With my brain and heart on fire with anger, I can’t access the words I need. So very, very thankful you are here. Just want you to know what an incredible service you provide. ❤️❤️❤️
You can be certain that there are Jews that are against The Genocide
as they want it all to go back to how it was - pretending that Israel is a good place.
Zionist murder, theft and oppression was not invented on October 7th.
On October 6th Netanyahu was as little as three months away from annexing
a large segment of the West Bank.
What were the Palestinians to do? What were their options to halt the ongoing theft?
As we can see from the Disgrace to Civilization - the international community has been unable to even stop Genocide. No one was coming to stop further theft -- annexation --,
"Netanyahu shelved plans to officially annex large parts of the West Bank in 2020 in exchange for normalizing relations with the UAE.
The countries involved in the Abraham Accords did not publicize it at the time, but Netanyahu’s commitment to not annex the West Bank was limited in duration.
Days after the normalization agreement was announced in September 2020, three sources familiar with the negotiations told The Times of Israel that then-US president Donald Trump gave the UAE a commitment that Washington would not recognize any Israeli annexation move until 2024 at the earliest."
Stopping the slaughter is currently the most important thing that needs to happen. I think it is also important to try to make sure we are eating well and trying to sleep so that we can continue going to demos, writing letters, talking to other people who have not quite got it yet (it would seem). We can't do much about anything at all if we are physically incapacitated. As I say that, I think about the people in Gaza who do not have that choice. More than anything that is going on right now, I want them to have that choice.
I agree! Which is why I relentlessly call on all of us to drink our own urine in solidarity with Gaza! NOT ONLY do THEY need their own urine right now - and THEY DO! AND THEY HAVE IT! But WE could GREATLY benefit from it! Check out John Turmel's "Pee Pee Power to Poor People"! As well as this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=945iudqk7zs&t=1s
I find it to be a disgusting idea too, but there are people who think it is a very healthy thing to do and they have their reasons. Even if it turned out to be correct, I would not drink my own urine because I am pretty sure just looking at it would make me gag. It does make good fertilizer for plants though.
Let me clarify something, and make it clear as to why it can be very unhealthy. People which I'm sure is true for the people in Gaza no doubt have bladder infections for any number of reasons, and perhaps infections in the vaginal, or groin area which when passed will enter the urine and be swallowed creating the possibility of more infections. Not to mention wastes are being removed, and why take them in again, not healthy.
:o! That is one "mental block" I even still had in my head when I was still taking my "Orin therapy baby steps"! I thought, "Oh, brother! Here I go!... Putting 'waste' back in...! I hope my body can somehow sort all of this out!..."
But then I watched an interview with Allegedly Dave on the topic, and I still remember when he said it! "Urine is incredibly CLEAN! And it is STERILE!"
Then I still remember when I was having a bath - with my Orin! And, back then, I was still religious about washing with it, getting it into a container, and then dumping it down the toilet...
Then I realized the toilet drain and the tub drain go to the same place - but, back then, I would, as I said, put it down the toilet...
Well, one time, I realized something! My Orin has COMPLETELY CLEANED OUT the inside of that bath-tub! It was as clean as a WHISTLE! And Allegedgly Dave's words came back to me! I realized that he was right!
And, if you think about it, if a mother or father has to clean up an Orin spill... But wait! WHEN they have to! Because of COURSE they will! And, seriously! What do they do? They clean it up! Life goes on! They don't die! It happens!
The bottom line is: I think we have been duped into wasting our own Orin, even though - as I just said! IT IS ANTI-AGING!
I am more interested in using urine as fertilizer for plants. I do understand that urine is sterile when first excreted. Here are a couple of sites for using it as fertilizer which could be very useful for people living in places where fertilizer is difficult and/or expensive. I think it has a lot of promise for agriculture. I still don't want to drink it though. I know someone who did that for a while and he is still alive and well although a bit eccentric. He was that way before he started drinking his urine though.
No really, not healthy. If he want's to drink I won't stop it, but he has this video clip pushing drinking your pee. Did you see the guy trying to sell you on that one?
I have to get to bed. I don't think it is a global threat. I doubt very much that many people are at risk of actually drinking it. I think Gandhi drank his own urine. To each their own. Not me though
Well, actually, I am trying to SAVE GAZA by helping people REALIZE that we have been HAD! And DUPED! And I will tell you what! Have you heard of "Premarine"? Taken from PREGNANT HORSE FARMS! Which are CRUEL! I want to see those things SHUT DOWN!
Seriously! Drinking horse whiz when you SHOULD be drinking your OWN! Who is the crazy party when you look at it like THAT?
Oh! Yeah! I had to get that whole "gag" thing out of my system too - but that "gag" factor is so long gone! And good riddance! Did you known orin is actually ANTI-AGING? That is why babies are so perfect when they come out of the womb! They have been SWIMMING IN AND DRINKING IT!
As a matter of fact, did you know that, if they do an operation on a pre-born baby, when he or she is finally born, there is NO SCAR from the operation? According to Gary Ward, this is because of the urine!
... And here is the thing: in Gaza, their water was declared unfit to drink A LONG TIME AGO! In fact, Chris Hedges fills in a few details! "Dirty and salty!" So, seriously! Do we want them drinking "dirty and salty" water when they COULD be drinking ANTI-AGING, CLEAN, and STERILE ORIN?
