It is bad enough that the Israeli government is putting forth all these ridiculous positions, which in a black comedy would be very funny, but the mainstream media is so caught up with trying to prove the university encampments are "antisemitic and terrorist" that they totally missed this story https://www.commondreams.org/news/smotrich-gaza-annihilation in which an Israeli minister once again advocates for the "total annihilation" of Gaza. I guess the act of printing such a story could be considered antisemitic.

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Yes, it again highlights the obvious (or what should be apparent to most people but unfortunately isn't) - that the US (& Israel) do not really care about Jews or Judaism. What they care about are power, money, control of resources, maintaining global hegemony, etc. and will peddle whatever narratives support their evil and immoral objectives.

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And don’t forget that valuable seafront property in Gaza that is already being divvied up by Israeli government figures. They’re so admirable!

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Yes! Us Jews want power and we want to wear your thong on our horns.

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The truth is a lie and a lie is the truth.

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War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength.

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On par with the IDF is the most moral Army in history

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Easy to prove. Every campus protest became violent and prevented Jewish students to get to classrooms.

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Even if you were correct, how does that in any way at all, validate an Israeli minister promoting the annihilation of the people of Gaza?

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Of course not because it’s not in your narrative.

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You can say Jew haters who are on the side of the Iranian regime 😂😂😂 . All I see here….

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you are not making any sense.

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Because you are wrong. There is no intend for genocide. They want you to stop Hamas. But Hamas puts civilians as shields. These asses built underground tunnels to protect just Hamas. Hamas has governed the Gazans since 2007 and has done nothing but keep every thing for themselves. Gazans have been hungry for years. Israel is not the bad guy here. It’s Hamas, who violated a cease fire on 10/7 and attempted a Genocide on Israeli’s - that was a heinous massacre!!!! But oh, I guess no big deal. Why? Because they were Jews.

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Perhaps you didn't read the article https://www.commondreams.org/news/smotrich-gaza-annihilation

This is the first paragraph:

In just the latest example of a top Israeli official openly calling for the elimination of Gaza and the 2.3 million Palestinians who live there, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Tuesday demanded the destruction of cities and refugee camps in the blockaded enclave.

Similar articles appeared in other newspapers, including the Haaretz

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They absolutely will never do that. They are wrong. Do you believe everything you read?

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do you?

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wow. I am so sorry that you have been so brainwashed, so lied to. I think it possibly could help you to watch the documentary "Israelism" made by some young American Jews. https://www.israelismfilm.com/

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I’m so not brainwashed. You are just misinformed and so sorry for that but you no are clueless. Poor you. No genocide. Go look it up in the dictionary. And wake the F up about Hamas- irans proxies and the fact that Islam will be in your home

- like it or not sooner than you think . Wake up missy.

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The day may come sooner than you think that you will be feeling the same way that many German civilians felt after the Nazis went on their murder spree.

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also, you are totally wrong that I don't care about Jewish deaths. I do. My problem is the response of the Zionist State of Israel. It is murderous and horrible.

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israel owns the u.s,

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If so, does it then follow that all of this culture revolution insanity (DEI, gender stuff, etc) is an Israeli psy-op?

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Actually it is the "Jewish Lobby". ADL and AIPAC fund it. Membership includes many of the Plutocracy who used to be WASPs. Have you noticed how many former WASPs are converting to Judaism or marrying into a prominent Jewish family? Trump's son-in-law for example. Dana Bash's husband. I don't have a list.

But I can't say "Israeli Lobby" or "Zionists" because these people don't really care about Israel except as a front to perpetrate their crimes against humanity to increase and protect their positions of privilege.

There are a lot of Jew who are not members of the "Jewish Lobby". Maybe it should be called the "Jewish Mafia"?

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Yes Trump is a fully captured Zionist supporter

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Well, he owes a lot to the "Jewish Lobby".

The "Jewish Lobby" (IMHO) doesn't really care that much about Israel except to have it established as an imperialist outpost from which they carry on their conquest to maintain American Hegemony (Hmmm... maybe I should call it "Jewish Lobby" Hegemony.)

Wilkerson said on a recent interview that Powell told him the only reason Clinton was elected was because of the "Jewish Lobby" (Wilkerson used that term). Kind of puts a new wrinkle in the Lewinsky affair.

She's started her own consulting company. Quite a different outcome than what happened to Tara Reade who had to move to Russia to stop the harassment.


Can't prove it, but Lewinsky was paid to seduce Clinton.

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Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9

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What about the massacre on 10/7? It did happen. And it was heinous. Or are you just ok with it?

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I'm totally OK with what Hamas has done to protect the Palestinians from the likes of you.

You've brought this upon yourself with your religious paranoia.

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May 8·edited May 8

You are a piece of funny work because Hamas has done nothing to protect Gazans. You must be daft. Because Hamas used the Gazans to take hit on behalf of them. They resell the food there’s given for side. They shoot Gazans if they dare to take food dropped.,Hamas is only interested in killing. They are irans proxy and will continue to kill Israelis until they have destroyed Israel. You sit on in the wrong side. And I am not paranoid. You obviously don’t understand how Iran is the head of the snake. You can just stay In your BS side.,

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Wows we are powerful bogeymen! There are 1.9billion Muslims but is 12mil sure control a lot!!! I run the regional mid Atlantic Jew committee and I’ve been busy lately controlling so much but I have a few new slaves coming soon so I’ll catch up. I find a good sip of Christian blood wakes me up and gives me the strength I need to control so much!

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Any one is a improvement over the hildabeast lol

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That's just a replay of what was done to the Weimar Republic. Destruction by subversion.

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NO. The US was 'breaking down' and they thought more laws were the answer.

To my mind NO Govt. should be telling people how to run/live their lives.

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Tell that to the GOP to stay away from women’s rights regarding their bodies.

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What your remark says to me is that the Law is breaking down in the US and people who are different are fearful.

