the gaslighting I most despise:

Normal person: The candidate you are supporting wants to commit actual genocide.

Shit Lib: "Purity Test"!

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The gaslighting I laugh hardest at is that we have a democracy here. In second place: that Israel is our ally.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Democrat Loyalist: Nothing is perfect. You have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Trump will destroy our democracy and is evil!

Normal Person: But the lesser of two evils is genocide. I can't support genocide!

Democrat Loyalist: Purist!! Trump supporter!! Russian Infiltrator!

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Voting for the lesser evil still gets you evil.


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it sure does

And libertarians have been saying it for yeas

But because we are a waste, no one listens

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Libertarians have no Evil intentions. They are Citizens of truth sincerity and justice in our population.

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Who would have thought?? Sigh ...

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It is not RED Vs BLUE that Matters…it is "Red White and Blue Truth", FIXING A HACKED GOVERNMENT THAT IGNORS THE CONSTITUTION AND IT'S RULE OF LAW. Let us vote for making it whole again. God Bless America.

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The “choice” of who to vote for is absolutely illusory. The truth is the US is an oligarchy. It is impossible to elect a president who would challenge this oligarchic anti-democratic system. This is an incontrovertible fact. The only participants who can change this ugly and stupid condition is an effective, well organized, pro-democracy, mass movement. We, this country and this World, desperately need democracy. It is the only system that will have the compassion, intelligence, flexibility, and the capacity to create real consensus. All qualities that are becoming essential in order for humanity to (evolve) survive.

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"Normal person: The candidate you are supporting wants to commit actual genocide."

Responses I've gotten so far:

Trump worshipper: 'Trump didn't start any new wars!' [read: continuing old wars is okay and somehow magically doesn't count; also, yes he did; he missiled Syria, gave Ukraine weapons and bombed an Iranian general]

Harris worshipper: 'Harris is soooo anti-Israel and only drumpf will start wars' [Even though Biden-Harris admin is part of several wars right now]

There's not enough facepalm oil for all of this madness.

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Well said 'The Underdog'. It reflects my experiences too with Trump and Biden/Harris supporters.

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And the saddest part is that it doesn’t matter WHO is your candidate. Both main ones are planning to.

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Also shitlib: "single issue voter" or "privelaged single issue voter."

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since being booted out into the "adult" world and beginning to pay attention to government/politics a little over 30 years ago, I have CONSTANTLY seen the "bizarre, contorted reality tunnel where fake nonsense is all that matters and real problems are invisible to everyone who’s anywhere near the mainstream."

it's just a matter of which wing of the Uniparty controls what's considered mainstream as to what pet projects are thrown out into it on top of the standard bone structure of Global American Empire and Corporate Oligarchy.

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Some of us are red, some of us are blue. Let’s put our heads together and think of something new.

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Red or Blue--they don't give a sh*t about you!

Vote Green instead.

People, planet and peace.


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I am so with you on this concept. What a brilliant way to espouse your idea! Now THAT should be on a t-shirt!

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That’s brilliant! I would so wear that! I had considered “Roses are red, violets are blue, we’re all so over you psychos…to hell with you” but your’s is much better!

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Seriously, you should sell those. I am down to wear one. I am rather known for my message t-shirts at this point.

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I’ll just conveniently ignore whether red or blue has been more willing to “put our heads together” for the last 20 years. Focusing on the real problems guys!

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'Now that November draws closer as the Democrats run a genocidal candidate, there’s a split between those who oppose genocide and those who just want to feel nice about themselves.' This really resonates with me. The true test of a person is when he is faced with something that challenges his perceptions and perspectives: will be stick to his guns or will he sell out? Will he face the truth or will he stick to his delusional thinking? Some people cannot hack it.

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Everyone knows, one cannot feel nice about oneself and oppose genocide. Mutually exclusive!

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Russia, China, DPRK, Iran, etc are not the enemies and don’t pose any threat at all in reality. 🇷🇺🇨🇳🇰🇵🇮🇷

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They do pose a threat to US global hegemony - which apparently seems to be the only thing the US (and its Empire Managers) seem to care about. But yes, their threat impact on the rest of the world in comparison to the US Empire seems negligible.