If there was no water for you to drink you wouldn't be producing much urine and eventually none, and you would become dehydrated, and pass away. So much for depending on pee.
That is not the way it works! You would think it would "not work" that way, but - in reality - YOU HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH! As a matter of fact, as much as I loop as much as possible, I can only do it so much! If you actually drink every drop you pass, you will eventually find yourself with what is called "an enema"!
That is the miracle! There is more coming out of you than is going in! So then Proverbs 5:15 and John 7:38 have taken on a WHOLE new meaning!
Thanks for sharing! I will have to look that up! They were fine for a reason! For the same reason that we ALL were "fine" when WE drank OUR own urine in OUR mothers' WOMBS!
It's a brilliant book and well worth a read. Thor Hayerdal is the author.
They were trying to prove that a reed boat could get to the USA after the great flood in Europe. I studied quite a bit of Indian art and the Hopi's do have a legend that they came to the US originally from way over the sea.
:o! I understand why you think so, and I used to think the same thing! But that is because I had been brainwashed by John Rockefeller! You can undo that programming!
Yah, with respect, if you can stand on your head or hang upside down, and hit your mouth, go for it. Otherwise, I humbly submit that since artificial containers of any sort ain't natural, neither is your orin therapy.
I was told by my friend of 40 years, Israeli woman that I adore. That I am not allowed to say Anything Negative about Israel. I reminded her I was an American and my greatest right is freedom of thought. To disagree with Israel is not antisemitism. It’s thought. And I see with my eyes and hear with my ears what Israel is and has been doing for decades. Racism, sexism, narcissistic tendencies and they are the “chosen people!” It’s absolutely absurd that she became so obsessed with her own personal identity that she has no other point of view and Palestinians and Arabs are not human.
Actually I called her on her birthday and told her I was worried for her life. She shut me up. Told me God was protecting her. Lately she sent me a message that I had changed. I told her, “No, I have always told her that if she wanted constant war, she would get it. She wants to rebuild Temple Mount which means destruction of Al Aqsa Complex and I told her I was ashamed of her.
I am ashamed for her and of her. She always says terrible things about black people (Black Lives Matter) they terrify her. And Arabs, Persian, and Palestinians in particular. She hopes they all die.
She is not the worst. My childhood friend, an unemployed musician in NYC went off the rails on me. Called me
A Bitch
A Jew Hater
And finally:
Ilse Koch.
That was it.
I repeated his hate speech back. I did not argue with a man who is clearly not able to be civilized
I told him that I remember he was a John Bircher as a teenager.
She probably has not met any Arabs or Persians. If she did she would not say that. Many Arabs have contributed greatly to America such as Danny Thomas, founder of St. Jude. Steve Jobs, Apple founder, whose Dad came from Syria and had Palestinian ethnicity. Dr. Debakey, first heart transplant doctor. etc.
She would say the same if she met them, since their prejudice is not grounded in reality. They grow up with it, become indoctrinated with hate, and I've learned there is nothing if little you can do. Didn't you hear gallant call the Palestinians animal? The whole Zionist movement saw Palestine as a land without a people, why, because they didn't perceive the Palestinians as people, they were less then human. Therefore they are now dying, being killed in the land they were given, an outdoor concentration camp. Settlers are killing them in the West Bank and not held accountable. They are arrested, kept in jail for years with no charges, no representation.
What I can't understand is how people who had just undergone a horrific, vicious holocaust based on their race,--I mean I can understand the notion that they needed a homeland outside Europe which would be theirs, where there would be no pograms--but why not the Jewish enclaves in places like NYC--no pograms here--how could they go to a place where they had ties mostly thousands of years ago, and do to the people there what the German Nazis had done to them and their parents? And they keep echoing Nazi ideas--we need more lebensraum, these people are untermenschen who don't deserve to live, we are the Master race--they don't use the German words but they have borrowed Nazi ideology..
I had a friend who told me at lunch and also Jewish, they should kill every Muslim, and I asked children too, and she said in a strong and loud voice yes, and she was a friend no more.
Hello. It’s a shock to the system that there is such hatred towards people. I read years ago many books of Albert Camus. Being Algerian and then living in France he was subjected to terrible racism. The colloquial term was petit noir. I hope that’s right. It means “black feet!” A term of hatred for North Africans.
He wrote a magnificent group of essays in a book The Rebel. Its premise is why October 7 happened. When people have no hope. None. They rebel. They risk death rather than life in oppression. This is the recipe of Israel. I have known several Israelis. And their parents and children. Hungarian Jews and numbers carved in their arm. Oh God how could their grandchildren become Hitler’s children? Danielle Weiss is the worst. She is godmother of settlers. Ok if all Palestinians drown-Gaza is hers. Sorry Fran. I still have lovely Jewish friends. They have love & honor
Excuse me, why would you even suggest in your post that because I mention one person who was a friend and made that ugly comment which I responded to by unfriending her I would think, which your post suggests, all Jews are like her which is implied in your comment, Sorry Fran. I still have lovely Jewish friends.
Okay, but Living in the states I know quite a few Jewish people, some are friends, and know they don't think like her, and she was a therapist to boot.
