As awful as the Kennedy admin was on the Soviet Union and waging wars upon Third World and Second World peoples in the name of the Cold War ; the Biden crew are more dangerous in part because the media is part of a conglomerate complex that barely existed in the early 60s.

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Caitlin makes a good case for the realness of massStupidity.

I stopped reading George Monbiot because i cannot bear the pain of his thorts.

Maybe, like Tom Bombadil, i should stop reading entirely.

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I propose petitioning Congress to rename it, The Department of Corporate Defense.

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People just called it the War Department...the days of honesty.

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Interesting that they're going to "tame ... woke Democrats." I've been predicting that a Biden administration will turn on "progressives" an downright oppress BLM and Antifa if they get out of hand. So much for "holding his feet to the fire," ending "white supremacy" and "de-funding the police." Partisan progressive Democrats are such useful idiots.

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The fact is that to this day most WOKE DEMS will still not listen and learn or condemn if they know what Biden did to Ukraine, what HRC did to Libya and Honduras. BLM is a farce, the Black lives slaughtered in Libya in a racial genocide of the sub-Saharan Black African minority by HRC's Saudi run Jihadist death-squads, simply do not matter. Anymore than Hillary's slave markets where you can buy a Black man for $400. In the year 1863 the price of a Black Man in the USA was approx $2000 which is approx $40K in today's money, a slave was like a piece of industrial machinery that replaced them a few years after the American Civil War. In the 21st Century Hillary Clinton's slave markets in Libya are selling Black men for $400 ! But hey according to the Woke crowd Trump is the Nazi who should be put on trial for his affair with pornstar Stormy Daniels. That sums them up.

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Thank you. I wrote of "useful idiots," but you point out things that should be staring "woke Democrats" in the face. A few, in denial, just don't see it, but many, complicit, are fully aware of what's going on and in some way profit from it.

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