Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

I remember when both parties started erecting "free speech zones" far removed from their conventions where both the TV cameras and the delegates could remain blissfully undisturbed by the rabble's protests and demands. Exact same thing going on now with the Internet.

Our country has become a grotesque parody for anyone paying attention.

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All countries have done so in the face of what I think most threatens us all, Riff: our own deliberate ignorance in “favour” of the same traditions and customs that got us here. Yes, we can all be grateful to have made it this far, both with and in spite of them. Yes, it is also long past time to critically adapt every tradition and custom to serve the immediate needs of the world we share.

As long as our governments are acting on behalf or at the behest of the superpervert war-addict banking tribes, they are not our governments. What does that say about our nations?

We all know it takes all of us to be here. Let us together be good for life in this world and any other. Well, not to the point of merely providing an easy lunch, of course!

(Hmm. I must be feeling particularly aspirational after reading Caitlin over a customary cup of a friend’s most excellent traditional Vac-pot coffee (coffee maker from a 1940s bowling alley, even), this morning.)

Peace, strength, more Caitlin and good health to all.

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I wish this article could be shouted from every window and rooftop, but we all know it won’t be. MSNBC/NYTimes/CNN and all the other usual suspects in the MSM will not only ignore free speech, they will continue to work tirelessly to eradicate all non-Narrative speech.

However, let’s not despair. Let’s not underestimate the power of truth. Every time Google/Facebook/Twitter deplatforms a truthsayer, some number of those zombified by mass formation psyops awakens. That number may be small, but small numbers can change the world (indeed, as Pearl Buck noted, it’s the only thing that ever has changed the world).

Also—trying to be an optimist again—let’s notice that the MSM is in free fall collapse. More people now watch that titan, Joe Rogan, than all of the most popular U.S. cable news shows combined.

And truth-telling is additive. To Rogan’s audience, add Caitlin, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, CJ Hopkins and a lot more Substackers (and those on similar alternative uncensored platforms like Locals, Discord, etc.), as well as a stable of YouTubers led by Jimmy Dore, and you start to get a formidable multi-national assemblage of free folk who are mad as hell and have the numbers and the gumption to do something about it.

Let’s make no mistake, the rulers fear us. They may not yet be quite on the verge of heading for their bunkers, islands and yachts, but they are laying in extra stores of caviar, Cognac, and bullets, and they are nervously whispering about people like Caitlin in the conference rooms at Davos.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

You keep using the word "journalist". While that may be the courtesy title given most MSM and adjacent types, what they are in practice is stenographers to power, filling a role something like that of advertisers or Renaissance courtiers.

For is it not written, that "News is anything anybody wants to suppress; everything else is public relations."?

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"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

One can not have "free speech" without free exercise of the press, to assemble peaceably, and to petition for ""redress: of grievances." Hence free speech is interlinked with freedom to publish and freedom to hear, all without abridgement. None of these "rights" have existed unabridged in the USA genocidal slave state (yes, slavery is still legal) from before the ink dried on the bill of rights till today. I don't think anything will change even after tomorrow, rather the rate of abridgement will grow.

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The entire premise of representative democracy was predicated on an informed populace. Thus the first amendment was first, even more important than the right to self-defense.

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I don't think a general strike is a long shot.

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I really can't tell. I think most of my views are common sense and rather obvious; then I talk to my blue-check family-member, who accused me of "making my own reality" because I don't get my information from The Atlantic or NBC News. So I really have a hard time gauging how likely anything is these days, if I'm honest.

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There will be no war between the United States and Russia. It's still common knowledge in the military, though never confirmed of course, that there's an agreement between the Pentagon and the militaries of at least Russia and China that they won't allow things to go that far. There was some evidence of this over a year ago, when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs caught some flak for telling the People's Liberation Army that Trump wouldn't be allowed to do anything...rash.

Apparently the Chinese were concerned. Those back channels of communication do in fact exist.

Just saying this so you won't worry so much. And your comments about journalism in the West, what there is of it, are spot on.

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that explains why theyre censoring ALL anti establishment COVIDIOT info...

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