To me, the most obvious flaw in capitalism is its reliance on the ponzi scheme of unlimited growth. Stores selling Christmas decorations before Halloween is capitalism's stupid kid brother.

In many ways Trump was idiotic -- just like any other president -- but that he got censored off social media has ramifications far worse than any of his predictable failings. And those forces are still going strong, much to our detriment.

I'm long out of high school but our society would be much improved if they focused on two things: how to change a flat tire and how to spot logical fallacies.

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Crony capitalism controlled and regulated by a corrupt fake system, set up incrementally by powerful dark elite is not true capitalism.

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I get that, any more than what Stalin and the Soviets did represented true Communism -- yet it keeps getting pointed to be those who don't want Americans to have health care or more income equality.

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And I stand by my comment regarding capitalism's ponzi scheme of unlimited growth, which isn't some flaw but is supposedly one of its shining virtues.

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Saying there is not enough money to do good is like saying there are not enough inches to build a house money economies and measurement are man made inventions not limited natural resources. The belief in money's limitation is just a form of control like religion was before it just an illusion of the herd mentality we just need more people to raise their level of consciousness and the whole illusion collapses like a pack of cards.

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ESPECIALLY the MEDIA corporations!

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Who says we don't have National healthcare? It's called UnitedHealth! Operates in 50 states. The politburo at National Health decide what to cover what not:


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Yes, totally rigged. If you are not one of the players (Big Pharma) then you are screwed no matter how good your drug might be... Good book to read that is fiction and fun: Drug Lord (High Ground Series), by Doug Casey and John Hunt.

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will love to read it! "Fiction" is where truth most often is.

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Re: Love. I've always believed that, because that is the case in my family of birth. But I've never ever found it anywhere else so far :( Till I started to think I am the delusional person. I appreciate you so boldly stating that.,

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Regarding the anti-Fluoride lady. I'm VERY skeptical this happened.

Once you go down the anti-fluoridation path, which I have gone, you don't just casually use any filter.

I use Clearly Filtered water filters, which claims to remove Fluoride. Can I prove it? No.

But the research I did on various water filters convinced me this was the best one.

I'd be very, very surprised if someone took the time to research fluoride would not have done the same.

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"Obviously the best way to convince conspiracy theorists to trust their institutions is to have an elite cabal of billionaire megacorporations in Silicon Valley coordinate the blanket censorship of their online speech."

What you fail to understand about conspiracy theorists Caitlin is that their deeply unfounded distrust of institutions is usually incurable because it is the result of an innate perversity, endemic to their natures, which is very often stubbornly resistant to ordinary methods of inculcating pro-institutional values.

This is why we are really left with no choice but to round them up and put them into CIA-run de-programming centers/extermination camps, which-incidentally-is exactly what many of them theorize we are planning to do.

Ironic isn't it?

But rest assured, ultimately, it's for their own good.

If you wish to avoid joining their ranks here is a crash course on how to do so as I see you are dancing dangerously close to the edge.


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howz those lockdowns and mandatory vax's....that you never mention.... working out for you and your fellow aussies?

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Child trafficking is a very real sickness worldwide...because it’s profitable. Love your work.

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Capitalism is what we call in other contexts, spiritual astigmatism - mixed with just practical short-sightedness: because life itself has to be the first principle and sine qua non of any kind of profit. And capitalism has and is destroying it. But those in charge believe socialism is too utopian to work. Or that's their argument.

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It's the Administrative State in league with the Corporations, secret combinations, and the Corporations in many cases are more wealthy than most Nation States. It's fascism+ and that is what we have today in most of the so-called 'Free World'. Government(s) have their fingers in every pie and the they rule US without empathy, destroying enterprise and any out-side the box thinking unless 'approved', and removing free speech and your ability to defend yourself with weapons or law. Simple profit motive is much, much better in the end, unless you want to be China and they for sure get to pollute at will not to mention all the other goodies. That's the model for US and the some of the Corps are in on it, not all, but many. What to do? Seeking more government is never good...in the end. The only thing we can do now, IMO, is to get rid of the Administrative State/New Deal and get back to the States themselves and their citizens dealing with local problems they can see for themselves. The Constitution has to be restored as it originally functioned because then there was a Separation of Powers Doctrine, now we have mostly Tyranny of one sort or another with no real checks and balances. Until then enjoy the shit-show.

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don't forget the brainwash-media. It's not at all possible without the Ambien the media provide.

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Yes, although I don't think the real execs are 'brain-washed' they are in on it. The talking heads, yeah, pretty much. The news is now a show within a show. 5th Gen Warfare.

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Yes, So, our government is basically Bezos, the Waltons, the Kochs, and maybe 20 other similar corp executives, wrapped in a McGOP or McDNC franchise wrapper. It's the job of the franchise wrapper to make it all "presentable" while collecting a "fee" (called re-election campaign funding).

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The Green new Deal is just what the USA needs when you have your own power sources you can stop invading other countries and causing chaos human misery and a bigger refugee crisis than happened after world war two. At the moment you have Socialism for the Corporate elite and Capitalism for the 99%.

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There is no left in the USA which is why you are so behind the rest of the world even China pays mothers 14 months maternity leave the USA does not even pay Holiday pay by law 30 million have no health cover and one in five children live in poverty. Europe has far more freedom and rights compared to the average American and most European governments are centre to centre left and a few are left wing.

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