When you finally realize that all the western governments are the dumb kid in your circle of friends who thinks its a good idea to bat around that hornets nest..

I mean fight the battle of what? Nuclear winter?

Don't worry folks its only going to sting for that flash of a microsecond...

Humans have gone bat shit fucking crazy..

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But, wouldn't batting around that hornet's nest be totally epic? And won't the survivors have some really cool drinking stories to lie about? Did you bring your GoPro?

The entirety of Western culture in a nutshell.

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For mine, the Australian media's servile US/UK boot licking began in earnest when they turned a collective blind eye to the US/UK coup that removed the democratically elected Whitlam government back in 1975. Only a mindless idiot could believe it was the independent work of the US/UK boot-licker-in-chief, the often inebriated fool 'Sir' John Kerr. The same media's cow-towing subservience to these hegemonic overlords has of course been further entrenched and highlighted by their disgusting indifference to the plight of Julian Assange. How do we rail against any of this in a country where the same media refuses to hold to account the so-called representative politicians who recently allowed police to use rubber bullets against unarmed peacefully protesting citizens, no matter the reason for their lawful protest....?

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It occurred to me a very long time ago that MEDIA especially the news has a foundational agenda of keeping the public malleable for manipulation to sell them products and ideas that serve the bottom line and the status quo establishments ongoing ability to exploit the common man as a resources to be simply managed and controlled..

Anyone gaining any success in those fields has had to sell their souls to the company store or are vetted out . The establishment through mind control and perceptions steering of Hollywood (CIA has a dedicated department to this end) has morphed most western mans minds into greed is good corporate culture of the ladder climb of success by any ruthless means necessary, and the institutionalized parasite then gets a certificate of authenticity and "authority" to stick on the wall and puff up a chest over convincing them they are self righteous in all their justifications.

Its a big Club and we ain't in it because we didn't sell out our humanity for a hand full of shekels.

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"Freedom of the press belongs to those who can afford one."

The "News" is merely the inner emotional drama of a bourgeoisie. Before yellow journalism and the myth of the impartial press, papers were run by political parties to establish their versions of Truth. Before that there were state censorship regimes, stamp acts, and religious authority. The "free press" is a myth that never existed, and it is an error to try to go back to times, much less those that never existed.

The myth of institutional "soul" or of institutions having benign purposes is a liberal shibboleth (they make imaginary friends out of everything) and the idea that soul can be "improved" by public verbal combat is futile (institutions live on paper and witness, and neither are very impervious to emotion).

I mean, liberal politics isn't an open competition for new theories of human relations (and even if it were, that would be aristocratic in nature). It's a celebration of heroic theories of property acted out by a bureaucracy. If you don't want this kind of dramatic spam as part of your society, don't create imaginary servants and imbue them with a soul, and don't let children develop a taste for competitive games.

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The media did a pretty good job of trotting out the official narrative on Covid. So much so that a few Australian people I had been chatting to on a semi regular basis on another platform, went ballistic on my ass for suggesting that lockdown was not just a waste of time in preventing transmission, but was actually making things worse. That was 2020, some six or more months into the whole sorry episode. They attacked me ( to put it mildly) for spreading disinformation. I was told that as a result of the superb measures implemented in Australia that covid was down to a few dozen cases, and was on its way to being completely contained, and then eradicated as soon as the vaccines became available. I was a Karen, I was told. I should be ashamed of myself for not wearing a mask. The data is now in. It was a disaster of a policy. Children’s development being one aspect. I can’t even get back to those people to have a more nuanced discussion ( not in a I told you so way, I have no time for divisive arguments), but they blocked me, such was their conviction that they were right. Without the data to prove so. I knew that politicians had inserted the lockdown measures, not the scientific people who had spent 50 odd years preparing for a pandemic, so I knew it was a con job. My point is that they had been utterly brainwashed by the media in Australia. The same thing happened here in Ireland. The state sponsored national broadcaster parroted the official narrative, the numbers of dead around the world constantly flashing across the screen bottom, along with other bizarre anecdotes of things ike the first dig in Austria had tested positive etc. I only caught glimpses of this, mainly in my parents house, which became uncomfortable to visit, as they, in a fear driven panic, accepted all that was said from the media from the very first day. I myself have not watched tv, especially news bulletins, don’t listen to very much mainstream media, except for some sports events, and haven’t bought a newspaper since 08, such was my disgust at the complicit nature of the collusion between banks, govt and media in maintaining all was well with the banks. No recession here. Buy these houses at huge prices now. While you can, cos prices are going up . They carried on like that right up until the bank’s bail out. Then a total u turn. We now needed austerity measures. Total media saturation began to endorse these measures. I don’t miss mainstream media’s insulting my intelligence. I highly recommend everyone to do as I did. It’s not media. It’s focus group manufactured propaganda. At best. It’s government and big pharma propaganda at its worst. Disengage. Legacy media is in its death throes. The less it’s consumed, the faster it’s demise. Sorry for rambling. Thanks for the post.🙏💚

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Glenn, I reckon the Rudd to Shorten leadership, sans elections, was also a coup. Rudd spoke Mandarin entirely too well. Coup number what? In Australia? WithOUT Election.

