It is really hard to know who to look up to in these days of a collapsing civilization based on Greed.

Julian Assange, Ed Snowden, Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson, Richard Wolff.

Folks also need to pay attention to the NED (National Endowment for Democracy). It is a US funded NGO that in turn funds other NGOs all over the world. It does overtly what the CIA used to do covertly.

While the CIA payments may have ended in 1974, the NED payments are still on-going. A brief web search will find the NED hosts the Dalai Lama quite often.

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And then there's all that dark money. The trillions that have come up missing from the Pentagon.

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That's not dark money. That's just stolen money lining the pockets of politicians, generals and their friends. Dark money is the stuff that's generated off the books by government agencies through the operation of blackmail, narcotics and other illegal enterprises.

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I totally agree with you, so totally that my new outlook in life is basically trust NOBODY (famous etc) and trust NOTHING you hear on either mainstream or alternative media, research history yourself etc.. I am not saying that I do not absorb the information, I try and absorb as much as possible, but I like to research it and question it. Unfortunately or fortunately, I have the time to do it.

4 years ago, I would have respected, admired and supported the names you mentioned; but I think many like me, learnt hard and quickly that the World's a stage and that there is so much BS and psychological manipulation (plus downright misinformation, disinformation, half truths etc) being thrown at us, it WAS impossible to decipher the truth and we just played along with it. Now I do not and can see easily through much of it, question and research the rest sounding arrogant again).

PS Take Scott Ritter for example - I enjoy listening to him, he has many valid points and if everything happening we believe we see - he could be spot on. But where did he come from ?, it was like zero to hero overnight ... the same happened during the plandemic with some of the well known doctors ... on every alternative news show ALL THE TIME ... even on mainstream media !!!!.

Julian Assange was my hero, Trump used to talk up "WikiLeaks" and I believed him - but in hindsight, is that normal for a President to do, who did nothing to drain the swamp, but added to it ?. Also the story involving all of the different Countries; Sweden, Australia, UK, Ecuador, USA etc ... becomes sofar fetched; but of course it serves to divide AND warn us about questioning authority and the such.

Same with Edward Snowden, but of course the added benefit for the all American patriot that he was an American but later naturalized Russian - a traitor that fled to "commie Russia" in what year ? - 2013 .... and when was the Ukrainian coup ?. I may be talking complete and utter bllx, but I do not believe in coincidences anymore.

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"Take Scott Ritter for example"

Ritter has been prominent in the news for decades. He was part of the inspection team that made the INF treaty possible. (The one that Trump abandoned) He was a weapons inspector in Iraq trying to ensure there wouldn't be another war. He crossed paths with the "deep state" which wanted a new war. They retaliated against him and like many others, spent time in jail. This link tells of his resignation from UNSCOM in 1998: https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/the-making-of-an-activist-part-three

IOW, I trust Ritter.

WRT Assange, I don't know what story you are referring to. The fact that the deep state is trying to kill him lends a lot of credibility to the stories he leaked. The videos are there for you to see.

Snowden is in Russia for an amazingly complex series of events engineered by the deep state. Calling him a traitor is completely unjustified. It isn't clear, are you somehow trying to link him to the Maidan Coup? If so bllx doesn't come close to your insinuation.

Ritter likes to refer to Reagan's quote, "Trust but verify".

Pick a few pundits you trust, see if you can find sources to back them up. Completely dropping out is not an option.

I've found Reddit to be an interesting source. Not because what is posted there is true (or false) but because of the wide range of interpretation of events. I would not recommend it as a place to debate issues because so many participants are there merely to troll. Then too, many moderators have taken their power to "filter bad content" to an extreme. If one does not repeat exactly what they want to hear, you can get banned for life. But even with that consequence, you learn something. Kind of like arguing with your crazy uncle at Thanksgiving. It has been interesting to see the rhetoric aimed at Russia to change. Less vitriol, even though there's still a lot. Fewer accusations that Russia was unprovoked. No one has provided an answer to what alternative actions Russia should have taken in response to the Nazi death cult that now runs Ukraine -- put in place by the USA deep state.

You -might- want to check it out there, but it requires a lot of time and patience to wade through all the different perspectives. You might not find it useful.

In the end, you are responsible for yourself to be informed. Being skeptical is one thing, totally washing your hands of the situation, something else.

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Wo, hold on there. I am not totally washing my hands of anything and made it quite clear that I question everything, whilst not putting blind faith into anything, nor trusting anyone at first pass.

This is my view, to which I am entitled to .. you have your view and I shall respect that as well - even though it maybe different to mine.

I am not backing my view up, but just asking - assuming you know about the continuous UN agenda, the WEF, lets call it New World Order for simplicity - 2 questions and 2 questions only (sorry maybe 3).