I'm sure you do, as do I. Never said they were all alike. But I was simply referring to her friends who are profoundly prejudice, rather unpleasant characters, so why not go out and get some friends who are free from that kind of hate.
The land was THE Palestinians' before a UK citizen called BALFOUR "gave it" to the Jewish people after WW11 - all part of the grand plan.
Wonder what happens when further FACTUAL History is discovered in a Cave or elsewhere - think DEAD SEA SCROLLS discovered say 40 years ago, and that other ancient places maybe more involved with the true history of Christendom? There was a habit of building on top of cities and HIstory is written as Rulers deem....
I was in a worldview course a few months ago and a white South African Jewish woman said that Israelis were doing everyone a favor by getting rid of the Muslims. I had several good friends in the course and had bought the books etc. I immediately sent an email to the 4 people co-teaching and said I could not continue the course bc my values were not aligned with one of the students. In the middle of a zoom session. I cut relations with family + friends all the time if they are racist dumshits. Really it is better to be alone in my opinion. No matter how nice they are to you personally.
I personally cut ties with a longtime friend over the genocide; she said she “didn’t like it”(!!!) but remained a diehard ByeDone supporter and believed everything the MSM had to dish out.
Then as if by magic, an old friend reappeared into my life. We used to be tight as ticks. It’s like we’d never left off.
I was going to comment that this article is brilliant, but it’s actually just rational and humane. The issue is that we are bombarded with irrationality and inhumanity by our politicians and media.
The israeli Genocide Force, handcuffed and shot children. How could anyone survive an act like that. Dr., Nurses handcuffed and shot. Anyone handcuffed and shot is a war crime. AOC speaking at Columbia in support of students and mins later posing for pictures with Genocide Joe supporting his re-election. We are mentally ill allowing this to go on. Vote NO on Genocide Joe! Free Palestine!
It's a requirement for any politician, not just AOC. The position calls for that. The more people realize it, the less they'll be wasting their time "voting".
Sadly, Israel is the mad dog let off its American leash to brutalize and normalize wanton murder and war crimes in the name of religious doctrine - and in the name of revenge. The third, fourth, fifth orders of effect be damned. Underlying all the blood and brutality is the slow release of the odious toxicity called genocide. We are somehow left to watch, almost powerless in the face of our supposed democracies, committing heinous crimes against humanity - in our fucking name. These entrenched power structures have to be crushed by us the people. They are clearly sick beyond redemption and we have to reclaim our humanity back from these American and Israeli ghouls. Otherwise, where does it stop?
After my morning reading,it will take a gallon of RAID. the bastards are so entrenched in our system, their Talmud wish to own goy are nearly fulfilled.
I thank you for this post. I wrote my own post on this same topic two days ago. So glad to see there are other writers here who are screaming for change now.
Let’s be very clear about this - Zionists feelings are not more important than just Palestinian lives, they are more important than ALL other lives. Their collective brains have broke since that myth has shattered over the last six months. And their unhinged reaction is a testament to their new reality. Welcome to the real world, Zs.
That's if you believe the official version of "the evil Nazis". Which btw was created and pushed into mainstream by the same people now committing genocide in Gaza... Food for thought.
No that food is indigestible. Hamas started this fight October 7th with official Geneva Convention atrocities against civilians, absolutely unacceptable and undeniable by any rational person. Their strategy, tactics and modus operandi is to inflict terror on civilian populations in Israel to the extent that they can (they literally steal food from the people that they rule to that end); and to live and to fight so as maximize the casualties in their own civilian population (aka human shields).
To leave these facts out of the equation is disingenuous, and tells me that you are a Hamas partisan, or you have homonymous hemianopsia.
See my comment to Pav below. You do understand that when I am defending my family their lives and feelings are more important than those that I am defending them against; I would be derelict in my duty to my family were that not the case.
Similarly, the leadership of the nation state of Israel exists to protect the country and people of the country its enemies, in doing that, it is implicit that Israeli lives are more important to them than Hamas’ lives. (And you bleeding heart hypocrites defending Hamas who you never name, ignore the obvious to any sane and objective observer that Hamas’ whole strategy, tactics, and objective is to put as many Palestinian lives at risk as possible (the human shields strategy). So why should the Israelis value Palestinian lives, if Hamas doesn’t (except as cannon fodder).
You Hamas apologists are disgusting and disingenuous, you sicken me. If you care so much about Palestinian lives, why don’t you go and trade yourself for a Palestinian civilian, better yet, get your whole family and neighborhood and get a whole bunch of Palestinian civilians out of Gaza: put your money where your mouth is, or STFU.
Right on Feral. When I saw some whiny Ziobitch at Columbia saying as how she felt “uncomfortable”, I wondered how much “discomfort” she imagined Gazans felt.
“Uncomfortable” is way too little for that c-word.
Thank you! No one should feel comfortable with the genocide in Gaza, with settlers killing and menacing Palestinians in the West Bank, with Palestinians in Israeli prisons being tortured and raped. Everyone should be very uncomfortable with all these injustices. Stop this genocide now is what everyone should be clamoring.