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Everyone is fearful and angry, both DEI advocates and opponents. That is by divide-and-conquer design. The whole process of "progress", if that's the word, could proceed more naturally, more slowly and likely in more limited ways, if the (whole) populace simply was respected. It isn't, at all.

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Yes that is what I said referring to. gender rights which started some time ago.

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I don't understand your comment. Can you elaborate?

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Government is using agitation based on "behavioral science" to divide and weaken the working class so they will focus on fighting each other.

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If you're not punching up, you're punching the wrong direction.


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Of course...and it totally controls both parties, or this abomination wouldn't have ever emerged from the swamp...

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"israel owns the u.s,"

Mo, does this make you happy or sad?

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There are lots of people, even influential American politicians who don’t regard that as a bad thing. These days to publicly support such a notion is considered quite acceptable. The same fools prattle on about the sacrosanct precepts of ‘The Founding Fathers’. Americans these days live out a tragic cognitive dissonance that is rarely seen except in the minds of slaves or battered wives

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Are there only 2 options here?

Happy or sad..............humans are far more complex!

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May 2·edited May 3

True. But I imagined Mo here might, at least, have a clear feeling on it. You know, so we can understand Mo better.

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NOT the US !!

But the administration ...

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the u.s. ceased to be a sovereign nation dec. 23 1913

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BINGO !!!👍👍👍

Inception of the FED, an entirely PRIVATE banking organization controlled by ...

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No it does not

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Damn Jews, eh? They are pulling all the stings in a back room. The Jews own all us.

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NOT Jews. Zionists.

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It had been drummed into me for decades that when Fascism came to America it would be behind the Christian Cross. Instead Fascism has the blessing of the Star of David.

What a morbid twist.

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Consider that most Zionists are not Jewish. I recently learned that Zionism originated by Christian Zionists in England as early as the 1830s. I am starting to wonder just who is using whom, and, to use a very mixed metaphor, who will be first to be thrown under the bus when the wheels fall off?

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The Balfour Decision was developed to install the Zionists in the middle east in order to suppress Arab unity. I wouldn't say it was a Christian Zionists, but imperialists/colonialists who wanted to maintain the British Empire. They just needed an excuse.

I don't know for a fact how many Zionists are Christian or Jews.

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In the US, there are many more Christian Zionists than Jewish Zionists. It is a bizarre thing, too, considering the Christian Zionists want to stick all the Jewish people in the world into "Israel" to force God's hand to bring Jesus back to destroy all the Jewish people... Makes no sense that the God of love and Jesus who said "Blessed are the peacemakers" are supposedly going to nuke all the people of one religion just because of some magic set-up, but there you go. Blame John Nelson Darby who came up with this idea in the 1830s!

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So Substack is just a giant racist 4chan with no moderation. Us jews were put in the world to control you and run your minds. And man, I’m having a blast running the world. I subjugated the rights of a 7th grade class the other day and made them miss recess, I ate a few babies and then genocided in Iowa and Nebraska. I mar sure that my neighbors kids soccer team lost and then../ wait, this is our secret/ I made it rain on my son’s high school graduation because I was late from my murders. You smart guys have no idea how hard it is to pull all the strings, but pull I do!!

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I have been thinking something similar--that if the situation changes, I wouldn't be surprised if the people uttering hysterical accusations of antisemitism and "terrrorist sympathizer" would at the forefront of "kill the Jews." It's the same people, the same mentality.

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I do think that is possible. We need to be prepared for this, and prevent it from taking hold as best we can. When I see it, I try not to let any conflation of Zionism and Judaism go unchallenged.

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Zionism is Jewish self-determination. So if you are against Zionism you are against Jews having the right to determine their political future. How can they not be the same?

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Zionism is racism and settler-colonialism masquerading as Jewish self-determination.

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Even the rabid Zionists (whether Jewish or Christian) are just tools for the Middle-Eastern power-play orchestrated by the British oligarchs !!

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Amen. As a rabid Zionist I take all my orders from the Jewish central command. We all do!! We put on tefillin and they plug us into the global Zionist Jew frequency. Personally, I find a good strong pull on my balls and a pinky near the rectum gives me even more Jew power to morph into super Zion man!! That’s scary even for my wife. I get so much Jew power I start bumbling. For a while I do a hulk thing and go green and get muscular but then my magic stethoscope grows from my perineum and my lawyer team flys in on a plane propelled by the pedaling of 100 Gaza babies no less. Then I try into a mind slime and infect everyone around me with Zionism. It’s like a Zion orgy for Jews and our American college student slaves. I infect them with Zion and then I colonize their neighborhoods. I bring my Jew friends and we use our toxic urine to make a ring of fire around our cabal. Well, we eat a few babies l, get drunk and then look for more to infect! Be careful because we’ve leaned that Zionism is actually a virus and can be spread airborne

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My sincere congrats to you and your charming wife !!

Just waiting for Hollywood's next block-buster based on your above script (you unfortunately did not yet elaborate of which ethnicity the babies are ??? surprise, surprise...) !!

Don't you worry about Zionism being airborne, it can't infect genuine humans who have at least two active and connected brain-cells left.

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I've been looking at this as well. I plan to write something about it soon.

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👍👍👍Eager to get more info about this topic !!

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The current power dynamics suggest this is happening as we speak, but no one seems to be looking…

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Zionism is very popular. It means that the Jews have a homeland . And there is a right to that homeland. Most Jews Are Zionists.

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Jews are everywhere. Disgusting vermin!!! I hear there a church in Harlem called Brothers of Zion, no doubt it’s the Jews. I’ve been doing some more studying and saw Zion is every organization - just out the 7 the letter fisrst, 6th letter second and then use the 11th and 12th letter as is - so 7+6+11+12 = 36!! That’s double chai in Hebrew or 18 + 18. Wow. Jews really are everywhere, and Zionist’s too!

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There is zero need for racist sentiment in this discussion about Palestinian right to freedom and self-determination. This is clear from Palestinians themselves:

“ 6. The Palestinian people are one people, made up of all Palestinians, inside and outside of Palestine, irrespective of their religion, culture or political affiliation.”

