To name but two recent examples, the United States invaded Panama and Grenada for less.

Not to mention threatened WWIII over Cuba.

And if, for example, Russia were to sponsor a blatant coup by French Canadian radicals to hijack the Ottawa government and frenchify the rest of Canada at gunpoint and rabidly oppose les pigdogs plusgrandes Americaines, you can bet your bottom dollar that Washington would not waste a minute before it invaded.

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I was thinking about this just now, and there must be a stronger word than "provoked".

The US wanted this war. It planned, funded, trained, weaponized, propagandized, fomented uprising and coup, overthrew a government, and installed a puppet regime to produce this war.

All that seems to go well beyond mere "provocation".

Anyone got a better word?

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Orchestrated and instigated.

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Good point... it doesn't quite express the full truth. I don't have a better term but here's a few others: "set up, set in motion, instigated, precipitated, caused, catalyzed"; and I'm sure there are more. In other words, Russia would never have crossed the border and this war would not have happened, without U.S. actions to set up the coup and its aftermath (along with the economic warfare already in place. And those actions were all part of a clear plan to literally force Russia to choose between a military conflict with Ukraine and a serious, possibly permanent loss of Russian security and self-determination..

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Well stated. Geopolitical analysts relate all of the U.S. decisions and actions to a neocon strategy to confront China militarily and use Taiwan as a pretext. With a weakened Russia, neocons and millennialists believe a showdown nuclear or not, will deal their appointment with destiny as the global king of the heap.

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Remember how Blinken and Sullivan and Burns were stating with apparent certainty that Putin was going to invade Ukraine? If he sought to prove them wrong, he’d be staring at NATO weapons poised to strike the Kremlin.

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'Engineered' is the word I use. From go to woe.

We do not help ourselves one tiny bit by underestimating a truly formidable, committed foe.

30 years is understating it too.

There's an idea around that the crackdown on independent thinking nuisances got geared up and going by mid 1970s in the post-Vietnam heart-searching the super foe undertook. Rigorous, thorough, like the engineering.

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I saw through that as well. They knew the war was going to start soon because they planned to cross the red line then and start the war. Zelensky stating Ukraine needs nuclear weapons to be safe, and Ukraine already having had inherited many crucial aspects of the capabilities to do so from the USSR was not some idle threat. Followed by the massive increase in shelling along the line of contact in Donbas and Lugansk. It was a massive "wag the dog" moment. The shift away from the west in Russian diplomacy is largely because talking to the west only informs the neocons of what to do next to further instigate the war. The nuclear posturing is massively anxiety inducing using the same metrics of what the US says and warns against, then fully seeks to induce, coupled with the insane nuclear posture update recently released. To change the stance towards A nuclear war can be won and must be fought (because all the west has that is effective is nuclear weapons, and contrarian edgelord propaganda) is the contrarian edgelord par excellance statement of penultimate hubris of all time. The final statement will be the aftermath of its implentation, and the adjective use of the term asshole will have a new level of meaning. Looks like this is where we are all being dragged to now. Thanks 4chan, this is the dream come true for the most bitter and spiteful among us who wallow in the people are shit misanthropy being giant rancid heaps of it to prove themselves right. May this insane idea fail and all who contribute and promote it fail with it.

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It's even worse than you note. Scott Ritter documented (based on UN data) and written that Ukraine moved troops and dramatically increased shelling of the Donbass in days just prior to the Russia invasion. Russia used this as a justification to the UN under Article 52? that authorizes a defensive war to protect Russian allied populations. So the US knew of this military provocation before the fact.

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The decision to end one’s life is personal, but there seems to be one or two things that many attempted suicides have in common. When the mind is overrun by an inability to reconcile what was once perhaps certainty with overt strands of contrary thoughts and realizations, the rationale for acting (living) may lose its voice. In this respect, the thoughts and ideations and aspirations and judgements about self, about right and wrong...about what matters most, weigh more on the individual than the prospect of divining what is real and what is objectively true.

I have met more than a few people who are so emotionally invested in their immutable truths, from their religious beliefs to their perceptions of their own character to their self-identity as Americans, that arguing about what is right or what is reasonable or what is fair is not penetrating their emotional armor. In this context, facts seem to be irrelevant. And this is where propaganda is so effective and so pernicious.

I wonder if the “average” apolitical American who questions nothing beyond what’s on the dinner menu...I wonder if he/ she has noticed how this current war is being chronicled in incessant, unsparing storytelling as no war has ever been reported. It’s as if the media has been unleashed to tell Americans all about this war, when 20 years in Iraq and Afghanistan featured paltry interviews with generals and politicians, all prosecuting a war against, we were told, terrorists. (If Shock and Awe was not an unnecessary, “unprovoked” colossal act of terrorism, what was it?) If even the most apolitical of our fellow citizens cannot tell that their attention to this war is being drawn with purpose to keep them on the “right track,” they are exercising blind faith in their government and media, and are immunized against reality.