You all are perfectly fine with 1300 murders, rapes, & tortures, +hostages that have been raped & tortured until they died in Hamas captivity, though: you people are either sick bigoted mother fuckers or naive delusional simpletons.
i had this monkey yesterday write to me saying no one cares about gaza and posted a pic of a young girl crying. He’s a self confessed detransitioner. i wrote back that that explains his mental health.
"Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than making sure Joe Biden maintains enough support to win re-election."
Amen and amen! How anything could be less important than "Genocide Joe" staying in office is impossible to fathom. Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than EVERYTHING a racist-zionist can think of. Everything.
"People’s feelings should be uncomfortable when a genocide is happening."
Exactly. No one should be feeling "comfortable" when a large portion of humanity is suffering and dying horrible deaths due to the pure selfishness of warmongering capitalists. Get over yourself and do something positive like bringing this genocide to an end. Today.
Sadly there are many people entirely comfortable with it. A sign of declining society, indoctrination, money? Your fight may see few battlefield victories but hopefully it will help change in time something that is fundamentally wrong with many of us.
So critical is stopping the slaughter in Gaza that woke politics has bastardised our humanity and elevated self-interest and the bullshit cowardly veil of personal safety than what it means to be selfless.
Do you know what “woke” means? I don’t think you do. It’s a black mother telling her children to be woke (careful) when you go out the house to school so you don’t get shot! Okay.
DeSantis is so stupid he never bothered to ask anyone about its origin in present vernacular.
Unless it's in a font I can't read, the article deploys the term "woke" exactly zero times. You introduced that term as what is ostensibly the/a pillar of your analysis of the situation. I'll grant you that the fake persecution the article is describing could be fairly described as exploitation/weaponization of some component of "woke politics", but "woke politics" as the ultimate or only source of "elevated self-interest" not so much.
Caitlin, I have become a full-bore conservative since 2021, but Gaza is the one issue where I don't align with *some of them*. And there are others like me.
How can you tell? Seriously no one has two fucks what is really going on in this conflict. Least of which Caitlyn who monetizes the agony of this conflict and repackages it as the most simplistic bullshit I’ve ever read.
"None of us should be feeling comfortable with any of this." Caitlin
The really frightening fact of the matter is that so many leaders, particularly the White Christians are unhappy with the fact that it is taking Israel so long to level every home in Palestine and kill every Palestinian who has survived the genocide to date. Right Chancellor, Prime Minister/s?
We all know who they are . Our indelible task is to send the “evil devils” of our time (Netanyahu, Biden, von Der Leyen, Scholz, Macron, Zelensky,) and all the others in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada) as well as the self-proclaimed architects of ‘humanitarian war” and the “free market”, down to where they rightfully belong and it really needs to come soon enough for this world to survive.
While a practising Christian, a Roman Catholic named Biden, sends multi billions of both money and armaments again this week to Israel for the further murder of Palestinians, you have to question the values of any Christian teaching over time that allows these crimes to occur.
Yes, while Christians can be part of such a crime, without penalty, it makes all those teachings, all those words of guidance for leading a good life, something of a pathetic joke.
So remember this, voters of America, this man Biden is one of two people out of 330 million citizens who will again take control of your country again in November, just seven months away.
In the meantime he continues his evil ways unchallenged by his church.
Now is that hypocrisy
"Thou shall not kill" ....yes, even in the Jewish Torah as well. Very prominently.
However, if one bases this on the interpretation by Jews, under the direction of Netanyahu, (with Biden at his back, of course), it also means 'thou shall not kill........ after you have finally killed every Palestinian, stolen all the land called Palestine, redeveloped all the land to be occupied by Jews only, extracted and sold off contracts to produce all the oil and gas from Palestinian gas fields and when you finally control all the politicians in the USA', not just 86%.'
With my brain and heart on fire with anger, I can’t access the words I need. So very, very thankful you are here. Just want you to know what an incredible service you provide. ❤️❤️❤️
You can be certain that there are Jews that are against The Genocide
as they want it all to go back to how it was - pretending that Israel is a good place.
Zionist murder, theft and oppression was not invented on October 7th.
On October 6th Netanyahu was as little as three months away from annexing
a large segment of the West Bank.
What were the Palestinians to do? What were their options to halt the ongoing theft?
As we can see from the Disgrace to Civilization - the international community has been unable to even stop Genocide. No one was coming to stop further theft -- annexation --,
no one.
"Netanyahu shelved plans to officially annex large parts of the West Bank in 2020 in exchange for normalizing relations with the UAE.
The countries involved in the Abraham Accords did not publicize it at the time, but Netanyahu’s commitment to not annex the West Bank was limited in duration.
Days after the normalization agreement was announced in September 2020, three sources familiar with the negotiations told The Times of Israel that then-US president Donald Trump gave the UAE a commitment that Washington would not recognize any Israeli annexation move until 2024 at the earliest."
thank you Lauren I presume you are referring to me if not then I apologise for being presumptuous.
Stopping the slaughter is currently the most important thing that needs to happen. I think it is also important to try to make sure we are eating well and trying to sleep so that we can continue going to demos, writing letters, talking to other people who have not quite got it yet (it would seem). We can't do much about anything at all if we are physically incapacitated. As I say that, I think about the people in Gaza who do not have that choice. More than anything that is going on right now, I want them to have that choice.
