Look at yourself in a mirror. Imagine the synapses of your brain being crowbarred into a more receptive configuration (a half-assed metaphor because, in reality it's usually altered brain biochemistry rather than any distinctly mechanical change). Your brain's been drowning in propaganda since you became linguistically competent in your first three years. If relevant, religious fables began that process, their danger being a sort of softening-up of any resistance to being lied to --- propagandized. Those early years of conditioning the propaganda-receptivity of your brain were followed by a tsunami of patriotic-rubbish brainwashing, as they pumped bogus US history into you, especially in secondary school. Then you get Western civilization (neglecting alternatives) and the primacy and un-questioning glorification of capitalism in a typical university curriculum. Followed by a lifetime of lies inserted into popular discourse by the media in cooperation with initiatives like Operation Mockingbird. And don't forget the advertising industry, whose job it is to propagandize us continually with lies and hyperbole. Based on a mind-brain drowning in this gold-plated fecal matter, they urge us to participate in "democracy" by casting meaningless votes for mediocrities that are presented to us as packages swathed in propaganda. Is it any wonder that living in such a society makes us either complete serfs or alternatively provokes us to question the entire American fairy tale?

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Wish I had lots of additional ideas beyond those you've already mentioned (and you're probably doing better then me). Consume minimally is the basic idea; for example, I've bought exactly one article of clothing in the past three years. My 1-20 year-old stuff seems fine to me despite being "out-of style." I mention this because the fashion industry is a leader at propagandizing folks into largely unnecessary consumption. It also illustrates how product pushers depend on word-of-mouth interpersonal shaming by the matrix of the propagandized. So the bottom line turns out to be a mental attitude that's somewhat misanthropic, in that one must cease to give a crap about the consumer-based judgments of other folks. Good luck. Keep resisting.

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"...my colleagues in medicine..." - So good to know there is someone like you holding the space for sanity, accountability and ethics lurking in the dark belly of the beast known as the medical industrial complex. Appreciation to you for who you are and what you do.

I had to purge myself from the belly of that beast or die. Working on finding a way to serve true holistic health of Gaia and all her co-creating souls.

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I think this article is a "book-end" to yesterday's, "Humanity Is Sloppily, Awkwardly Lumbering Toward Consciousness". All of Humanity has been suffering from an abusive relationship with the Oligarchy. Like Al Capone, they once in a great while do "nice things" so that we love them even while they gaslight us into believing in those institutions that control and abuse us.

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You did a better job waking me up today than my fourth cup of coffee. Keep it up.

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I'm guessing the cratering of cable news viewership post Trump is behind the latest democratic censorship orgasm and the Biden repackaging of valid criticism as domestic terrorism. Seems we are in a race between avalanching repression disguised as hugs and kisses vs. waking up to a wet towel in the face. I daily wonder if humanity is up for the hard but necessary choice.

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Merely confirming what everybody already should have known. And if you think that this is where it ends....

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"So they're just getting more and more brazen the more confident they feel about how propaganda-addled and submissive the population has become. " This is a really negative interpretation of what's going on. I'd say it's more that they know what the asset is worth and who values it, and have decided there's not much point in trying to be subtle or secretive anymore: the people who still believe these sources are likely to do so regardless, and the ones who are lost are going to stay lost. I find they idea that the believers aren't going to budge regardless counter-intuitive, but you can be sure they've considered the question.

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As an aside, Peter B. interviewed Patrick Martin on the CIA Democrats. https://www.peterbcollins.com/2018/03/23/in-depth-interview-reporter-patrick-martin-explains-how-democrats-are-running-dozens-of-cia-military-vets-for-congress/

Martin promised a spreadsheet naming those Democrats, but I've been unable to find it. He drops a few names here and there but (for me) it never adds up to the number he claims. If someone knows where to find a list, that could be very helpful.

Perhaps someone has already published the list on the web only to have it "sanitized"?

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As the game escalates it naturally becomes more obvious, and political sociopaths (psychopaths) as with everyday sociopaths and psychopaths become more direct - because they can, until the critical mass of bullshit on the ground is arrived at. Then choices must be made. And that is scary, but unavoidable. We know what they are capable of - the deaths of the 99% from COVID, lack of employment, lack of health care, housing and proper food, compared with the massive profit of elites says they can't be trusted. Not domestically, and not on foreign policy. They are not tilting at nuclear war for our benefit, we can be sure of that.

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Do not forget where the Bushes hailed from. https://www.cia.gov/stories/story/george-h-w-bush-the-11th-director-of-central-intelligence/

and there is still a lot of questions out about the Libertarian, Timothy Leary.

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Dan Kovalik is an American human rights, labor rights lawyer and peace activist. He has contributed articles to CounterPunch, The Huffington Post and TeleSUR. He teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Today we talk about his new book Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture.

Covert is right.


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#General Strike! Discipline, mutual aid, organization, and collective encouragement will get us through this! We are already launching out. IT is a matter of time before their faulty dam of power mongering will break and we will flow through it with the greatest of force. I want a bloodless revolution but they will not let us have one. Either way we hold the moral and factual high ground.

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They are all gaslighted and sadly brainwashed as I used to be too. We must reach out with our message. If they reject it at least they still heard it. They may one day see that we are correct and join our movement. There are so many Far Leftist working hard to dismantle and counter the Empires plans to demoralize us and rob us of hope but we can win this. We must!

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I am not going to cut off the only means of support I have, at the moment, as I am 100% bedbound and catastrophically disabled. If you knew how bad off you would cringe. However, aside from me not passing a particular purity test (until we are out of this Capitalist system I am playing it as much as I can to kill the Empire), we must do what we can do. I am grateful you are helping the needy family. That is very decent and humane of you. we need more like you in this world.

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I understand that there are various instances where we encounter people that reflect very little empathy for others or the plight of the suffering however it is basically a part of our DNA and to awaken these people we simply have to communicate unapologetically about what the real problems are if they're willing to listen Bonnie if they're not willing to listen there's nothing we can do. As far as holding the moral High Ground that is incredibly important not only for those that write our history as we do not use threats of violence to attain our goals. We eliminate we motivate we connect we energize. Violence is only for the use encounter violence. We do live in a six-sided and I am not adjusted to it I am not satisfied at all. However we can and must reach out to as many as we can and touch them this is mostly possible through the process of mutual Aid going a brown and having General conversations with people printing Flyers is very important put them out and of course in social media if you're on that utilize that. We cannot become so demoralized about our situation that we become paralyzed. We must act even if it seems a minut act it all adds up. We are living in a far better condition than most that fight for Freedom today. I don't know where you live I assume you're somewhere here in the USA like myself and I'm not saying that things are all Rosie here. But imagine what it's like to be a freedom fighter in Syria art in Palestine. AG moralized attitude would not get those people far yes they experienced great amount of Anguish and suffering but yet they continue to fight on and that's what we must do. I hope this answers it and if not let me know please don't lose hope there's a lot more of us out there than most people would even presume.

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We must shake them from their comfort. There are any ways to do this. Contact me at apetivist@gmail.com and I can let you know some things the undertow movement is doing without much detail but enough for you to hopefully see our movement is not a hopeless one nor one that is slowing down.

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