I dropped a link to a provocative article that I read recently which addresses the proxy war, the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, and how it will change the face of Europe. Having to purchase fuel from the U.S. will significantly impose on German manufacturing and that in turn will ripple through the continent. The road to a fascist Europe, including a fascist Germany has gotten much less complicated. The boomers who think Putin is Hitler, may live to see another Fuhrer, and if Europe goes that way, V. Putin might become the most reasonable, most centrist leader in Europe!


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I'm not too worried about a fascist Europe, not when we already are living in a fascist USA.

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V. Putin is already the most reasonable leader in the world today.

He far surpasses H. Clinton, Trump, or J. Biden.

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Hear! Hear!

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One of your best posts ever and that’s saying something!

People need to speak out otherwise only those who wish to hide the truth will be heard. It’s part of personal integrity and responsibility. It won’t make you popular and you will lose friends, but they are already lost to societies conditioning anyway.

The US needs war, wants war, relies on war. Without the Military Industrial Complex and the huge revenue it generates America would go bankrupt. So they need to be at war constantly and they are. This is just a variant a ‘proxy war’. All the profit from kit, advisors supplies etc but no body bags coming home as Ukrainian blood is spilt. In a country that most American citizens couldn’t find on a labelled map. Good chance to prep and make pacts for the coming imperial war with China using Taiwan as an excuse.

The other added benefit is ‘bear baiting’ draining Russia financially, militarily and making them the bad guys again since the farce of attempting to keep the Cold War going failed. But the bear has been very restraint, to people seriously believe that they could not over run the entire Ukraine in a week if they wanted to? The Ukraine forces are entrenched mainly in civilian areas and Russia doesn’t want a blood bath.

All they simply requested was that the Ukraine remain an independent Sovereign nation free from NATO. Thus providing a buffer zone rather than toe to toe borders and the problems it brings. Sadly now the Ukraine has lost its Sovereignty to Western bankers. They will never even pay of even the interest on their debts, they are owned.

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The reason why we unreasonable people who understand MMT and are always begging others to learn it is to prevent you from making embarrassing statements like "the US would go bankrupt."

The US has a fiat currency. All countries with a fiat currency can never go broke or bankrupt, and they can meet every debt that they make *in their own currency.*

Please don't respond with "but Venezuela" or "but Zimbabwe."

You can learn MMT from The Rogue Scholar, Macro'n'Cheese, or MMT Mondays on YouTube. They will refer you to papers published by William Mitchell or Warren Mosler, and when you have worked your way through them, you will be exhausted (I don't have an economics background and I suffered through them; you can too) but you will grasp the nuts and bolts of MMT

The great thing about knowing MMT (which is why we keep asking you to learn it) is that you are armed against the lies that our politicians tell us about the economy.

Please only come back at me after you know what I'm talking about. It's more important than you think.

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Thanks for trying to talk some sense into "Westerners". You are one of the few journalists who gets it and continues to cry out to the world.

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Thank you. And a mystery — if our beloved US is basically - a bipartisan fascist non-democracy - why is it fashionable for GOP RINOs to call fascist Democrats — communists (?!) and “left” (?!) ?

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Actual reality has been subsumed by delusions and schizophrenic visions of grandeur; most haven't a clue what democracy and communism actually means. Communism is still the dirtiest word in America--worse than Godzilla Motherfuckers, or other such profanities to shock one's sense of tranquility. Similar to saying "fire", in a movie theater. It just isn't said in general discourse.

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Yet - socialism is the future of humanity...

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Yes. It also has to be un-expasionary socialism(communism). Depopulation. Humans have to find a way to reduce their population--voluntarily preferred. Otherwise Earth will do it and humans won't like what Earth does to predate the scourge of overpopulated industrial civilization as it is decimating Earth's bounty.

I fear it is already too late to survive what's coming--it will be ugly. I purposely have no children to worry about their future. I decided back in 1973 at 19 years old. It, Earth, was severely overpopulated back then. Earth's population has more than doubled since then. It IS humanity's #1 problem--nothing else will save it. The trillion pound elephant no one wants to see. Sorry.

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About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

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About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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I'm going to screenshot those last 3 paragraphs for the "spiritual" people in my Facebook group who think I am anti-war and anti-nuclear brinkmanship because I "have not made peace with death". Thanks for all you do.

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If these dipshits are so at peace with death, then they can go and die for Ukraine on their own time and quit gambling with the lives of other people and also with the lives of cats!

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Two of my favorite movies about death are Seeking a Friend for the End of the World with Keira Knightley and Steve Carell and Photographing Fairies with Ben Kingsley.

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Mine is Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove", still the best black comedy for the 'end of the world' pathos. I'll try to find "Seeking a Friend...", and Photographing..." on my streaming services. Peace

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Intimacy is established first and foremost by one’s relationship with oneself. I think people (myself included) really fear their own demons more than another’s. But they project their fears outward and in so doing create self-fulfilling prophecies.

Fear of our own vitality is a sign of trauma, which runs deeply in our dna from eons of what we’ve done to each other. But we must build a bridge to our fearful disembodied selves if we hope to heal.

So yes to deeper intimacy, but this means deeper in-to-me-I-see. Facing our own shadows with love. And courage.