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I don’t think they pose a threat to the but what is manufactured by the empire. This itself doesn’t mean they pose a threat!

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Tell that to Ukraine and Taiwan

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Normal person: The people who are being killed

are families that have the same aspirations as you and I do, to work for a better life, support the family and community, raise children, get educated, and to be happy.

Crazy person: This is the way of the world, if always has been and always will be, there are dominant forces who rule and innocents will die, stop being so naive and idealistic.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Normal Person: There is good in the world, and it's worth fighting for. There is good within us that motivates many of us to collaborate and make the world a better place for all of us and for ourselves.

Crazy Person: Greed is what drives all human beings. Get used to it, and compete with everyone you can. Winning and being the richest, most exploitative bastard on the planet is all that matters.

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"Greed is what drives all human beings. "

Greed may drive some people as a motive - but they are beliefs and not action.

What the actual ends they choose is another story.

Before you indict people's beliefs as the problem, you should reconsider that view

"Winning and being the richest, most exploitative bastard on the planet is all that matters."

You do realize you seem to talk about yourself there too.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

The majority of work I did was for the public: including being a librarian, working for NASA, University research, Medical research, and a number of years volunteering in a soup kitchen. I did not become rich. I see the ruthless pursuit of money, and self-serving greed as the root of most evil in the world.

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did the public pay you ?

I'm told everybody at the state works for you - even Donald Trump when elected

I personally fail to see what getting rich has anything to do with it

And I would like to know when the pursuit of money becomes ruthless

I personally will let people pursue thi own goals, even if I disapprove

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

You fail (personally) to see quite a few things.

Freedom doesn't mean you get to do whatever the hell you feel like in a society. Freedom isn't free, and requires social responsibility and collaboration, which guys like you (and Wallstreet criminals) are unwilling to accept.

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Freedom is the ability to be free AS LONG AS you do not violate that freedom for others

AND that is a DUTY that is imposed with the right - not a responsibility

Responsibility is something you undertake yourself

The idea that Freedom actually requires people to undertake action seems contradictory to me

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In other words-- What does legality morality decency fairness and equality have to do with what I want?

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fairness versus justice - you have to decide which is more appropriate

Legality is official rules written on official paper and can state almost what the rule maker wants

Libertarian will take political morality any day

Libertarians support EQUALITY of RIGHTS - not EGALITARIANISM as many of todays social liberals do

Equality/egalitarianism demands getting rid of one sex or replacing both with 1.

Individuals hopefully will NEVER BE EQUAL

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Normal person: I oppose genocide.

Crazy person: you don’t oppose genocide hard enough!!!! Aaaaah!!!!

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Yes. But there may be some truth in the crazy person’s comment. What is the level of opposition? Thoughts, talk, action?

The feeling of not being able to change the mess we are in is overwhelming. I truly believe it will take a people’s revolution. The forces of oppression are tightening and more and more we watch as free speech is being punished by our government. It is going to be interesting to see what happens around the upcoming Democratic Convention. I was in Chicago in the streets in 1968. It was brutal. We need to make the powers that be fear us.

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Each time I see the WAPo's motto, I want to shout at them, "Uh, no puppies, Democracy already died as a consequence of your tsunami of lies". Therein lies the "darkness" both to which their motto refers and which also symptomatically distinguishes what you characterize as the difference between "the progressive Democrats and the real anti-imperialist leftists". The former readily suspend critical thinking in favor of the warm embrace of their lying privileged, contented vacuous peers, the latter recognize that this is a time for the discarding of groupthink in favor of clearheaded analysis of the necessity of creative rebellion against a vindictive dying empire.

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Actually the public don’t talk about most of the evil £&&£ that the Dems are doing. Just a couple of them. It’s actually no different than when Trump is there, where a couple of topics attract attention.