I agree! Which is why I relentlessly call on all of us to drink our own urine in solidarity with Gaza! NOT ONLY do THEY need their own urine right now - and THEY DO! AND THEY HAVE IT! But WE could GREATLY benefit from it! Check out John Turmel's "Pee Pee Power to Poor People"! As well as this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=945iudqk7zs&t=1s
Drinking your urine isn't healthy, and I don't think you should suggest it is.
I find it to be a disgusting idea too, but there are people who think it is a very healthy thing to do and they have their reasons. Even if it turned out to be correct, I would not drink my own urine because I am pretty sure just looking at it would make me gag. It does make good fertilizer for plants though.
Let me clarify something, and make it clear as to why it can be very unhealthy. People which I'm sure is true for the people in Gaza no doubt have bladder infections for any number of reasons, and perhaps infections in the vaginal, or groin area which when passed will enter the urine and be swallowed creating the possibility of more infections. Not to mention wastes are being removed, and why take them in again, not healthy.
:o! That is one "mental block" I even still had in my head when I was still taking my "Orin therapy baby steps"! I thought, "Oh, brother! Here I go!... Putting 'waste' back in...! I hope my body can somehow sort all of this out!..."
But then I watched an interview with Allegedly Dave on the topic, and I still remember when he said it! "Urine is incredibly CLEAN! And it is STERILE!"
Then I still remember when I was having a bath - with my Orin! And, back then, I was still religious about washing with it, getting it into a container, and then dumping it down the toilet...
Then I realized the toilet drain and the tub drain go to the same place - but, back then, I would, as I said, put it down the toilet...
Well, one time, I realized something! My Orin has COMPLETELY CLEANED OUT the inside of that bath-tub! It was as clean as a WHISTLE! And Allegedgly Dave's words came back to me! I realized that he was right!
And, if you think about it, if a mother or father has to clean up an Orin spill... But wait! WHEN they have to! Because of COURSE they will! And, seriously! What do they do? They clean it up! Life goes on! They don't die! It happens!
The bottom line is: I think we have been duped into wasting our own Orin, even though - as I just said! IT IS ANTI-AGING!
I am more interested in using urine as fertilizer for plants. I do understand that urine is sterile when first excreted. Here are a couple of sites for using it as fertilizer which could be very useful for people living in places where fertilizer is difficult and/or expensive. I think it has a lot of promise for agriculture. I still don't want to drink it though. I know someone who did that for a while and he is still alive and well although a bit eccentric. He was that way before he started drinking his urine though.
No really, not healthy. If he want's to drink I won't stop it, but he has this video clip pushing drinking your pee. Did you see the guy trying to sell you on that one?
I have to get to bed. I don't think it is a global threat. I doubt very much that many people are at risk of actually drinking it. I think Gandhi drank his own urine. To each their own. Not me though
No, Gandhi did not drink urine (his or anyone else's).
Yuck, Gandhi drank his urine? Yuck, and I really liked him.
Oh! I didn't think I wanted it either! But then I realized I had ALREADY DONE IT AS A BABY IN MY MOTHER'S WOMB! And so did you!
Well, actually, I am trying to SAVE GAZA by helping people REALIZE that we have been HAD! And DUPED! And I will tell you what! Have you heard of "Premarine"? Taken from PREGNANT HORSE FARMS! Which are CRUEL! I want to see those things SHUT DOWN!
Seriously! Drinking horse whiz when you SHOULD be drinking your OWN! Who is the crazy party when you look at it like THAT?
Oh! Yeah! I had to get that whole "gag" thing out of my system too - but that "gag" factor is so long gone! And good riddance! Did you known orin is actually ANTI-AGING? That is why babies are so perfect when they come out of the womb! They have been SWIMMING IN AND DRINKING IT!
As a matter of fact, did you know that, if they do an operation on a pre-born baby, when he or she is finally born, there is NO SCAR from the operation? According to Gary Ward, this is because of the urine!
I actually don't think drinking urine is bad. I would drink mine if there was no water.
If you read the Kon Tiki Expedition they ran out of water and had to drink their urine, nothing happened to them.
... And here is the thing: in Gaza, their water was declared unfit to drink A LONG TIME AGO! In fact, Chris Hedges fills in a few details! "Dirty and salty!" So, seriously! Do we want them drinking "dirty and salty" water when they COULD be drinking ANTI-AGING, CLEAN, and STERILE ORIN?
If there was no water for you to drink you wouldn't be producing much urine and eventually none, and you would become dehydrated, and pass away. So much for depending on pee.
That is not the way it works! You would think it would "not work" that way, but - in reality - YOU HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH! As a matter of fact, as much as I loop as much as possible, I can only do it so much! If you actually drink every drop you pass, you will eventually find yourself with what is called "an enema"!
That is the miracle! There is more coming out of you than is going in! So then Proverbs 5:15 and John 7:38 have taken on a WHOLE new meaning!
Thanks for sharing! I will have to look that up! They were fine for a reason! For the same reason that we ALL were "fine" when WE drank OUR own urine in OUR mothers' WOMBS!
Hi Daniel.
It's a brilliant book and well worth a read. Thor Hayerdal is the author.
