Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Safe in their writing dens, comfortable behind their humming computers, somewhere in their comfortable US homes - Applebaum and her bloodlust Atlantic editors- writing on how more killing, more human murder, is such a valuable goal, worth more escalation, more vengeance, more death.

Ukrainians, statistical pixels on a computer screen - to be sacrificed by the thousands for the mystical love of military bloodshed and military righteousness.

Have another cup of coffee Applebaum. It's all so easy when the missile isn't pointing at you isn't it? When it isn't your child being blown up on the streets of Kherson or Kyiv.

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My constant refrain: Every person of prominence who advocates for a war of aggression should be sent to fight in the front lines of that war. If that were a law in every country, wars would be very rare.

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Yep, I'll gladly donate body cams, so we can Livestream their reception by their swastika-tattooed heros, beneath Azovstal or taping non-Aryan girls to poles, spraying them with pesticide... these exact same drooling, dead-eyed imbeciles who lectured us, unremittingly with GBD/ Brownstone Institute bullshit as kids were exposed as "asymptomatic" vectors, to infect uppity essentials & ensure mAb sales to uninsured PASC indentured gig-serfs, as ALL useable information on immune-escaping variants, tsunamis of excess deaths were labled "natural causes" and >25 million now have to pay for "free" boosters; as nobody knows when we passed 2 million DEAD or how many, debilitated onto the street, in time for another uptick?

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The Atlantic was cheerleader for the illegal and immoral Iraq War. That’s when I stopped reading it.

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The Atlantic is Laurene Powell jobs menstrual rag

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And let’s not forget their recent call for “Covid Amnesty.” FU Atlantic

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Well done Caitlin!

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Who's afraid of the big bad nuke? And it you don't have a clear idea as to consequences, well, just go ahead anyway. Otherwise you're pussy, and that's as bad as it gets. Ordinary commentators on social media are better qualified than anyone if only from the standpoint that they have nothing material to gain. And as for absurd, uninformed, bought opinion, you can't beat MM.

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Per the Neocons, Putin is a mad man that must be deposed; also per the Neocons, Putin can be trusted to show restraint where the West has shown none. These people are teenagers joyriding with our security (apologies to the teenagers).

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Can we collectively cancel Ian Bogost so that he can only talk to other elitist snobs? Oh I guess that's already happened.

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Ian Bogosity.

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The Atlantic turned off our ability to comment a few years back. That sucked.

I like how Caitlin stands up for free speech, and against the warmongers like Anne Applebaum, who loves the warmonger Biden, despite his senility, endless money thefts, and groping of little girls.

I am 100% in favor of free speech. But in this particular article, I don't know if Caitlin acknowledges why Facebook stock has dropped literally over 75%, from $385 to $89. I think it's because people are:

a) Sick of the censorship, which runs entirely one way. You can't talk about Ukraine, Brazil, the 2020 election, the 30,000 vaccine deaths reported to VAARS, or anything else that is important.

b) Sick of FB's data collection. They are the Stasi's and the Gestapo's fantasy: the public willingly hands over all of their data, and then the corrupt FBI goes to arrest citizens on fake charges.

c) Mark Zuckerberg is a scary man who wants to control elections in multiple countries.

d) Zuckerberg is also cool with dumbing down the population--and then he has contempt for citizens for being stupid! This is like a meth dealer blaming his customers. I get that the users have responsibility, but so does the man peddling the meth, the Stasi-Goebbels-election thief, Zuckerberg.

People need to use alternative platforms, like Substack.

And we need to be 100% honest. That's the best way to dismantle the warmongers, Biden administration, WEF, and propagandists.

We need parallel systems: shop locally. Be like the Czechs in 1989, who overthrew their communist dictatorship: just stop using their banks, stores, etc. Stop reading their papers. Let them atrophy.

Be free.

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Google too. Don't forget the biggest brother (really "Mutha") of them all!

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Interesting that America is now very concerned about climate change, and we should be, and should have been decades ago, but implementing these changes if done well will take decades. I'm sure Annie Applebomb would salute Biden on his climate change policy, and maybe she has written a number of articles on this topic, and applauded Biden's efforts. However the Biden administration while trying to deal with this important issue is escalating a conflict with Russia that very well may lead to a nuclear war. Does anyone here see a conflict, or is it just me?

