Israel has produced human monsters who are now creating machine monsters. They have turned their young men into killers, now robots. I wonder if the people in Israel feel as sick as I do about this.

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I had a dream about how all these "battle tested" AI run weapons got turned on their programmers and came after the genocide enablers instead of innocent civilians. But then I woke up and read this news and realized the nightmare was still happening. The only way to make this nightmare go away is by shutting down the military-industrial complex once and for all. Who's with me? (I hear that using paint ball guns to take out these robot dogs’ optics is effective.)

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Sometimes I read the headline and maybe the first paragraph and then skip right to the comments section because I can’t handle being alone with such horrific things like what is being laid bare in this article.

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Israelis are cementing their identity with the utter worst of humanity - psychopathic, soulless, cold, arrogant. So sick. Very terribly sick. And untrustworthy.

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There’s great irony that Yuval Noah Hariri has been the biggest fearmonger about the dangers of AI for the future of humanity, while seemingly and conveniently refusing to take a stand on the current genocide that his own government enacts. Of course, writing this from the departure queue at Karachi Airport, where the US has been carried out drone attacks on a country they were supposedly allied with, ‘success’ as Fatima said, ‘meaning someone was killed, often in their sleep,’ these dehumanising tactics are both nothing new and should almost certainly be considered a war crime

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Cheering on the Houthis gets easier with each passing day

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When The Terminator movies started in 1984 I was perplexed and did not fully grasp the implications. Now my eyes are wide open and it’s scary as hell. Going back further there are Asimov’s 1942 Three Laws of Robotics introduced in his short stories.


The First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

The Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

The Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

We did not learn this lesson, we did not heed the warning, and it has the potential to destroy most all living beings. Hubris and madness.

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The one thing that neither Israel or the United States understand is that your adversaries will acquire the same technology that you have at some point.

The future of Israel looks bleak AF, and if I was living there I would GTFO ASAP.

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The CIA military industrial complex absolutely loves war. They need constant neverending wars to justify their obscene budgets stolen from taxpayers. More war, more power, more money. The bigger the war the better.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/forever-wars-are-highly-profitable

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Exactly. Once the elite power structure no longer needs humans to do their killing and "peacekeeping", it's over. And back in the '80s we thought The Terminator was just a cool piece of fiction. Welcome to SkyNet, folks.

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I am in a state of stunned despair after reading Caitlin's Newsletter and then going on to Chris Hedges / Anthony Lowenstein interview. Witnessing the daily carnage of the Palestinian people by Israel, we knew things were dystopian but could never imagine the reality of a world spinning out of control beyond dystopia.

I find myself with nothing much to say.

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An autonomous killer drone would have no fear, no mercy and no regrets. It could never self-immolate as an act of conscience to protest a genocide.

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Remote murder will soon be the province of petty tyrants warlords wall loving demagogues and drug dealers. There’s a movie I saw 15 years ago called Sleep Dealer which dealt with this distopian future

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If anybody is unclear about who the real victims of Zionist genocide are, take a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L3vBsuzbRSw?feature=share Tonight I had dinner with some liberal Democrat friends. They indicated that they were horrified and saddened by the war crimes in Gaza. I asked, based on that, if they'd vote for Biden again. "I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Trump!" was the response. So these college-educated people who've done well in life can stare at blood-soaked piles of murdered children and not turn against the real perpetrator, Joe Biden??? Americans dare not mock older Germans who could smell the burning flesh from ovens in the nearby Konzentrationslager yet swear they knew nothing about the genocide. Now WE have become them...

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Robotics technology has really exploded over the past few years. Imagine how robotics will be a decade from now. The Chinese already are trying to manufacture robotic humanoids. Hopefully we can develop robots for peaceful purposes but sadly this is just how technological advancement works. If it wasn't robots it would be something else. Humans will always find a way to configure something for destructive purposes.

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Cool, so videogames and reality now blend perfectly into each other. Instead of humans there are now remote controlled robots fighting and killing each other. A small step for mankind, a big step for the weapons industry. 🫣

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