If you don’t want to support this idea, then you are likely in the wrong forum.

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I"m in the right forum. If you can't accept counter facts, you are on the wrong website. Try Breitbart. Palestinian people make up the majority of Jordan, and are minorities in many muslim countries. Hamas is outlawed in the vast amount of Arab countries.

Here are a few direct quotes from the Hamas Charter, some real loving dudes. Seems that the Hamas movement doesn't neatly align to the intentions. Hamas makes no secret of their intentions, who they are and the hatred that motivates them. This is an easy read for enlightened substack readers!


"Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated

its predecessors." The Imam and Martyr Hassan al-Banna(5) May Allah Pity his

Soul (Hassan al-Banna — the MB founder was assassinated in 1949 by an

Egyptian's government agent as a retaliation to the assassination of the Egyptian

PM in these days)

0, people! In the midst of misadventure, from the depth of suffering, from the

believing hearts and purified arms; aware of our duty and in response to the decree

of Allah, we direct our call(6), We rally together and join each other. We educate in

the path of Allah and we make our firm determination prevail so as to take its

proper role in life, to overcome all difficulties and to cross all hurdles. Hence our

permanent state of preparedness and our readiness to sacrifice our souls and

dearest [possessions] in the path of Allah.

llamas) which will reveal its face, unveil its identity, state its position, clarify its

purpose, discuss its hopes, call for support to its cause and reinforcement, and for

joining its ranks. For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and

grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed

by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab:

and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah's victory prevails. Thus

we shall perceive them approaching in the horizon, and this will be known before


"Allah has decreed: Lo! I very shall conquer, I and my messengers, lo! Allah is

strong, almighty." Sura 58 (Al-Mujadilah), verse 21(10).

"!Say: This is my way: I. call on Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever

follows me. Glory be to Allah! and I am not of the idolaters." Sura 12 (Yussuf),

verse 17 (108 in Pickthall).

As the Movement adopts Islam as its way of life, its time dimension extends back

as far as, the birth of the Islamic Message and of the Righteous Ancestor. Its

ultimate goal is Islam, the Prophet its model, the Quran its Constitution. Its spatial

dimension extends wherever on earth there are Muslims, who adopt Islam as their

way of life; thus, it penetrates to the deepest reaches of the land and to the highest

spheres of Heavens.

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DO NOT equate all Jews with Zionism. AT present Israel is Zionist controlled not Jewish controlled!

STOP making assumptions.

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The Catholic Church is at the top of the satanic pyramid

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Christianity has been corrupted for centuries by the Catholic Church and the synagogues of Satan Which Jesus called those who call themselves Jews but are not

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May 2·edited May 2

Actually, more Christians are Zionists rather than Jewish.

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Fascism has been a part of America for a very long time - it has taken various guises over the generations. The predominant form is fascism (classic fascism) in the 20th Century (and rearing its head again presently) is that of "the authoritarian strongman, overt brutality, overnight coups and marching storm troopers, etc.). A more subtle, devious, slow-moving, and pernicious form of fascism is something called "friendly fascism" - which emerges through the political economy of transnational corporations - or in plain terms - when those we elect become primarily influenced by private companies. This is the first step in which one of the central functions of a democracy in which the government is responsive to voters withers away.

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The corrupted Christian churches are basically Zionist Christians and they have been corrupted for centuries now..The bride of Christ is those who haven’t rejected him whether Christian or Jew

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While Christians United for Israel (CUFI) claims to be Zionist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christians_United_for_Israel

Pat Robert's 700 club does not. In fact he probably hated Jews.


Yet, I would include CBN in the "Jewish Lobby" because of its support for the evils of the Plutocracy. Thanks for helping me explain that point.

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Because that's not fascism. They keep using these labels. Fascism. Nazism... When in actual fact it is communism. The West is already one foot in communism, despite many not even realising it.

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Are you really suggesting the American Plutocracy are communists? Really?

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You are making the same definition error about communism that the House of Reps just made about criticism of Israeli govt. policies. Just as one cannot conflate anti-Zionism (or criticism of Israel) with anti-Semitism, neither can Communism be conflated with totalitarianism...in both cases, the conflated definitions are entirely different. What Lenin lapsed into & what followed in the Soviet Union was totalitarianism (please read Hannah Arendt) NOT communism. During the 50s the US govt, aided by the media, made a point of labeling totalitarianism as communism...it was a propaganda ploy! Unfortunately, that ploy worked...doubly unfortunate is the lack of critical thinking & research on the majority of the American public that allowed the propaganda to take hold.

One of the former Israeli Ambassadors to the US (during the 60s, if I'm recalling correctly) was once asked what he thought his most important accomplishment was during his tenure in the US. His response then is so relevant to current events...he said his most important accomplisment was persuading Americans that anti-Zionism equaled anti-Semitism.

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Did you really mean to reply to me? Not Pav?

I'll agree that Joe McCarthy conflated totalitarianism with communism.

Ask Wolff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU-AkeOyiOQ&t=1018s

But those don't fit on the same political access. (The political compass web site defines 2 axes, but there needs to be a third, and their definitions for the two they define are confused anyway. Just like most uses of any political or economic label.)

I'm pretty sure Lenin died before he could "lapse into" anything that affected the USSR.

I'm also sure that the American Public didn't have access to the information needed to make any decisions.

Now, your point about anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism may apply to me, but I'm pretty sure I'm talking about the "Jewish Lobby" which is something else all together. The term has been around since Nixon and IMHO hasn't morphed to mean anything other than what he thought it was. I've looked for alternative labels, but anything offered just doesn't apply.

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@John...many apologies! I was indeed meaning to respond to Pav.

As for Lenin...he greatly influenced the totalitarianism of the Soviet Union. In the beginning Lenin was a communist, siding with the workers & masses...promising freedom. However, once in power his ego & the thrill of absolute power, not to mention being shot by a counter-revolutionary, got the best of him. He & his Bolshevik party launched the Red Terror (became state policy in 1918..."We are not waging war against individual persons,” said Cheka leader Martyn Latsis. “We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class.”) Tens of thousands were murdered (some say millions) & thousands more sent to concentration camps. Moreover, the repressions, crimes, & intimidations during the Red Terror laid the foundation for the totalitarianism of Stalin & those who followed.

