"Their dick chakras burned with the intensity of a thousand stars." - This is the best line I've read all day.

"Time froze as the two joined fists in genocidal matrimony, flashing coy grins at each other upon a mountain of Yemeni corpses and the tortured bones of Syria. Their faces turned to skulls. Doves with red-stained feathers filled the sky."

Toxic-Virtue-Signalling-Bro-Love don't get any more pure than that.

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I wish they would have invited my fist to the meeting. There would have been a couple of black eyes and some broken noses by its end.

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I suspect both might have given you a tube of KY Jell and bent over if you had the right look in the eye.

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Dammlt Caitlin, you are the most poetic commentator on our dystopian reality out there, and I only read the best.

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My compliments to you, Caitlin.

Very creative indeed. I tried to think of something original that would perhaps equal (add to) your writings, but no.

Back to the drawing board.

Serious for a final moment.

Other than ' you give us your oil, (because we have such few reserves and everyone knows it) and we will give you all the weaponry you will ever need to keep murdering the people of Yemen and any other country that takes your fancy ..... (as well as any other country we can't be seen to be fighting .... without the approval of Israel, that is).

What a team. A Machiavellian duo, both tarred with the same disgraceful brush.

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“…Our sacred bond presides over an empire that is fueled by oil and blood…” until there’s no more oil and blood.

How long is one season of humanity? Who comes between?

(I initially misread the last word - thought it said “Ukraine.” Still made perfect sense of course!)

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Just listened to it and wow! Excellent! Thank you for being able to put into words the reality we live in. I don’t feel alone reading or in this case listening to your work. I truly appreciate your work!

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I wanna know how the person recording the audio version got through a whole reading without chortling hard!

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"Their dick chakras burned with the intensity of a thousand stars." - This is the best line I've read all day.

"Time froze as the two joined fists in genocidal matrimony, flashing coy grins at each other upon a mountain of Yemeni corpses and the tortured bones of Syria. Their faces turned to skulls. Doves with red-stained feathers filled the sky."

Toxic-Virtue-Signalling-Bro-Love don't get any more pure than that.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Dick Chakras, classic.

My read: capital D Democrats are dicks of the worst kind, they are pretend nice guys. Capital R Republicans are as well.

But the great cock himself - Donald J. Trump - is honest about being a dick, his metaphorical pants are unzipped and it’s hanging out there. Donald Trump (the inveterate liar) is more honest than Joe Biden and the Trump supporter is more honest than the Biden supporter.

Go fly a kite you dick!

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Dick Chakra vs Dick Chakra.....kinda like sword dancing!

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Trump is more straightforward because he has spent his life as a self-employed man with independent financial means. As a billionaire, he can afford to speak his mind. Biden depends on others and so has to change his mind to suit whoever can do him the greatest benefit. As a young politician Biden was very close to the ultra-conservative wing of the Southern Democrats, including at least one close colleague (Senator Byrd) who had been an 'Exalted Cyclops' in the KKK. Now that he needs the support of the African-American Caucus within the Democratic party, Biden is woke.

Many of Trump's most vocal supporters often come from small business. Biden's from the professional and managerial class and the NGOs. Their bases reflect much the same dynamic as their heroes.

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****Trump is more straightforward because he has spent his life as a self-employed man with independent financial means.****

More The Onion material that many here take as fact because they're so f*cked in the head they don't realize our reality is now a satire.

Trump is not a man of independent financial means. He's an uber welfare queen. His entire life he's surfed atop a tsunami of debt. He has lived the life of a queen by virtue of insanely gratuitous handouts from the bankers. He's not a self-made man, he's a leech and a debt junkie whore.

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I never said that he was self-made. As for his money, only his accountants and his bankers know how much he has or where it might be stashed. You are right about debt, but just remember: US capitalism runs on cheap credit (ditto the masses in debt-bondage). As for corporate welfare, US business hoovers up welfare and the investment banks (soup kitchens for the rich operating on a franchise run by the Federal Reserve) offer the financial equivalent of lobster, caviar and venison, but only for bums in $10,000 suits.

