I'm with you! I will never forget!

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If Julian was still operating and the world listened and acted, we would not be sitting at the edge of Armageddon.

I posted this before, but for those who haven't seen it:


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Bless you, Caitlin, for keeping Julian from disappearing altogether. The systematic obliteration of that man is beyond belief.

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Thank you Caitlin!

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Jullian really opposed the empire, all of it. They tolerated him so long as he was useful to their narrative.(His exposure of foreign governments). Yet as soon he did it to the US he was more wanted than Bin Ladin. Manning also was severely punished.

No common theif breaks into a room at an embassy...That and with the pressure to get Assange out of the embassy, it really was political manipulation. Assange was smart enough and restrained enough to follow simple rules. The very questionable charges of rape against him...So much conspired against gun,

As for the image, it should come to no surprise, if you are a journalist against the empire, you are treated as the worst kind of terrorist. A lesson, that we never have free press or free speech.

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A beautifully strong moral testament. Thank you Caitlin.

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Thank you Caitlin, he will never be forgotten or obliterated as long as he is in our minds, he must be released.

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Looks like the basis for a series of art works which could be posted in a variety of places to remind people of what kind of regime we live under. By "posted" I mean small to medium prints on paper placed in books or stuck to walls.

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I bought a couple of "free Assange" t-shirts to support his legal fees. The most depressing question I get in the gym is, "Who is Assange?"

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The French press, however strong in posing as a paragon of virtue, totally ignores Julian Assange. But it is true that this press is not far from dishonor.

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Uffda, This is the hardest of all of my failures as a Lefty. I did not know what to think. After all, it was the SWEDES and WOMEN who were accusing him. And weren’t the Swedes a great socialist nation? This is what Thumb Hartman said. And I trusted Thumb! After all, he started his broadcasting from here in Portland and Portland was ground zero for cool and hip and informed, so he must be ok and thus the Swedes must be ok. Plus Assange’s so-called battle with Greenwald over releasing certain information made me doubt Assange’s veracity as I was a devoted Greenwald fan. So I never tried to sort it all out and come to a principled stance on this poor suffering man, tho I was on Chelsea’s side all the way. Sigh. I feel so sorry for that failure of imagination on my part. And I feel so enraged that I was played, and by the LEFT!!! And I feel so sorry for this man and his ghastly treatment. It’s like being a German in 1945 when the Russians opened the death camps that I had so conveniently ignored. I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot more of this feeling as American perfidy is more and more revealed.

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The Australian government shows how weak and controlled it is by doing nothing - thank you I will follow with interest

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He made enemies of powerful and vindictive people. They could not have gotten away with this in the mid-20th century; now they act with impunity.

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His primary “enemy” is Killery Clinton. His persecution has her fingerprints all over it. Most males in power would have just killed him somehow, like they did Epstein. But she tortures 1st, then she kills. Also, Ecuador threw out the guy who let Assange stay in the embassy, and put in a guy who kicked him out. And who does that better than Killary?

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"Justice" and "order" are false dichotomies: justice is order, everything else is a fraud. Julian Assange is the newest example of this confused thinking, and history is full of them. What has the treatment of this brave man done for society and "order"? Do we have more, or less, confidence in the system? Are we more trusting, more hopeful of a good outcome in any area of society from economics to war? I don't think so, and I believe authorities know goddam well it isn't the case. So what is their point?

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