Re: "Jewish Lobby"...it is more accurately the Zionist Lobby, or Walt & Mearsheimer's book title: "The Israel Lobby". Most of AIPAC's support comes from fundamentalist evangelical Christians who believe that all Jews must return to Israel in order to bring on the return of their messiah, Jesus. Then Jews will be given the option to convert or be slaughtered. According to their reading of their Scriptures, 144,000 Jews will convert & be "saved"...the rest, eliminated. Their "love" for the Jews is a facade for something much darker.

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I think you may be wrong about Lenin's motives. I emphasize "may". I'm not justifying the "Red Terror" since all I know about it comes from Wikipedia and that's hardly a reliable source. I did see that the "White Terror" was happening about the same time.

Then there were the Western Powers (including the USA) which were trying to occupy Russia around the same time. There was a lot going on.

FWIW: I'm not saying it is the same, but it possibly could have been much like Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine, provoked by "outside agents".

It would be fascinating to have an impartial historian shift through the facts.

Re "zionist lobby", I must reject that label.

I've tried to make it clear that the "Jewish lobby" is, so far, the best label I can come up with. Zionists want Israel to exist. The "Jewish Lobby" doesn't really care about Israel except for it being an imperialist settler colony that helps the American Oligarchy/Plutocracy/Privileged Elite maintain its hegemony.

I welcome a different label, but "Zionist Lobby" isn't helpful since it helps camouflage what the "Jewish Lobby" (or maybe the "deep state) really is.

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Well said Keren Batiyov!

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Oh yes, the are. The mistake you are making is assuming that in communism everyone is equal. That's the version of reality presented to the plebs. The real reality is quite a bit different.

Do you think Lenin and Stalin surrendered all their property and lived like the peasants? Of do you think the fathers of communism, Marx and Engels were not plutocrats? Check again.

Communism: all people are equal, but some are more equal that others.

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You have no idea what Communism or Marxism is.

You're just reciting pseudo-facts about people who died over 100 years ago.

I probably shouldn't be responding to you because only a troll would come up with ridiculous statements like your's.

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Well, why would I have an idea what communism or Marxism is?

I only spent the first 20 years of my life living in it... 🤦‍♂️

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Which one was it? Name it and explain how it was/is "communist". Else you're talking out of your ass.

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Does it occur to you Pav that like 'democracy' Communism has changed.

US calls it self a democracy (which it may have been once) but certainly is not now.

Exactly what do you perceive Communism as at this time?

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May 3·edited May 3

I honestly cannot believe how easy it is to brainwash people. I can understand how my people got swindled the first time around, but knowing what we know now about communism, it is totally perplexing to me that anyone would even consider it.

Yes, the communism has indeed changed. It morphed into something even more insidious.

You really have no idea what you're dealing with. The biggest strength of communism is in its ability to convince people of its perceived (but totally unattainable) merits. Oh yes, I've heard the chants - "that wasn't real communism in the 20th century, this time it will work.". Similar but less sophisticated lines of lies were used by the bolsheviks to convince Eastern Europe after ww2 that communism is their path to a bright future. We know how that ended, don't we? Problem is, once established, such a system becomes a habit for the majority and it is too late to do anything about it. It is a parasite which destroys the host from within.

Only now the danger is much much greater. Back in 20th century, communism relied heavily on secret police, neighbour snitching and other apparatchiks to sustain itself. Nowadays, technology and AI can do the job much better. If we descend into it, I honestly can't see a way out.

Communism is inherently broken ideology for it attempts to erase the individual in order to promote the collective. It achieves economic "equality" by simply making everyone equally poor (excluding of course the ruling parasites). There's no riches in the communist utopia.

And did you know that communism does not tolerate private property and deprives everyone of it? There's already a word in the dictionary which describes people who can not own private property: slaves.

People in the west really, really need to open their eyes.

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that sounds like American democracy

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Do you know that Communism means that the means of production, aka power, are in the hands of the people? That workers control the surplus value of their labor, and no private bosses are getting rich and powerful from the efforts of the workers?

If that is what you see happening in America, please point it out, because in all my years, I have never seen anything that approaches that.

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Yep. That's what they want you to believe the communism is.

Trust me, I spent 20+ years living in a communist country. It ain't that.

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"Trust me, I spent 20+ years living in a communist country." - you just admitted how dumb you are thinking it was a communist country. That there ever existed a communist country. Jeez!

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Are you in the camp of "the communism will work this time" idiots? You call yourself Russian bot. Been to Russia? Born there? Seen the bright Soviet future?

The sheer amount of likes pro-communist comments get here is quite staggering. Evidently people know about communism only from the books. That's how the communism wants them. Ignorant and gullible. Best way to convince them they live in utopia while they are actually slaves.

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Why do you ignore the question? You named Eastern Europe as if it had communist countries. Specifically you named "Russia". What did you mean by "Russia" being a communist country?

Don't do the worm thing, don't wiggle out, answer the question.

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There has never been a communist society other than by name. Marx said that communism would result from the contradictions of capitalism no longer being able to be maintained. We may be close to that contradiction, but Yanis Varoufakis suggests we are in Technofeudalism. Marx could not have seen that coming.

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There can never be a communist society by the book. And that is actually by design. You think Marx cared about the proletariat? No, he didn't. He wanted capitalism gone, because that's the only system which is capable of producing the people he despised the most - smart, entrepreneural, ambitious.

Capitalism by the way died in the west long ago. Its undoing began with the creation of the federal reserve more than a century ago. What you have is more accurately described as cronyism. This, and not capitalism per-se, is the reason you see the massive difference in wealth allocation.

And all the slogans you hear about the new shiny thing, the stakeholder capitalism, are merely gaslighting. Stakeholder capitalism isn't capitalism at all. It is planned economy 2.0.