My operative assumption is that Trump follows the old Broadway advice: NEVER PUT YOUR OWN MONEY IN A SHOW! Good advice, IMHO.

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****You are right about debt, but just remember: US capitalism runs on cheap credit (ditto the masses in debt-bondage). As for corporate welfare, US business hoovers up welfare and the investment banks (soup kitchens for the rich operating on a franchise run by the Federal Reserve) offer the financial equivalent of lobster, caviar and venison, but only for bums in $10,000 suits.****

Spot on. If anything, Trump is a crude in-your-face poster boy for this conspiracy tauntingly hiding in plain sight.

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Your comment brings to mind something that John Gray (English academic, onetime Thatcherite who turned into a big critic of neo-liberalism) once observed: that Bill Clinton was a political shaman who enacted the contradictions of US politics that Americans could never openly acknowledge (the trade off between the free market and social cohesion).

Trump is the same, a shaman enacting the contradiction between traditional entrepreneurship and debt-enabled corporate welfare. That is what leadership is all about in a society enchanted with spectacle.

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Indeed. The spell of the spectacle. It's like Crack. No, check that, it's more like Fentanyl and just as deadly.

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If Trump even has any money that his own. My operative thinking is Trump doesn't need his own money because he's well aware the corporate welfare is the gift that keeps giving so why bother with your own money when you have unlimited access to the printing press.

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He'd be a total fool not to have some stashed somewhere. Possibly in family trusts, in the name of the wife or the kids. Maybe loaned out via carefully crafted IOUs to cronies. Then again, maybe there is a banker in Manhattan or Connecticut sitting on an IOU worth billions signed by Trump?

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I Agree - Trump was Never self made - inheritance & the creation of All County Supplies which was a fictitious company used to launder more of his daddy's money & avoid capital gains/inheritance taxation. David K Johnson has outed Trump as a coke dealer with millions of suspicious earnings with no obvious source. Trump was also implicated by Maurice Teeno in late 80's as a frequent brothel regular who preferred young blondes. Trump will NOT face any criminal charges because he IS the deep state. It is perfectly obvious to me that Trump is a CIA asset - what intelligence agency wouldn't make use of an American International Hotelier. Everyone gives Trump way too much credit. He is not funny, intelligent or brave. He is the greatest symbol & symptom of how far down the toilet American Politics have slid.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Well said.

Here is my judgement on it: Trump is a strange guy he has different wiring.

He is hypersensitive to personal slight, which may be part of his narcissism but he is also quite well attuned to figuring out the bottom line. By that I mean he shows good judgement and he can tell when someone is full of shit. He then takes that to the next level, he says it right out loud and doesn’t care who doesn’t like it, even though he is hypersensitive and this brings withering attacks against himself. I think it’s a very unusual combination .

This is the quality that I find so refreshing and damn hilarious, because it manifests as him being an endless tattletale. He calls bullshit on these people, they excoriate him, which he’s to thin skinned to take and then he tells more tales out of school. It’s exhausting and disgusting and I can’t take my eyes off of it, he is a machine, the perfect device for fucking the pretentious bastards. This is why I’m always perplexed that people like Caitlin don’t like him, she’s missing the boat, this guy is hilarious, heaven sent! Altogether much too serious, I think Curtis Yarvin’s right, America’s a joke. Please, lighten up folks, you know it’s a fraud, “the indispensable nation”, you read Caitlin, jeez, lighten up and enjoy the orange monster at work.

Philip said it elsewhere: our elite are there to enrich themselves, all their posturing and equivocating is just window dressing, they are money grubbing whores and Trump says so, right out loud.


He is my favourite president ever. He would concur with Caitlin. OK so he’s an ignoramus, you can’t have everything

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I am not at all sure that Trump is an ignoramus. He has enough self-awareness to stay off alcohol (an enormous achievement for someone who is half-Scottish). I have it on very good authority from someone who had a chance to see him up close frequently over a ten year period that he stayed away from drugs and drug-###### women, so he is not a sexual predator (the business partner of a friend worked in the modelling industry in Manhattan and had to chaperone/safeguard super models and this guy reported that Trump would show up at night clubs every night in the 80s and 90s, stay to get photographed or mentioned in the press, then go home as quickly as possible avoiding the party crowd as much as possible).