1. How long do you think this has implementation of our totalitarian takeover has been planned for and if you think it is just about Covid and a pass, how come Tony Blair, Angela Merkel (plus plus) were WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM - Young Global Leaders back in the 1970s.

2. Of course there are the good men, the ones that speak the truth amongst us, as "the human race" in general, the vast majority are good, honest people with morality etc.

I am not even arguing or disagreeing with you in general, but I have learnt how they manipulate us ... us ??... the dumb masses more like. Just take Trump for example and let's assume he was top man and wanted to better the US and change the World for the better ... how would you turn many of his voters (who usually love the military, hate traitors etc) and others and cause division ?. Edward Snowdon or Assange ... they show the US military in let us say stages of darkness, not doing what Christians or armies should do ... and then one b*ggers off to Russia ... WHICH OF COURSE is a Country linked non-stop to Trump through the false dossiers (Clinton).

Apart from your last paragraph, I agree with you, to some extent, but I shall try and make my point clearer next time. Cheers.

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#1: ever since the first colonists landed on the North American shores. Aaron Good's youTube series explains that the USA was founded by crooks and to this day is still run by crooks.

Your accusations against Snowden are uncalled for. Quite frankly, I find them either incredibly naive or quite disgusting. As such, whatever else you think you're saying, I'm not hearing it.

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That is fine, but a accused NOBODY, I stated a potential way to view things.

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You are 100% in my opinion. There’s too much shit going on (quite quickly I might add) for a “coincidence”.

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Look up to Jesus Christ. Make him your king. Then everything else follows simply (although not necessarily easily).

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There is no uman animal dead or alive worthy of being "look up to". We are all the same degenerate uman animals.

Maybe another Infinite Rock can fix the unbalance.

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About the same as idolizing Hilary Clinton or the Kardashians.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

I must say that I am seriously surprised by today's writing not that I have had any reason to consider the Dalai Lama as anything but a religious leader in his own country. A lifetime career it has been

Just one more questionable character in a world full of charlatans and misfits.

So if as stated he is now and has been a paid puppet for the CIA, funded as he appears to have been, I am disappointed, but not surprised in this day and age.

So with my respects to W S Gilbert.....

Things are seldom what they seem. .....Skim milk masquerades as cream

Black sheep dwell in every fold. ...... all that glitters is not gold

I agree, frequently

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His dismissive attitude to pedophilia by Buddhist monks as “...nothing new.” disgusted me.

Deborah Parks research article below on "Bringing Child Buddhist Monks into the Alternative Care Conversation: Reflections on an Under-considered Group of Children” shows how abuse of children is endemic in Buddhist religious organisations just as it is in Catholic or other denominations.


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Dalai Lama doesn't represent Buddhism, not even a branch of Buddhism.

Neither in Lamaism, Nor Mahayana or Hinayana. He is an exiled Political Figure heads for purely political activities using so-called religion as a tool.

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Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:9

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If I were a human living in a traditional society and I had alternative sexual tastes not necessarily geared towards heterosexual marriage, a monastery would be the perfect place to hide out in plain sight.

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Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat, he cried. $15K a month from the CIA. Thank you, again, Caitlin. Don’t know how I would have missed a factotum such as that. I guess it must not have had enough ‘resonance’.

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The entire Tibetan system , though rooted in some ok ideas, is quite corrupted. The current Kalu Rinpoche is a young man now, who has criticized the sexual abuse he received as a boy in the monastery system, being “ groomed” for his current job. The entity who held that title last lifetime ( presumably the same being) was accused of a lot of sexual improprieties with women and boys? so maybe that’s just karma... but oh, we mustn’t speak Iill of the holy men.! Trust and practice our own inner knowing and learn to discern truth from lies from that place. Indeed, it’s the only thing that has ever worked, despite the pitfalls, everything else is a trap

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Yes. More than corrupted, it's Cruel.

If you do a bit more research on their practices. Five sects in full.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

'watch out for leaders and parking meters'........dylan 'Revisited' Don't follow leaders

Watch the parkin' meters.......corrected.

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Not quite right, and being anal I want folks to find it for themselves.


I used to know it by heart. Can't get through a whole verse without having to catch my breath.

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even better....'don't follow'..............words...lol.......but you get the picture.....breathe (-:

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EEWWW thank you for enlightening me to the horror. Well that certainly put a fork in it. All pedos need to go.

Spiritualism and science or scientific method is the way to go.

Any war there is always innocents blood on any perceived side.

I'm lucky I didn't have to fire an angry round.

You're right Caitlin it's up to us, no spaceships coming to save us. ;)

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Go. Now. Out of the house. Find pedo priest. Bloody them you violent dink.

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Next time you’re thinking about following someone, maybe check out that guy or gal you see brushing their teeth in the bathroom mirror. I hear really good things about them.