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Which 'communist' country have you been living in Pav. How countries perceive communism is different for each one.

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So Marx was wrong all this time?

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Marxism was an idea...........nothing less.

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Marx was a total fraud and silver spoon fed brat, who didn't have a job his entire life, lived in his patents house, contributed nothing to society yet took upon himself to teach how value creation and distribution should work.

Is it any wonder that economic systems attempting to implement his ideas all end up in ruins?

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All of which is irrelevant to the point.

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Wow. God forbid he didn't have a job! I am gobsmacked.

Sometimes there are people born who have something called wisdom. You can impart this wisdom or shut up.

Marx did not shut up.

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May 2·edited May 2

Did you live in a communist country, or one that simply called itself that?

I don't think a communist system ever existed, but not because I'm an advocate. It's because a communist system (just like a libertarian system) is simply not possible. It violates too many known aspects of human nature. Each, in very different ways, relies on absurdly optimistic levels of agreement and cooperation.

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"Did you live in a communist country, or one that simply called itself that?" - that moron doesn't even know no country ever called itself communist. They were "socialist".

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Here is a good one, published by Karl Marx in 1849 translated from his foreign language political journal, some allege this was actually written by his oft co-writer Engels, but no matter, Marx published this as a view he either authored himself or fully concurred with.

"The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust'.

Well, the Jews cannot get any fairer than that can they.

The usual suspects always infuriatingly claim that this statement quite obviously means something entirely different to what the words actually say.

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May 2·edited May 3

Please give a link to that 'quote' you have. I have perused the https://www.marxists.org/archive//marx/works/download/Marx_Articles_from_the_NRZ.pdf

As well as several other documents and publications.

I used the find option to look for any of the key words in you 'quote' but alas, not finding a single one other than 'peoples.'

Putting in the entire phrase gave me exactly one hit: https://www.foxnews.com/story/the-revolutionary-holocaust-live-free-or-die

I was not aware that Glen Beck, who said this, without attribution, btw, was a Marx scholar. I would have guessed that he had never even read a single thing that Marx wrote. If he had, he would have made up a much more Hegelian-sounding phrase that might have allowed someone who has read Marx to perhaps consider the possibility.

It's never a good idea to take someone else's word for what someone else said, especially if they give no proper attribution, and also have an agenda contrary to the person they are ostensibley "quoting."

I am looking forward to seeing that quote properly attributed so I can read it from Marx himself.

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source please.

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I don't see how that quote can be identified as coming from a cultural/racial level or context, rather than a personal or peer level. Also, it doesn't have anything to do with economics (certainly not as science).

Along those lines, the entire normative bent of Marxism is external to positive economics (and anything else that claims to be a science), and so needs to explicitly identified as normative and separated out as a superimposed layer. Just as it must be done by any other ideological conflation with economics.

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I lived in countries which by all measures were building communism. How's that for an answer?

Such a countries don't need to call themselves "communist" anymore than USA or Britain needs to call themselves "capitalist".

The argument that such countries were socialist just because that's what they had in their names is pure idiocy. They were ruled by parties which had the word "communist" in their name. Does this in itself means they are communist? Of course not. You can tell whether a county is building communism by examining the way it produces and distributes value, on national and individual level. The countries I lived in didn't tolerate private enterprises at all. The concept was non-existent. And that's the main difference between communism and socialism.

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Fair enough. But if there are different names, there is, ordinarily, a difference in definitions. So what are the differences, and what is the importance of it?

"The countries I lived in didn't tolerate private enterprises at all."

USSR (in its last years, well before the 1991 outlawing of the CP) and China (gradually, over the last 30-40 years) have. They still called themselves socialist/communist.

Where did you immigrate from?

By the way, as far as I can tell, USA is not, at the Constitutional level, capitalist. It can be turned into a communist country by Congress without even touching the Constitution. Although there might be some ambiguous phrase that the Supreme Court at some point could interpret that way.

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You didn’t.

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The combination of Corporations with government is the definition of Fascism, said Mussolini. The US is entirely Fascist, has been since corporations were given the 'legal' designation of 'persons'. Eisenhower warned us, JFK was murdered by them, all wars are perpetrated for their enrichment. Socialism, leads to Communism ,said Marx. Both of those have been usurped by Corporate fascism.

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"Corporations are people, my friend." --Brother Romney

(No, they're not, Mitt. They're *comprised* of people, but they are NOT "people.")

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Unfortunately that person hood is what enables Fascism. It is by design and intent. After all, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation. All three branches of that poison tree are employees or officers of that fascist corporation. We, the people can end it but not by working with their rules.

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May 2·edited May 2


(American Heritage Dictionary) "A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism"


(Wikipedia) "Communism is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need."

Even with these MSM definitions, which is closer to U.S. reality?

"History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes."

- With the "fascism" definition, for example, you could (1) substitute "dictator" with "dictatorial bureaus empowered by secrecy", (2) substitute "stringent governmental controls" with "stringent controls by public and private powers" (3) substitute "nationalism" with "globalism" ... and voila!

- For "communism" in the U.S., though, you'd have to have a sea change in ownership status, and that's just for starters...

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Both of those definitions are lame and reflect their authors' personal bent.

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I see. If so, then I'm missing your argument. Could you please point us to better definitions? I'm eager to learn here...

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Do let me know when the state will take control of the means of production.

Last I checked, the stock market is still open.

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The West is fascist not communist, it isn’t up for debate.

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"When in actual fact it is communism". I would go even further. I think it's onanism.

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Give me a break. You never hear anyone talking about 10/7 MASSACRE & attempted Genocide by Hamas. Israel had every right to defend. If you saw the heinous acts they committed you’d not be able to watch for very long. No one lets Israel do what they need to do to protect. If Israel lifts a finger then everyone goes insane. Israel has done so much to prevent as many deaths as possible in Gaza. The numbers of dead are not even accurate. They’ve also been changed.