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These issues have been going on forever. Wherever the US is involved, which is everywhere, the local political scene is under pressure. Then there was Gillard, who was clearly a subservient US schill. One only needs to watch her reaction in the parliament when the Victorian union boss Kevin Bracken questioned the voracity of the official US government 9/11 report, which has now essentially been debunked as a work of fiction and survives only because, once again, the corrupt media refuses to question it. The woman almost melted down in her totally unfounded and borderline hysterical personal criticism of Bracken which told me a lot.


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65 point odd polled agreed his comments were reasonable, and that’s before a new inquiry exposes the bullshit surrounding the day the towers fell.

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Ahahahaha! Yes! And Joolia, that sanctimonious mole, that blowjobber of Amerika is FULL OF SHIT. Didja know; that famous Mysogyny speech she made in Parliament? "That man!" Blah blah blah... well, bitch gave THAT speech AFTER signing a Bill to force Unmarried Mothers back into the workforce, cutting their benefits... what a Feminist! Fronthole...

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Yep, like most of them, a full blown hypocrite. I note her estranged ex "First Bloke" Tim the hairdresser dude is making news lately....something to do with unauthorized nipple sucking apparently. I'm curious....was it a male or female nipple? Well, you know, being a hairdresser and all, and, you know, getting it on with Gillard......

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Was he a bit of a man's backpussy? 🤔

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Yes, Glen. It did all start at the time of the CIA's disposal of Whitlam, the only truly independent Prime Minister in our history. Could be the second time, actually, when John Curtin brought our troops home from fighting overseas, giving Churchill the big finger in those days of the British Empire influences, to block the Japanese in New Guinea. No CIA around in those days. No US influence as we see it in 2023 and few politicians like the weak bunch we have today who have sold this country out to American hegemonic power plays.

What price treason for those pathetic politicians who have sold this country down the US drain.

Little America, as it is today, with war enthusiast stooges populating all the many "consultancies" here, representing all the military industrialists from the USA and with a weak and totally subservient government in Canberra.

Sadly, one political party as bad as the next. The future? Another Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Location? Check with Biden and his cronies after he checks with Israel for his orders.

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As a US Navy Veteran, I am embarrassed for my country. We in particular and the west in general have no real leaders presently in control of ... anything. We're not selling democracy but clubbing the world into a US Dollar led economic suicide pact. There is zero foreign policy coming from the US / UK / EU that ends in peace. I'm too old to rise up and burn it all down but I pray others do what is necessary to save the world. Until then, I pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Australia is a US vassal state, definitely ever since the CIA orchestrated coup against Gough Whitlam while the economic system is another major flaw.

Instead of taxing the financial elite properly in order to finance its budget ''Canberra'' borrows and then promises to repay with interest, this is impossible.

Another example of how utterly gutless Australia's politicians really are one need to look at how an Australian Navy Vessel is now displaying a kangaroo and yankee flag while politely asking the fascist US government to please free Julian Assange.

That's never going to work.

Australia ought to demand nothing less then that the US of aggression immediate drops all trumped up charges made against Julian Assange and his immediate release if these conditions are not met Canberra should develop a spine and order the closure of all US military bases from Australian soil.

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Actually, what Australia SHOULD do, is demand Julian's release AND close all US bases.

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100% !!!

And cancel all agreements - this is one of the pros for Australia becoming a republic as all those so called agreements will have to be re-negotiated.

Unfortunately I have little to no faith that our political representatives are up to the task.

Anarchy appears preferable instead rule from afar.

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If you mean "free trade agreements", for one thing those are called "agreements" rather than "treaties" because the US Constitution specifies that the Senate negotiate treaties, not one agency, and 500 corporate reps with no press, public or even Members of Congress allowed to know what's going on. The secrecy and anti-democratic way these things work makes them all illegitimate in my view--they should ALL be cancelled, and if new agreements are made, whether bilateral or regional or global, they should be negotiated in public view with reps from unions, environmental organizations, public health people, indigenous rights groups participating, not just corporate rights reps.

