perhaps they're providing the brown stuff to the Israelis free of charge? Time to flush them all away! #FreePalestine

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The world's most powerful military, allied with the financial wherewithal of the Zionists. Even if they were in the hands of well meaning people, the capacity for evil of this combination is mind boggling. Just think what kind of damage it will do in the hands of evil people. That is the situation we have today.

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Hi, appreciate your articles. Not sure about the expression 'ethnic cleansing'. Cleansing makes it sound positive. It is ethnic murder.

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