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Israel is a Fascist/Racist state that declares rights for itself that it never allows to the rest of the world.

It is my hope that Israel be destroyed. The sooner the better.

I've given up on Israel and I am ashamed of my decades of support for your racism.

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You really are an idiot. Do you know how many Muslims live there with every same rights as Israelis? Are you a complete moron? You are on the wrong side.,I guess you love Iran as they are over all of this. Their proxy’s go out and cause havoc. They helped mastermind 10/7. But I guess you loved that day and sat on your couch eating popcorn enjoying that attempted genocide and heinous massacre. You are disgusting. 🤢

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Let me make it clear to you.

I supported Israel for over 50 years.

I completely withdraw that support.

I finally recognize Israel for what it is.

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Yes!! Us Jews have come for you!! We have our stars of David, mine is tattooed on my perineum as its best to keep my super power hidden. My horns have mostly shrunk but sometimes they get hard, when I’m controlling the world and implementing dei and erg and wtf. You are powerless against my Star of David. I suggest putting lambs blood in your door post next Wednesday when the Jews take over all of America. We are trained and ready to genocide anything we can find. I’ve personally genocided like 5 or 6 countries with my Jew power. I’ve subverted more than 100 liberal institutions and perverted, personally, about 63 or 64, churches. Most Jew methods of subversion are weak by comparison, I’ve taken the art to new heights. My secret is young children’s blood but let’s keep that between us. TTFN

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Like Jimmy Dore asks, "How many times have you been to Epstein Island?"


As Jimmy points out quite well, your diatribe is meant to cause us to conflate "All Jews" as being the same to force us to back down and allow Israel and Jews like yourself to continue with the genocide in Israel and the war in Ukraine and the NED actions in Taiwan and the rest of the world.

Finkelstein is a well known Jew. Norman Finkelstein: "Israel is a Lunatic State"


Halper, Blumenthal, Mate, all oppose you and your Narcissist Psychosis . Examples of this illness are all over the internet. It seems that I have no problem with Hassidic Jews who IIRC do not support creation of the Israeli state.

I feel sorry for you and your sense of self-indulgence that is expressed by the claim that the Jews are "God's Chosen People".

How ironic you publish such a self-centered rant without any understanding of what it means to "Jump the Shark".

Keep pushing like this and there will be a backlash. Many Americans are waking up to the fact that it was the "Jewish Lobby" that formed PNAC (Robert Kagan and Bill Kristol, both Jews) that destroyed any and all opportunity for Peace after the Cold War ended.

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BTW, we are less than 2.4% of the USA population, with significant populations in about 10 cities. Most Jews were taught to be ashamed becasue racists like you jump on the bandwagon of jew hate and murdered us or expelled us. No amount of literary smuggery can erase the simple fact of math that we are TINY TINY TINY TINY minority on this planet. There are nearly as many Astro Zanarians, if not more active AZ than us.

Jews in many nations felt that if we looked like them, if we were Bolsheviks, or joined the Nazi party, or converted even, or even didn't know we were Jewish - we were treated equally in the gas chambers. The reason we are so few is because we are top on the greatest hits of global hate.

You make the case quite well for why I should dead, expelled and tortured because of my Jewish mojo. If you really think that Jews are THE ONLY REASON we had a cold war, I suggest a place called the library. Maybe lay off youporn for a few days?

I relish every day that I am chosen by God! Chosen for what, I"m not sure. Chosen by whom? You, I guess.

I cant' believe that Substack is just another 4chan. Disgusted.

Read the Hamas Covenant when you get to your morning dump:


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Israeli Minister Reportedly Asks IDF To Kill Palestinians Instead Of Arresting Them


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As Snowden has said, when REPORTING a crime is treated as COMMITTING a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.

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Janeen SH on her FB post had this to say:

I’ve said it 100 times before and I’ll say it again million more if I have to; DARVO tactics. All narcissistic abusers argue in DARVO. Deny. Attack. Reverse Victim and Offender. Anybody who has been in a relationship with a narcissistic abusive piece of shit can recognize this immediately.

Yeah it’s totally the Palestinians who are the genociders. Israelis are just these innocent baby angels and Palestinians these monsterous terrorists out to kill all the Jews and please don’t look into any factual information from the ground or at literally any Israeli behavior for the last 76 years because….well that’s anti semitic and are you a Nazi or something.

The UN is Anti Semitic

The ICJ is Anti Semitic

The ICC is Anti Semitic

South Africa is Anti Semitic

Amnesty International is Anti Semitic

Human Rights Watch is Anti Semitic

Save the Children is Anti Semitic

Btsalem is Anti Semitic

Jewish Voice for Peace is Anti Semitic

The Palestinians we’ve been warehousing in an open air concentration camp for nearly 20 years and illegally occupying for over 50 are Anti Semitic

Nicaragua is Anti Semitic

Ireland is Anti Semitic

Anti Zionist Jews are Anti Semitic

The entire global south is Anti Semitic

People who see Palestinians as humans worthy of basic human rights are Anti Semitic

Millions of Palestine protestors around the globe are Anti Semitic.

Don’t look over here, look over there at the all the anti Semitism. We’re the victims! The Palestinians have forced us to commit genocide!!!! We can never forgive them for forcing US to kill their babies.

The Holocaust!!!!! Remember!!! We were Nazi’d and now we get to Nazi! It’s only fair!!!!!!!


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Thank you for sharing this. It’s very useful and lays it all out. I’m not on FB.

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{...I’m not on FB...}

My sincere congrats to you !!!

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What a bunch of bunk. I’ve never read such drivel.

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Diana Trash, have you really been paying attention to the pro-Israeli war against Palestinians and what the ADL, the AIPAC lobby and Netanyahu are saying? They are calling anyone who is against Israel’s genocide as being antisemitic.