I'm a US citizen; I shake my head in astonishment at how subservient the European, UK and Aussie governments are. I suspect private off-the-record meetings involving personal threats, promises or both. BUT I have been reading a LOT of articles in the past year about the increasing independence and collaboration of BRICS countries and Latin America, some African countries...which is great except that as the maniacs running the empire get desperate, they may actually think nuclear war is preferable to losing their ownership of the world...the gang in power now appear to be quite certifiable.

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All so called ''agreements'' so not only trade but include defense - The only threat that Australia need to be protected from is the US meddling into Australia.'s affairs of government.

The majority member of US congress are bought and paid for, unfortunately bribery is legal in the US.

The US constitution is rendered useless because of the never ending long emergency which has suspended numerous so called constitutional rights.

One of the reason why nations are so submissive to US diktats is because of the numerous sovereignty shredding agreements they've been manipulated into signing.

How much have you read and researched the 1930's?

It's quite a revelation how Wall Street financed a bankrupt Nazi party without which the entire second world war might have been avoided.

However - who took over in the end?

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So - what is going on with the citizenry of Australia? They elected

the leaders that are on bended knee to the USA. How come?

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They have mandatory elections and are forced to vote. Too bad for your theories of electoral passion.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

How come?

Because in the end Canberra's ruling politici are spineless cowards who would not dare consider standing up to the dogs of war as the consequences would bring ruin to both their careers and lifestyles.

So First of all I suffer no lingering illusions that Australia is supposedly a fully functioning Democracy to begin with so elections - from my perspective - are utterly pointless while the steps of parliament continue to serve as steppingstones up the corporate ladder towards lucrative if not cushy appointments for those puppets who've decided to play along and have proven to bend over forwards or backwards at the right time in order to please their real masters agenda if you get my drift.

In the end the US has a nasty reputation for being able to organize inner party coups faster then Bishop was able to arrange for a chopper.

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Could be racial. One notices the dominant ethnicity of all five of the Five Eyes. Hence the panic about the Slavic and Yellow Perils. But, objectively, what difference does it make? I am curious as to what the real intent is, since Australia is not going to be able to do much to assist the rather vaguely postulated war against China.

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It's not just just 5 eyes, try for 10.

Some corporations have full and unrestricted access to the network, one of them filters job applications.

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The good news is the USA just had its credit rating lowered.

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Very good news indeed, Robert. More to come and as the world sheds the US dollar as its trading currency, a new reality will wander on to every street in the USA.

Then when the goods once made in China are forced to be made in the USA, as years ago, another blow to Mr and Mrs Average. An Apple iPhone at double the current price.

But what damage can Biden and his Neocon brigades do in the meantime is worry #1. The USA is well past the rational thinking stage and are being controlled by powers outside the Israeli controlled houses of government in the 'exceptional' USA, being willingly and happily manipulated by Netanyahu and his nasties, the BlackRocks and Vanguards, the Raytheon and Lockheeds, their Banking buddies, with constant prodding by the accepted criminals in the CIA and FBI to engage the whole world in their war games.

It's called profit and in the USA, there are no rules as to how you make that profit any more.

No one gives a damn. Why they can kill Presidents, place their war bases on every piece of land they can and them populate them with weapons, in return for dollars. Very simple,.

Just look at 85% of the members of the government. All supporters of Jewish control, funded by Jewish banks, encouraged by Jewish media. Now there's the real problem, folks.

Ask feeble Biden about Palestine, Jewish / USA developed apartheid since 1967. It has been a criminal action since day one with Lyndon Johnson, after the death of JFK. Still going.

How can you get away with something like that?

Who is sitting in the White House will make no difference to the result or the major players because they won't get into the White House without the support of those same gangsters, sorry, gamesters.

There is problem #1 in the USA for at least a decade.

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Robert Billyard: The good news would be if the USA lost its credit rating altogether.

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How could any nation maintain a credit rating when they're 30 something trillion in debt?

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Because public debt is, by accounting definition, the other side of private assets.

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When the so-called ratings agencies like Standard and Poors are in on the racket as well.

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I was surprised Finch did it because it pissed off a lot people in Washington.

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Finn: And pay a trillion dollars a year in interest payments.

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That's usury for you.

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They owe and owe so off to war they go - Enter false flags and lie based responses plundering nations for their resources while oil companies are posting record profits.

The US will never repay what it owes to its creditors - however imo this is how Blackrock gained control over the Fed and the Treasury.

Why does Australia allow a bully such as the US to order it about when what's really happening is sacrificing our collective prosperity in order not to upset the bully.

Remember the US essentially ordered Australia to stop exporting coal to China?

Guess who then picked up the slack.

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Finn: Did the USA pick up the slack on exporting coal to China or was it Russia? Ports on the west coast of the USA like Oakland and Puget Sound, aren't allowing coal exports. It's crazy.