They were trying to prove that a reed boat could get to the USA after the great flood in Europe. I studied quite a bit of Indian art and the Hopi's do have a legend that they came to the US originally from way over the sea.
:o! I understand why you think so, and I used to think the same thing! But that is because I had been brainwashed by John Rockefeller! You can undo that programming!
Yah, with respect, if you can stand on your head or hang upside down, and hit your mouth, go for it. Otherwise, I humbly submit that since artificial containers of any sort ain't natural, neither is your orin therapy.
Woke left: words are violence and I need a safe space.
Pro Israel right: words are violence and I need a safe space.
Me: sure…lol.
We all have the right to speak freely, and to be freely offended as well.
I was told by my friend of 40 years, Israeli woman that I adore. That I am not allowed to say Anything Negative about Israel. I reminded her I was an American and my greatest right is freedom of thought. To disagree with Israel is not antisemitism. It’s thought. And I see with my eyes and hear with my ears what Israel is and has been doing for decades. Racism, sexism, narcissistic tendencies and they are the “chosen people!” It’s absolutely absurd that she became so obsessed with her own personal identity that she has no other point of view and Palestinians and Arabs are not human.
I only hope that she is now your ex-friend (because you told her to stick it where the sun doesn't shine), Knox. No one needs toxic friends like that.
Actually I called her on her birthday and told her I was worried for her life. She shut me up. Told me God was protecting her. Lately she sent me a message that I had changed. I told her, “No, I have always told her that if she wanted constant war, she would get it. She wants to rebuild Temple Mount which means destruction of Al Aqsa Complex and I told her I was ashamed of her.
I am ashamed for her and of her. She always says terrible things about black people (Black Lives Matter) they terrify her. And Arabs, Persian, and Palestinians in particular. She hopes they all die.
She is not the worst. My childhood friend, an unemployed musician in NYC went off the rails on me. Called me
A Bitch
A Jew Hater
And finally:
Ilse Koch.
That was it.
I repeated his hate speech back. I did not argue with a man who is clearly not able to be civilized
I told him that I remember he was a John Bircher as a teenager.
Blocked him.
The live of hate is psychotic
She probably has not met any Arabs or Persians. If she did she would not say that. Many Arabs have contributed greatly to America such as Danny Thomas, founder of St. Jude. Steve Jobs, Apple founder, whose Dad came from Syria and had Palestinian ethnicity. Dr. Debakey, first heart transplant doctor. etc.
She would say the same if she met them, since their prejudice is not grounded in reality. They grow up with it, become indoctrinated with hate, and I've learned there is nothing if little you can do. Didn't you hear gallant call the Palestinians animal? The whole Zionist movement saw Palestine as a land without a people, why, because they didn't perceive the Palestinians as people, they were less then human. Therefore they are now dying, being killed in the land they were given, an outdoor concentration camp. Settlers are killing them in the West Bank and not held accountable. They are arrested, kept in jail for years with no charges, no representation.
What I can't understand is how people who had just undergone a horrific, vicious holocaust based on their race,--I mean I can understand the notion that they needed a homeland outside Europe which would be theirs, where there would be no pograms--but why not the Jewish enclaves in places like NYC--no pograms here--how could they go to a place where they had ties mostly thousands of years ago, and do to the people there what the German Nazis had done to them and their parents? And they keep echoing Nazi ideas--we need more lebensraum, these people are untermenschen who don't deserve to live, we are the Master race--they don't use the German words but they have borrowed Nazi ideology..
You really did tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine! With "friends" like them, who needs enemies?
"The live of hate is psychotic" - very true!
Best to cut toxic people completely out of your life, as I have.
I had a friend who told me at lunch and also Jewish, they should kill every Muslim, and I asked children too, and she said in a strong and loud voice yes, and she was a friend no more.
Hello. It’s a shock to the system that there is such hatred towards people. I read years ago many books of Albert Camus. Being Algerian and then living in France he was subjected to terrible racism. The colloquial term was petit noir. I hope that’s right. It means “black feet!” A term of hatred for North Africans.
He wrote a magnificent group of essays in a book The Rebel. Its premise is why October 7 happened. When people have no hope. None. They rebel. They risk death rather than life in oppression. This is the recipe of Israel. I have known several Israelis. And their parents and children. Hungarian Jews and numbers carved in their arm. Oh God how could their grandchildren become Hitler’s children? Danielle Weiss is the worst. She is godmother of settlers. Ok if all Palestinians drown-Gaza is hers. Sorry Fran. I still have lovely Jewish friends. They have love & honor
It is 'Pied Noir.'
Camus is well worth reading plus his prose is beautiful.
Excuse me, why would you even suggest in your post that because I mention one person who was a friend and made that ugly comment which I responded to by unfriending her I would think, which your post suggests, all Jews are like her which is implied in your comment, Sorry Fran. I still have lovely Jewish friends.
You have me confused with some other post.
I didn’t say that. Read it again. Please check.
Okay, but Living in the states I know quite a few Jewish people, some are friends, and know they don't think like her, and she was a therapist to boot.
I'm sure you do, as do I. Never said they were all alike. But I was simply referring to her friends who are profoundly prejudice, rather unpleasant characters, so why not go out and get some friends who are free from that kind of hate.