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You’re talking about the crowd that includes Robert DeNiro, who gave his Oscar to Zilensky.

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Robert De Niro? I think it was Sean Penn. From Google: Why did Sean Penn give Oscar to Zelensky?

Penn has been a vocal supporter of Ukraine since the beginning of the illegal Russian invasion and has built a strong relationship with the country's president. Penn presented Zelensky with the statuette as a symbol of his continued support.

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Sean Penn is one of those big Hollywood assholes who look at their navels from the comfort of their ultra-protected villas, false rebels who are in reality the relays of American imperialism.

And if the Russian invasion is illegal, then what about the actions of the American government for the last thirty years. As McFarlane writes, America "is the Reich without a Führer but with lots of little invisible Fuhrers".

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I, too, have been disappointed at the shallowness of the public statements of the Dalai Lama; his analyses seem very generic and devoid of profundity or even insight. In any case, who would have expected this cringy kid encounter? Even so, I'm hoping his apparent disrespect for boundaries goes no deeper, but with all the revelations involving religious institutions, I expect to be disappointed.

On another note, it was about a year ago I learned that Gloria Steinem was a CIA operative, now the Dalai Lama? That spook agency really does have its tentacles in everything.

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Partisan Review, and quite a bit of modern art (abstract expressionism, IIRC) was CIA sponsored.

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The biggest impediment to the realization of ultimate Truth except our own egos is the presence of so-called "spiritual gurus." Their teachings bring you as much closer to Truth as that of a thumb-sucking idiot. Their preached "spirituality" should be treated in a similar way you would treat someone saying he saw a real dinosaur.


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Always BEWARE any cult of personality - in particular those foisted upon us by the damaged, psychopathic media. Elon Musk is another case in point

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In some ways I wish I hadn't read that but gave myself a shake and said don't be so bloody naive. and open your eyes. Always believed the Dalai Lama was a force for good but see now it very much depends on who the man is. Thank you Caitlin.

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That image IS creepy . I don’t know wether it’s his generation as my mother tried to kiss me on the lips and I made it very clear that’s inappropriate .🤢

It was her regular behaviour with friends and Elders ... covid changed that practice.

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Not only the picture. Read the article further and see what Dalai Lama required the boy to do? Disgusting 🤢

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Additionally, a person I knew back in the day , went to see the Dalai Lama when he toured Australia- not sure which year.

His takeaway from the event was the DL farted really loud and kept on talking.

Go figure!

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It's impossible to talk and fart simultaneously.

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That was part of his message. To be penetrated not just through the ears.

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There are about 25 photos of Joe Biden creepily touching minors, and accusations by Tara Reid and other people against our senile groomer warmonger president, and everyone stands up and salutes.

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Very interesting. One of the things about spiritual practice is not feeling the need to look up to anyone. We look across.

I have learnt so much from my yoga teacher, but am aware that she's abit of a control freak. I have also gained so much from the works of Zen Buddhist Cheri Huber, especially her book 'There is nothing wrong with you; a guide to going beyond self-hate', though I wouldn't say I look up to her. I really admire her honesty. She writes about her attempted suicide by shooting herself in the stomach as a young woman, but also writes that even after years of awareness practice she is still as depressed as she ever was. Amazing, insightful speaker Gabor Mate 'When the body says No' still admits to needing to 'get over himself', his addictions and medications.

It's not the Dalai Lama that's the problem, although there does seem to be some serious issues with him, it's thinking that any leader is anything more than a journeying, fallible, hurting, flawed, wonderful human, and in putting anyone in positions above the law- such as, facilitated by politicians, the care home and hospital administrators who knowingly allowed Saville access to vulnerable young women, because of his charity work.

We seem to be reaching for leaders in the health freedom and freedom of speech movement. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-healthy-future-does-not-lie-with we've established that we can't trust politicians, medical dogma, doctors, journalists or the media, we don't need to replace then with any other global medical, health or media establishments.

We just start listening to our guts and bodies and sitting quietly


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The days of Prophets ended 1400+ yrs ago. Every human alive today is fallible. Thats why our hero-worship culture is so dangerous. It puts humans with all their flaws on pedestals they don’t belong. Especially those funded by the alphabets...

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I absolutely disagree that Mate is blaming the parents. He explains how what happens to the parents, and to their parents before them can get passed down through the generations.

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It was guessed that lifetimes of parent stress effectedvtheir children. Mate is lending such voice as he has to underline the old Freudian idea minus blame, be it said, that we cannot shake it without a conscious look. Whic is Freud's despairing position that all we do is a comforting b3cause familiar reenactment of Freud knewx

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-knew not what. But Mate proposes we question our decisions about who do we hate next. And adopt a kind of mea culpa without an audience. In other words we are neurotic characters and better that you be an auntie Mame than an Anti Meme about any hard working person.

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