For example, the Biden-Harris admin

- still runs tortures people in the gulag called Guantanamo

- last week went to court to preserve its attempt to get a legal precedent for its “right” to torture and sodimize people there

- is prosecuting US citizen organisations and journalists for opposing its warmongering

- has intensified the pervasive surveillance that Snowden warned about, adding AI manipulation on top ofbit

- still runs a weekly global drone murder program

- has been blocking food aid to Sudanese civilians while freely sending weapons to kill them

- recently killed Russian and Nigerian troops in Niger out of spite

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There’s no difference between trump and the dems!!! I’ll ignore all the evidence of my eyes and ears to the contrary!!!

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Your entire post has nothing to do with what I said.

I said the Dems are taking a wrecking ball to your future. Trump has a different shaped wrecking ball. Same result.

Both are out to wreck your life for the benefit of the oligarchs . One puts laughing gas over your face while doing it.

I suggest you’d better find your life more important to preserve than insisting on getting killed by a “preferred” killer.

Chose all other parties - eject ALL the crooks, now and in every other election.

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Ejecting all the crooks from both parties sounds great until you remember that we have a system in which one party will win.

You can choose not to vote, or decide which of your two choices you prefer. But you can’t choose not to “eject” both parties. Sorry

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In every election you have choices. You eject the duopoly of crooks consistently until they are gone. They were not there before. There will be other parties. It's not 1950 and everything changes. Because people force change.

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US President Lyndon B. Johnson once said,

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Replace "white" and "colored" with the appropriate designation of "the enemy" and you have the answer.

This about covers the current situation in the world.

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In other words, the psychosis of "whiteness".

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You seem to have completely missed the point he was trying to make. This has little to do with "whiteness". It has more to do with human psychology and emotions - and how they can be taken advantage of and played upon by unscrupulous people in power (regardless of their skin color, race, etc.). The same dynamic plays out in multiple nations all over the world in different contexts.

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No. You actually yourself completely miss what is going on. "Race" doesn't exist in the first place. It's a just made up. A myth-based caste system installed forpurposes of mass control in an exploitative social and economic system.

See my further comment to "Michael Lynch" that I made below, made a few seconds ago.

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White has got nothing to do with it, kudjoe, as in "The goddamn Germans got nothing to do with it" - https://youtu.be/cyWVPHoFGJA

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It has NOTHING to do with "whiteness" or race at all; you do not seem to understand.

Johnson is the architypical "powerful politician" and his statement speaks clearly of how much of the public can be easily manipulated. Johnson himself was a virulent racist who has been recast by those in certain political parties as some sort of "modern day messiah" for blacks in America. This is done to further manipulate blacks, foment racial mistrust, evoke hatred and divide the American public.

A prime example of this fact can be seen here:

Johnson once yelled at his substitute limousine driver, “Let me tell you one thing, nigger. As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.”

- Quote from a SLATE Article by Christopher Caldwell May 01, 2002

The statement above has been fact check and is accurate! This man was no "friend" of the black race, this is well documented and even better hidden. BTW, I grew up during Johnson's reign, so I am a first hand witness to that evil bastard's actions.

This statement sums up LBJ and his racist attitudes and is all I need to know about LBJ, not to begin to mention the tens of thousands of Americans that he sent to die in Vietnam . . . . all for what?

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No, you don't understand. Nobody is "white", nor "black" in the first place.

Race-ism is an invention, a caste system, used by the oligarchy such as Johnson, to separate certain people for abuse, and to create a perception of a ladder, to induce the rest of the masses to engage in the exploitation of the chosen lower caste.

Yes people like Johnson knew full well what they were doing. It's the poor "whites" who don't understand it. That is the point there actually:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Israelis talk about an "investigation" as to what happened on October 7th.

The "investigation" will certainly be no different in quality from what we see in the US when the criminals investigate themselves.

September 11th is a prime example.

Bush/Cheney (CIA/Pentagon) were resistant to having any investigation ****whatsoever****.

We are seeing the same thing from Netanyahu right now - very resistant.

Bush/Cheney finally relented to the 9/11 Families and chose....

wait for it....

Henry Kissinger !! to lead an investigation!!

(You may or may not be aware of what a criminal Henry K was. )

Who will Israel choose?