The land was THE Palestinians' before a UK citizen called BALFOUR "gave it" to the Jewish people after WW11 - all part of the grand plan.
Wonder what happens when further FACTUAL History is discovered in a Cave or elsewhere - think DEAD SEA SCROLLS discovered say 40 years ago, and that other ancient places maybe more involved with the true history of Christendom? There was a habit of building on top of cities and HIstory is written as Rulers deem....
Now the UK wants to send Asylum seekers to Rwanda.......I see a NEW problem in the future not unlike the land of Israel.
When will they ever learn.
I was in a worldview course a few months ago and a white South African Jewish woman said that Israelis were doing everyone a favor by getting rid of the Muslims. I had several good friends in the course and had bought the books etc. I immediately sent an email to the 4 people co-teaching and said I could not continue the course bc my values were not aligned with one of the students. In the middle of a zoom session. I cut relations with family + friends all the time if they are racist dumshits. Really it is better to be alone in my opinion. No matter how nice they are to you personally.
Good move, Aleta!
I personally cut ties with a longtime friend over the genocide; she said she “didn’t like it”(!!!) but remained a diehard ByeDone supporter and believed everything the MSM had to dish out.
Then as if by magic, an old friend reappeared into my life. We used to be tight as ticks. It’s like we’d never left off.
Karma at its best.
I was going to comment that this article is brilliant, but it’s actually just rational and humane. The issue is that we are bombarded with irrationality and inhumanity by our politicians and media.
My heart aches when I see videos of young kids in Gaza either crying for their dead parents or injured.
The israeli Genocide Force, handcuffed and shot children. How could anyone survive an act like that. Dr., Nurses handcuffed and shot. Anyone handcuffed and shot is a war crime. AOC speaking at Columbia in support of students and mins later posing for pictures with Genocide Joe supporting his re-election. We are mentally ill allowing this to go on. Vote NO on Genocide Joe! Free Palestine!
Everything AOC says and does is performative and self-serving.
It's a requirement for any politician, not just AOC. The position calls for that. The more people realize it, the less they'll be wasting their time "voting".
She’s an airhead and a traitor & we should gift her to whoever is ruling Cuba.
Sadly, Israel is the mad dog let off its American leash to brutalize and normalize wanton murder and war crimes in the name of religious doctrine - and in the name of revenge. The third, fourth, fifth orders of effect be damned. Underlying all the blood and brutality is the slow release of the odious toxicity called genocide. We are somehow left to watch, almost powerless in the face of our supposed democracies, committing heinous crimes against humanity - in our fucking name. These entrenched power structures have to be crushed by us the people. They are clearly sick beyond redemption and we have to reclaim our humanity back from these American and Israeli ghouls. Otherwise, where does it stop?
I agree whole heartedly but the bastards own us.
Collapsing under their own weight of hubris and corruption is inevitable - scale your timelines to match theirs and watch.
Hi Pat
Summer Lee just won her primary in a landslide.
The Ziopaths are slowly but surely losing control.
After my morning reading,it will take a gallon of RAID. the bastards are so entrenched in our system, their Talmud wish to own goy are nearly fulfilled.
I thank you for this post. I wrote my own post on this same topic two days ago. So glad to see there are other writers here who are screaming for change now.
Seeing that a number of folks have LIKED my comment, with your approval Caitlin, I share my own work on this subject:
Let’s be very clear about this - Zionists feelings are not more important than just Palestinian lives, they are more important than ALL other lives. Their collective brains have broke since that myth has shattered over the last six months. And their unhinged reaction is a testament to their new reality. Welcome to the real world, Zs.
Nazis on steroids
That's if you believe the official version of "the evil Nazis". Which btw was created and pushed into mainstream by the same people now committing genocide in Gaza... Food for thought.
No that food is indigestible. Hamas started this fight October 7th with official Geneva Convention atrocities against civilians, absolutely unacceptable and undeniable by any rational person. Their strategy, tactics and modus operandi is to inflict terror on civilian populations in Israel to the extent that they can (they literally steal food from the people that they rule to that end); and to live and to fight so as maximize the casualties in their own civilian population (aka human shields).
To leave these facts out of the equation is disingenuous, and tells me that you are a Hamas partisan, or you have homonymous hemianopsia.
Long way of saying that you lie.
Are you saying Nazis weren't evil , or that they didn't do what we know they did ?
perfect reply.
See my comment to Pav below. You do understand that when I am defending my family their lives and feelings are more important than those that I am defending them against; I would be derelict in my duty to my family were that not the case.
Similarly, the leadership of the nation state of Israel exists to protect the country and people of the country its enemies, in doing that, it is implicit that Israeli lives are more important to them than Hamas’ lives. (And you bleeding heart hypocrites defending Hamas who you never name, ignore the obvious to any sane and objective observer that Hamas’ whole strategy, tactics, and objective is to put as many Palestinian lives at risk as possible (the human shields strategy). So why should the Israelis value Palestinian lives, if Hamas doesn’t (except as cannon fodder).
You Hamas apologists are disgusting and disingenuous, you sicken me. If you care so much about Palestinian lives, why don’t you go and trade yourself for a Palestinian civilian, better yet, get your whole family and neighborhood and get a whole bunch of Palestinian civilians out of Gaza: put your money where your mouth is, or STFU.