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I sure have. I’m no Netanyahu fan. But I truly believe the IDF is nothing less than heroic. I personally just do not believe that Genocide is the case - that Israel wants to destroy Gazans. I just do not.,I do however believe that Hamas intended on 10/7 to massacre Jews and proceed to Jerusalem to kill even more.,That at least was their goal. We will never know the real numbers for non combatants for some time in Gaza. I truly believe Hamas is a terrorist organization and their ministry was just grabbing numbers in the air. This has been confirmed by top military generals. We need to remove Hamas. That’s the only way to get hostages home and then a next phase where fighting can stop. Hamas should surrender. Or Hamas destroyed. Then Israel needs to assist with self determination for the Gazans. The sole intention of Hamas , et al to destroy Israel is not the solution. Most Israelis want a way to live in peace along side the Gazans. But it needs to be reciprocated. What comes after Hamas? Not sure. It’s going to matter how everything is viewed. Egypt wants nothing to do with Gaza. Israel might just make sure another Hamas does not enter. Maybe Israel will facilitate with other nations to figure a better path to a better life for Gazans and all help rebuild. And Hezbollah has to stop attacking Israel as well. They attack Israel every day!

Having said all this, Netanyahu needs to step down. He’s been a problem for some time. Hezbollah Houthi’s and Hamas are all under Iran and Iran Is the big agitator & facilitator& Israel was getting cozy with the Saudis and Iran would not have it. - & US needs to change things re: Iran. Stop giving Iran money. Failure of US POLICY with Iran. Overall , there are other Actors here that are not helping this issue at all.

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The IDF, by any stretch of the imagination are they heroes. They are cold-blooded killers of the worst kind leaving nothing but death and destruction, indiscriminately destroying places of worship, hospitals, universities, journalist, doctors, teachers, innocent civilians, woman and children, blocking humanitarian aid and committing crimes against humanity. Yes, as apparent as day and night Israel is guilty of genocide as more and more of the world population agrees. There are many of the Jewish faith who are against all this killing and destruction.

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Was I also an antisemite when I physically confronted bonafide self-proclaimed Nazis on the streets of Kiev?

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Hope you put those claws and fangs to good use Feral!!!

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The more desperate this Genocidal ZioTurd becomes, the bigger my smile!

Zionism is a disease. Speaking TRUTH is the cure! Free Palestine 🇵🇸

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I feel that Zionism is now more than a disease. Often with disease we are able to stop most of them. I don't see stopping Israel/Zionism unless they are bombed to smithereens the reason being is that there is now a 'blood lust' in the hands of those in power in Israel. When people become so amoral they don't stop.

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I would add to that with "the US" is a disease too - as they are the main enablers of Israel, just as the UK, Germany, and many other nations had a hand in enabling Zionism.

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Hi Jenny

Zionism is a psychosis. And unfortunately, unlike for many mental health issues (such as depression) there is no treatment for psychopathic individuals.

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Where’s Palestine? Oh- it does not exist. You mean free Gazans from Hamas.

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Where are the psychotic GENOCIDE supporters. Oh, look - it's Ms. Trash the ZioTurd!🤣 Where's Israel? Exists as a delusion on stolen land! But not for long!

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Fuck off Jack you smell.

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Members of this administration shouldn't go a single day without having to consider 18 U.S. Code § 1091 the law that brought the genocide convention into US law. this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives.

And maybe the propagandists in the Mainstream Media need to be encouraged to think about their culpability as well.

Let us find the way.

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Law is irrelevant. Power is what matters. Give their enemies power and those currently in high places would fear for their lives, regardless of any law or lack thereof.

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And yet, as of now, it is what we have. As the old saying goes, "Gotta go with what ya got."

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No. Power is what you need to seize. Since humans like you and cats have no power, the law is blithely ignored. So Biden sleeps soundly, knowing full well that he never will face charges under any of the laws you cite.

"Don't quote laws to us. We carry swords!" - Gnaeus Pompeius. Go and do likewise.

For the problem with playing any game with a sociopath is that you have to play by sociopath rules, that is Calvinball. Because they will cheat, or simply ignore rules that they don't like and that you cannot enforce.

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But who has the power? At this moment of unarmed protestors facing a formidable, heavily weaponized, killing machine, I see the law as a better shield or weapon than the power we, the people, do not have. If you see otherwise, then you looking through a different lens, and it's always good to hear from those who see differently.

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May 2·edited May 2

Mao teaches us that power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Meyer Rothschild (no, I am not a Rothschild conspiracy theorist) said, at a time when Jews or anyone else not a member of the established Church of England had limited rights in England, "Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who writes its laws."

Anyway, good luck with getting any law enforced that the powerful do not want enforced. I say that without a hint of snark, I really wish you well, I truly do. I just know how things work in the real world.

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I'm not sure how this power is to get into the hands of the people. I have fond memories of saying those same things back in the 1960s. One thing I have learned is that what you are advocating cannot be successful developed using a public forum. COINTEL-PRO 2.0, is, I am sure, alive and well.

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"Mao teaches ... gun[s]"

"Meyer Rothschild ... control of currency"

Modern TPTB ... mass psychology

... Next up?

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I think you just contradicted yourself? "unarmed protestors against a.... Killing Machine" and these are the very ones administering that law to those "Unarmed Protestors"! I am fully with "Finster" in this regard. One must always remind oneself of the fact these are Mass Murdering Sociopaths who have gotten away with MURDERING MILLIONS and nothing short of a bullet is going to stop them.

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Feral? Cats have no power?!

My one-year-old boy, Peaches Bob (so named because he’s part bobcat) strongly disagrees!

Let’s let him loose in the White House and see what happens 😁

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He might take a dump somewhere. Meanwhile, the war machine rolls on.

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Absofuckinglutely the media is culpable. Without media support, none of the wars would be feasible.

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Mary. One of the most important lessons to learn in History IMO is education.Americans on the whole are NOT educated!

You can use the media as a 'scapegoat' for as long as you want but the fact is that you the people have been dumb for years. IF you had had better education maybe you would have figured out earlier that you were being lied to?

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Jenny, what matters is not education, but the kind (quality) of education. Most of the people in positions of power and perpetrators of atrocities around the world are the "highly educated" variety.