The 9/11 Families screamed in protest over the choice of Henry Kissinger

so another insider shyster was chosen, one whose shenanigans in the service of Lies

was less known.

Everyone that isn't stupid knows what a con job the final report was about September 11th, the "official" narrative.

What type of con job will Israel produce when it "investigates" October 7th?

Some Israelis are creating a ruckus right now just as the 9/11 Families did.

(Note, the 9/11 Families are still actively pursuing the truth.)



archive: https://archive.ph/dXZv3



archive: https://archive.is/AkZMO

From 1)

[Netanyahu meeting with families of IDF border watchers, "spotters".]


At the meeting, the parents told Netanyahu about how their daughters had warned repeatedly of a Hamas invasion. The mother of one of the soldiers said that her daughter, who had just finished her training and had only served at the Nahal Oz base for a week, predicted what was about to happen.

"She came home to us and said: There's going to be an invasion," the mother said. "When did she tell you that?" Netanyahu asked, and the mother replied: "During the time she was there. She said it several times, in fact."

Another woman at the meeting said, "For a month, they were telling us every day: 'It's trouble, they [Hamas] keep training.'" The prime minister asked her: "They told you that?" And another participant answered: "They told us, and we demand answers about this, immediately, not when the war ends."


From 2)

" Opposition leader Yair Lapid called Netanyahu out even more explicitly, saying that when a national commission of inquiry does take place, he will be there to testify that he "saw the same intelligence materials that the prime minister saw" and that the information made it "clear to anyone who understands anything that something terrible was going to happen." "

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Things would be "better" if Trump wins, only in the sense that resistance to his policies will be immediate, and sustained.

If Kamalacop wins, the same factions that went quiescent with the election of Genocide Joe will not utter a word against her, as she makes war on innocents abroad, and continues Joe's eugenics covid policies against the least among us at home.

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Agree. Trump's person, his persona is perfect for the job. His, words, postures all scream a human being in terrible condition. Unfortunately seems the necessary remedy - at least among all thats realistically available in who is actually gonna mount the White House Thrown. His shows the face of aMErica, the current predominant human order, the fundamental principle of "civilization" manifested in "nation states" for what they are. Without that, its all back to sleep girls boys, pass the popcorn while the world gets torn apart, human life made ever less bearable. That orange visage close up in yo kitchen didn't take first time round. Dey jus beggin fa maw.

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I used a funny nickname to attack my opponents! That’s how you know I’m clever and you should listen to me

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"How broken does your sense of empathy have to be for you to see “Just make sure someone else is being abused by our systems instead of you” as a valid response to complaints about systemic problems? How devoid of basic human compassion do you have to be to be satisfied with that kind of position? " Yep, lots of spot on points Caitlin.

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She really nailed that straw man

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As I’ve often said, some people simply want to believe, at any cost, that they do not live under a soft, repressive, tyrannical government. And they’ll do whatever they need to do to have that feeling validated, including championing political candidates who literally oppose their very interests. Because Trump.

If you want similar articles and notes on politics, propaganda, corruption and culture, subscribe to my Substack: https://stephenobisanya.substack.com

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Because trump is totally aligned with our interests.

It’s a two choice system people!

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Don't forget Trump's hatred for China.

We are headed rapidly for the West versus The Rest. Trump may be pumping his wrinkly fists, Zelensky may have reached Kursk, Starmer may be talking big about Iran not attacking Israel- but they're just small men behind curtains pulling levers.

Putin, Xi and Hezbollah are pulling back the curtain for the big reveal. Coming soon!

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Why does it feel like both democratic and republican parties are working together to lower voters' expectations so we will normalize their shared agenda prioritizing power over humanity?

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because getting elected may be their most valuable goal ?

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Might be a you problem

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Spot on! Well said!

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As a professional historian with published research via The Claremont Colleges, I document 200+ years of the US as a lying, looting, Orwellian-illegal rogue state empire. I'm happy to discuss this publicly:

US illegal: History of rogue empire REQUIRING arrests in the present. Introduction to define ‘rogue state’ as perfect match with US illegal Wars of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity, dictatorial government (1 of 11)


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