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GCC is mostly a pretext to enact policies that will reduce global population to 'sustainable' levels, e.g., roughly 75-90%, primarily from the global south. Read fellow Substack writer Michael Shellenberger for details on the actual risks of climate change.

If carbon dioxide is the biggest problem, a dubious proposition given its necessity for plant growth, and well, carbon based life forms, we could simply transition from coal to natural gas to nuclear in a few short decades. Viola! Problem solved. The fact the we are not and have not done this already demonstrates that the primary agenda is most definitely not reduction of CO2.

Let's be honest about Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine's only value to NATO is its proximity to Russia to forward deploy troops, weapons and nukes and a seemingly endless supply of people willing to sacrifice their life and country for the ability to join NATO. (Except for Zelensky, who will no doubt emerge extremely wealthy, should he manage to escape sudden death.)

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I absolutely agree regarding your last statement, but my background is in the biological sciences and I am aware of the issues when it comes to climate change and acknowledged it for many years, decades. Carbon dioxide is only one of the gases that are involved in climate change, others like nitrous oxide, basically from fertilizers, and methane are as well. When they say 97 percent of scientists agree on climate change, and it's potential dangers a lone voice here and there changes nothing for me. It's not going to happen over night and the rest of the industrial world especially China who almost creates more of a problem in this regard then all the industrial nations put together really has to work on this issue.

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Amnesty? We haven't got transparency yet. They're still hiding crimes and they want a blanket amnesty first? That sounds very corrupt.

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This is TRUE: The Atlantic is somehow as bad as NYT, Comcast & WaPo ALL in one place? Selling rich white old yuppies on murdering uppity essentials with COVID, to flip rent-controlled hovels, by forcing them back to work sick, re-re-reinfected with PASC damage to SERVE them more Ukranian caviar on their avacado toast, to rescue Democrats' evil FRACKING Ponzi scheme. Then BLAMING their victims, again & again as they used Israeli/ Koch super PACs to take our candidates away & replace them with the WORST kleptocrat suck up dopplegangster duopoly, money could buy. And if we don't go along, we're FOR Putin & our little dog, too? All this, from sneeringly brainwashed honkies buying her Chinese child slave made $1,800 phones, that's driven down quality, wages, choice, transparency, SAY, resilience & a livable future to the lowest common denominator for ALL of us? FUCK petit-bourgois suck-up yuppies!

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Now tell us how you really feel . . .

Great rant.

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Then, on TUESDAY!!! WEF, CFR, Atlantic Council, DNC™ LLC had bought-up ALL media, well before David Brock's Correct The Record & Bezos' (& "Ukrainian" oilgarch Ihor Kolomoisky's) Prop'RNot, Rick Berman, etc. all basically co-wrote LIES, yuppie libruls HAVE TO buy-into or their heads explode; Bellingcat, NYT, all of Comcast, WBD (CNN) and Disney gavage into TV viewers VERBATIM (FOX to Amy Goodman, quite frequently!) But the notion that iPhone-clutching liberal peckerwoods are every bit as much reactionary racists, like the white-flight suburbanite folks they dumped, to gentrify Black & Latino working class out of red-lined "white ghettos" has only got painfully, unironically, sadly (now, lethally) hypocritical with millions of PASC indentured gig-serfs jammed into Cancer Valley, Frackistan, with ISRAEL choosing for whom we're ALLOWED to vote (GREAT Black, female candidates CRUSHED, by a foreign country, basically to save OUR party's planet destroying FRACKING Ponzi scheme to lower NYC slum-lord super-delegates carbon footprints, while a 3rd million excess COVID deaths go un-reported. That's The Atlantic!


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Absolute worst. Scum of the earth

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Then Too the. Piece of.

Garbage Emily oyster rash.

She says we should be sorry ,

forgive the folks who wanted scamdemic needlerape Harmacide.

She called that amnesty.

Amnesia is what she meant.

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Needlerape has to be the cringiest word I've ver seen

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I am upvoting this article just based on the title.

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Merely ..... what did you call then?


Go ahead, pull the trigger.

Poland gets it first!

Then Brussels!

Dare ya.

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