He plays up to his persona. He is a rich man, but he understands the social psychology of lower middle class and working class whites. A large part of Trump's appeal is the Long Island thing: he belongs to a certain type that is well-represented in all the white ethnic communities of the Tri-State area. The stick-up-their-ass types prefer euphemism and pretension. They confuse it with class. He is a blond-haired version of Rodney Dangerfield. The laugh is on his critics.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

On second thought I want to give you one more insight. Specifically, I call him an ignoramus: it means a person who is wilfully ignorant. I think that’s part of his shtick and of course hilarious (he is Rodney Dangerfield).

When the syndicated conservative commentator George Will wrote a think piece that described the numerous ways in which Trump was wrong on some topic, Trump answered: “people only think he’s smart because he wears glasses.”

That makes me happy!

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Food for thought!

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Classier than a golden globe and soward dance. But genocidal matrimony it was.

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sword dancing is so phallic....so......dick chakra....

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Who can forget that WTF moment? What the hell was that?

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Yeh, it's the meeting of minds, the perfect love of true soulmates. This couple like taking people apart: same objective, different methods. But that just shows a kind of flexibility, don't it?

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Too real. I'm gonna hurl.🤢

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Just wow

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You know I love you Caitlin but you have never produced anything as masterful of your craft as this. To capture pure evil in pure poetry, and even to put the glimmers of hope in the margins. I am in awe.

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****Their dick chakras burned with the intensity of a thousand stars.****

Biden's dick chakra fire was extinguished long ago. Look at him. He looks like John D. Rockefeller before he died.


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****Where their two fists connected, their souls merged.****

Souls? What souls?

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yeah. agree. you simply can't have soul and be a leader anywhere. still, it's a nice poetic line!

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I agree. Great line.

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All that’s missing is the poodle of both nations, Bungling Boris or the U.K. Billionaire Chancellor of five years who says the country’s economic woes are nothing to do with him it was all Boris’s fault. His new slogan is ‘win back trust’, hard to swallow as he has a private 20 strong team of staff llobying for him to be next PM. Back to the point, whilst Biden and the U.S. are rightly scrutinised for their hypocrisy here let’s not forget the U.K.’s part in this bloodfest. The fighter jets that have committed genocide against the civilian Yemen population have had their underwing ordinance supplied by the U.K. fully knowing that they are going to be used against defenceless civilians. Which is in breach of U.K. policy and International law. I am sick of hearing how the extreme right wing government of Ukraine is doing such a brave and wonderful job in the proxy war against the filthy Russkies protecting their borders. Not a mention of the atrocities in Yemen and Palestine. Not white enough for you? Not Christian enough for you? Or perhaps more accurately, no profit in it for you? Who wants to save penniless brown lives when we can make money out of arms to the Ukraine, force them into debt that they can never repay whilst bleeding the Russian coffers dry. Every day we are bombarded with misinformation and disinformation about the Ukraine yet the U.K. has decided that GCHQ needs to be supplemented by a new 750 strong regiment who have stolen the cap badge of the Chindits of WWII fame for disrupting supply lines in Burma. The role of these new 750 soldiers is to sit at computer screens all day promoting government policy on social media sites and stomping on any who seek the truth. Why can’t they leave the history and bravery of mainly Burmese nationals alone (yes of course they had white officers like the Gurkha Regiments, they are native chappies you know!) Let’s call this new Regiment by its real name ‘The Trolls’ and leave the mythical protector of Burmese temples off their cap badge and replace it with something more appropriate from The Lord of the Rings.

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He's there, Boris. He under the robes giving the best boarding school fellatio a public (private) school and Oxbridge boy can. After the royal donkey services Joe, and the royal camel services Jill, BlowJo will be called in to lick the floors clean.

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