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Get the facts here: US didn't increase sports to China


and here


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bill wolfe: Thanks for the links. I found this one:


The USA doesn't ship that much coal to China compared to other countries. Also, the USA shipped less coal to China so far this year vs. last year.

So, if China quit importing coal from Australia is it getting its coal from Russia?

Oh, the games these "leaders" play with the economies of the world.

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The US definitely increased its coal exports - I'll grant you that Russian coal exports are likely to have increased as well my point remains the same.

Check this out - Up 700%, China’s Consumption Of US Coal Drives Shortages, Not Railroads - https://www.forbes.com/sites/roslynlayton/2022/06/01/up-700-chinas-consumption-of-us-coal-drives-shortages-not--railroads/?sh=6453e52c1168

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Finn: I read the link you sent. Who can blame the coal industry for shipping to China instead of Florida? You can only whip a dog so often and it looks for a new home.

Here is a link to how Bellingham, Washington killed the coal and fuel exporting port there on Puget Sound.


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Finn: Thanks for the links.

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Plant seeds of love, and we'll over come them.

No one wants to go to war for the global bankers, at the behest of the delegitimized intel agencies who work for them, and not us the people.

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They think its to fight for some perceptions of freedoms they have already given up by wearing the costume of the oppressors.

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They're actually worse than the US, a YouTuber named friendlyjordies told us all about it. Ever see a press gang try to blame a man whose house was just firebombed "mysteriously"? Yup.

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???!!!! ***! Just when I thought you couldn't go any further off the rails this complete insanity shows they have only just begun! There is already word here in the US for the draft to resume because dam you just can't have a large enough war machine! So now Australia needs to force its' people into the grinder because dam you just can't prepare for peace you gotta have WAR! Every last one of these traitors to their country need to be hung by the neck until dead. They are all the way from the US to Australia treasonous filth! Nothing less should be their fate.

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Whoever is lobbying to bring back the draft may be onto something. The draft is a focal point for the American consumer/pseudo citizen. It is a singular symbol of imperialism, and a plethora of unscripted, unsolicited opinions can do more for the cognitively moribund masses than the best Caitlin writings.

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I wonder what are the unstated motivations for an Australian government to greenlight its becoming a garrison-state. To permit lethal foreign projects to be undertaken and planned and troubleshot and tested and ultimately executed, must be sold for a lot of coin. The stated reasons, to be safe, to fight pending aggression, to be on the side that will win, and, of course jobs, are probably sufficient to quell domestic indifference or worse, but just whose bank account is growing exponentially?

I have similar suspicions about Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Putin stated a while back that the American proxy war will be the end of NATO, and I think his reasoning is sound. How many of the member states in NATO can rely on American or group commitments to fight all on behalf of one?

It’s one thing to rhetorically commit, but when bullets fly and corpses pile up, the question “For what?” is in every mind, on every tongue. And this is why American soldiers failed in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

The German troops in WWII had far superior weaponry than most of their neighbors, they had numbers in their favor, and they all had regularly taken methamphetamine to unleash their fiercest aggressive impulses. When all of that is considered, the deep resentment and anger of the German people was still what triggered the German push for imperial domination. But then they got too far afield, the drugs were probably not as effective as they had been, and the enemy at the Eastern Front was defending its home! And this is what the suits in Washington and their obedient generals always publicly dismiss. American superior power can defeat any military, we are told, but who are the ones to ask, “for what?”

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

For Liberty, Freedom, and Human Rights. That's the last I heard.

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Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.

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I find this frightening, who does Australia think is going to oppress it or is it just following the US and now UK line of Russia and China must be overcome at all costs to enable western ie. US, world domination. I don't think they will ever stop and its terrifying.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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When I was young I subscribed to National Geographic magazine. Every three months a map, a very good map, of somewhere in the world was included in the magazine. I would play war games with these maps using map pins and dice.

One of my favorite maps was that of Australia so I know the geography of the continent pretty well.

Australia is unique. It is one country on one continent. Australia is surrounded with ocean but everyone, almost, lives on cities on the coast.

How does Australia defend itself?

A good navy (submarines). A good air force to stop invasion forces. And for backup a militia of Australians who have guns and know how to use them like the Swiss.

This isn't rocket science.

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So, what does Australia have, that China wants? I can't think of anything. The one thing that could cause conflict would be a zero-benefit alliance with an aggressive enemy of China. See anything like that around?

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Starry Gordon: Australia has Uranium. China might want that.

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CJ writes a very good article. The spies or analysts are CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The CIA has two branches, analysts and covert action (spies and government coups). These two branches don't talk to each other. It's a crazy system Harry S Truman put in place. He later on regretted putting the two branches in the same agency.

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You could not be more right about this.

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Thanks Caitlin - sobering stuff you articulate brilliantly

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