What on earth are you saying?
Compare "This sign makes me feel unsafe!" with the bombs targeted at Palestinians which actually make them unsafe
Right on Feral. When I saw some whiny Ziobitch at Columbia saying as how she felt “uncomfortable”, I wondered how much “discomfort” she imagined Gazans felt.
“Uncomfortable” is way too little for that c-word.
Thank you! No one should feel comfortable with the genocide in Gaza, with settlers killing and menacing Palestinians in the West Bank, with Palestinians in Israeli prisons being tortured and raped. Everyone should be very uncomfortable with all these injustices. Stop this genocide now is what everyone should be clamoring.
You all are perfectly fine with 1300 murders, rapes, & tortures, +hostages that have been raped & tortured until they died in Hamas captivity, though: you people are either sick bigoted mother fuckers or naive delusional simpletons.
i had this monkey yesterday write to me saying no one cares about gaza and posted a pic of a young girl crying. He’s a self confessed detransitioner. i wrote back that that explains his mental health.
Who made you God?
"Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than making sure Joe Biden maintains enough support to win re-election."
Amen and amen! How anything could be less important than "Genocide Joe" staying in office is impossible to fathom. Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than EVERYTHING a racist-zionist can think of. Everything.
"People’s feelings should be uncomfortable when a genocide is happening."
Exactly. No one should be feeling "comfortable" when a large portion of humanity is suffering and dying horrible deaths due to the pure selfishness of warmongering capitalists. Get over yourself and do something positive like bringing this genocide to an end. Today.
Sadly there are many people entirely comfortable with it. A sign of declining society, indoctrination, money? Your fight may see few battlefield victories but hopefully it will help change in time something that is fundamentally wrong with many of us.
Fox News, Trumpism, national enquirer as your news source? And guns guns guns.
Yeahhhhh Knox…guns guns guns. How the hell we supposed to have a fuckin revolution?
I’m armed and ready.
Only sick people are ok with this. I swear devolution is us.
So critical is stopping the slaughter in Gaza that woke politics has bastardised our humanity and elevated self-interest and the bullshit cowardly veil of personal safety than what it means to be selfless.
Do you know what “woke” means? I don’t think you do. It’s a black mother telling her children to be woke (careful) when you go out the house to school so you don’t get shot! Okay.
DeSantis is so stupid he never bothered to ask anyone about its origin in present vernacular.
i have a very good idea of what it means. Thank you for your commentary.
You lefties are just delusional; you all are the reason that the inner cities are unsafe.
We are. Believe me. I am a 79 year old Grandmother. My eyes were on my child and my grandchildren and other lost little kids—it’s called being aware.
"woke politics" yeah that's definitely the root of this problem /s
read the article. - are you capable of reading and comprehension?
Unless it's in a font I can't read, the article deploys the term "woke" exactly zero times. You introduced that term as what is ostensibly the/a pillar of your analysis of the situation. I'll grant you that the fake persecution the article is describing could be fairly described as exploitation/weaponization of some component of "woke politics", but "woke politics" as the ultimate or only source of "elevated self-interest" not so much.
Caitlin, I have become a full-bore conservative since 2021, but Gaza is the one issue where I don't align with *some of them*. And there are others like me.
You are absolutely right on this.
How can you tell? Seriously no one has two fucks what is really going on in this conflict. Least of which Caitlyn who monetizes the agony of this conflict and repackages it as the most simplistic bullshit I’ve ever read.
should be a 'break' - issue, though.
"None of us should be feeling comfortable with any of this." Caitlin
The really frightening fact of the matter is that so many leaders, particularly the White Christians are unhappy with the fact that it is taking Israel so long to level every home in Palestine and kill every Palestinian who has survived the genocide to date. Right Chancellor, Prime Minister/s?
We all know who they are . Our indelible task is to send the “evil devils” of our time (Netanyahu, Biden, von Der Leyen, Scholz, Macron, Zelensky,) and all the others in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada) as well as the self-proclaimed architects of ‘humanitarian war” and the “free market”, down to where they rightfully belong and it really needs to come soon enough for this world to survive.
While a practising Christian, a Roman Catholic named Biden, sends multi billions of both money and armaments again this week to Israel for the further murder of Palestinians, you have to question the values of any Christian teaching over time that allows these crimes to occur.
Yes, while Christians can be part of such a crime, without penalty, it makes all those teachings, all those words of guidance for leading a good life, something of a pathetic joke.
So remember this, voters of America, this man Biden is one of two people out of 330 million citizens who will again take control of your country again in November, just seven months away.
In the meantime he continues his evil ways unchallenged by his church.
Now is that hypocrisy
"Thou shall not kill" ....yes, even in the Jewish Torah as well. Very prominently.
However, if one bases this on the interpretation by Jews, under the direction of Netanyahu, (with Biden at his back, of course), it also means 'thou shall not kill........ after you have finally killed every Palestinian, stolen all the land called Palestine, redeveloped all the land to be occupied by Jews only, extracted and sold off contracts to produce all the oil and gas from Palestinian gas fields and when you finally control all the politicians in the USA', not just 86%.'
Not long to go now.