What is important, is "Critical thinking skills" and a healthy level of skepticism. One does NOT need a formal education to develop these "critical thinking skills" and reasoning abilities.

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Yes and all those Ivy League schools are not educating. Go to a state school. Save your money. You’ll get better education and not indoctrination.

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May 7·edited May 7

Jenny Darlin’

I’ll take good common horse sense over “education” any time.

I’m a high school graduate. That’s it. Yet my knowledge of world affairs is immensely greater than that of anyone I know, save my siblings.

I credit this to our father, who insisted that we watch the evenings news every night. He would then point out the untruths and coverups the news people expected us to swallow.

BTW, he had the equivalent of a fourth-grade education; moved to this country without knowing a word of English; became a successful businessman which afforded us the privilege of living in our city’s best neighborhood.

He was also fluent in four languages. I actually believe that intelligence is hereditary, though I may be on the short end of the stick in this respect: my brother is an MD and my sister a psychologist 😉

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By our very own Indrajit Samarajiva, and well worth reading:


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This is McCarthyism. Full stop.

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This is #1984. Full stop.

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This is a full stop.

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This is the end. Murica will not come out of this "biz as usual". All for what? Who says wars are cost free ! Hooray ! Let it happen.

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War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

Antizionism is antisemitism.

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Hi John

If I wish to climb up on my roof and holler FUCK ISRAEL at the top of my lungs, let the Ziopolice come for me. They’ll be greeted with the receiving end of my AK47 😁

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Not much different. I agree.

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Speaking as a Constitutional lawyer, the House bill is an abomination...Speaking as an American, it's way beyond insane..banning criticism of Israel's crimes, and parts of the Bible is as crazy as it gets...

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May 2·edited May 2

If they make this type of banning/censorship permanent - it really is all she wrote for this 200 year experiment in democracy/republic whatever you want to call it now.

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Clearly, this is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment.and absolutely cannot stand....It hasn't been passed in the Senate, however...

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Jamenta. This started in the USA about 4yrs ago.

Anti-abortion etc.

The Govt. telling people how to live their lives. This is NOT what Govt. is for.

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I wonder if they want to ban the part of the Bible where Jesus says I know those who call themselves Jews but are not they are of the synagogues of satan

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"Anti-Semitism" monitors? Well, I guess that figures. Sometimes, I swear that the only people who rise to the top in this country got their start as hall monitors and tattletales in elementary school. "Respect our authority or you'll end up like Ohio Barbarian, wondering whether he can ever afford to retire!"

"History repeats itself; first as tragedy, then as farce."--Karl Marx

The massacred Palestinians are the tragedy, Netanyahu and all of the bribed and blackmailed American politicians calling for hall monitors is the farce.

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Jews were massacred on 10/7. No one talks of that at all. Why? Because Jews don’t matter. Antisemitism.

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I NEED to write this before I go NUTZ.

I have been through a Civil War in Sri Lanka and once people start killing they cannot stop! There are people who 'get a high' after killing and what happens then they bring in others who would never kill in their lives. This depravity exists in humans. Whether you are fighting religious wars or 'supposed' terrorists the 'blood lust' becomes power. Many people don't think before picking up a gun. They will burn a neighbours house down because of some slight initiated long ago.

When one person has power over another it really doesn't matter if they were your neighbours or friends. The local man in the village is always the first to go.

The psychology is in my opinion: the down trodden who usually have little to no education suddenly find themselves empowered.

As a child I cowered in all sorts of places watching my beautiful country burn ONLY because the people thought they were empowered. The fact is always misconstrued.

Yemen is an interesting Country: for years there has been civil war fought by 2 factions. Bombed by SA and other powers it now finds itself in a position where BOTH sides are fighting for Palestinian people.

You can start a war but it's almost impossible to finish it.

To my Tamil Godfather the kindest man, a lawyer who was imprisoned for 15yrs who I did not recognize when he came out of prison.

Basil Jesudasen this is for you.

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Hamas will never stop killing Israeli’s until they get rid of Israel. Then they’ll come for everyone else in the west. They are an Iranian Proxy.

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Jenny what an existence you’ve led! I can certainly see where you obtained your deep sense of empathy….xxx

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What's worse is that the Israeli government seems to have a choke hold on the American government to get them to do whatever they want. And people think The U.S. is a democracy and a free country. That lack of freedom is on full display at every college campus with student protestors on it now. The American bill of rights is a joke now.

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Money and blackmail keeps our government in check. Ever wonder why Epstein was protected for so many years? I’m curious why they decided to off him. If he’s actually dead. Whitney Webb writes that blackmailing the government goes way back to prohibition days.

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Epstein was murdered because the power brokers knew he would sell them out in a heart beat and there were too many embarrassing secrets that would come out. The same goes for Israel and Russia. But Israel in this case, as Mossad has been operating with near impunity in the U.S. for decades, is the real current threat to the power brokers and they can't get to Bibi so they are scurrying away like the cockroaches they are when the lights are turned on.

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May the day come, and soon, when this petition, and all the rest, is no longer needed in Gaza, because we finally have a state where there are full and equal rights for all.

There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate Let us do it to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Let us call for a No Fly-Zone over Gaza!

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Hahaha 😂 the pope is at the top of the Satanic pyramid please do some research on the history of the Catholic Church

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I think the American “educational” institutions have officially become obsolete when they obey the government. Universities that don’t allow free speech have zero value. None.

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The US government has leverage because it funds them. Academia is dead in terms of free thought.

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WE fund them. Our tax dollars. And I agree. Academia is dead.

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Too much foreign money being poured into elite universities - and brainwashing students.

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Full-blown repression has always been waiting in the wings. Perhaps this is its moment? I hope those who give a damn won't hesitate to do what they can to stop it. We can hope/work for seeing that this anti-liberty position has passed its expiration date.

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If this anti-semitism law does pass - it will be challenged in court. And if the Supreme Court gives it a green light - then we got a full-blown US Constitutional crisis on our hands. States would have a legal basis to secede from the Union.

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