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My absolute favourite is politicians(we know who) outright blaming Putin/Russia for their own steaming pile of shit policies. For Christ, Truss was only so far as saying it was Russias fault for her pathetic 44 day attempt at Prime Minister

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The biological addiction analogy seems appropriate here in understanding "people who've spent their entire lives marinating in US propaganda." If one's brain is addicted to opioids, the brain receptors for its own internal opiates (endorphins etc.) become desensitized. By analogy, marinating in a society perennially at war desensitizes those brains to the internal logic that their society could possibly be a major causal source for international conflict. To the opioid addict, drug-addled behavior is normality; by analogy, to the propaganda-marinated, war-driven madness seems like standard international relations. Given the difficulty of detox, one wonders how the mass of propaganda-drugged individuals in US society (and beyond) can possibly be healed. I want to say that love is the answer, but I wish I believed it operationally.

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You want to say that love is the answer. Someone else commented that people cannot imagine their world without capitalism so therefore prefer the end of the world. The more we imagine, visualize, hope, and act on love the more we create the possibility. Love and accept ourselves. Love and accept our neighbors. Love and accept our enemies. Our souls already love each other.

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"one wonders how the mass of propaganda-drugged individuals in US society (and beyond) can possibly be healed." Exactly!

I'd appreciate everyone's ideas on this. It's the big question of our times...

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From what I know of treatment centers, sweetness-and-light love isn't used very much. I would describe their approach more as Tough Love.

And that's what we need to use on our fellow addled citizens, which is pretty much what Caitlin was saying.

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Fair enough. And I knew what that meant -- operationally -- when I was a professor with 40-50 academic advisees. " No. I'm not signing your registration form because you don't have the prereq to take this advanced science course, and based on your several-year academic history, I sincerely doubt you'll be able to teach yourself what you'll be lacking, so I strongly recommend you choose something else." I had the double threat behind me of course failure/failure to get an adequate GPA to graduate. That was a clear case of operationally effective and quite pertinent tough love. But now tell me your operational plan for influencing my quite highly educated friends who support the US's insane foreign policy. Please, I'm listening!

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Caitlin, O Caitlin. Once again, you hit the nail squarely on the head. You do know how reassuring it is (even in this disturbing time) to know there are others who are both seeing with clarity the truth of what is going on and saying it clearly? Thanks, sister!

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There's what, 60 LNG tankers stuck ALL around Europe, unable to get planet destroying FRACKED cargos re-gassified (8-9 are US, stranded off Spain?) How many of these sitting targets have ANY security against nazi dicks with Javelin or other US taxpayers' $78K missiles?)

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Infrastructure, how does it work?

Interesting that nobody talks about just how many greenhouse gasses a supertanker produces, relative to a pipeline.

And everybody stopped talking about climate change, just like that.

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A lot of NATO weaponry ends up on the 'black market', used by even more nefarious yahoos to their own means.

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This conflict has made me realise just how unbelievably dumb, so very many people are.

People who I once thought had some intelligence, have shown themselves to be blind, deaf and permanently asleep.

They are happy being fed their views by the BBC and the Guardian and never, ever stopping to question the obvious propaganda.

Trump, Covid, NHS, 2020 election, Vaccines, sportsmen dying, Sads, Ukraine, Putin.

Only the official narrative is received, while actual evidence is blocked and ignored.

That realisation has been quite liberating, in that I (mostly) no longer care if they live or die.

I know it's harsh, but a lot of humanity doesn't want saving, or deserve it.

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You might want to read the book True Believer.

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No disrespect to you, but I think your tone and message are stroking your ego mainly. I don’t believe all propagandized persons are obtuse or incapable of recognizing their bias, but insulting them or talking down to them is likely only going to reinforce their biases. Like a lot of Americans, I was raised in a highly propagandized culture and household, and it was only the guidance of some teachers and the support of some peers that enabled me to trust my own mind. If I can do it, I’m pretty sure a lot of others can do it too.

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Are you responding to Evil Harry, or to me? I don't know why a suggestion that he might enjoy reading the book True Believer would be "stroking my own ego."

Have you read it yourself?

If you are responding to me, I think that you are speaking to some sore point within yourself, rather than what I said.

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No, Susan Mercurio, I was not responding to your post. Unfortunately Substack is either incapable or unwilling to explicitly display what post addresses who. This also applies to responses to posted comments. Thank you for inquiring and not presuming.

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US Launched 251 Military Interventions Since 1991, and 469 Since 1798

The US military launched 469 foreign interventions since 1798, including 251 since the end of the first cold war in 1991, according to official Congressional Research Service data....so , one need about IQ of 36 to see this!, but according to G. Carlin 'educated American', and about half(? maybe more) of eu!....when you have sheep's they can only graze grass, you have adequate product.....so.....not that sheeps are bad, but limited, by brain spam! ....

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🥰 Inspiring...thanks Caitlin

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Energy flows where attention goes. Focus on what we want. Love and peace. Health and healthy habitats. Freedom which requires free speech and a free press. Matt Taibbi did an interesting interview with Tim Robbins about The Art of Finding Common Ground. Robbins had the grace to admit he was wrong.

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